This Is The Best Bigfoot Commercial I've Ever Seen!

We are totally blown away by this commercial made from Rictor Riolo. Is this the best commercial on the face of the earth or what? Watch it now:


  1. Replies
    1. Good first,i'm glad it made you laugh :) xx

    2. ..Thanks..It doesn't take much...

    3. It's a shame that the comment part on this commercial doesn't live up to the hype. Only because there are some major non believing tools here that make this part of this blog sites experience a total wash!
      Yeah I said it and it's true. Before some of you chumps came here there were some big time names that would visit here regularly. Thanks for chasing the people that actually leave their mom and dad's basement away with your utter nonsense. A-wipes the whole lot of you people that don't believe but make it a part of your day. Everyday that is. Closet believers in denial. Chumps!

  2. share with other believers--they neglected to leave out wading through the poop in the jar morons who live in their grandma's basements--If the site is updated hourly then it would be easy to filter out the asinine comments-

    1. All Shawn has to do is block Anonymous posts.

    2. Never happen more Anonymous means more click revenue

    3. Since the same site troll wrote all the replies to his poop comment, I take that as a cry for help, saying "stop me before I troll again." And you are also taunting the site owner. You'd find a way.

    4. actually Bend Over I wrote the last 2:14 as it is the solution to trolls.

  3. Off the subject, but what is it with all those gay Log Cabin Republicans from Illinois; Rauner and Schock are the latest!!

    1. Yeah and Big Jim Thompson was the biggest queen of all. LOL!

  4. Wow! That website looks great! Why am I wasting my time on this cruddy site when I could be viewing such fine content!

  5. Voted best Bigfoot News website on the Planet! Yeeehaaawww stick it to a anon!

  6. How do I find that website,looks pretty good,anyone know...........

  7. The only website where you can expose the incompetence and obvious stupidity of high profile super ego researchers, who have no clue of the capabilities of what they are researching. This site rocks.

  8. You actually want people to read these comments?

  9. Is this the friendly community I am suppose to interact with? More like a house of Trolls. What a shitty trolling vid. Not sure what sucks more; this site; or this promo vid.

  10. hahahaha so true!

    "What truly sets this site apart from the rest; is the sheer amount of misinformation & bullshit. Community? Your comment section Shawn is the most vile, racist, garbage infested comment section of any of the Bigfoot blogs. Instead of pitching this bullshit add; why don't you put a tiny bit of effort into your stories; police up your comment section and perhaps the big names will come back; instead of the hoods you currently have domination your comment section. Which is the reason your legit followers have bailed on you. You pitch shit; and hoaxes, and more hoaxes. Then after you hyped this crap you send it over to your buddies to put it on podcasts; and then get it broken down. You have become a cancer on this community. It is sad; it really is. With a bit of effort on your part; you could turn this around; if that is what you wanted. Or is it; that only the clicks matter? Is that it Shawn? Only the cash flow is important; and to hell with the individuals, to hell with the truth; to hell with everybody; as long as you profit off of the clicks. You suck; plain and simple. We have enough hoax promoters and hoaxes, we do not need more; What we need is a bit of credibility; a touch of honor; a sense of what is right and wrong. Or you can continue the same behavior you are currently engaged in."

    1. nobody's making you visit here....don't like it leave

    2. 6:03 if you have been around long enough, you will know most people fall sooner or later.

      FBFB and a few others. Just wait maybe a year, two or three it will happen.

    3. "What truly sets this site apart from the rest" comment is from Michael Merchant and he isTRULY butt sore that he is no longer promoted here and making the Youtube money he once was. Instead he ass kisses other Bigfoot groups like Team Squatching USA on Facebook for hopes to generate an audience.

      Merchant is the biggest liar and hypocrite the Bigfoot community has ever seen. He makes that queer Rictor look like a Disney Princess.

  11. Ok, so I AM new here and literally clicked off the site a couple of times due to the trolls. So, if what you are saying is true then you are actually getting paid for having the trolls here? seems to me then you can afford brilliant deceptive commercials for driving people to your site...WOW! So, this site exists to only generate click revenue?? No wonder the big names stopped coming then.

  12. Thank you! Very much look forward to reading about your next big thing!


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