The Paranormal Review Breaks Down Craven Bigfoot Footage

Is this a sasquatch? The Paranormal Review writes: "A family out for a drive in Craven, Saskatchewan, were shocked to see a hair-covered biped walking on a hill beside the road. They quickly took out their camera and filmed the creature as it walked into the bushes. This is their footage. It is clear, showing a biped, brown all over, with a conical head and long arm. Could be a real Sasquatch."


  1. Replies
    1. Need more Mountain Monsters itts driving me CRAZZY Friday to long of a wait!
      Need a Mountain Monsters Marathon FIX : )

  2. Good morning back. This video is one of my favorites.

    1. guy lost me again when he said it is only 2 to 3 feet above the grasses. For crying out loud this is on a trail below the road and the bush line so you have no way to figure out how tall it is unless you send someone down to that exact same spot.
      TT did a breakdown on this before he went off the deep end that was much better than this. I agree with Dover this has been on of my favorites also just by the way it walks and the head does not bob. Also this area of Saskatchewan is connected to a large Provincial or natiional Park 50 miles to the NE. I remember when this first appeared some person who lives in this area told of it is far more rugged and wooded than outsiders think and there have been reports coming from this area of other encounters.

    2. Big Boss Man of lil dum dum Joe!Monday, March 2, 2015 at 7:20:00 AM PST


      WHEN "I". DEEM FIT!!!


  3. No Bigfoot in that area,none anywhere for that matter.


      Keep praying buddy.

    2. You're going to confuse people with facts lktomi, just like there are sightings in Saskatchewan there are sightings in every U.S. state except Hawaii.

      Here is something else to confuse the no one has ever seen a BF crowed. If these thousands of sightings were people's delusions then why are their no delusional people in Hawaii? Shouldn't people be claiming them there too if its people's minds are playing tricks.

    3. You need to update some of those 1980s' Bigfoot "facts," Double D.

      There are several BF reports from Hawaii, and our own blog has posted interesting tidbits on the relation of BF and the Big Island.

    4. Damn you Dover. There you go again.

    5. And sightings aren't distributed evenly throughout, but clustered in heavily forested areas.
      Bears, it's always bears.

    6. Thanks for the info Dan C. That's news to me about dwarf cryptids.

    7. SO homeless could count for some of these sightings

  4. Its another idiotic breakdown from the Paranormal review. He makes lots of assumptions, like he says those bushes look like they are 3 or 4 foot high. But that would mean it's a 3 or 4 foot high subject walking there. It's stupid.

    It's over a hill and its unknown how far the surface is below that it walks on, or how tall those bushes are. He seems to know why its walking where it walks without being able to see anything where its walking, stating it would have turned and walked through the bushes sooner instead of walking a few more steps and turning to walk through the bushes, like that somehow makes sense.

    He also stated that it could be a guy wearing a jacket with a hood, like its a misidentification, when it doesn't look like a human at all. This person's reviews are consistently nonsensical.

    He noted one of the descriptions said this was a family in the car. The person who posted the original video said nothing about a family. Another later person later posts it on his youtube account and says its a family out for a drive, but I wonder if someone is making an assumption.

    I think it's possible this could be a real sasquatch. I don't know if I agree with him that the majority of sasquatch photos/videos are faked, Bigfoot Evidence seems to focus on some questionable ones, but for most videos/photos I believe they are at least inconclusive.

  5. Hey Joe you homo,you do realize that until you or some "researcher" can produce a Bigfoot dead or alive you can post all the links you want and it will still be bullshit right? No proof,none,never has been never will be.

    1. No proof of a Sasquatch... Plenty of proof of evidence for an unknown primate... And if these things didn't exist, people simply wouldn't be seeing them.

      Keep praying buddy.

    2. Yes, there is plenty of evidence which will never serve as proof for some. For those who have seen it, they view that as proof enough.

      Its not a healthy approach to begin by saying it doesn't matter what evidence anyone comes up with, it's to be dismissed unless someone produces a body. People are claiming to see a Thylacine too, but until one gets hit by a car no amount of eyewitness reports will allow some people to believe it is possible some might still live.

    3. Nobody is seeing them moron,most are lies and a few are honest people that think they saw something cryptic but it wasnt,I told you its very simple.Oh and as far as me praying thats not going to happen either,No Bigfoot,No God.

    4. There are people who comment here who have seen it, including me.

    5. No you didnt,you're lying again very simple.

    6. "Nobody is seeing them"... Well I'm afraid there is three whole databases of sightings from people who account for the most professional and credible backgrounds describing full frontal, very precise encounters... That happen to in turn have physical forensic evidence in support. It is a far greater leap of faith to claim that ten thousand years of reports are mere misidentification and hoaxes, than it is to look at the frequency of supporting data and think at the very least there is something very genuine going on.

