Barb and Gabby's Presentation At The Bigfoot Habituation Conference

This is a video of Barb's presentation at the recently held bigfoot habituation conference, hosted by Dr. Matthew Johnson. Enjoy.


  1. Replies
    1. "Habituation" is very scientific sounding


      Blue bags and habituation conferences

    2. Are you going to attempt some make believe by putting a blue bag over your head?

    3. It's not over for you yet Iktomi/Ernie/Chick/Eva (and whatever other accounts you post under). There is another photo on Abohli Fala's Google + page in which "she" is supposedly lounging in a pool of hot springs with the caption, "The perks of working in the field."

      That photo was stolen from a blog called "Gilkison's Travels":

      Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see the exact same photo. I will be notifying the Gilkison family that their photo was stolen and used by you on your fictitious Google + page.

    4. ^
      OMG..get a life you epic loser.

    5. Don't you think that the nut job Joerg, who is stealing photos from other people to create a false identity, is the loser who needs to get a life?

    6. Compare the two photos and there is your proof:

    7. It just says the "perks of working in the field". It doesn't make any claims as to who is in the photo. It was taken from another site but so is every photo here and every photo posted on every forum. Its the exact same photo but so what? Its like posting a sunset that you like or a picture of a dog.

    8. I'm sure that the family from whom the photo was stolen will understand completely.

    9. I'm sure they will too. People post other peoples photos all the time. They're not claiming to be in the photo as you suggest. Its no big deal.

      Abholi is a fake Indian but using someone elses photo of a hot spring is no big deal. Its the internet, not republication of other's photos in a magazine.

    10. Look at Joerg posting above trying to defend himself. This is INSANE!!!!!!!!

      To the troll who outed Joe and continue to do so. Please please keep it up. You are the man!!!

      Joe exposed again today!!!! This is epic. And its even funnier watching joe post anonymously trying to claim its no big deal.

    11. Daniel, haints, dmaker, are you seeing this????

      2nd time for today!!!! This is AMAZING!!!

      This is the best day of my life

    12. Also, to the troll above who exposed this. Please post what you found after every abholi and joe post. And also post your original exposure from earlier today.

      We salute you brother

    13. Joe must be clinically insane to be creating elaborate fake profiles just so he can tell his female self that she/he has pretty hair.

      Creepy doesn't even begin to cover it.

      Seriously, Joe. Get some help. Soon.

    14. Crud, the ISF is so threatened by Joe that they've assigned him two or three personal soldier trolls full time?

      My God, what are you career Atheists so petrified of?

      If Sasquatch exists, you won't get your dinners?

      Why is it life or death to you that the creatures must absolutely under any circumstances not exist? What is the obsession? Why?

      What will happen to you and your world if a Sasquatch exists?

      Also, how can you afford to troll fulltime, unless you are drawing payment for trolling? Criminy, I'd be homeless if I commented on this site eight hours a day. Come on. Where does your income issue from? Let's follow the money; that would be revealing.

    15. You know I admired dmaker's arguments from a skeptic point of view. .It's a surprise that he's now aligned himself with the scum on this site. I thought he was better then that.

    16. I haven't aligned myself with anything. In fact, in the last few days I defended Joe against a charge of racism, and clarified a point yesterday, re phd vs doctorate. If I see something that is false, I will call it out.

      And, well, I just really dislike Joe and think he deserves everything he gets.

      And I am hardly here full time. I post a couple of times a day, and go for long periods of time where I don't post at all. If you consider that a full time job, then I guess you've never really worked a day..

    17. Answered rather quickly for a light trafficker. Oh I know, just good timing!

    18. Oh, and the other point. Why is that enthusiasts are so desperate for bigfoot to exist? What is it about bigfoot that it must be real to complete their world view? Especially ones like Joe, who don't even claim a sighting or live in a part of the world with alleged habitat?

      It's not life or death for me at all if bigfoot is real or not. I just call it as I see it, and there is no evidence for bigfoot. It's simply a social construct. A modern myth. Stating the truth does not make me desperate for the non existence of the creature. It just means that I recognize reality. Footers might want to try that sometime.

    19. For a guy that doesn't care, since it's not the life or death of him whether bigfoot is real or not, he sure spends a lot of time loggin into a bigfoot site.over the years. I'd say he has a weird obsession with people that don't agree with him, and it eats away at him constantly..

    20. ^ Ol Joerg trying his best to bring himself up from the beating he took today.

    21. dmaker you conveniently breezed right past the FACT that sceptic extremists are desperate for bigfoot to not exist.

      You said it exactly, but about the wrong group, dmaker:

      Sceptic extremists must absolutely have bigfoot not exist, in order to complete their world view. That is it precisely. The creature must not exist. Non-existence is necessary to their lives. You nailed it, when it comes to sceptic extremists.

      Ask yourself why.

      "There is no evidence of bigfoot." Do you mean there is no proof of bigfoot? or there is no evidence of bigfoot. There is a wide gulf of difference between the two statements.

