Dead Bigfoot - Not An April Fool's Prank!

This documentary chronicles the events of hunter, Justin Smeja after his alleged shooting of 2 bigfoots in October of 2010. The filmmaker embarks on an investigation filled with witness interviews, an intense polygraph examination and a long hard look the evidence collected.

Then late one night at the location of the shooting, after taping a recreation, something strange happens. Did the film crew get more than they bargained for? Is this the evidence Justin has been looking for to prove his story?

Presented by
In Association with The Sierras Evidence Initiative
Starring Justin Smeja, The Driver, Bart Cutino, Ro Sahebi and Sanh Oriyavong
Written and Directed by Ro Sahebi


  1. Replies
    1. Every day is April Fool's day here at Bigfoot Evidence.

    2. This is a good documentary to detail what exactly happened during this episode and to also verify that the even did take place. The two witnesses explaining what occurred, interviewed separately, helps underscore the veracity of this account.

      Adding to the truthfulness of Justin Smeja is he passed all questions on a lie detector test.

      Additional corroboration came from researcher Bart Cutino who has a back ground in criminology who hid a microphone under a deck where Justing and the driver would be alone, to see if he could catch them admitting the hoax, but what he heard was them talking about the event for several minutes, about the positions they were in and other perspectives of the event in an intimate conversation.

      Cutino said that was compelling for him because they had no idea he was listening to them talk.

    3. ...None of that will make me or most other enthusiasts abandon their common sense: No one would have left that scene with zero physical or photographic evidence...
      The only thing we have evidence of is that Justin is a likable guy and people like Shawn chose to promote him and his story...

    4. What you need to do is watch the video in which they attempt to explain why they didn't take the body, and render an evaluation of that instead of arbitrarily dismissing it without giving an informed opinion.

    5. ...I've read the excuses and find them unconvincing..In my opinion you noted the best indication of truthfulness: Bart Cutino's eavesdropping and not getting indication of a hoax..I think Cutino is legit and honest so that event is duly noted..But all it really means is they were minding their p and q's at that particular time...We will never no one way or the other, so why argue..The fairest thing I can say is that even if its all bull Justin may have drawn attention to a good area that one day will yield decent evidence..Maybe it already did if Cutino's thermal is any good...What do you think of it?...

    6. The thermal was interesting because whatever it was seemed to be standing erect and looking around a tree, and they also made foot castings in the general area, which is where Smeja claims to have shot the creatures.

      Bart Cutino basically engaged in wire tapping, evidently something he gleaned from his criminology background, and he says he found it compelling in their favor since they had no idea he had planted a microphone, and I find it a stretch to say they were minding their p's and q's at that time, and I have to wonder where that steadfast incrimination comes from.

      This, coupled with the fact it is two witnesses, and one took and passed a lie detector test, we really have a lot more corroborating evidence than we get with most all bigfoot sightings, which begs the question of what evidence is there to the contrary?

      The real issue is why are people so intent on discrediting this -- what reasons point to them committing a fraud?

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Melba was on coast to coast last sunday night. She exposed this fraud(smeja a.k.a .the common poacher) once and for all.

    9. ...The evidence to the contrary is the complete lack of physical evidence....In fact, what they found was bear meat..I am going by what I read over the years and Bart never said he wiretapped anybody, just that he happened to be listening at one point when J, and driver visited him..I also am unaware of any prints from the Sierra area but will check and see if Bart updated his site...All I am aware of is the thermal Shawn and Bart recorded...

      ...I think some people are intent on discrediting it because they are unhappy with how Bart , Tyler and Justin used the bear meat fiasco to attack Ketchum. Her followers in return led the anti-Justin brigade if I remember all that non-sense correctly....For myself, I am not intent on discrediting him. I am just stating my position: I doubt the story is true.. I am very cautious and leery when considering any purported evidence..

    10. You should actually watch the documentary before you talk about it. You made a lot of wrong statements that would be cleared up if you watched it.

      Wrong: Bart Cutino never wiretapped anybody.

      Fact: Cutino planted a microphone under the deck to listen in on Justin and the driver when they were alone.

      Wrong: Justin collected meat from an alleged sasquatch that was actually bear.

      Fact: Justin later found a piece of hide that he sent to be tested, and it was bear. He never claimed it was something he collected off the dead sasquatch.

      Wrong: No foot casts were made at the time of the thermal image.

      Fact: Again, if you would actually watch this documentary you're commenting on they made casts during that trip.

      Wrong: You wrote: "The evidence to the contrary is the complete lack of physical evidence."

      Fact: That's an argument from silence and is evidence of nothing.

      Moreover, although there is no physical evidence, if you take into account the testimonies of two men, especially Cutino's listening in, and the lie detector test, there is supporting evidence in the positive whether you want to regard it or not, in the face of nothing to the contrary.