      Scared to put the trash out at night? Keep praying buddy.

    7. 2:48... You come across so sweaty, it's incredible. Don't be scared... Nothing will hurt you.

    8. You say I'm lying, and I say you have low brain power. Here's something that might be difficult for your illogic.

      Doesn't the great volume of sightings mean anything? And why are there many thousands of sightings across the U.S., except no one ever reports seeing one in Hawaii. If honest people think they see something, why does no one ever see them in Hawaii except there are none there to see.

    9. I 've seen one, and so did the guy with me.

      Guess you have a problem

    10. Anyone can make up a story Joe and after something becomes part of pop culture everyone is seeing them.Just look at how the sightings jumped after Roger and Bob got their little film and again after Finding Bigfoot came on,I know 3 people who were on that show and had their sighting verified by Moneymaker and Cliff just to get on TV,they made it all up.

    11. But look at the professionals you want to claim made it up.

      I know other "honest" people who have seen them, who are not making it up, and who could not have misidentified what they saw. As lktomi pointed out, there are tons of credible people who have seen them, including branches of law enforcement, park rangers, Canadian mounties, and other professionals, and there is a disconnect to arbitrarily claim it means nothing.

    12. Yes... Pop culture suddenly manifests in forensic sign too... Pop culture is such a wonderful, magical thing, isn't it?

      I think you need to better educate yourself on the sightings frequency prior to 1967. People like Al Hodgson after the 2nd World War, have stated in the interviews that his local community were reporting Sasquatch very frequently. What modern day pop culture and shows like Finding Bigfoot achieve, is giving people the confidence to come froward and report what they are seeing.

      I'm sure you do know these people... I'm sure you do... Keep praying... Keep praying...

    13. I find it rather audacious that "everyone is lying"... But you watch... These "three peoples'" won't manifest, nor the episodes they appeared in...

      Disinformation occurs for a reason, remember that.

    14. The number of sighting reports means nothing. People lie and people make mistakes.

      The plural of anecdote is not proof. Try to remember that please.

    15. Nobody is claiming sightings are proof, sorry Dmaker... Better luck next time.

    16. You are, Joe. You say people would not be saying they see them if they didn't exist.

      You are, in fact, claiming sighting reports as proof of existence by your own words.

    17. " And if these things didn't exist, people simply wouldn't be seeing them."

      You said that just up a bit today, Joe. How is that not using sightings as proof of existence? Maybe you should be more careful of what you say.

    18. This comment has been removed by the author.

    19. Dmaker aka derp! Your argument is null and void. As to the fact that, according to
      JOE, tommi,,whatever..sasquatch is a homo sapien sapien,YUP!! Just like you and me!!!

    20. That's just common sense... It's not too different from you knowing damn well these things exist, but use scientific recognition rhetorically as a safety net. Scientifically the sightings mean nothing as proof.

      Maybe you should stop trying so hard.

    21. Joe is Not A Primate
      ; )

    22. Joe, you must be confused again. I never said the sightings mean anything as proof, you did. You claim that the fact that people say they see them means that they must exist. Thos are your words, Joe, not mine.

      Perhaps a reminder of what you said might help you with your confusion:

      " And if these things didn't exist, people simply wouldn't be seeing them."

      People are seeing them because they exist. You believe people are seeing them because they report seeing them. So, ergo, you believe the reports are proof of existence. It's all there in your own words, Joe. You cannot wriggle out of it now.

      Most likely you will still be confused and unable to decipher the meaning of your own statements.

    23. Three whole dataseses of "lies and mistakes"... What a leap of faith, "lies and mistakes" by police officers even. When these "lies and mistakes" are substantiated with forensic evidence, what does that mean?

      What a faih based claim that is... What an unhonest religion you abide by.

    24. Dmaker, you try and quote me but you still can't show us where said that sightings are proof? No... I claim that ten of thousands of reports wouldn't happen if they didn't exist, anecdotes aren't measurable by science, but that doesn't mean that anecdotes are not a means to sway anyone's opinion. I believe that frequency of reports are genuine, that does not equate scientific evidence, "wiggles"... Has it got this bad for you that you've got to put words in people's mouths?

      Oh dear... Keep up the good work Dmaker, you really do a fantastic job.

    25. Ah, you choose to ignore your own contradictions and start some other tangent? Not very intellectually honest of you, Joketomi.

      Perhaps you should stop saying that no one is claiming the sighting reports as true, when, in fact, you are doing precisely that very thing.

      In case you forgot, or have become confused again, this is what you said:

      "" And if these things didn't exist, people simply wouldn't be seeing them."

    26. Why can you not address your own contradiction, Joe?

      Getting sweaty?

