This Youg Man Is The Most Enthusiastic Bigfooter Out There

Ed Brown sits down with bigfoot enthusiast Mike Deis, and discusses the young man's encounters in bigfoot. This guy is full of positivity, and deserves some recognition.


  1. Negativity sux the life from you look like a raisin Anonymous 12:07?
    This field needs large doses of enthusiasm.

    1. Bigfoot isn't real. The field needs a sense of humor.

    2. ^
      William Parcher again? Come on man, you've spent several years of your worthless existence pretending to be a skeptic on JREF, sock puppeting on the BFF and posting here day and night. Your Bigfoot obsession is making you lose what little marbles you started with.

    3. William, my boy! One of my dearest disciples.

      See you at the prayer breakfast and RR worship service.

    4. But my hinney hurst from last time Randi darling!

      ~William Parched Hocks

  2. Hey gang! My computer blew up yesterday....but I did film my nephew's testimony about seeing a white BF. I'll post as soon as I can...I might try the library tomorrow.

    1. I look forward to reading that DS,i wonder if some are white because they've gone white with age xx

    2. They do say the older ones get grey/white hair like we do.
      I thought my nephews testimony was great! He's shy, but he had some good info to share!

    3. Younger ones have been seen with white hair too. I don't think it's a matter of age or albinism. There is evidence that some sasquatches might undergo seasonal hair thickness and hair color change.

  3. Mike, you seem like a nice kid. Before you get in too deep and end up wasting your whole life looking for a creature that only exists in folklore like many here on this blog, contact a few real scientists about the subject, not the handful mentioned constantly on bigfoot blogs like this who make a decent living from perpetuating a myth and ignoring contrary evidence.

    1. Many here on this blog exist only in folklore?


      Meldrum et al are not real scientists?

      Also fascinating.

      Thanks for swinging by.

      I exist in folklore, lovely.

      Studying some English along with your science, would have enabled you to express you views on science.

    2. Lol i quite like the idea of existing in folklore i would probably live longer :) xx

    3. Anon 1:49 is a giraffe who thinks he's a unicorn

    4. Mike you seem like a nice kid. Bigfoot may or may not exist so be objective and use common sense in your search. Don't listen to a clown like 1:49 who's been wasting his pitiful existence pretending to a skeptic because he thinks it makes him look like less of an asshole for being obsessed with a possible mythical creature.
      There are only about 10 - 15 adults on the whole planet that are obsessed with Bigfoot who simultaneously equate the subject to fairies and leprechauns and half of them are pathological liars. A real skeptic wouldn't waste their time on a subject with such weak evidence.

    5. So 1:49, you are concerned with others who "get in too deep and end up wasting your whole life looking for a creature that only exists in folklore like many here on this blog,..." So they are here interested in something they believe MIGHT POSSIBLY be true. Isn't the bigger waste of time coming from the anon who trolls this place and doesn't even think it is possible. The only word I can think of for that behavior is insanity. Face it, your just blooming ape shit dude and are truly the one that is wasting their time.

    6. Lol 1:49 just got a 3 way beat down!

    7. Remind me how many bigfoots were found and confirmed throughout the last 60 years again...

    8. ^
      One of the pathological liars ?

    9. @3:52

      If your fellow footer "Alaskabushpilot" told you clowns he was also once picked for the space shuttle program, would you believe him ?

    10. 3:52... In 1974, the US Army officially recognized the ape like creature inhabiting the Northwest and Siberia known as Bigfoot. The Army Corps of Engineers devoted a complete page to Bigfoot in their 1974 Washington Environmental Atlas.

      In the Atlas, it is revealed the FBI had done major testing on hair samples, and concluded the hair did not come from any human or known animal source.

    11. in 1975 they fired the joker that slipped that in and bigfoot quit existing in the eyes of the army corps of engineers

  4. Stages of Bigfootery
    1. Disbelief
    2. Fascination
    3. Become a sheeple
    4. Become confused
    5. Become disillusioned
    6. Become opinionated
    7. Become an @ssh@le
    8. Become a dictator
    9. Become an attention whore
    10. Become a punching bag
    11. Become a seeker of financial support
    12. Then you claim to have quit
    13. Then you come back
    14. Then you quit again
    15. Then you come back again
    16. Then you realize that you contributed absolutely nothing
    17. Then they bury you

  5. The old guy is wearing yellow pants! Yellow Pants!
    Enough said. No grown person wears yellow pants. It just isn't done. I have long decried the state of fashion amongst bigfooters but this is just too much.
    Bigfooters, please consider your ways. It is not too much to ask that you dress better when out squatching. There is no law against wearing well fitting high quality clothing into the woods.

  6. YOUG man? Is that a tribe in the great Northwest?

  7. Edward Manpower, Youg Tribal ElderMonday, March 23, 2015 at 10:53:00 AM PDT

    It is indeed a tribe of fine people. I know as I am an elder in the Youg Tribe . We have lived in the mountains and forests of the Great Northwest for aeons of time and our sightings of the Sasquatch are many. We even see him in the city now. We can see him even in the dark and in the surf of the mighty Pacific where he romps and plays when he is not busy devastating the countryside and pillaging local hangouts.
    Our tribe does not wear yellow pants though many so called bigfoot researchers have and have tried to influence our young men to do the same. We resist these vile men with all our being. We are MEN! And yellow will never cover our butts!
    If you wish to know about Sasquatch, ask our elders. They will give you all the latest gossip on this filthy beast who tramps the forests and terrorizes our women. (Sometimes these sasquatch try to infiltrate our meetings dressing in jeans and plaid shirts but we are rarely fooled, except for that one time in 1929).

  8. I deeply resent the prejudice seen on this site against pathological liars.
    We have and we claim the right to be respected and taken seriously!


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