    11. ...No, I did not say he tried to pass off bear meat part of the squatch he shot: I know that was found during a subsequent attempt to gather evidence..Yes, I did say I was going by what I read...I'll check out the vid...thanks for the replies...

    12. ..s\b "bear meat as part of..."...

    13. Dead Bigfoot: A True Story

      LOL. The title should be:

      Dead Bigfoot BS Hoax: A True Story

  2. Someone told me that "Fish Eyes" was in this Documentary.

    1. Someone told me that Fish Eyez was in this Documentary

    2. You will have to settle for No Sleves Smeja.

    3. Hey you, what happened to Chick?...........

  3. Holy Crap guys!! I was just filming in infra red, and I saw some white glowing objects, that are behind mountains, and seem human shape...AND I FIMLED AN ORB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!! POSTING VIDEO IN A LITTLE BIT!!

  4. WOW!

  5. Wow. Indeed. The sun reflecting off cars. You clearly have BF on the brain Dr Squatch. How you can convince yourself this is a video of substance is a concern to you and your family.

    1. There are no cars around dingbat!

    2. You have filmed the sun reflecting off cars in a parking lot. At one point (2:35 mins) a car clearly drives behind these parked cars. How can you not be aware of this?

    3. DS isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, that's for sure.

    4. Some of you need to learn how to express a difference of opinion without being rude.

      I appreciate the time and effort DS puts into his research. I have a feeling over time he will get to the bottom of these lights.

    5. Going back to Randy's blog, there were quite a few people who were nice to him even though they were critical. Let's just say DS doesn't like criticism and it usually devolves into him calling people douchebags. I have gone the respectful route and it doesn't work.

    6. "There are no cars around dingbat!" says DS.

      You can hear them throughout the video, just like in many of your other "Bigfoot" videos. You aren't exactly in the middle of no where.

    7. I don't mind constructive criticism, but if comments get off the evidence, and someone has a personal attack, then yeah, you're a douchebag!
      This is back at the top of a hill, so no cars are up there..and if it was a reflection, I would think it would be a constant light, not glowing in and out...and the orb light is too big to be a headlight from a car.
      I stated in the video that I don't know what I'm looking at, and I wish I knew.

    8. Chick this is BFE. We call it how it is. DS tells everyone what a great researcher he is and then produces this rubbish? I guess you forgot the abuse DS used to give Shawn because he wouldn't post his clips? Now Shawn has a new BF clown to amuse us with. DS has replaced Dr Johnson and Jim LeBus in the comedy stakes.

    9. I appreciate your efforts DS, but...

      Why the IR in broad daylight? If that's really what you are using. Also let me tell you hat you are seeing, two parked vehicles

      I figure you already know that and you are just being funny. I laughed


    10. Jim Lebus is funny. If I had to put together a BF comedy show a character like Jim would be a mainstay. Dry humor. I don't think he even realizes it


    11. Why the IR in broad daylight? Didn't you catch the Orbs thread earlier? DS sure did...

    12. DS, your video provides almost as much proof of the existence of Bigfoot as the one where Bible boy was in his kayak talking about widders and orfins and heard a branch break.

    13. I never said this was a BF, and I never said I was a great researcher, you guys are douchebags! I scouted this are 50x, there are no cars on this hillside, sorry fellas!
      The IR filter in the daylight filters out all light and shadows, any living being will stand out white. The BF are back in my area, seeing new breaks and evidence everywhere.....STICK AROUND SKEPTICS!!

    14. Bravo DS - ha, you got them good. They actually believed you were serious. You are the April Fool's Day master!

    15. DS. You have to understand that the site troll was interspersed in those rebuttals who is only here to instigate attacks and muddle things, and he likely could care less about the subject matter, but he gets sick pleasure off of whatever pain he can cause others.

      On previous threads he's tried to make you out as dumb. Here he writes, "DS isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, that's for sure." He instigates these things because he smells blood and enjoys feeding himself on your discomfort; so, take it with a grain of salt and write him off for what he really is.

    16. No D Dover, it was said because of his video and the arguments he has presented. I get that there a lot of trolls here, but sweeping criticism under that rug because you don't like it doesn't cut it.

    17. You're the site troll. I know this because you've made the charge before that I'm only responding to the troll because I don't like comments made by skeptics, like I just don't like comments skeptics make, and that's the real issue, not trolling.But you can't really glean that from what I wrote to DS.

      Here again you want to classify the problem as trolls (plural). Its mostly one troll. And some of the above comments are certainly interspersed with comments by the site troll, such as 4:07, which repeats things you've written before, like chiding DS about Shawn not posting his videos in previous times, and false charges like DS tells people what a great researcher he is, and you called DS the new BF clown that Shawn amuses us with.

      You see, it's easy to distinguish your style of writing that is often disjointed, cutting, and absurd.

