This Hiker Wants To Believe...

The Angeles National Forest of the U.S. Forest Service is located in Los Angeles County, southern California, United States and has the San Gabriel Mountains within it. Though there hasn't been any sightings in this area, YouTube user "Ca Hiker" believes there's a 50/50 chances that there could be squatches in the area.  "I have been keeping my eyes open for Bigfoot / Sasquatch / Yeti while hiking and I yet to find any traces or signs. The likely hood of it being out our here and all the encounters people have had in the Angeles National Forrest make it a 50/50 chance. Do I believe it exists out here is a question I can't answer yet," said the hiker.


  1. Replies
    1. WILD BILL say Werewolves like them chickens

    2. WHAT THE!!

      I keep my poop in a jar

      ^True Dat

    3. melonheads like chickens and hogs

  2. Forest Service covering up BIGFOOTs so that the folks are unawares that Bigfoots are abouts

    1. Bigfoot covers himself up and requires no assistance from the USFS. The USFS knows less than the public about Bigfoot, otherwise they would never have got past the gauntlet of female human resource personnel in Albuquerque, who weed out Bigfoot knowers.

    2. more like black ops covering up Bigfoot activity so the people @ the parks stay ignorant of the BIGFOOT activity

    3. DS 9:57
      Sorry Mr. Disinformation about mis-information. You failed to plant those seeds of doubt. Try and find one USFS personnel who can tell you anything, much less everything there is to know about the paranormal Bigfoot. USFS Kathy Strain will attempt to confuse you by claiming that they are flesh and blood, presumably because she has been warned about educating people about Bigfoot being paranormal. I have had to educate a number of USFS persons, who could not hit their butt with both hands, when it comes to Bigfoot. They are clueless. And they allow logging of the forests, based on that ignorance. Which is epically ironic, since they of all people on this planet, should be totally knowledgeable and respectful about all life in the national forests.

    4. @10:16am, Please educate me on all the knowledge you have on this paranormal bigfoot. Unlike the majority here, I believe there's more to thses creatures than we'll ever know.

    5. They are 100% flesh and blood...all that other stuff is BS!
      They know all about it, they aren't saying a word!

    6. Sorry, DS. Not buying 100% flesh and blood! These creatures are NOT of this earth!

      Tell me what animal you know have eyes that glow red, white, green, yellow, blue and orange? I can't think of any! And don't get me started on the disappearing footprints!

  3. If he can't answer the question yet, then why are we wasting our time watching this bozo, who obviously knows nothing about the subject matter? Oh, now I remember. It's for the HITS.

  4. sumtime tham mexicuns lookin lack bigfoots sos you thinkin thar bes a bigfoot ovar yonder ans it abin tham mexicuns

  5. Maybe we haven't paid enough attention. There are only about three real posters at any given time posting here. Two or three, up to around five serious persons that are interested in the research, or skeptics debating. All these other posts of disrespect, ignorance, and misdirection, are coming from only one and possibly two mentally challenged individuals. They post constantly, mostly to themselves. Lack of attention, being left to fend for themselves at a very young age causes these conditions. Apparently the silly childish posts are allowed because there have been so many real people leaving, the numbers would now be very small on the blog. Sad, It's why the site is smeared by most all others. Good posting, I guess we will have to continue to ignore the vast majority of the garbage to communicate. Good day.

    1. WHAT THE!!

      I keep my poop in a jar

      ^True Dat

    2. whut tham bigin wurds yous be ausin caws thays bein seemt lack a lot a catterwallin to me

    3. quick fix 9:22 go to one of the other sites and be done with this one...its funny how many people complain about the childish comments here. yet there here every single day..i'll admit that some comments do get to personal and down right rude....that being said nobody is forced to be here

    4. ^ What this muther f*cker said is right jackass.

    5. There are no serious persons posting here. All the genuine footer chatter takes place elsewhere.

  6. Cost of AR-15 Ammo Doubles in Response to ATF Ban Threat

    1. Your mother kept you in a jar of poop!!

    2. Your father traded you for some AR 15 ammo, bu they brought you back

    3. Your mother admitted your father had been a homeless world war one Vet, she took advantage of him being in a wheelchair.