    27. Do you not understand what the words that you type mean? Perhaps you should be more careful and avoid more confusion in the future.

    28. What contradictions are these exactly? I still stand by the satement, that does not mean that I'm pushing it as proof... Are you angry? You seem a little more miffed than usual... Someone get you all upset whilst in Anon mode lately, Damker? "Intellectually honest"... I'm not the one who's made a prized prat of myself jumping the gun, and still maintaining it? This from someone who likes to spell check people?


    29. Joetomi, rules. D maker...face it..!!

      Live it, love it,

    30. Your contradictions and inconsistencies are obvious to anyone with half a brain, Joe. I have demonstrated that twice already this morning.

      Why is it that no one can argue with you without you accusing them of being upset?

    31. Hmmmm... Why don't you go ahead and demonstrate to us these contradictions, I'm intrigued?

      You seem a little upset, it's he vibe I'm picking up... Could be an Anon mode hangover, not totally sure.

      ; )

    32. JOE IS,,,,,WELL?? just tomi? So WHAT?

      Bigfoot this. Sasquatch that!

    33. Hellooooooooooo?? Where did Dmaker go??

    34. Sigh

      I've done this twice already this morning, Joketome.

      It goes like this. You say no one claims sighting reports are proof of existence. Then you say things like this:

      "" And if these things didn't exist, people simply wouldn't be seeing them."

      Let's examine that statement again. How do you "know" people are seeing them? The sighting reports. You assume those to be valid ( mere anecdotes ) and you then extrapolate an argument for existence from the mere presence of these stories. You create a conclusion of existence based simply on peoples stories. And then in your own statement, you offer up as proof of existence these same stories. The sighting reports. You are stating that people would not be saying they are seeing them if they didn't exist. The existence of sasquatch ( in your opinion) fuels the reports. That existence is demonstrated in the reports. This is your claim.

      It is, of course, a ridiculous comment on your part. You could replace " these things" in your comment with unicorns, dragons, pixies, or whatever you feel like. Are you also claiming all those things to be real because people say they see them? No? Why not? Frequency I bet. As if the number of reports somehow makes them a better source of evidence. Which brings us full circle to my comment that started all this:

      The plural of anecdotes is not proof.

      Now, hopefully you can follow that, Joe. But somehow I doubt it as logic is not your strong point.

    35. You are most welcome for the schooling.


    36. Wow and I thought Joe was Sick!!

    37. "... And if these things didn't exist, people simply wouldn't be seeing them."

      Where is the word "proof" in that, Damker? I "know" sightings reports are authentic, because we have the physical sign of a bipedal primate that's twice the size of human primates, to accompany them. By stating that these things wouldn't exist if people weren't seeing them is my opinion, and one based in simple logic... That's not scientific proof, never claimed it, not will.

      People aren't seeing unicorns and pixies, Dmaker? Something about "schooling"?? Do you know that I think? I think you've made a bit of a t*t of yourself.

    38. Lots of people claim to see pixies and werewolves and all kinds of nonsense, Joke. I guess by your logic they must all exist.

      That schooling was on the house, dear boy.

      Now run along and return to hiding in your moms basement. Must return to your " professional" bigfooting now. Oh, that's right, you don't claim to be a professional bigfooter in the sense of monetary compensation, but in ego, dispensed by yourself? LOL. You are a joke, dear boy. So pathetic

    39. D'you know what I think too? I think sightings reports are probably your level of debate, probably your most rehearsed level of argument, that you would like to manufacture a situation where someone is claiming that they are a source of proof... Nwah... Bless.

      Not a good way to start the day, eh Dmaker? Don't worry, you've got your wonderful ability to spell check to make up for your poor reading skills.


    40. Dmaker... Again, would you like to point point out where I've claimed Sasquatch sightings are proof? Would you like to show me a frequency of accounts that are akin to three whole databases of Sasquatch reports?

      Nobody is seeing unicorns and pixies? "Mom's basement"?? Are you ok Dmaker??

    41. Curious minds would like to know, why did you pick a name like Dmaker? It does sound like W*nker. You could have picked instead a nice butch name like...oh I don't know: Imotki

    42. Sigh. Poor confused Joe. We already covered twice now that the plural of anecdotes is not proof.

      Yet here you are saying dumb shit like:

      "Would you like to show me a frequency of accounts that are akin to three whole databases of Sasquatch reports? "

      I have already pointed out to you where you claim the reports as proof of existence in your statement. I won't do it a fourth time. If you don't understand your own comments and logic, I can't help you.

    43. Oh, and lots of people claim seeing fairies and werewolves and such. Easy enough to find on the web, Joe.

      werewolf sightings:

      Fairy sightings:

    44. I won't do it a fourth time

      OHHHHHHH Yes you will LOL

    45. This comment has been removed by the author.

    46. "Would you like to show me a frequency of accounts that are akin to three whole databases of Sasquatch reports?"

