Ca Hiker Talks About Todd Standing And Les Stroud On This Episode Of Searching for Sasquatch

Ca Hiker is new to the Bigfoot world, so it's intersting to hear what people like him has to say about Todd Standing -- a very controversial Bigfoot researcher from Canada. On this episode of Searching for Sasquatch, he discusses "Takwis - The Devil" and Les Stroud's Bigfoot encounter:


  1. Replies
    1. Greetings Joergy, how are you today?

    2. Is everyone on the Internet this "Joerg" chap? Please explain in detail your latest delusion?

    3. How does it feel Joerg, knowing that Don and Dan both know your real name now

    4. What? Knowing that Don follows the same weirdo delusion as you? Very reassuring actually, but I've not seen Daniel around here in a while, how do you know Daniel follows the same vomit pile?

    5. Chuck...catch the isle royale wolf story In the freep? Says only 3 left that's horrible news...also the loggers in michigamme have had Another sighting I hear...Not related but 2 ladies from down south went missing by ishpeming wacky Up

    6. "They will be published in the regular scientific press so I can't be more specific,"

      A complaint is in!!!!! I mean a BIG complaint is in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    7. Not about you bro, you're really not that important.


    8. "They will be published in the regular scientific press so I can't be more specific,"

      Sykes came and went. Poor little baby

    9. It's common knowledge bro, even to your hero Dmaker... Why isn't anyone else singing your hym?

      Think and stop making yourself look like a total prized prat.

    10. "They will be published in the regular scientific press so I can't be more specific,"


    11. Nothing to say -- try out of place laughter.

    12. I'm almost convinced this weirdo says that over and over whilst naked in the mirror.

    13. Sometimes he says it when he's stumped and can't think of any other reply.

    14. I think Gollum could be a good name for him. As opposed to the ring turning him psychotic, it's the Internet.

    15. I could envision him as Gollum, sitting at his computer desk in his room, hour after hour, day after day, with his only savior the refresh button in the toolbar.

    16. I could envision Gollum too, searching for the one ring to rule them all. The magical ring that goes with the anal ring toss game that BenD Dover owns.

    17. He sounds more like a Dobby to me.

      Dobby has a sock! ... "Socks are Dobby's favourite, favourite clothes, sir!"

      Sitting naked with his one and only friend, his sock. LOL

    18. Has anyone every told you your a comedy genius Mike?

    19. 3:39 A man who is fixated on anuses, feces, and their smell. Do you have the mental disorder Coprophilia (pleasure from feces). You write about feces here multiple times everyday. Does feces bring you joy?

    20. I'm going to get some mileage out of this

      Who's Mike?

    21. Has anyone ever told you that? Would you so dearly like to be funny? Bro... You're as funny as a tumor.

    22. ^ i am told by joe`s master stallion that he often plays with his Dobby ..though it ain`t very big

    23. This Internet troll has so many disorders they're tripping over each other to be expressed.

    24. Does anyone know were I can find someone willing to part the waters of BenD Dover buttcheeks?

    25. It's an early sign of psychosis hearing voices, next will come the social withdrawal or isolation, then anxiety finally followed by sitting in a room wearing only one sock with impairment in personal hygiene.

    26. His personal hygiene likely takes a back seat to his psychotic trolling on the computer.

    27. Winston. Of all the people for you to call out, why me? I've spanked you more ways than Madonna changes wardrobes. And from the looks of things the floor has the upper hand. Do not poke sleeping grizzly with yonder small stick......I'm gonna go back to bed, wonder twins activate, form of....a mattress. And for all your Cryptozoological needs I give you.....the floor .........

    28. Winston I couldn't sign off without leaving you some appropriate lyrics: For your air force fetish, "Revvin up your engine, listen to her howl and roar, metal under tension, beggin you to touch and go, Highway to the Danger Zone, Winston's gonna take a ride into the the Danger Zone......." (Loggins-'Top Gun Theme')

    29. Mornin Cuz, late late night, trying to recover in time to support my SPURS in their efforts to layeth the smaketh downeth on LA. Hope you have a great Sunday.

    30. Why do all these posters have the same IP address? The sad part is that the forced prose and style seem to belong to half the anonymous posters as well. Fucking slack and sad is what it is. Losers the truth is you honestly have better odds of finding bigfoot, than someone of age consenting to touch you so keep at it. Maybe this blog will host an event and Iktomi, Eva,Joe Fitzgerald, iktomi redneck, chick and the rest of this idiots profiles can share a us seat and spin around and hold conversation with himself much like on here. Fucking lame !