    4. just because i live in the basement of my mom house doesnt mean that i dont keep myself up on current events

    5. What the!!, Your brother was named after your father, Wild Bill. He is part Mexican, Part African American, Part Polish, mostly Skinhead Nazi!!

    6. When you was born you needed special care, for your abnormally shaped head, Mother refused, said Daddy kept a sharp knife for such emergencies!!

    7. If you need more stimuli, go outside and dig up the septic tank, Your Playpen!!

    8. but the best part is iam No JEW : )
      and the basement is my condo : )

    9. Now there's four or five more meaningless post for someone to laugh at. Sad.

    10. Go find your Dog turds, I mean your crayons, and draw some more pretty pictures for someone!! Don't eat anymore of them, that's why mommy cooked the dog!!

    11. Jewbacca @ congress today

    12. Aren't you proud, you and Uncle Adolph both tried to hide your JEWISH ancestry, Like peas in a little deformed pod!!

    13. Curt Schilling tracks down and eviscerates twitter trolls for making irreprehensible comments about his 17 year old daughter. There will be a reckoning. NC

    14. Obama Executive Orders must be obeyed @ all times or there will be consequences

    15. Yep NC, I'd like to see that myself. I agree with the poster above. One or two loony's with attention issues. Possibly serious mental problems too, who knows friend. If you think about it, what kinda person gets off on saying these kind of things, all day everyday, same things over and over?? He need something. But insanity aside, I can't wait to hear from the darkside of the mountain, your wife's tales from this old spooky wilderness, ya know. I'll be keeping an eye on the posts throughout the day NC. I'm shaking in my old muddy boots man.. can't wait can't wait.. Tri-county

    16. Nice catch NC. Always admired Schilling. Always gave it his all and just beat cancer. Outed two trolls at universities by name that immediately closed their twitters. Will not matter, they are known now and life will not be easy for a while. The regulations by the FCC to regulate the internet last week have been exposed a little bit by two of the comissioners. From my understanding language is in the 300 plus pages ( yes you can pass it without reading it ) that will allow isp grabs, and suits to follow for this kind of nonsense. Must have been written for lawyers for the obvious reasons.

    17. Good stuff Chuck, being down right hurtful with language or anything else, just for a person's own amusement should be punishable. Agree totally friend. Tri-county

    18. Ah Oh! what happened to our little evil poster? Quiet now? Good Idea. Great Idea. NO MORE!

    19. all forums without moderation have the same issues, if you wish to blame anybody blame Shawn.

    20. its them JEWs i tell U look our for them JEWs

    21. I must say, that is an angle for blame if you think about it, but when a person with no criminal background purchases a weapon and murders someone, who do we blame? The gun Maker, the salesman,or the person who made the decision to commit the act? I know who bares the absolute responsibility. We are all responsible for our own actions, there will never be an angle that changes that. Just me, Tri-county

    22. Shawn is accountable whatever way you wish to spin this plain and simple, as he could force all people to register to post and ban the idiots. SIMPLE!!

    23. You are right 11 48. People have been calling this out for close to 4 years. Tons of great people have left because of it. I am on another bigfoot sight you have to register and this does not happen and a lot of good insightful and respectful conversation takes place. I am also on 3 motorcycle blogs where you have to register and it is extremely civil.

    24. still those homeless Vets living off the grid in the bush could be mistaken as BIGFOOT

    25. You have to admit, no matter the fault, this guy must need help. Adults that act like this are mentally unbalanced to say the least.

    26. Chuck, I'm not a computer whiz, so please understand if the question seems silly. Is there not a way to stop these post, by Shaun or whomever in charge, before they are actually posted? Proof them or something? anyone who knows. TC

    27. tham mexicuns keps gitin heers and gitin tham jobs frum us amurkins

    28. Yes there is TC, but you might as well talk to the wall.

    29. Make no mistake about it. This blog is set up to make the owner money. You can whine all you want, but what he deems necessary to do that he will. That includes the posting policy.

    30. Go to the next thread, The whole thing is this same nut, doing the same routine over and over, nobody else even posting. Shaun has to know whats going on if he reads his own blog.