      Where have I said that they are proof in that Statement, Dmaker? Would you like to explain to us, where even the suggestion that sightings are proof is? There is not even a remote comparison to three whole databases of Sasquatch reports in those links you posted, whole native cultures that have sprung up over time with Sasquatch held within at such high regard... These are facts Dmaker... But where is the suggestion that this is proof in my statements though? You pointed out where I gave my opinion, but my opinion is that Sasquatch exists based on the plethora of evidence. Where have I stated it as proof, Dmaker?

    47. Joe, I have already done so four times this morning. I won't do it again.

      The fact that you expect a comparison to " three whole databases of Sasquatch reports" clearly demonstrates that you really do not understand the concept that a larger number of anecdotes does not make them true.

    48. No you haven't, Dmaker... You've done nothing of the sort. You've tried and tried and tried like a good little angry try-hard, but you've not shown once, not even with your quotations, that I've stated that sightings are proof. Stating that unicorn reports and pixies are no comparison to cultural and contemporary reports that span centuries, that transition into three whole databases of reports which include every credible background a person can have; is in actually stating a facts... (Does this offend you by any chance? One can deduce this from the manner that you're reacting)... But that's not proof. I have proof of an unknown primate that outside of my opinion can in principle be linked to such a frequency of sightings, but nothing more.

      So I'll ask you one last time... You're running out of chances, Dmaker, where have a claimed that sightings are proof?

    49. I require no more chances, Joketome. I have done what you request four times now. Your failure to understand is hardly my problem.

      Were you home schooled by a badger, perhaps?

    50. Oh well... I guess this isn't forthcoming. Tip for you pal, don't let your emtions get the better of you when initially engaging in debate, and please, in future, take the time to digest the comments of others before opening that mediocre mouth of yours.

    51. I'll add Honey Badgers have one of the highest ratios of brain size to body size and one of the few species part from man and Bigfoot (that does exist BTW) capable of sophisticated thought, planning, use of tools etc.

      No wonder Iktomi is smarter than you being schooled by a Badger. LOL.

    52. I demonstrated it to you four times you rambling moron. I can't help it if you lack the basic reasoning skills required for comprehension.

      Fu ck, are you ever dumb.

    53. Yes, yes, yes, yes... We know Dmaker... We know. Well done, you showed me. Keep up the good work buddy.

    54. How is that "professional" bigfoot blogging treating you today, Joe? Paying yourself double pay in ego stroking?

    55. When I've got the likes of you getting all twisted up, tripped up & goofey... It's paying out better than ever, thanks.

    56. You should quit your job and just do this all day. I am sure your land lord would understand when you didn't have any rent that it's okay because you are doing important bigfoot work on the interwebz! I am sure your ego would be enough.

    57. Rent? Dmaker... My conservatory's bigger than your house...

    58. I just assumed that you rented, Joe. You know nothing about my house, you idiot.

    59. Or am I just that confident that mine's bigger than yours?

    60. You have a demonstrated disconnect with reality, Joe. I'm not at all interested in hearing about anymore of your delusions.

    61. I imagine your large house is about as real as the black belt you claim to have. All fantasy..

    62. Your inferiority complex is not my delusion Dmaker...

    63. so if a Vet wants to stay lost and go into hiding and become a hermit then we have our answer

  6. Look you boneheads,there is no more proof now then there was 100 yrs ago,people telling lies and finding tracks thats all.Everyone who tells you they have seen one will also tell you a million reasons why they didnt get the money shot.

    1. Getting sweatier it seems... A 100 years ago we didn't have the physical evidence, we didn't have any of the many areas of covered required evidence... When there's evidence, there could be proof around the corner.

      "People finding tracks"... Is this an admission of physical evidence? Are contradicting yourself now, dear boy? You want your "money shots", yet it would always be a man in a suit for you?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. It is always a man in a suit and are you saying that people were not finding tracks 100 yrs ago? Its very easy to fake tracks and peoplehave been doing it for as long as people have been finding them other wise they wouldnt be finding them.

    4. So why do you want a "money shot" then? Are you confused? Yes... So you keep saying, "hoax, hoax, hoax"... Sounds like the most epic of conspiracies that for ten thousand years, different cultures have been apart of the same secret society of gorilla suit wearing, big track leaving rascals, trying to steal your money... Are you paranoid by any chance.

      Your dribble might, just might have some basis in potential truth if we didn't have forensic specialists verifying biological artefacts in track impressions...

      Keep praying.