    31. ^. Ha! And the Wind Cries....Winston.... Look Winston. I'll spare you. I'll relate a friendly tale about how California Hiker and I once walked through "satan's alley". Just bejow 'devil's Toolbox' in "one hit canyon". Cal hiker turned to me and whispered...."Mike". What? "Miiike". What? (Loud Whisper). "MIKE?" What???? "You got the lighter ?" No. "Huh". No I don't have the lighter. I think your skeptic angry girlfriend has it. Can we leave this sand dune? I think my fleas are getting crotch crickets?? "Ok.....but hand me the lighter ..."

    32. After smoke break Hiker continues in muffled tones....."this area is called 'The Phantom Menace'. It's not as scary as other areas, but was named commercially to entice campers to keep coming back". Whisper Voice. "Mike?" Cant talk, eatin thethe flamin hot Funyuns. "Mike??" Fwat....."you and my girlfriend stay outta that ravine, that's way too close to "point ...and you remember what happened there ! " Fwat?

    33. Well. Six campers went into "Point of No Return Point......" Only three came out. Two signed nondisclosure agreements. But only one, was played by a Justin Smeja look alike during the Destination America reenactment.

    34. Hahaha! You make Winston more depth and character than he has in real life. He should be very thankful.

    35. Jeethus, Hiker, that's therrifyin, lithen, me an thith girl are gonna go do a little rethearth, when you come thith way, bring some refrethments.....and the lighter .......

    36. Thanks Chick. Winston kinda plays my running foil in the melodrama that is the BFE comment section. It shocks me that he thinks other anonymous posters are me. You'd think he'd recognize my hick-hybrid prose by now. I like this California Hiker dude. He reminds me of Kane from Kung Fu, just wandering the dunes wearing Bono's sunglasses with his skeptic angry hippy girlfriend in search of the truth. He reminds me of what Louis would do if he could get off his sofa.

    37. Poor little fellow, speech therapy is a must. Keeping his fingers out of his mouth would also help tremendously. You always make me laugh and laugh Iks Cuz. Thanks for that ;) Something tells me you are a writer by trade.

    38. Perhaps. Or a trader by writing. Either way, if it makes you smile, it's worth my while.....


      Big jon escaped from the funny farm
      Approximately 3months ago,,
      All ready 20 cases of missing pets have been reported in this CRAZED SICKO'S
      Former area of dasterdly deeds,
      GOD help us all!!
      By the way !who and what is up with this
      D Dover nonsence???

  2. Replies
    1. "They will be published in the regular scientific press so I can't be more specific,"

      HAHAHA....Sykes isn't coming. lol. He cam and he went. Kiss him goodbye Joergy.

    2. Ssssssshhhhhhhhhh... Sit tight and hope and pray.

      : )

    3. You'd think that after such an embarrassing failed bet, you'd sit tight and keep it zipped about what Sykes has come and gone about. But that's the perk of an anon coward, never got the b*lls to be accountable for his face falls.

      : p

    4. "They will be published in the regular scientific press so I can't be more specific,"

      Sykes is coming.........Oooooops

    5. He is yes... Did you wet your pants again?

    6. "They will be published in the regular scientific press so I can't be more specific,"

      Sykes came and went for the 2nd time!!! AHHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHA

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. You're coming across a little unhinged now kid... This is the second time you've had a meltdown, since we're counting occasions. It's a shame that yours is abstract as opposed to mine though, eh?

      Oh and by the way... Yeti, Sasquatch; all the same thing. Sykes is claiming as I have aaaaaaall along, that we share the same DNA, just like archaic versions of us like Cro-Magnon, and that Zana was indeed a Yeti in line with her description given by an entire community. The data to support it, along with other stuff will be released in the proper scientific channels soon.

      Thanks for playing.

    9. Daniel Campbell must have had the most god awful of meltdowns.

    10. Look at Joerg, blaming others for his meltdowns. Daniel must have really gotten under his skin good.

      You cant get out of it with your circular reasoning or other such tactics. Every time you have claimed something big was going to happen in the bigfoot field, it absolutely didn't. You cant come to grasp with it.

      You enjoy going after the anonymous posters on this site, because you don't know who your talking too. But when someone like Don or Dan comes along, you shut up, and get extremely defensive. You cant handle having a reasonable argument, especially when they always end in you losing. In short, you are afraid of certain people on this site. And if you ever saw them in person, you would run as fast as those ugly teeth would allow you. Ya Digg

    11. Speaking of having a meltdown, someone must have jerked your chain hard.

    12. BenD Dover Buttcheeks anyone?

    13. Daniel has got under my skin as much as being spectacularly wrong. Who's circular reasoning? (do you understand what that means?) the simple truth is Joe has been right about Sykes' theories all this time... That's got to burn man. Every time Joe claimed Sykes was going in our direction, he has; simples!

