New Footage: Film Maker Films Bigfoot at Saint John River?

This filmmaker says "WTF!?" And we're saying the same thing. This Canadian witness claims to have 20 minutes of the film, but only 2 seconds of the actual subject is recorded. Here's what the filmmaker wrote:

WTF!? Ok, No word of a lie I was walking around my property to gather footage for a short film I'm working on and this is what I filmed. In context, it took me about 10 minutes to barrel through 4 feet of deep packed snow up to my waste (I'm 6 foot). I could barely walk and was out of breath so I stopped there and thought I would film across the creek (there is a frozen creek which opens up to the Saint John River). I am not claiming this is bigfoot, I am just posting this so someone with proper programming can scrutinize the footage. I am sorry I lost the subject in frame but I literally zoomed in and quickly went into a mild stage of shock and confusion. Mainly because I have NEVER seen anyone walk over there and also because I believe looking back my subconscious realized that this person is HUGE, TALL, and walks through 4-5 feet of snow like it is nothing. I Shot this footage today. Again I appologize for loosing the subject, I spent another 10 minutes trying to find what I came across but I was eluded. This was filmed along the Saint John River in Southern New Brunswick, Canada. The subject was approximately 100-125 yards away.

I make no apologies for being an amateur film maker, I am not a hoaxer and I am also willing to provide the full footage which was about 20 minutes in length for context purposes.

The action starts at 0:15s mark:


  1. Replies
    1. Boy some filmmaker. This lying a-wipe can't even work his on camera. On another subject did you see that deblazio the commie cop killer supporter pig added two muzzy(muslims for you stupid liberals that hang out here) holiday's to the public school calendar.
      You Lib-Rats always cry about the separation of church and state yet you'll be fine with commie reds decision in N.Y.C. gee go-fig! Anything to push the lib-tarded agenda right?
      And for the what about Easter/Christmas comments remember they call it spring break/winter break a-holes so don't even bother to go there.
      P.S. there is no such thing as man made climate change either. That's just good old fashioned WEATHER! The weather men can't get a 5 day forecast right let alone tell me how hot it will be in a 100 years. think about that you Lib-rats that hate bigfoot! BITCHES!!!

    2. That's a pretty good imitation of Leon, anon.


    3. LOL.. listen to this old fat man. Why so mad there buddy? Every time I hear some racist sack of crap conservatard go on one of their little rants it makes me happy inside. Thats how you know the people you voted for are doing the right thing, because the people on the other side cant stop themselves from spouting out ignorance behind the safety of their own computer. They get their panties pulled down and exposed every single time. Oh and P.S. Climate change isn't weather you willfully ignorant shit stain. Might want to actually know what you are talking about before you come on here claiming other people are stupid. But these are the kinds of things one would expect to hear from some scared old person stupid enough to believe in a 8 foot tall 700 pound undiscovered primate hiding in his backyard.

    4. likes to lick his dogs pecker^

    5. No sir, I don't like it. I admit I tried it once but it tasted a hell of a lot worse than I expected.

    6. I live along the river and would be interested in going to look for tracks. If you could give me some idea where this was that would be great. I can understand you not wanting to post anything here, but if you wanted to meet at a timmys I'd buy you a cup. Sorry you took the video down, but I can understand with all the attacks you received here, is out available anywhere else? I'll check back over the next few days for a reply.

