Giant Cow Killing Bird Sighted In Louisiana

An Alabama man recounts a story from when he was a child about an 8 foot tall bird that was killing cattle in Louisiana. Could there be something to these giant bird sightings after all?

The bird, says the man, was about 100 yards away featuring “large wings and a big head” and standing on its legs was about 8 feet tall. It had feathers on its wings and “was more fowl than reptilian”. The sighting reportedly lasted about one minute.

“It came and us stood there for a few seconds and then the cattle saw it and got spooked. We didn’t recognize the cattle stampeding at first because we were in awe of what we were seeing. When we finally realized the cattle were stampeding and running towards us into the wood line, we took off running back towards the house,” said Wilson.

For the entire article, click here. 


  1. Replies
    1. That is an amazing story, and that feather is huge. Wonder if it belongs to a California condor or what.

    2. The super friends are the bestest !

    3. The superfriends are dead. Your kind are on there last legs. You are now trying to crawl back, but its too late, this is our blog. Your deaths will go unnoticed.

      Now, go back to farmers only in your search for a mate that can tip the scales, just like yourself. Heffer fest!!!!


    4. Awe isn't that nice! What a lovely little chap!

    5. It likely belongs to a Bigfoot. Did they get plaster casts of the feather? Were there blue bag markers in the area? Y'know backward cams are all the rage these days.

    6. ^
      It's creepy how the JREF footers are obsessed with the super friends.

    7. Evening Chick,

      Just think of the fancy headdress trollanda guy could make with that feather !

    8. Hey Clivey, lovely to see you again ;)

      I am sure the feathered headdress would match his shoes!

    9. 8:14

      Sounds like you've been huffin' a few Hefty bags yourself tonight.

    10. Good Evening Chick & Clive.

    11. I hope you're well Chick.

    12. Yes well here B.S. hope the same is true for you!

    13. I'm very well, thanks Chick!

    14. Hi everybody. Hahahaha! Hope everyone is well. Lovely to see everyone again!

      This is such fun!!! Oh please, please, please let me be a Superfriend! Goodbye everyone goodbye.

    15. Lol clive, you're the best!

      Let me top it off with a hearty Good nite y'all! Nice to have a pleasant conversation here again.

    16. Bigfoot student does abbreviate to the proper initials. If anyone is BS, its him.

      Oh clive, your the best. I love it when you say hi to me. I just cant wait to say hi again. Lets compete to see who can be first!!


    17. Hi Chick

      When I was a kid I saw one of these birds

      And I love your shlt shorts comments to the one and only Maggot


    18. ; ) Awesome MMC tell us about it later!

  2. Good evening Chick and Clive! Ishkitini is one of the types of giant birds that my people have stories of from Louisiana. This is great!

    1. Can you tell us much about them?

      A good friend of mine saw a very big bird as a child. He didn't tell anyone because he was afraid he would be punished for lying. He said it was like a pterodactyl.

    2. Your people? Caucasians pretending to be Native American?

    3. Go back to Iran!!! Lets all get ugly glamour shots done where we push our cleavage into the camera lens. But remember, its for the kids

  3. That sounds like Heloa Nam -thunderbird. My daughters saw one sitting on telephone pole and said it was about 9-10 ft tall or so. Ishkitini is a giant owl type, similar to the one that was seen in England in the late 80's if I remember. Children are warned that they will be carried off and eaten.

    1. I saw one that was 11-14 ft tall so.......

    2. Interesting! So the thunderbird is the type like a pterodactyl. Your daughters got to see it up close? Wow! I would love to have been there and see it.

      I enjoy listening to JC Johnson and Brenda Harris interviews about the 4 corners area. They say the big birds there as well. I have always imagined that those big birds originate from the 4 corners area and then fly to other areas of the country. I am likely wrong but that is what I have guessed to be true.

    3. Hey, I said I saw a bigger one than Abohli did so ask me any giant bird questions. Mine was like a Pteradactyl.

    4. 9:16

      The only thing you know about birds is hitting on Eagle Scouts.

    5. That makes no sense. Anyways, the giant birds I see look like Pteranodons so they could be prehistoric.

    6. Clive, 8 inches and fat. Can you handle that?

    7. I can smell that Iranian stench from here. Lets all get ugly glamour shots done where we push our cleavage into the camera lens. But remember, its for the kids

    8. 10:05

      At least Bigfoot howls for a mate...

      You just fart real loud in the men's room.

    9. Allegedly seen in England, Joe, allegedly. Got any supporting documentation for this big-hoot supposedly seen in England?

  4. Yeah them big birds are rare ..but they are there!! Had a sighting in California ..briefly.. shadow went over a friend and I then it went over a hill..we where like wtf!!

    Abohli Fala, Chick, Bigfootstudent ..and other SuperFriends :)

    1. Thank you, Caucasian woman who plays Indian.

    2. Nasty nasty Iranian picture Joe. Lets all get ugly glamour shots done where we push our cleavage into the camera lens. But remember, its for the kids

  5. Hi Ruff and Bigfoot Student!
    Maybe you are right Chick, no one can say for sure. The Piasol Indians account of their Thunderbird had it being more reptilian as well. After seeing how afraid my girls were I don't think I would like to see one ever!

    1. You are likely right about that. Up close is whole different deal.

    2. Lets all get ugly glamour shots done where we push our cleavage into the camera lens. But remember, its for the kids

    3. ^ Pappy Smear at it again.

  6. I saw it at : Hike up to the top for a 360 degree view of Southern California. The Trail to Main Divide & Saddle Back Mountain. ... trail will lead you to Saddleback Mountain, ...

    It was big and black like a Giant Raven..but really big!! and fast!!

    1. Sounds like a thunderbird. My people, the Choctaw, called them Wampa Wampa or "bird of thunder that flys fast and lands behind tree".

    2. Awe man, that really is something! There was that Monster Quest big bird episode. Did you see that? That guy got footage that was inconclusive I believe. Those ones looked like big black birds.

    3. Fat farming is hard work!!


    4. ^ Pappy's mojo running on empty.

  7. WOW! I have heard of others who have seen what you describe. I know a guy who surfs and saw one off Washington coast

    1. Yes, many have seen the raven.

    2. Lets all get ugly glamour shots done where we push our cleavage into the camera lens. But remember, its for the kids

  8. Abohli Fala It was very WOW! hahah!! I'll never forget it!! It seemed like it was chcking us one else was around and we were going up a trail ..and then a dark shadow blocked out the sun..the light, we both looked up and saw glide really fast over the hill..pretty low happened so fast!

    1. The Kw-Uhnx-Wa resembles the raven and soars with great wind beneath great wings.

    2. Yep, you like it ruff alright. Ruff and Ready to take it all

  9. I'm going to glide to bed now :) it's late here and I go work...I'll probably dream of giant raven's hahah!!

    1. You will likely dream of Kw-Uhnx-Wa which is sometimes mistaken for raven.

    2. Lets all get ugly glamour shots done where we push our cleavage into the camera lens. But remember, its for the kids

    3. You seem like a grouchy old man !

      Old Pappy Smear.



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