    5. Louis, I came home from the ranch this am to find my door wide open. I couldn't operate my TV, Internet, or phone as my AT&T Uverse modem was thrown due to what the condo termed was a mysterious power outage caused by a massive breaker surge. It was then that I checked your condo only to find you had plugged in a vegetable steamer and forgot to add water. Louis, the primary ingredients to steam are only heat + water. If you are going to stay here you must remember that with great power comes great responsibility. Also when you changed my google account I thought it was funny but now I can't change it back. Let's work together Louis, it can't be this hard. M

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Regarding your comments at 2:57 You claim you personally know 3 different people who made up their sightings to get on the Finding Bigfoot TV show. I'm sorry but I think you just made that up.

      If sighting reports jump because there is more talk in the media about such a subject, that is because people feel freer to publicly acknowledge it.

    2. lets agree to disagree Bigfoots are real and most sightings did take place

  8. Sorry to interupt the rudeness but in regards to there being no sightings in Hawaii that makes me wonder about the Yowie reports in Australia and also Prince Edward Island in Canada.Any thoughts?..Good morning btw.

    1. Nobody is being rude dopehead,I am trying to fix these fools and you need rehab.

    2. ... Fix us with these three people you know who fabricated sightings on FB?

    3. I need rehab for pot? Dude you are on a site about Bigfoot fighting with people about Bigfoot and worse calling people names for believing in or seeing Bigfoot.One of us has a huge problem man but it aint me.

    4. Highly unlikely in PEI but likely next door in New Brunswick Canada(main land)I live in both provinces east coast.
      Many unreported credible sightings

    5. It's a little swim (for a mammal to make) and there is some excellent footage from there.

      My mind is very open.

    6. As to 3:22,, Word!!

  9. 2:41 you said No Bigfoot,No God.

    Can you prove there is no God? We'll get back to Bigfoot later...

    1. everyones knows about no GOD,
      but comeon of course there are BIGFOOTs

  10. I dont have to prove anything idiot thats not how it works,you claim it you prove it.

    1. It's just too easy PMSL

    2. Really? You just pissed yourself because you cant prove god? thats what religion and chasing monkeymen do to you,you should have that looked in to.

    3. ... And should you be presented with proof of an unknown primate, you'll scream "hoax, hoax, hoax"... Like the sweaty, paranoid hater you come across as in your comments.

      "The Hoofnagle brothers, a lawyer and a physiologist from the United States, who have done much to develop the concept of denialism, have defined it as the employment of rhetorical arguments to give the appearance of legitimate debate where there is none, an approach that has the ultimate goal of rejecting a proposition on which a scientific consensus exists."

      Science needs to be tested, if you can't it stands and as long as there's evidence of a bipedal primate, twice the size of human primates... You'll have to provide a little more supportive data to your claims, dear boy. You are not exempt from providing data to support your ideas... As for being too stupid to do so, that's another thing all together.

    4. Actually 3:49 I was laughing as you said No Bigfoot,No God then when I asked you to prove there was no God you wrote claim it you prove it. LOL

    5. I'm saying that bigfoot hasnt been proven and it hasnt and neither has god,You footers always come back with the same insults,mothers basement,cheetoes,stupid,its always the same.The fact is you can not prove either and you cant stand it.

    6. I haven't come back at you with any of those now have I? All I am asking is for you to verify what you wrote, can you or can you not prove there is no God?

      If I was going to insult you, I would probably say something on the lines that your father copulated with a halve eaten Raddish and you are the result, but alas I am far too nice of a person to post anything so insulting or degrading against your father, as I expect him to be a man of honour with much better taste and upscaled it to a hollowed out pumpkin.

    7. 4:01... People like me are much lesser frustrated with the lack of proof than people like you surely like us to be... The these things didn't exist, then we wouldn't have the evidence.

      Occam's Razor.

    8. The best way to shave, forget all these electrical powered gizmos that can electrocute you! The simplest and likely solution is use Occams Razor.

    9. Is Rick Harrison advertising Occams Razor?

  11. I wont give the names of the people who were on Finding bigfoot but I will give you the episode that way my hands are clean.2 of them were on the Bigfoot and moonshine episode and once you see it your little theory about law enforcement being more credible goes out the window.

    1. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh, so what evidence is there that you are not lying? I think using lies to support the lie that all Sasquatch sightings are lies... Is the logic and method of the very most comprehensive of dense people.

      I think many would agree.

    2. Joe you can think what you like about me,I dont care either way,you asked for the episode and I gave it to you.You cant prove your monkeyman or your all powerfull god that can do anything but does nothing.See Joe you and others like you dont fit in in real life so you study the hell out of all this bigfoot bullshit so you can feel like a somebody but you're still just that dork on shawns blog that nobody besides your little pal chucky likes.