    18. ...Actually, that was me(we were discussing Smeja up top)... A few days ago I tried to explain to you I was not trolling the site and never insult the other Evidence readers...You said in effect you were not buying it, so I concluded you didn't want me around because of my opinions. I am probably wrong about that, but I could not understand the problem because I don't call people names like gullible, deluded directly or indirectly.. I understand its hard to tell who is who with all the anons flying around...

    19. D Dover, your deduction skills suck. It's no secret that DS posted on Randy's blog for a long time. He posted stuff there and got criticism for it just as he has here. Hell, from Randy himself- who was here just the other day. If it makes you feel better, tell yourself that it's all a plot by me. I think it's hilarious that you attribute my writing to other people.

    20. Bringing up Randy's blog is another childish futile attempt to ignore the evidence!

    21. @ 4:19 I'm addressing the trolling not what DS does. I commented to DS that he was getting remarks that were interspersed with comments by the site troll, that's all. Not all the replies were by the site troll, but you somehow want to speak for all anonymous posters. So, I get rebuttals for that, fine.

  6. Just when you thought this weasel and his co-conspirators had finally gave up peddling this nonsense.

    1. ...That would be funny if in reality some footer buddies put him up to it : "Justin, go on the forums claiming to have shot some "weird bears"...For sure, someone into bigfoot will bite"
      "Sounds cool...pass the dube"

  7. "witness interviews"...

    So we are finally - at long last...going to hear what the guy says who was with Justin?

    1. The video of the driver of the truck with Justin Smeja has been out for quite a while. It was included in the documentary, but it's not new. That and passing the lie detector test adds credibility to the even.

    2. LOL - when Bob Heironimus is mentioned passing a lie detector test the bigfoot advocates argue that a lie detector is totally unreliable and can be beaten (which is true) however when it bolsters their case such as Smeja it suddenly adds credibility to the event.

    3. You make a valid point about the man who claims to have been the bigfoot in the P/G film. Although Heironimus failed on other points, such as he was unable to duplicate the walk on the P/G film, and he lacked a corroborating witness.

      In Justin Smeja's favor was a microphone was planted and the two witnesses were heard discussing the incident alone in an intimate conversation about the event.

  8. boring that film is..and still not another pace closer to finding bigfoot.

  9. If it's true,that dude is a baby killer.String him up!Hang him High!
    Keelhaul him! Suspend him...from the Yardarm.

    1. I don't think there's much chance that's true.

  10. This is wonderful!!!!! Praise God I knew this day would come!!! Thank you rooo!!!!

  11. Ro - I just watched Dead Bigfoot. I thought it was well made, and it gave me more insight into the events. Thank you.

    I won't comment on Justin, except to say, I wish him well.

    Thanks again.


    1. ^^^ Wish him well for what?............

    2. For living with, and coming to terms with, what he has done.

    3. ^^^ And what has he done............

    4. 2nd try, And what has he done AnonymousWednesday, April 1, 2015 at 4:41:00 PM PDT.............

    5. Watch the video, lazy a$$. Do your own work.

    6. ^^^ Simple question pal, what has he done as I think my question by your reply is over your head............

    7. ^ Ignorant fool who won't put in any effort of his own and wants everyone else to do the work for him! I'll restate the above..."watch the video" and your questions will be answered.

      Any reply is over your head, including the video.

    8. ^^^ I give up pal,go try to bull crap someone else,be good and be honest............

    9. Yes, to comment on the video, if you haven't watched it, watch the video so that you'll know what you're commenting on.

    10. Thanks Dover. It's hard to pound a nail into a block of concrete.

  12. Makes one wonder as to why his buddy/passenger never spoke up regarding this event,any guesses folks............

    1. Makes one wonder how anyone who hasn't watched the movie thinks he can ask such an ignorant question.

    2. ^^^^ Why you ask, well, because it's utter nonsense............

    3. If you watched the video he was the driver, not the passenger, and it explains he didn't want to be scrutinized like Smeja was. Even people who have less controversial sightings often don't tell many people for fear of ridicule.

  13. Referring to this guy as a hunter is offensive. Call a spade a spade: poacher.

  14. Darn, it! I was gonna steal this fine video and sell it, but then they had the FBI/Homeland Security warning and I got scared and decided not to. Jesting Smugmess is my hero.

  15. I'm surprised he(Smeja) has not tried to profit off by giving guided tours/expeditions yet............

    1. Ummmmm...would you want to go out in the woods with Justin?

    2. why? what ya' escared of haints?

    3. ..I think he profited via his participation in Spike TV's Bigfoot Bounty..If so I hope he gave Shawn and Ro a taste because they made this guy a footer with a recognizable name....

  16. People are still believing this Smeja BS story?

    1. ^^^ Some people are like certain fish,they will bite on anything and this Smeja story is just another hoaxed story that belongs in the circular file cabinet along with so many others bull crap stories,photos and videos...........


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