      I go after people who spout hate and post lies and try and censor people's opinions and prevent people from exchanging ideas. I'm sorry that it's been at the expense of your sad little psycho ways but it's just that I'm really good at it. You keep cheerleading Dan and Don like they're some amazing force of nature... Didn't you call Don "spiritual" the other day? Doesn't that sound like a cult? A creepy little cult? Man... I'm gonna post that comment here like the good little fundies you are. I tell you what, go and get Dan and Don (if I'm not already exchanging with Dan) if I'm so afraid of people then why am I here? Bro... You need to look at the average quality of your comments and ask are they ever relevant to the subject matter, or do they ever last past me kicking them back down the basement at you. There's a reason why you're so butthurt and bitter... Bro, are you about to start threatening me with violence again?

      Brrrrrrr, shivering in my boots!

      : )

    14. AnonymousFriday, April 17, 2015 at 8:03:00 AM PDT
      The world will never forget where they were when Dmaker called Joe by his real first name, after it was finally discovered a few days ago. Everyone knew at that point that the community was aware of who Joe was, and they would never forget. It was epic, spiritual even.

      ... Wow, wow, wow... Pseudoscepticism is a fundamental, quasi-religion.

    15. ^ ay ...waddissdisssheeit ?

    16. Notice that Joerg was told weeks ago that he had a cult. Now he is using that same type of insult and flipping it on others, like he has always done. King Hipo indeed. Don't worry, Don and Dan will be along shortly to destroy you like usual. You insignificant little spec.

    17. "Spiritual"... Please tell us, do you find Don "spiritual"? These are your words bro, don't blame others for your creepy, hypocritical obsessions...

      : )

    18. Yes I do find him spiritual, and so do you Joerg. Now where is that bet you said you would post?

    19. Wow, what a sick little fundie you turned out to be... I wonder what your hero would have to say about it? I'll get be bet when I'm good and ready (it's a matter of simply checking he link I have) why don't you go and get Danny to come and remind us all about it, you have him on speed dial after all.

    20. Sure it is Joerg. And im sure you will keep deflecting and the say the thread was deleted, or you cant find it. You lied about it. Fess up


    22. Wow...I just tuned in, and boy! These comments just keep getting more and more juvenile!

    23. Oh Boy! Golly Gee Willakers! I just tuned into your commentary, and boy howdy, I laughed so hard I dropped my frozen whippets cracker!

    24. How can anybody be so 180deg wrong
      To me is Pure Comedic gold!!
      Haaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaa!

  3. The video was a lot of rambling on about much of nothing. On the Les Stroud / Todd Standing issue, he made some inaccurate statements often repeated by those ignorant of things. One mistake is that it is Standing's wife, Louise, that is the make up artist, not his sister, and it's not in special effects, it's beauty parlor make-up.

  4. Joe did you come to any resolution as to what you felt about Todd Standing? I know you had a wait and see attitude at one time.

    1. Well we didn't get a second opinion on the DNA he had and it all ended a little suddenly, probably attributed to the attacks he got from within his community. My opinion of him is the same, very unresolved if anything.

      It's a shame.

    2. Why did you say "we" Joerg? Are you now claiming to be someone in the field who has any credentials? Whats truly a shame, is a pathetic cretin like yourself making a living by trolling a bigfoot spam site.

    3. I'm very skeptical of him, really. I think he could have had some real encounters at some point in his life but may have tried to push off hoaxes to gain traction to investigate further.

    4. 2:59... Does the thought of me having some credentials concern you? Tell me, how might I make a living from posting comments on a blog? I'm fascinated...

      3:09... Your opinion is respected sir.

    5. Iktomi, this troll makes constant false accusations hoping something might stick. A real fruitcake.

    6. @ 3:09 Standing's detractors are so vehement in claiming he hoaxed things, without any solid proof, that its impossible for him to do much of anything in the bigfoot community anymore.

      A lot of Standing's problems is he over-hypes stuff which makes him look bogus.

    7. We have been through this many times before Joerg. You are paid to troll this blog, and possibly others, which brings in increased add revenue for Shawn.

      Could you also please tell me what bet that you say I lost with you? The only bets I remember, you lost horribly.

    8. Oh right, yes... Please list us all the people on the Internet that you think is "Joe", and please tell us about the magic Air Force base?