    3. ... And in the same sense that "every encounter is a hoax", one could quite easily pick a FB episode and claim they know who they are and that the witnesses are hoaxing, what difference would it be? You need to provide data for your arguments, something that appears ot allude you by the comment... I'm not sure what's your biggest trait, stupidity of fabrication.

      I can't prove "monkeymen", I can provide conclusive evidence for an unknown primate.... That's something that is very, very real. Science is founded on the premise that we exist in a rational reality and from this premise it follows that every scientific belief can and should be based on evidence, otherwise it is not science. To be completely clear as to what is science it can be defined in one simple sentence: science is the unbiased effort to understand reality based on the observable physical evidence.

      People like you, who probably have some very genuine self esteem issues come here to try and claw back something of worth. I have plenty of friends who don't for one second believe in any of this, but they are confident enough in their stance that they don't have to reinforce it.

      Actions speak louder buddy... Keep praying.

    4. My self esteem is just fine,your delusions are not.Oh and pothead if you dont like it here then dont question me on why I'm here,why are you here?

    5. Hey... Show me I'm delusional buddy... Start acting like an adult with the minerals.

      So far you've got nothing but hate speech, lies and conspiracy theories.


    6. He won't prove God doesn't exist, then starts asking philosphical questions of why we are here. Man this dude is a contradiction.

    7. Lol I've been here since day 1 I just dont comment often anymore.I have an interest in Sasquatch and know many good people who have had sightings and would not lie about it.
      You are acting like a little child with your name calling and double standards and from what I have read it's not working out very well for you.

    8. These people aren't rocket scientists HG... Just people who probably walk head to the shops every day.

    9. I'm done with you Joe,I'm affraid there is no help for you,you're too far gone for any help.

    10. I don't know if Bigfoot is real or not but I do know when someone takes their ball and runs home that they have lost.Bye bye now.

    11. I hope he's not gone. If he is finished with this Joe character I could do with some help on question 15 of this assignment to find the missing number.


      What I am thinking is the different between 1 and 2 is 1, and 2 and 3 is 1 and 5 and 6 is 1 etc and if I add up all these 1s I get 4.

      I would love for his interlect to verify this as I need the marks.

    12. 4:41... "You're done"? Like a kipper me thinks. Next time you're on a self esteem quest, get some data and facts, it might shit people like me up for once.

      4:51... Sorry, my intellect is limited in that respect.

    13. Iktomi...that was directed at the Bubble head, and I bet he still gets it wrong LOL.

    14. 4:51,i know the answer but if i tell you you would be cheating so i'm not going to :) xx

    15. @ 2:57 and 3:55 I knew you were making up the claim that you personally knew three separate people who had faked bigfoot encounters to get on the TV show Finding Bigfoot. It's bad when you lie about things in your arguments and repeatedly call others liars about seeing bigfoot.

    16. like U can keep your doctor and your health plan period. that type of lie ....

  12. As a former trial litigator and now a Judge I can tell you some people lie and some don't.You don't need a body to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that someone committed murder.

    1. a JUDGE, a freakin JUDGE...............DUDE whatever the f*ck you are smoking I want some.

    2. I don't think you need stimulants.You seem fine.

    3. I motion that the case for bigfoot be dismissed on the ground of zero evidence. Please over rule any objections from Joe premptivly. Better yet hold him in contempt.

    4. Your comment would be correct... If there wasn't any evidence.

      Just your weekly reminder... Sorry it's at the expense of your mental health.

    5. Joe just because you change the diapers and bed pans for retarded children does not make you an expert on mental health.

    6. Do you have any idea how immature you sound? Adults don't normally regress to childlike rants.

  13. Iktomi and anon 4:35 I have a friend that found some interesting tracks on PEI and I think the footage was pretty good too.
    GnRfan has some great stuff going on in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia also.

    1. That's pretty cool, do you have any ore information on that? I think the footage from that island is one of the best captured.

    2. I haven't spoken with him in a while but the last I heard there was some people he took in to his research area in Northern New Brunswick an they got some pretty decent pics of 4 of them and a nice one of a young one eating.

    3. Well, good morning all, hope everybody had a great weekend. Tri-county

    4. Man I had forgotten about guns and roses fan. Whatever happened to him?

    5. Howdy Mr. Tricounty tell us about yore hoaxin the Pigfeet, I meen them Bigfeets, tell us tell us!

    6. Tri-County, You had mentioned digging for ginseng on an earlier blog. Do people actually rob each other of ginseng as portrayed on the show Appalachian Outlaws? Is it that cutthroat or is it highly dramatized? NC

    7. Hey NC. Good question. I saw Appalachian Outlaws last year and watched a couple episode this year. To me it seems so highly dramatized I find it hard to believe it is really like this. It just seems filming guys out picking ginseng would be boring and so we get this.