    31. Chuck,You telling me this same stuff, the same remarks have been going on for four years, and nothing has been done? TC

    32. advocating censorship will not make this blog any better on the contrary. it will be the views of only a select few and then this is no longer a blog...there are plenty of other sites that have censorship eg. pay to please stop bitching its not going to change this blog is a click for cash site...don't like it leave...was here before you and will be after you.

    33. Another thing: You can be IP banned here. It takes a lot of work though. Obviously what some are complaining about doesn't cut it.

    34. Thanks Shaun we understand.

    35. Lol, I can't remember the last time Shawn posted here. In the early days he would occasionally but I think that is long gone.

    36. Having the right to speak doesn't mean without some thought process being used. A gentleman exercised his right of free speech at the funeral of a fallen soldier. While the father of the soldier passed by in total grief, the man screamed murderer, baby killer, he thought he was within his rights to say anything he wanted without care for any damage his words caused. He felt a sharp pain in his throat as the father gave him a new mouth all the way across his throat, using his dead son's pocket knife. I bet that guy wished someone had stopped him and told him that was a bad idea. The guy screaming because it was his right to do so, not the father taking that speech away. Those right s were intended for people with a thought process that expresses when where how and what. Not for those who care for nothing or no one. No person has the right to intentionally harm another even with speech. That the right of common sense.

    37. Freedom of Speech is a legal thing. It doesn't protect you from the social consequences of what you say.

      Sometimes it is very legal to say something hurtful against another person. It's not necessarily in good taste or what most people would consider acceptable.

    38. Yea, that's where our founding fathers expected us to have a brain and use it.

    39. constitution and the bill of rights enough said

    40. Written by sane person for use by sane persons. Insanity excludes one from these protections. This guy or guys are clearly insane.

  7. There have been sightings in the Angeles National Forest. This guy may feel he has a 50/50 chance of spotting one but they're 100% there.

    1. There's nothing in the angeles forest but pot growers and idiots that cant drive 75 miles to a real forest.

    2. Do a youtube search of 'angeles national forest bigfoot'.

    3. Is there one clear without a doubt in anyone's mind video of a bigfoot in your youtube video's or am I going to be looking at more blob swatches?

    4. crackheads, Vets, illegals, Jihadist, and a Bigfoot or two

    5. Is ANY video 100% clear and without a doubt in anyone's mind in the bigfoot world?

    6. No but there are plenty of blobsquatch videos that are claimed to be 100% without a doubt bigfoot evidence by a lot of footers.

  8. He has a 0.000001% chance of spotting one. He has a better chance at getting hit by lightning on a sunny day.

  9. TC and anyone else who's interested, My wife spent most of her life growing up in the Smokies and Appalachia. She's been through quite a bit of it. She was always with a large group when going there except for the times we've went, but she's always had the feeling that she was being watched and she is by no means a BF enthusiast. She has spent quite a bit of time on the NC side,too. On these occasions in smaller groups. The activities that humans partake there are bizarre, and it has to do with the coordinates of these mountains and astrological alignments. She has witnessed rituals of witchery, Satanism, and archaic Scottish paganistic rituals. And that's just the beginning. NC

    1. Oh my God NC, I gotta story for you and your wife my friend. Later, after you finish NC.. Great true stuff, no doubt. tell it all NC tell it all! Tri-county

    2. The second part of the story involves her grand father. He was an extremely resourceful man and liked to stay busy. When he retired at 65, he decided to spend his years researching the surrounding areas, Smokes, Pisgah, etc. Back in those days when you researched you couldn't just click a mouse, you had to get off your ass and go find it. So he would go to all these places and he brought a journal with him. He documented everything, plants, wildlife, animals, you name it. Well, she tells me he may have written down his encounters with those who may have been responsible for the missing, and he certainly told her about it. He told her about the wild men. He always traveled with a gun so maybe that's why nothing bad befell him. He would sometimes give them food and try speaking to them, but they didn't speak our language, that's how feral they had become. She also gave me insight on why their victims are for the most part women and children, but I won't go any further than that out of respect for those families. It's hard to fathom at first, but just imagine someone coming along and taking your culture and way of life away from you. Not easy,is it? So it's quite plausible to think that these people went deeper into those woods and became what they are now. NC