      The bet was simple, in that you all claimed Sykes was concluded and that he had nothing attributed to relict hominids. Turns out Sykes has agreed with Joe aaaaaaaall this time, to the exact detail.

      This is why you've had the most crazy of trolling meltdowns of late, it's ok though... I can baby sit your mental breakdowns for as long as you need. I'm really not going anywhere and will be here to remind you how stupid you've been for a long, long time.

    9. That was not our be at all. Please pull up the thread where I stated such. It should be easy for a copy and paste king like yourself. Please please please post that bet Joe. Oh wait, you cant, because your lying about it all.

      Your getting trolled off a blog you love so much. And its very funny. BenD Dover Joerg

    10. Aren't you going to list all the people who are Joe. I can give a partial list of people you claim are the same person. Me, Iktomi, Abohli, Mike B., Joe, Joerg, etc.

      Ode To The Troll

      Bringing false accusations is his forte, telling lies is his staple, and mental illness is his driving force.

    11. "Our bet"... Is it safe to assume that you are Daniel Campbell now then??

      I'll get the bet for you very happily... And we're at the root of your latest meltdown, you sad pathetic, lonely man you, ha ha ha!! You just thought you were so right for so long as it took for reality to slam you in the face like a sledgehammer.

    12. ^ but you don`t pay up when you lose do tight welsher kuhnt

    13. ho ho ho ... now joe is claiming he is somehow privvy to the results of dna analysis ... what`s with the "we" ? hahaha you truly are an imbecile carry right on with your pretence you silly little boy

    14. Where is that bet Joerg? We are waiting

    15. You should read some of Joergs comments on Robert Lindsays wall.

      How can this blog forget the week when Joe was asked to give his opinion on a few bigfoot videos by Shawn. After those 2 videos went up with Joe rambling, Joe refused to answer questions anymore about bigfoot videos. He would take large pains to try and sound like he was a professional and that people were hanging on the edge of there seats in anticipation of his breakdowns. Yep, that lasted a week. AHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

      "They will be published in the regular scientific press so I can't be more specific,"

      Sykes.....fallen twice
      etc etc etc etc

    16. 3:53... Joe and people like me who totally endorsed his theory would have had to have lost the bet for that, eh? Since Joe won, I'll be around a little longer... What you gonna do about it?

      3:59... I'm not privy to anything, just running the existing facts in your faces. "We" were right. That's all that matters boyo!

    17. Please post the bet Joerg? We are waiting

    18. It can't be Daniel he said he never posts anon ;) xx

    19. Munns - got monkey suit?
      Mullis - got the goods and still working, Tick, Tock...
      Sykes - got the goods and still working, Tick, Tock...
      Meldrum - getting the best conservationist t write a forward in his book, not to mention having the best primatologists and various other experts on his RHI editorial board.

      Not a good day at the trolling office, dear boy.

    20. @ 3:59 Pretence? You're the one who plays games on this site constantly. Games of lies, deceptions, and saying nutty stuff.

      You're the deceptive troll who makes false accusations on a regular basis that are so silly that anyone can see through it, but you don't really care if they see through it, because your only goal is to upset people by wrongly accusing and insulting them, but in discussions like this we're not the ones who being upset, exposing your ineptitude is quite the opposite.

    21. Oh... And I'm quite happy to discuss any "Bigfoot video"... In fact, so much so that I'll give you another mind bending if you want?

    22. Where is that bet Joerg?

    23. "got the goods".......kind of a homoerotic phrase you are using Joe. Interesting

    24. Here's the bet, I bet you're an older man who sits in his room all day on his computer and doesn't really have any friends.

    25. pssst..pssst... You forgot he has his sock to keep him company.

    26. That's the best he can muster after his psychosis led to social withdrawal and isolation.

    27. DC is an old man?! That explains A LOT about that famous photo!

    28. "Alone, listless, Winston sits in an otherwise empty room, young girl, violins, center of his own attention, mother reads aloud child, tries to understand it, tries to make her proud, the shade goes down, it's in his head, painted house, empty room, something's wrong, don't call me daughter, says Winston, the picture- it will remind me......"

  5. I'm confident that the existence of bigfoot will be proven very soon, sometime in 2015 or 2016.

    1. yes, just as soon as Scotty can 'beam me up' jajajaja

    2. I am confident in 2015 or 2016 it will not : )

    3. "Bigfoot, show yourself!" Gerhard Reinke....platinum level Cryptozoologist, +12 charisma.

  6. Todd Standing is a hoaxer, stop pushing his crap.


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