Whoa, Listen To These Screams!

From Paranormal Seekers TK:

"The woods around the Umatilla Indian Reservation have come alive with hair raising, horrifying screams at night. Some say they are baby foxes, others say Bigfoot, or even ghosts. No matter what they are, they have citizens in the area concerned."


  1. Nothing worse than a screaming fox.

    We had one around our place last week. Sounded like a woman being murdered. Grim.


    1. Family of Bobcats that took shelter in a downed log pile for 2 winters in a row at my parents homestead.

      Every night just after dusk, ALL of them would make the worst bawling and howling calls I'd ever heard.

      It reminds me of Jackie Bushman's story on Joe Rogan's podcast, talking of Bigfoot.

      He said when he was a young man he heard a distinctly primate call deep in the woods, so he turned and left. He said it always bothered him that he turned and left, so years and years later he heard the same noise again. This time he tracked the primate call...

      Do you know what he found? A Bull Elk.

      This was told during a moment when Bushman and Rogan were talking about Stroud and his primate call experience.

      Not too many people are more legendary in the outdoor world than Jackie Bushman.

  2. New here, idk if that's bigfoot or not but it would freak me tf out.

    - hm

    1. That screaming is a classic, I believe, intimidation sound. It's often done in succession like is heard on that audio. I've heard it myself before and I saw the one that did it.

  3. In before joe starts jacking off everywhere.

    1. living in the basement has its benefits : )
      free rent - utilities - food and internet : )
      more time to ponder and do research on Bigfoots

    2. And while in the basement to do what he projects onto Joe.

      The level of intellect to publicly make these kinds of comments is telling.

  4. Mountain Monsters Marathon TONIGHT : )
    iam saved : )

  5. just a titillation vid. this is also old hat that turned out to be coyote

  6. Sounds like coyote in my forested yard east coast canada...or younger fox

  7. Why believe it is something ordinary when you can believe it is something extraordinary.

  8. Sounds like a coyote or a fox to me, and we have plenty of those in Southern AZ. However, I must admit that there is one intriguing sound that I heard immediately after the last gunshot, the scream all of a sudden drops in pitch and octave into a low guttural sound as opposed to a high pitched yelp like a fox or coyote or dog for that matter would make at the impact of injury. Ambiguous at best but interesting.

  9. I think that I am going to record the neighborhood nuisance dog howling, and produce a spooky documentary about it, and then, start a kickstarter campaign to get money to research this beast further. In the end, I will fail to disclose that it is just a dog, just like this dude is failing to disclose that it is just a coyote.

    1. I dunno, it doesn't sound like a coyote to me...

  10. Foxes, however isn't this the same audio from last year? The one where they go out with guns? Probably the same family of foxes

  11. This is from jan '13, the same damn video was posted here.

  12. Custer's ghost......I want my scalp back !!!....Dern savages...


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