    7. The guy says "no word of a lie"...must be true,huh ?

    8. I find the fact that whoever posted this video felt compelled to remove it to be a testament to his motives. From past observations those desperate for attention or find humour in hoaxing would have ridden this one out whether the peanut galleries response was positive or negative. I cannot determine anything from the video, but I live in southern New Brunswick and I can reassure everyone that no person is able to walk in the 3 feet of snow covering the forest floor. To the person who left this video, I would be eager to meet at any tims in south NB to find out the exact location and if we meet before the next snowfall I can check for tracks. Which I reccomend you do no matter what. I say this because I found a set of 14 inch tracks in one of our national parks off trail. There were 2 smaller sized tracks coming in at 12 and 9 inches in addition to the 14 inch at a creek bed all heading back to woods in a direction that wouldnt take you back to any main trails. Maybe it was 3 people who decided to walk bare foot in some harsh terrain or it was a Sasquatch. I will check back to see if you leave a time and place. I think a friend of mine who lives in westfield left you the same offer. We will keep it anonymous since nobody who wants to stay employed or ever get a new job does not want to be known as the bigfoot guy.

    9. I'm in Moncton,,,which park?

    10. Kouchibouguac, near the bog.

  2. Ok then folks we have worked round the clock but the final tally for this week is in.

    Total number number of bigfoots this week: zero

    That brings the grand total number of bigfoots to zero.

    See you next week!

    1. 1974, the US Army officially recognized the ape like creature inhabiting the Northwest and Siberia known as Bigfoot. The Army Corps of Engineers devoted a complete page to Bigfoot in their 1974 Washington Environmental Atlas.

      In the Atlas, it is revealed the FBI had done major testing on hair samples, and concluded the hair did not come from any human or known animal source.

    2. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz got monkey?

    3. A 40 year old document doesn't cut it. You can stop cutting and pasting it forward as the best example of evidence. Instead, please provide a body.

    4. Sorry dear Anon, that's a government agknowledgment of Sasquatch being a legitimate creature.

      Glad I could help.

    5. 3:05...

      ... You might wanna give that a whirl.


    7. Based on what 315? And nothing more for 40 years? That's the best you got?

    8. What more? Physical, biological, audio evidence and the recognition of someone the most qualified experts in the world.

    9. ...Thanks for sharing the results of your research..Keep up the good work..You should consider making a histogram...The vertical axis is number of bigfoots against the week on the horizontal:
      #4 |
      3 |
      2 |
      1 |
      0 |_____________________week

      ..Its elementary, but its easier to spot trends visually as opposed to reading a frequency distribution...

    10. You should try the above with how many men you blow weekly in the toilets to pay your rent! Just a hint go past #18 in a week.

    11. ..Seriously, if you postulate it should have been verified by now, then it is not circular reasoning to say the purported evidence is misinterpreted as an obvious consequence of the supposition...And it is hard to attack that axiom without resorting to special pleading( circular reasons first

      >No one has really looked for it yet; I.e there have been few thorough scientific investigations...(BFF member DWA makes this case-an argument that surely does not endear him to our fellow enthusiasts that claim to be
      > The supposition under rates the vastness of NA and over rates the extent it has been explored....

      ..Thats all I got without special pleading....

    12. ...3:51...good one...Reminded me of "Somthing About Mary"..Cameron Diaz is very hot( asserting my heterosexuality

    13. Should it have been verified by now? If you stop to actually think a moment, for this creature to have existed, then it would naturally have to be the most remarkable creature in the history of this planet to have achieved this... This outlines the far more difficult process than uncovering say a giant panda or the mountain gorilla (both took 60 years to track), because as we already can speculate with a high degree of certainty that this creature is far closer to human than animal; it renders it more calculative in evading.

      Now for someone to assume that we should have found this by now, with an already seemingly cynical take on it's existence, discounting a creature because it doesn’t fit into your preconceived view of an unproven creature is not good investigative or observational skill and also not scientific. Discounting a report because it has tangible signs of hoaxing is one thing, expecting consistent scientific method that has uncovered impartial, reliable evidence, suggesting it should be twisted and altered to fit something that has no supportive data; is special pleading.

    14. And no 4:12... I wasn't accusing you of anything that I commented about, more like an effort to highlight regularly expressed fallacies on pseudoskeptical thinkers' part... I enjoyed your comment.