      "There is no evidence of bigfoot" is a wildly reckless claim. It is unreasonable.

      "There is no proof of bigfoot" is closer to accurate and reasonable..

      It's sceptic hysteria to knee-jerk reject all reports from the 12th century to 2015. That is unreasonable and illogical. Common sense tells you that not all are wrong, lying, hoaxed.

      This is the downfall of the Atheist: the rejection of common sense, that all are lying to you, no one is to be believed, about anything. Atheists must be taught to not apply Atheism to every area and corner of their lives. It's impractical, and defies common sense.

      Atheists don't realise what they take on faith every day; they don't even know they are operating on faith when they operate on faith; they are unaware. Such an appalling state requires an immediate rethink.

      Relinquish the sceptic hysteria, calm down, and understand what common sense requires of you in the face of thousands of reports.

    22. (It's remarkable how many career sceptics have read only a few bigfoot reports. You need to read at least several hundred before drawing a conclusion. This brings to mind how unfamiliar the authors of Abominable Science were and are with their subjects. You need thorough knowledge of your subject before putting pen to paper. That book has been desconstructed by those familiar with the topics. It's an embarrassment to its authors.)

      What lunacy, that what is reported in the wilderness, you pontificate is "A social construct." Good for you. There is very little social anything atop Mt. Shasta or in the Himalayas or 300 miles into the wilderness. Social construct my "foot". This prissy academic approach will get you nowhere.

      Let's take it further based on your quote:

      " there is no evidence for bigfoot. It's simply a social construct. A modern myth. Stating the truth does not make me desperate for the non existence of the creature."

      You have made three claims:

      1. There is no evidence for bigfoot

      2. It's simply a social construct (academic doublespeak)

      3. A modern myth (12th century is modern?)

      4. You claim that by stating 1, 2 and 3, you are "stating the truth".

    23. Whoa, back up dmaker!!!

      Let's take apart your four announcements:

      Number 1 is taken apart above.

      Number 2 is taken apart above. But let's add that, you claim to know this, you claim you have special knowledge that it is a social construct. You would need to be all-knowing, in order to "know" that it is a social construct. That is the classic failing of the career Atheist: "There is no God, but I have Godlike knowledge, all-knowing, ability." An absolutely classic misstep of the Atheist.

      Number 3 ditto, re you "kniow" it is a modern myth. You claim this is a fact. Therefore, you are self-appropriating the powers of a god, while you are obviously an Atheist. There is no more titanic hypocrisy in the world, than the Atheist saying there is no God, while self-appropriating Godlike powers, all-seeing abilities. You must be all-seeing in order to "know" bigfoot is a modern myth.

      Number four, ditto, the Atheist stumbles and fumbles again: You state in number four, that numbers one, two and three are "the truth." Yay. Again, the Atheist saying there is no God, but that he has godlike powers.

      Unless you are God or a god, you don't know that 2 and 3 are "the truth." You would have to be God or godlike in order to "know" those to be facts.

      It's the stereotypical fumble and bumble of the typical Atheist. The position is the height of hypocrisy. In essence, "There is no God, but me."

      Common sense tells you, academic Atheist, that not everyone is lying or has been hoaxed. The sheer numbers show you that.

      Time for a rethink and a new position, dmaker.

      Yes 7:17, that is clear.

    24. Quoting dmaker: "It just means that I recognize reality. Footers might want to try that sometime."

      Yes, the Atheist again claiming for himself the powers of a god.

      Dmaker "knows" what "reality" is; and he claims footers, do not.

      Dmaker, go and work on your ultimate internal contradiction of, "There is no God, yet I am God." There is no greater contradiction nor hypocrisy on this Earth.

      Apply common sense, dmaker. "Sceptic extremists should try it sometime."

    25. What does bigfoot have to do with god? What a simple single minded notion.

    26. I agree, dmaker disassembler.

      Two key problems with many Atheists:

      Rather than sticking to the OED's correct definition of Atheism, and just saying they believe there is no God (it is a belief system), they instead say, "There is no God."

      Hell, you would have to be God or at least a god, in order to make that statement with any whiff of knowledge!! They are really placing themselves equal to or above God or god, in making that supposed declaration. The egotism is breathtaking in its epic stature amongst these deluded.

      There is nothing more obnoxious and flat out noxious than an Atheist, while "telling" you there is no God, is simultaneously claiming for himself the powers of God or a god, in order to even make that claim in the first place.

      The position is an utter non-starter.

      How do you claim to be godlike, at the very moment you are yelling there is no God? Yeah, it's the ultimate hypocrisy possible of a human being.

    27. 8:16, the point is that Atheists such as dmaker, sceptic extremists, apply their Atheism to all possible aspects of their lives. In this case, they apply Atheism, to bigfoot. It doesn't apply; Atheism is about God, not bigfoot.

      Your "simple single minded notion" then applies to dmaker, other Atheists, and sceptic extremists, who err in applying Atheism to all areas of their lives.