      I would love to here Tri County opinion of what is the true story of ginsenging. Now some is in Eastern Ohio but I guess WV is the place to find it. Also does it really go for 1000 dollars and more a pound?

    8. We do get a little touchy about our rights to hunt on certain Mtn's, and I'm in a little different situation. I don't can't drop everything for a couple months and rely solely on Ginseng for the family, so I really can't say how rough those guys get about it. There are thieves in the Ginseng world, and cut throats that will cheat you too. I think that show is probably about 75% fact 25% hyped. Pretty good show and they do find the Mtn gold. The day I saw what I saw, I dug 3 and a half pounds of wet sang, A very good day around here. My friend dug 2 and a half as well, so in today's Market we would have made a pile of money. I don't see any of the outa stater's like the show portray's, People around here just wouldn't stand for that, in my opinion. It can make you a little crazy, especially with the huge prices. Two years ago, I sold one root for $4,000.00, it would've brought possibly twice that last season... Hey to you Iktomi, Chuck and the gang.

    9. We just suffer from Gypsies. Those SOB will steal anything if it isn't nailed down. A guy I know lost three horses to them AND the horse trailers, another guy I know came home and they'd stole his house...That bits actually not true

    10. For Chuck, I got $ 1,300.00 per pound last season for dry sang, most I ever got. Single very old roots bring an unbelievable price too. I sell to one person, he buys from diggers all over the eastern US. He ships directly to someone in Asia. He has always paid a little more than the rest, and I provide him with some very old, large Ginseng. I don't have to haggle about price. Different from what happens on the show. Tri-county

    11. With the escalating violence and danger going on this season, I figured it to be a bit script heavy. Either way, the scenery is quite beautiful and the storyline is interesting. NC

    12. TC I think I understood you to say you had a friend with you on the day of your bf sighting. Did your friend witness the same sighting? What was his take on it?

    13. anon 7:04, I did have a friend along that day, but I had dropped him over on another ridge. He saw a lot of the same type of sign, but only heard whatever it was as it ran down the mtn. He said it sounded like a herd of cattle coming in a stampede, I heard the loud escape too. NC, I agree, Sadly these shows take an already interesting way of life, and turn it on it's head for TV value. Most people would be astounded at the respect and care most mtn folk show to each other. There will always be the few bad eggs, but they are generally busted when they get to out of hand. Money throws a kink in everything doesn't it. Tri-county

    14. Well thanks a bunch Tri county. Also the other person that weighed in above. 1300 per pound is crazy good. What you stated made a lot more sense to me than what the show portrays.
      Wonder if Rushferlife has any on this property?

    15. Oh and hey to you 6 43 and thanks for the info. If I lived over that way, truth is I am not that far 4 to 5 hours, I can see myself walking the mountains with my trusty dog on the weekends digging away and keeping my eyes and ears open for the king of the forest.

    16. I'm from Moncton NB would love to see pics from NB of Sasquatches

    17. I can't say about all over the state, but the largest and most Ginseng I've ever seen, was on a large farm in Indiana. It was a few years ago, when the prices were low. I never found out if this huge patch had been planted or was wild sang, big difference. That patch would probably bring over a quarter mill now. Rush should check his property, he may already know. Give it a whirl Chuck, it's very good exercise, and it pays well, you'd love it friend, I sure do. Go packin, especially if your alone. NC's wife is from some good area's to, she probably has family that digs the mtn gold. Tri-county

    18. Hey Chuck, sorry 6:43 was my post friend forgot to add the... Tri-county ident. Thanks for the post friend. Go find some Ginseng, and a BF.

    19. You are aware if bigfoot cottons on to the value of Ginseng you guys are pretty screwed?

  14. I'm curious about NB and PEI,,any specific location?

    1. I think PEI is way to small to support a creature like sasquatch. Unless its vegetarian,even then..

    2. Pei has no deer nor large fame but lots of veggies,,,too small and open to support a sasquatch,,,,NB next door is quite hospitabl

    3. Agreed. And with the pop. in NB only around 750k means less contact with humans = better for bigfoots.

  15. I was just looking at the James Bond Bigfootage and noticed a second "Sasquatch" in it as well.
    If you look closely you can see Vegas The Dog jerking off to Iktomi jerking off to Roger Moore.

  16. I'd busta blue vein throbber just to see IKTOMI get one of you asswipes in a room alone. He'd give you the kind of attitude adjustment you have been able to escape in your worthless life. I'd bet a antique gold piece to see it. Your days coming, someone will catch your chicken shit narrow little ass someday.