    15. Joe it is time for you to make the rounds and change diapers and empty bedpans.

    16. ..No offense taken Joe, I appreciate the response and will consider it....I have to split.. have a good one all...

    17. Pop back in later my friend, your comments are a much desired tonic.

    18. Ray Mears in his Extreme Survival episode "Rocky Mountains" comes out with a wonderful comment that he is walking where no man has probably walked before.

    19. Working Title: Risk v Reward, the lack of substantive efforts and the ultimate consequences of trying to provide proof positive for taxonomic classification, in a genre which has yet to submit a true type specimen. I listened to the Wm Barnes interview on Cryptologic Radio last night. Essentially you have a group of guys going after Barnes and his dual catamaran drone design and his decision to use a "wild card" Texas field tech who has a checkered past and has made "extraordinary claims". :). Rest assured the coalition cronies were having a good time, beards neatly trimmed, horn rimmed glasses affixed to their heads, their own contributions to the field so staggering as to wholly escape the minds of virtually every person associated with the genre. There's me laughing with you, there's me laughing at you, and there's me just laughing. I cannot understand why folks who have proven nothing to science and attempted no proffer of proof to jump up and down and scream for burdens and good science. We are protecting the integrity of the honest researchers they profess. Are you? Who are the honest experts here, who are the "good and honest researchers in need of your protection?" This Subject remains undiscovered, so they honestly can't be that good now can they? And if they were truly honest they'd say so. But we want to be taken seriously by the world and all things "sciencey" they proclaim and we even formed an abusive coalition to police ourselves by attacking ourselves in cannabalistic fashion. Here's a stunner, put all that vitriol into the collection of real substantive evidence collected under a rigorous protocol or quiet down precious. Say what you will, at least Barnes is trying, and let me be Frank, or Bill, or even Steven for that matter: You should want a diverse sampling in the group. You don't want just science people like professor Bunson Honeydo and Beaker running around in the woods by themselves. But what about "me me me me?" Well, darling, you can still jump up and down and cry foul from the safety of your own nerd shack or the van dyke moustache parlor of your stylish salon. (Aging hipsters need not apply). :). Joe D Gallo just posted a 44 second audio clip, my crusading coalition heroes. In it you hear a Texas gal in the woods record none other than a BIGFOOT roar. You know where she recorded it? In the woods... ;) now, the only proof I'll be working on this weekend is 100 proof. You girls quit your whining. Sincerely, Wild Card.

    20. Mike what did they say when you told them you had several hours of footage, and then backtracked and said you didn't?
      I can't believe they let a POS hoaxer like you get involved. Anything you do bring back would be worthless, as the source simply can't be trusted.

    21. Ha,Ha,Ha, Good one ^^^AnonymousThursday, March 5, 2015 at 2:38:00 AM PST...........

    22. Mike... That was very, very, very well said my friend.

      9:49... The child who hangs around waiting to hate all day. Mike has been invited to the Falcon Project because he accumulates very good evidence, so much so that he's affiliated with the very best minds in the game.

      When Mike goes from here and continues to work hard, goes on the get more and more evidence and goes on to work with more and more names... You'll still be a little insignificant, waiting all day to express hate. What a sad existence that must be?

    23. The mountain gorilla had physical evidence of existence. Legitimate biological evidence, prior to "discovery."

    24. I'm just having some fun with the fellas. Between you and I ( leans close and whispers) I kinda like them. This wouldn't be nearly as fun without them.

    25. 9:59 and 10:03, I think we both know calling me a hoaxer is ridiculous. I have offered no real proof to the media or public which could be examined to make such a determination. I've hosted a half dozen researchers here at their leisure. The only thing I've hoaxed is perhaps my feigned interest in your anonymous opinions. ;)

    26. Dan. I remember exactly where I was when that happened. I was sitting in my easy chair at my keyboard logged into "Thr Coalition of Serious Scorn in Mountain Gorilla Research". I had written a series of stinging strongly worded missives against every person who didn't agree with me and just poured myself a cup of designer coffee and put on my Arcade Fire record.

