Listen To This Bob Gimlin Interview On Sasquatch Chronicles Podcast

Bob Gimlin was the man who was with Roger Patterson when he filmed the creature in the image above. Listen to this amazing interview with Gimlin as he explains how it all happened on Sasquatch Chronicles:


  1. Replies
    1. This post will soon be a battleground- any PGF related post is. I predict at least 90 comments.

  2. I listened to it on Monday over at the Sasquatch Chronicles. Always great to hear from Bob and Wes did a quite good interview with him, just to darn short.

  3. Bob Gimlin is in this way too deep to ever admit to a hoax.

  4. When Joe gets here there will be 110 comments!

  5. When you have "scientists" that bit on the footage why would you ever admit it? Almost everyone wants their chance at fame and this guy is a hero to every 3 toothed knuckle dragging redneck that believes in Sasquatch. A lot of people say hes not in in for the fame. But you'll notice how much he is on the scene and Im sure hes making money off of it. This hoax has escalated to the point that there are a group of people so emotionally invested in it that they will never concede its a hoax. Even if Patterson's diary comes to public they will deny it. Even if Gimlin admits on his deathbed they will deny it. Even if they find the suit they will deny it. Too much invested in it. We will have a bunch of amateurs saying the suit doesn't match. Gimlin had dementia, Patterson's handwriting doesn't match exactly. Goverment cover up. Anything to keep the lie alive.

    1. One question for you... Easy enough for a prized prat like you to answer;

      If that up top is not a real, organic, living breathing hominid, then what is it?

    2. Ok numpty... Before you give me that answer... Here's why some people might not consider your BS claims of a diary confession, because your best previous argument came from a clown who's been caught out hoaxing a hoax for his own profit. There's one previous example where someone has made a lot of money from helping stupid little children sleep better at night from the boogeyman.

      It's a tad audacious to claim anyone else is maintaining a lie. Now Einstein... Back to that question; if that's not a Sasquatch, what is it?

    3. A guy in a suit is very organic, Joe. He's a real and living breathing hominid.

      Now cut and paste away...

    4. Come ooooooon, anyone would think you're a little scared to answer...

    5. Ok, I guess I'll answer for you... It's a suit, right? Go get a suit and show us aaaaaaall how this was done then, instead of resting on the imaginations of con men who are looking to help you sleep better at night.

      Then you might get around to testing the scientists who've presented such as evidence, namely a wildlife biologist & former advisor to the UN, an anthropologist who is an authority on evolutionary bipedalism, a pioneering plastic surgeon and one of the world's prominent primatologists.

      Oh and lastly, Bob Gimlin wouldn't even talk to enthusiasts for many years, so significant was the crap he got for his participation in this footage, one of the very best pieces in history... I think he's well within his rights to make a bit of money from it now.

    6. ^^^ The one thing that "I" am still in doubt about the authenticity of this film over the years and the subject being a living breathing species yet to be discovered by science is, this undiscovered species(Sasquatch) is supposedly to hide,hunt,live,travel/migrate and dwell in the areas of forest that is so dense that no one cares to venture,but yet looking at the subject(Sasquatch/Patty) in this P&G film I do not notice/see one bit of leaves,twigs.burrs,no matting of the hair, no tangles,hair is ALL uniform in length,in other words it's just to pristine. If there was such a thing of a Bigfoot beauty salon I would have to say she(Patty) looks like she just walked right out of the salon,just my thought............

    7. The hair looks a little shaggy to me bro... Sasquatch are also subsceptible to mistakes and curiosity, which accounts for a significant amount of reports. Patty falls into the latter of the two in this documented instance.

    8. ^^^Would you know/have any links/info and or close ups of her/subject showing this or any other info relating to her hair as to why it looks so pristene and others that may have analyzed the video further showing this/these detail(s) that I have not come across over the years. Once again this is the one thing I have always questioned about this videos authencity of a undiscovered species, Thanks............

    9. I don't at hand my friend. Though if that is your opinion, there are many reports of Sasquatch not having matted hair. I'll see what I can dig up for you.

    10. Okay thanks, I appreciate it much,it has always bothered me regarding its(Patty) being well groomed in this film............

    11. ....I have doubts about the films authenticity, but I disagree with your argument. A few years ago Snow Walker Prime, arguing against an alleged photo whose subject had long and unruly hair, pointed out that animals in the wild actually have well-groomed coats and gave reasons why....Just look at pictures of bears and deers and whatever and you always see that this is in fact the case....

    12. ...I now recall SWP was discussing the Temagami bigfoot
      photos...Anyway, it was a good idea to use the condition and appearance of the coat to argue for or against the PGF...Maybe Shawn can dig up the video to accompany a post about Patty's coat...

    13. ..Check that...He was discussing the Hovey photograph!!..I can't keep my hoaxed photos

  6. ***Just wait till technology improves/catches up as time goes on so as we can finally analyze this film in more detail,depth and accuracy,if we are still around that is and then finally come to a "definitive" once and for all conclusion as to whether this film is showing a living breathing species yet to be discovered by science. As the old saying goes, time will tell and of course technology............

    1. ...It will never be possible to undue grain and motion blur..One cannot eventually find detail that was never there in the first place...The best I can think of is software that computes the distance from camera to objects, relative and actual sizes of objects in the film...Stuff like that....

    2. ..s\b "undo"...ugh..that was bad...


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