    1. Quit it, you just made me spit beer out my nose.

  17. There are sasquatches in NB Canada

    1. Of that I have no doubt. Just darn few reports come out of there

    2. I've looked at where most sightings,( not all) occur, with the exception of some midwest states, People see BF where there are or once was a good bear population. That is why so many claim misident's. I believe the land must be able to support at least one or two large mammals for this to be a real possibility. Funny, that's right where the majority of reports come from. Something to think about. Tri-county

  18. Sometimes them homeless Afghan or Iraq Vets in the bush
    so folks thinking thats a BIGFOOT but its just a homeless Vet in the bush

    1. Do you find drawing humor from the sadness of a homeless Vet inspirational or something? What the hell is funny about a homeless Vet? or any homeless person. Vets should never be made fun of, without means, and never homeless. You ignorant sow's ass.

    2. NO its just a fact Vets been kicked around and forgotten going back to the NAM days!
      there some homeless Vets that just unplug and become hermits

    3. An 8 foot hairy muscular homeless vet, with no shoes...I see!

    4. Finally, good work anon 8:39. This ignorant wanna be shock joc comedian, has had this scrotum clipping coming for a long time, to long.

    5. anon 8:48 do you know any of these Hermit Vets? ask just one why he chooses this life style. If I'd been to Vietnam, then returned to their heroe's welcome, you'd never see me again either, and you'd never want to.

    6. see them all the time around here! look like they havent seen been around city folks living off the land

    7. Are they buck naked with no shoes...NO!

    8. Having Vets in my family, and being proud of their sacrifices, I find it impossible to fathom how insensitive people can be. Especially towards those men and women that have volunteered to give and protect their freedom.

    9. NAM Vets were drafted! SO you got a different cut of the population back in the NAM days

    10. Oh come on DS, you can trash those Vets better than that!, give it to them DS, your so funny, your so cool man. Wow, look out Stern, DS is on his way to the top of sac joc stardum. DS, he's such a man, he's so, so, so, something!

    11. Yes Vietnam was it's own tragedy. Kids where plucked out of their homes, given some training and a weapon and sent to the slaughter. But this conversation started when the idiot who always berates the Vets of the Afghan and Iraq theaters made another of his ignorant jokes at their expense. They are all Volunteers. They offer their being for this country, We Americans. Some things should be sacred Veterans are one of them. I guess it depends on your upbringing now.

    12. for sure the VA Hospitals take real good care of them Afghan/Iraq Vets even got secret list for them : )

    13. come ON guys the VA hooks up them VETs they sure do! even got special list for them!!!

  19. Oh yes, I see It too DS, but isn't that your mummy on the way to work at the dump? She's got her make up and boots on, yes, she going to work DS.

    1. I guess I made you see how much of an idiot you sound like!

    2. Yes we all see how much of an Idiot YOU ARE DS. your work is done. We are all educated now. You must be so proud of your words and how you are viewed by others. I think you have ascended to the top of the heap! Thanks again for showing yourself while educating us. You must be so proud.

    3. Amen anon 9:43. DS is a total jerk. Anyone that makes lite of this sad Homeless Vet tragedy has no morals. Whats funny is, the people that don't realize this or don't care. DS you should hide your face in shame, disrespectful scum.

    4. Are you guys smoking crack? I mocked the Anon poster who thinks these BF are homeless vets! I never said ONE thing about a vet, I honor them!

    5. OK could homeless Vets hiding out, or Crackheads in the bush

    6. Very touchy topic DS, didn't understand your post. So Sorry for misunderstanding you sir. This clown has done this same bit for ever, and nobody has stepped up and attempted to close his ignorant mouth. My family just burried a dear young Nephew 9 months ago, his mother had a nervous breakdown last week. We have had a rough time, like so many others. When someone makes a joke of Vets, it should cause an uproar from all, who cares the politics, these are our soldiers he's making fun of! Enough is enough, trash this low life low brow, immoral asshole, until he grows a conscience or a soul. sorry DS

    7. Hmmm just dont recognize that there homeless Vets out there - then its all good, nothing to see here move along .. move along

    8. Sorry for your loss 1032, and I appreciate the apology...I'd never ever say anything bad about anyone...except Dyer!

    9. Vets be homeless @ lease 50,000 + so yes Vets be out there in the bush, keeping a low profile VA hospitals fixing them Vets ....

  20. Let's get back to talking about the video.

    The problem with this footage is the same problem with many other pieces of footage, it could be a bigfoot, it could be a hoax.

    The entire family back story could be made up, or the family in the car could have been hoaxed. Remember a few years ago when that guy was killed by a car while wearing a bigfoot costume hoaxing people?

    It's the age old problem when it comes to bigfoot: As far as proof is concerned, no body=no bigfoot.

    1. Negative proof fallacy... Better luck next time.

    2. BIGFOOTS like the illuminati you know they are real but you cant get the proof !!!


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