      Read dmaker's post; you will see your "simple single minded notion" describes it to a T. That is the sceptic extremist for you; that is the Atheist extremist. Simple single minded, yes, exactly.

    28. Catch up, 8:16. See 8:27.

    29. What does bigfoot have to do with god? What a simple single minded notion.

    30. I apologize. I...I am stoned.

    31. ....Yeah, I appreciate a good argument from the proponent side but he should not equate bigfoot denialism with atheism..This should be a scientific and logical debate; religion is a separate subject...

      ...One of the things that separate crypto and traditional zoology is a willingness to analyze anecdotes for truth and consistency in order to formulate hypothesis about existence as opposed to taking them as just "tips" as to where an animal might be...Fair enough, but in bigfootery anecdotes are being used to write the book on what the animal is or isn't and how it lives and what it does etc...Instead, we should be wondering how there can be so many encounters without a corresponding increase in physical evidence..They should be proportional and the fact that they are not makes a good argument for this being what dmaker said it is: a social construct....

    32. Wow Joe, what is that, like 25 accounts you now have made. Dissassembling Dmaker, however, just reeks of desperation. So you got obliterated today. Nothing new there. But now trying to bring religion into a bigfoot debate, because that's all you got, is just sad and pathetic. Joe is on his last legs. Or should I call him DS.

    33. This comment has been removed by the author.

    34. Dmaker, you are one sick, stupid little twonk, ha ha ha ha!! Thank you so much for aligning yourself with these sick little psychos, it makes me smile so much and confirms an awful lot, to a lot of people.

      "Oh, and the other point. Why is that enthusiasts are so desperate for bigfoot to exist?"
      It's not so much being desperate, so much as it is agenda driven against the idea. Anyone can look at the innumerable reports, the history and the frequency of physical and biological evidence that YOU fail so miserably to explain away, and think at the very, very least there HAS to be something to all this.

      "What is it about bigfoot that it must be real to complete their world view? Especially ones like Joe, who don't even claim a sighting or live in a part of the world with alleged habitat?"
      Case in point; I don't ignore those who have, especially, I don't ridicule or I am not paranoid enough o think that for the past ten thousand years, a secret society of gorilla suit wearing conspirators have jumping out and saying "boo" to people... Nothing more poetic even, should the great Dmaker who never lasts the debate should recline on such a piece of crazy logic. What people like Dmaker need to do, is listen to the people who blow his credentials and intellect out of the water... People who don't adhere to a level of integrity that means following people around, name dropping them like the perversely twisted like minded.

      "It's not life or death for me at all if bigfoot is real or not. I just call it as I see it, and there is no evidence for bigfoot. It's simply a social construct. A modern myth."
      Really Dmaker? Nobody in their right minds would believe that the idea doesn't scare you, doesn't make you shiver a little at night. I've seen you fumble so many angles to explain away things, it's unreal. Can you remember the "Auburn Sasquatch Leaps the Gap" video, when you claimed that it was a recognised ape in a zoo in Ontario? Turns out it's a leaf, dear boy... Didn't stop Dmaker rushing and panicking and falling into the same trap as people who he claims are desperate for things to be in their versions of things. If there is not evidence, then why do you fail so badly when it is presented you to explain it away? Every single time you and me have gone at it, I have destroyed you Dmaker, you cannot show that the evidence I present you is bunk, and this is why you have to name drop me like the average psycho around here. You a troll Dmaker, nothing more, nothing less... And plenty of your own theory group think you're a total fool for pursuing the crud that gets spouted around here about Joe. Myths don't leave physical and biological sign... It's as simple as that. The "truth" is that you have never once offered up anything to dismiss anything of the sort.

      One day you better hope reality doesn't come back and bite you on the bottom, darling.

    35. I've never once claimed to be an athiest.

    36. What's the matter Dmaker, cat got your tongue?

  2. No proof of this:

    the nut job Joerg, who is stealing photos from other people to create a false identity

    1. It just says the "perks of working in the field". It doesn't make any claims as to who is in the photo. It was taken from another site but so is every photo here and every photo posted on every forum. Its the exact same photo but so what? Its like posting a sunset that you like or a picture of a dog.

    2. ^ quit trying to rationalize your behavior Joerg. WE all now know you are Abholi. You have been exposed

    3. I posted 5:44 and I am not Joerg.

      Now you're just sounding as crazy as Abholi and dr squatch. You're making false acusations.

    4. ^ Says Joerg trying to straddle the fence. Wait, it sonds a little more like BenD Dover Buttcheeks I think

  3. ok I confess you got me.

    Joe F.

  4. There is waaaaay more information out there that indicates the existence of sasquatch, than there is to indicate the existence of a god. God is an invention of man. Sasquatch is probably real.

    1. What a stupid comment. Im guessing DS wrote it

  5. I made love to a goat once......whoops wrong blog! Sorry!

  6. I equate this comment with the Baltimore riots (great band name btw), dumb


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