    3. Hey NC. After retirement what exactly was he researching and when was this. Also what are the wildmen you speak of?

    4. Thanks lktomi- I wasn't aware of all these strange events until TC brought it up and I researched it and then asked my wife. That journal is at my father in laws house right now. Next time we visit, I'll give it read. Who knows? Maybe he encountered the big man himself. NC

    5. NC, regardless of what outsiders may tell you, believe these accounts, especially if your going out there my friend. That old gentleman had absolutely no reason to fabricate these events. I've heard these stories all my life, from people I know and trust. There have been people living outside our understanding in these mtn's for many many generations. NC imagine what they have had to become, just to survive. You, def your wife knows how harsh this wilderness is, how hard would it be to survive out there,,, forever? Great stuff NC, believe IT friend! When I was seventeen, we, Myself along with three other teens, drove into the walnut mtn range. We were drinking and having a good time 4wheeling my truck on a new log road, when we came to a clearing. We slowed, sobered, and saw a huge fire with persons in a circle surrounding it. We drove closer being led by drink and teenage curiosity, until we realized these people were wearing weird clothing, robes, and bare legged, dancing and singing or chanting around this fire. We quickly grabbed our wits, I spun the truck around,and we split with a purpose. We were in shock. We drove back to town and couldn't find anyone that wanted to explain what we witnessed. Later that next week, one of the guys told a story from His Papaw's recollection. Old wild mtn people chanting and praying to their god's in the same type gathering. He was in his late eighties at the time, and remembered his father telling this story from his own youth. This is something that apparently has been a part of these mtns for many years and generations. I'm always armed when in these or any other woods and mtns my friend. Tell your Wife I love the story and firmly believe. thanks so much NC. Tri-county.

    6. Chuck- He was researching the surrounding area. He took an interest in everything. After all those years of working I guess he wanted a chance to enjoy the beautiful scenery. A bucket list thing,I guess. He would describe wild plants, wildlife,etc. in this journal. He took a particular liking to geology. I'll ask my wife how long ago when she gets back. Her father is 82, so it's probably a while back. I'll answer the wild men question shortly. NC

    7. Afraid to speak it Itomi, I'm ashamed to say. Outside this area people don't believe these things really happen my friend. I can only speak for myself, but ti's tough having to literally fight after telling the truth. You understand I've seen you battle, it get tiring don't it? NC will have some more truth from the mtns, I bet money my friend, he searching now, and he has found the people who know. Tri-county

    8. NC, I have a feeling you've found a treasure trove of truth plus mystery my friend. Thanks again for the great stuff, you've helped validate the few crazy experiences in my life. I'd love to have known the man and the journal. Tri-county.

    9. If love to hear more of these wildmen.

    10. lktomi- There is an actual obit of Arley Phillips, The Wild Man of Cataloochee online. He lived a primitive way of life, but not as primitive as those that lived deeper. There was also a Park Ranger who was attacked by one shortly after the Martin Disappearance I believe. He was lucky to have survived, for Rangers weren't armed them. Coincidently enough, they were permitted to carry guns after that incident. Tri County, do you know who this Ranger is? NC

    11. I remember the story NC, but I don't recall his name. He was nearly killed, I remember that. And your correct about the weapons too NC. They have them now. I heard another incident about an attack somewhere in or around the park where a woman was pounced on and dragged, but she had here trusty spray and got free. I'm trying to find out more about that case NC. I can't wait for you to relay that journal friend. Tri-county.

    12. Well it sounds like her Grandfather had a bit of Thomas Jefferson in him, I can really respect that. I plan to spend a lot of my retirement in the forest, if nothing more just for good meditation and spirtual awakening.
      Enjoyed the heck out this information. Seems there is more to the Appalachians then the Waltons.

