New Footage: Coal Creek Canyon Colorado Bigfoot?

During the making of a 31-acre property for sale, a Bigfoot was possibly filmed lurking in the background. This is one of the most interesting footage we've seen in a while. The property is at Coal Creek Canyon, Colorado and it's on a 31 acres with cabin. In the original video, the figure can be seen at the 2:01-2:06 mark. Watch our enhanced video below before you watch the original:

You can check out the original here:


  1. I honestly think it's a hoax. The figure is nowhere near as tall and it looks like a bulky outfit.

    1. Are you just playing dumb Richard? Or are you just terribly naïve. There is no such thing as bigfoot, so of course its a hoax. Bigfoot has never existed, and it never will. Despite what you crazy footers like to claim. Look to the trees!!!! Look to the blue bags!!!


    2. Where do you get off, calling people dumb? It's idiots like you that have ruined this website.
      Why dont you go stick your head in the oven.

    3. I'm finished with this site. A bunch of people who have nothing better to do than post caustic comments rather than try to live life.

    4. 8 inches, can you handle that?

    5. And another one down and another one down.....another one bites the dust.

      This is our blog now fellow trolls!!! And Shawn is loving it!!! Cheers for our leader and commander Shawn!!!!!

    6. Yeah i'm leaving too,so long trolls the blogs yours xx

    7. Looks like the Superfriends are now Superpathetic.

      As they say - if you can't stand the heat (or reality) - then stay out of the kitchen.

    8. LOL yeah right like i'm going anywhere :) xx

    9. the .person who runs this site makes no sense.. why allow anonymous posting in the first pace? If someone wants to be a troll make them stand up and be counted and take responsibility for their comments.

      And by the way Les Stroud has pretty much proven that there is something to the bigfoot mystery as far as I am concerned.

      But then again numb nuts skeptitards have made up their mind that they know everything before they even start.

    10. all the vile comments made by you,maggot?

  2. I don't see how it's possible that the makers of the ad for the property sale didn't notice that walking in the trees When you're piecing something together like that you would have to notice it. Or, maybe they did notice it when editing it and purposely left it in there.

    1. What about that gorilla footage you claimed was a bigfoot Dover? Yep you have zero credibility in life

    2. I think it was intentional and part of the video. Its right at the part where the narrator talks about back country adventure.

      Its not a hoax its part of the advertising.

    3. You think?

      Somehow I highly doubt that.

    4. Did anyone call the number? I did, it isn't active! This is just another Big foot Hoax. and anybody that actually watched it, got played!

    5. I think it's a marketing ploy. The people who edited the footage for the real estate ad must have seen it, yet they don't acknowledge it, but rather the narrator speaks of back country adventures on the property at the very moment the bigfoot is in view. This has the markings of a marketing ploy/joke.


    7. haven`t you heard that many of the missing 411 people are recovered minus their shoes ?

  3. It's not filmed in the UK, therefore it's not real. All real bigfeet are found in the UK.

  4. According to BFF mythology, you can't see something if you're not looking for it, even if it's a 9-foot-tall hairy monster. However, all those thousands of bigfoot sightings mean North America is riddled with them, even in suburban Chicago... so I guess people can see things after all.

    It doesn't make much sense once you think about it, just like bigfoot in general.

    1. I disagree..there is overwhelming hearsay evidence that they exist

  5. The U.S. is just full of LIARS! Look at their corrupt politicians. Look at Hillary and Obama, nothing but liars!
    So I say 100% of all Bigfoot sightings are from LIARS!
    Bigfoot is a LIE!
    B/C it's people that created Bigfoot came from LIARS!

    1. That's just some Euro-trash, jealous of all the Lying we Americans do!

    2. American liars are the most credible voice in the Bigfoot community today.

    3. This just in!! Proof of bigfoot in the Netherlands!

      Note the blue bags on the riverbank. If bigfoots had not put them there, then other bigfoots would most certainly have walked blindly right into the river.

    4. I was out Hiking the other day at 20,000 elevation, and guess what I found/ Blue plastic bags! No if I can only find their home!

    5. I hope you took some viagra to stop high-altitude pulmonary edema as at that height oxygen is halve that at sea level with temperatures close to -25.

      Kudos however for the determination.

    6. It only affects those from the lowland and lowlife...they`re just not used to high minded activity..stick to the soaps

  6. you gotta be shittin' me ..

  7. why don`t you call the makers of this video, Shawn? Should be no problem to get in touch with them. if they do not know anything about the dark guy and can confirm that there was no one else on the estate while making the vid, this one really could be interesting...

  8. Mystery solved. This was Joektomi wandering out after getting Dick Dover in the woods for their early morning butt bashing. See Joektomi likes to dress up in a gorilla outfit and pretend he's Patty while Dick Dover pretends hes Patterson getting her in her big diaper butt while grabbing her luscious (ape)lady lumps. Which are really just Joektomi's man boobs. Rumor has it theres a sex tape of this floating around directed by MmmmKay Davis.

    1. ^ ooer somebody keeps calling me maggot mommy ...i am so down now

  9. Mexican day laborer hired to clear brush.

    Christ you people are stupid.

    1. Very, very, very stupid.

    2. ^ I agree... how stupid...they don`t do any work at all

    3. Neither do lazy ass white people.

    4. ^^ 10;00 why should they ...isn`t that what you brown people are for ?

  10. It's just a shadow because the alleged shoulders are too narrow.

  11. Cloaking blue bags backward cams 8 foot tall bigfoot restrictions

  12. OK, I need you JREF footers to knuckle down and concentrate on this question. This goes back to footers like you pretending to be skeptics.

    It's a given that only an imbecile would believe that all of Alaskabushpilots life stories are true and that his long winded, half baked theories on the mindset of people who believe in Bigfoot are not just psychological projections of his own mental illness.

    With that said, he has also admitted on JREF that he has posted on the BFF as a believer for "fun". How do you know he's not just a believer yanking your chains like you do to yourselves ?

    1. Kitakaze and Alaskabushpilot are the JREF footers versions of Creekfreak. 'Cept they just wave a different flag and the Jref footers bleeve them.

    2. ^ small minded fool with too much time .. constant repetition with no real point to make except to make noise

  13. the figure has white sneakers on


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