If You're Going To Shoot A Bigfoot With A Bow And Arrow You'll Need One Of These

So you've decided that you're going to solve the mystery once and for all, and the best way to do it is with a bow and arrow. Well before you head off into the woods, aren't you going to need some practice? Thanks to the folks at Masterpiece Archery Targets, now you can!

My wife Doris and I were in our two man tree stand in late October, bow hunting the west end of the large cedar swamp of the famous Chippewa flowage in northern Wisconsin, home of the world record musky.

We thought it was a deer when we heard a large twig snap. We both looked to our left, when I thought I was seeing things. I turned to Doris and saw her legs trembling and thought that maybe my eyes weren't playing tricks on me. I almost was in disbelief, but I asked Doris what she thought she had seen. She said, " it was tall, dark brown, and had fiery eyes that felt like they burned right through me." Instead of finishing the hunt we took off right away for the truck, not wanting to be alone in the woods in the dark with whatever "it" was. We didn't tell anybody, because we knew nobody would believe us. We never hunted in that spot again that fall.

The following spring when there was still some snow on the ground, Doris and I were shed hunting for deer antlers. We heard a lot of commotion from crows and ravens close to the flowage and I presumed they were scavenging on a dead deer. The same feeling of shock that I had in the tree stand that previous fall came over me again. I heard Doris literally scream. There, right in front of us was undoubtedly the remains of the creature we had seen last October. Believing Sasquatch was just a myth, we knew then that he was real! Again we were in disbelief when we discovered what he had been eating. We found in his stomach, partly digested skulls of a small black bear, a large wolf, and the lower jaw bone of what came to be known as the largest musky jaw ever discovered, which was figured to be close to 100 pounds when alive. How he captured those animals and how they all fit into his stomach is a mystery.

After studying Sasquatch for months, Doris and I used his skeleton to recreate a lifelike sculpture which you see before you. This creature is known in the archery target world as the "Chippewa Squatch".

P.S. If you look closely into his eyes, you just might understand the feeling of terror Doris and I felt that late October afternoon.

Ok, while the story does sound a little fishy, they do in fact make a bigfoot replica archery target available for purchase.

For more information and purchase, click here. 


  1. Well what would the neighbors think?

    1. That's a hat trick of firsts, Chick! Good going! Uno!

    2. What a crock. Those people never found a dead bigfoot.

    3. Don't think so either, Dover.

      Hey, we were all in before Mexican Bigfoot! Uno!

    4. Hey Uno! ; ) Lovely to see you!

    5. You know there is a DORIS in the story. Could it be out very own Big Doris?!

      Agreed D Dover and Uno. Tall tale above.

    6. Greetings all. Bow hunting bigfoot would just make him mad and get yourself killed. They claim to cut open it's stomach and found partial skulls of bear and wolf -- idiotic.

    7. I jumped in to say hello before reading the article. This story is, um, out there.

    8. It's totally off the wall. I guess they want to sell something and made up this story, maybe for BFE.

    9. Hi all! Then where are the bones/skeleton of the bigfoot they found? I don't believe a word of it. Uno!

  2. smell like taints back door neighbor.

  3. One troll goes away and this site dies?


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