    13. Go to the GSMNP's website and try to find out anything about a missing person, or an attack other than bear. Good luck. The only info besides David P is the small edited versions from the Knoxville News Sentinel. Most of these stories are highly sanitized versions. If your lucky enough to talk with people in the know like D McCarter or a family member, you'll be shocked at how little the media actually tells. The park tells nothing period. NC is in a very good place to find out some truthful accounts and stories you might not hear about anywhere else. Tri-county

    14. Chuck- Wife got home. She says his love was geology. He collected fossils, arrowheads and the like. He believed the Brown Mountain lights were a geological phenomena, and tried to set out to prove it, but to no avail. This was between 78' and 87' after his wife passed. NC

    15. Yea the lights, what a freak of nature. I've heard that one debated. I bet he spent some time in the woods at night studying that one NC. some say that's the glare from fires, People's fires in the mtn tops. TC

    16. I intentionally left that one for you NC. I believe you and I are thinking exactly the same my friend. I live a few mile from the tri-cities area, we might get together sometime for a little trec around the park or Walnut mtn area. You give it some thought ok. Tri-county

    17. Sounds like a plan. I'm in Union County, NC about 3 hours away. Still fairly rural here, but Charlotte's creeping in. We visit quite Tri Cities quite often,would enjoy the trip. We also go to Watauga Lake quite a bit. Stay in a rented trailer with a faux cabin front in Butler. There's a good account of a BF encounter there on Eastern TN's BFRO site.2003, if I'm not mistaken. NC

    18. Well NC I'm about 45 minutes from Tri-Cities so, we could make a schedule when the weather breaks a little, and get up a trip. Do you have any real good camera or equip for video? I have everything else one needs. Everything else for sure. Tri-county

    19. NC, I have a friend in the park, that will share info about anything strange or unexplained, just can't use her name. It's always good straight up info. I will take one other Guy with us, if OK with you for a little extra backup and tracking skills. We grew up together, he was the guy with me on both Walnut mtn events. He's tru-blue all the way. I have all the camping equip, lights trail cams, even camo if you need my friend, tri-county

    20. Sounds good. I just have a Sony HD camcorder. About 300 bucks. We'll come up with a window come springtime. Suppertime. NC

    21. It's on the docket friend.NC I think it will be an experience to enjoy and remember, and we might be lucky enough to see something. I'll look for some other camera's you do the same, plus the one you have too. We will have plenty by spring NC.. Tri-county

    22. On the docket it is. NC

    23. Thanks for the reply of your Wife's grandfather NC. Those mountain lights you and TC talk about are quite the phenomena up in the Hudson Valley, Whitehall area of New York state also. Too bad he did not discover the source and it is a mystery that may go unresolved for many a moon.

    24. Chuck I didn't know they were a big deal that far north my friend. It's a pretty odd looking deal. When it's cloudy or fog on the mtn tops,it does appear like the flicker or fire. It's never been explained, or that's my understanding. Tri-county

    25. Tc did I understand that you had a sasquatch sighting? If you did, where were you and were there other witnesses?

    26. anon5:11, I saw something years ago on Walnut mtn. I was with a friend but he was across the hollow on the other ridge. He didn't see it but he heard it tearing through the timber and brush. TN is the state my friend. Tri-county.

  10. Lots of people want to believe,thats the problem,Even footers dont really believe they know deep down there is nothing to any of this but its become like a religion to them.

    1. WHAT THE!!

      I keep my poop in a jar

      ^True Dat

    2. BIGFOOTS like the illuminati you know they are real but you cant get the proof !!!

    3. Science is the quest to satisfy human curiosity through rational methods of gathering information. It demands that all claims be backed by evidence, and there is evidence in this subject to proceed in the pursuit of seeking a conclusion.

      Religion in it's not fundamental is the quest to control human beings through emotional intimidation. It demands total faith without any evidence to back its claims. Nothing is open to criticism, and questioning anything is considered evil... 11:16 that's you perfectly, how ironic?

    4. Well said Iktomi, well said my friend. Tri-county

  11. intimidation that whats the GOV is for

  12. things like GRAYs been collecting DNA here for years,
    UFOs and Bigfoots sightings @ the same time GRAY control Bigfoots for collecting DNA so the GRAYs can create Clones and Hybrids

    1. Well these just to Spock back home.

    2. N0oooo the GRAYs set up portals so that the BIGFOOTs can complete their DNA collections and safely return

    3. Is that the same type of portal that Ed Waterman has demons coming out of?

    4. GRAYs immobilize you take you and extract DNA to make clones and hybrids
      then probe U and tag U like we do cattle

    5. For a species that conquered interstellar travel, they sure do have a primitive way of gathering DNA.

    6. they need the core DNA that we have the GRAYs DNA has been corrupted so they take what they need to continue to produce there species

    7. Regardless of why they supposedly need it, they don't have a very high tech way of harvesting it. They can create portals or star ships that defeat less that light speed travel, yet have to gather us one by one. In the middle of the night. In hour(s) long procedures on a ship. It's going to take a long time. That's comparatively primitive.

    8. It has been a theory, and probably as good as any, their DNA has been corrupted, or maybe it is they are not as physical as we are would like to be. I am not convinced they are from a different star system and may have always been from around here, but I would lean from a different star system.

  13. Growing up in the foothills and mountains of SoCal, I have witnessed many strange things and have had many weird experiences. My brother and I spent many hours exploring the foothills and mountains growing up, and my love for the mountains has continued today. There is something out there.

    My father was born and raised in the same area. I'm sure my Dad had at least one sighting when I was young. He has passed on now so I cannot ask him about it.


    1. Good story Cali, there are some crazy things out and about for sure my friend. Sometimes fathers fail to tell sons about things they themselves can't explain, I have. Tri-county.

    2. Hey Cali, i saw footprints up at big bear, ca. early spring 99'

    3. My Grandparents, Aunt, Uncle and Cousins all lived up in Big Bear. I worked/lived up there for a few years. I have witnessed things there also. Though a female, I spent many hours in the woods alone.


    4. Cali, I mean absolutely nothing degrading towards you or your gender. I have a deep respect for the inner as well as outer strength of women. That being said, there are a number of cases around here, the east where it appears women and small children are sometimes targeted by something. Be careful is the point I make to you. I would consider taking a friend if possible. Good luck great stories. Tri-county.

    5. Hey Cali. I use to ski Big Bear, the last time being winter of 1996. Also would spend time around Arrowhead, just loved this country. I lived in Palm Springs at the time. Should have spent time in the woods there. Instead I hiked the canyon country of the San Jacintos and the building size boulders of Joshua Tree National Park. In the winter of 1985 or 86 I stayed overnight outside of Idyllwild. Went outside during a snow and maybe 100 to 200 yards away heard a pretty good growl. It was loud and close enough I decided I would be better off inside Thought at the time maybe a mountain lion, though not sure they were in the area at that time, I imagine they were though. Of course now I wonder, could it have been. Over the years there have been quite a few encounters in San Bernardino and Riverside counties out in the bush and it went all the way to Edwards AFB.

    6. Before I die, I would love to go to Bluff Creek. I would be in awe knowing I had been in the same location as the greatest wildlife discovery or greatest hoax ever committed to film.Bluff creek has to hold some magic, even today. TC.

    7. Bluff Creek would be a good one. Only thing better would be to be there with Bob Gimlin. I met Bob at the end of last April and gathered some pretty good information from him that no one ever asked. When you see the gleam in his eye and the directness, just the air about him, it is easy to decipher this man has always told the truth, and his friends all know it.

  14. Makes one wonder why P and G was filmed in the area called Bluff Creek,coincidence or a campfire laugh between the both of them at the time............

  15. Tri-county- I was young and foolish way back then. When my brother or friends couldn't go, I would go alone. I am much more cautious now, and after all the experiences, have turned into a chicken (no offense meant Chick). My adventures now are always with my husband in tow.

    Chuck- Big Bear is where I learned to ski. It sure has changed over the decades, and I hardly recognize it when I go back. All the places you mention are my old stomping grounds as I roamed far and wide.

    Every Sunday growing up, my Dad would load the family into the van and we would go explore the countryside for the day going to different places each week, hiking, fishing, gathering pine nuts, etc. Those were the days, and where my love of exploring came from. Be it other mountains or desert, we roamed it. Even the bottom lands of Silverwood Lake before it was filled. I lived for Sundays.

    Oh, the good old days.

    1. Sorry, I am distracted trying to make dinner, etc., and posted the above in the wrong place and forgot to sign it.


  16. 50/50 chance. That dood must have skipped out on statistics day in school to smoke some wacky tabacky out back.

  17. I thought the name of this site was "Bigfoot EVIDENCE" not "Bigfoot noevidence but we do have some pencildick with a rucksack speculating about percentages"


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