    27. You cover that BBQ in hot sauce and tell'em Mike.

    28. What I said to those researchers in the Congo was: don't claim habituation, don't drink beer and curse, don't be a maverick researcher out trying to prove there are Gotillas in the (Canadian) Mist. :). Why here at the coalition our coterie prides itself on protecting only serious gorilla researchers. No Monkey Business Allowed.

    29. Gotilla--- noun. Serious Gorilla, feeds on hipsters and gaotros.

    30. So you are just going to skip right over the BBQ comment? Typical.......

    31. No, I was saving the best for last. You know very well that I like the hot sauce. I have no tolerance for the weak sauce. I'm thinking BBQ turkey breast from Rudy's with the 3 alarm habenero sauce with a side of the serious hipster cream style corn. ;)

    32. This comment has been removed by the author.

    33. Daniel Campbell... So do Sasquatch. Mike, don't mind Daniel... He's a little sheepish after a few things he said earlier no doubt.

    34. ..Joe thanks for the kind remark at 5:00 and for a third bullet point (4:36) for my list attacking my own assumption

      > It took over 60 years to find the panda and gorilla . We can all agree we are talking about a large primate, so if it exists it has to be at least as smart as a gorilla...

    35. "Amanda, dude that's probably not even her real name". Matt McConaghey's Pecker to Ben Stiller's 4 leaf Tayback, when concerns arose over killing of baby Panda. "Tropic Thunder "

    36. Sasquatch has no verified biological evidence and you know that. The evidence proposed hasn't even been significant enough to warrant a serious academic research period for the potential discovery of a lifetime.

      No bones, no hair that seems to be worth a darn, no tests on scat, nada.

      There is compelling evidence for the layman but nothing remotely convincing for serious academics.

    37. Sasquatch does not have any verified biological evidence, but an unknown primate residing in the US does. Sasquatch does not have any physical evidence, but an unknown bipedal primate residing in the same environment does. The evidence proposed, has in fact been the catalyst for enthusiasts to sustain their research. It is yet more very typical rhetorical vomit to claim academics don't find it interesting, when they aren't even aware of it... When you're not bi*ching, it's all you seem to have; rhetoricals. This has never been a trait of high intelligence, I might add.


      Using an imaginary academic stance of an imaginary scenario of looking at the evidence to counter what you claim is an "imaginary creature"? How ironic.

  3. Joes reputation became so bad over the years that even his new account couldn't escape the stench of his reputation. Busted in minutes.

  4. 2:37 lol that does make me laugh every week even though bigfoots real of course :) xx

    1. Yup EVA R/ By my count 67 new healthy strapping forest giant babies born this week.

    2. 67!! Wow! or Woops!!


      Morning youse folks :)

  5. I know this area and this time of year you cannot stroll through the woods with ease like that,on the other hand its hard to tell by such a short clip when the guy is panning all over hell's creation.

    1. GNR FAN. Where have you been. This is your home area is it not. I suspect just a human with snowshoes.

    2. Could very well be Chuck and yes it is close to my research area although I've only had one report along the st.John River.

  6. BS back story. BS footage.

  7. I see a guy in a brown jacket and jeans.And I'm blind.

    1. ^ is that mentally blind ? ..if so,it shows

  8. Good morning all. The legs seem a bit too thin to me. NC

    1. yeah ..coat on subject too. Not enuff info..

      why not go to area and film tracks ..etc.

  9. "The Action starts at 15 seconds" .... and promptly stops a second later. Could just be a person.

  10. Seems no one likes it as usual. 7 40 my thought exactly. If the snow is that deep than there should have been one heck of a trackway to get a real sense.

  11. Well Folks, needless to say,but I will anyways, "Another one for the old circular file cabinet"............

  12. Some people shouldn't be aloud to have cameras....I think we need to put a "waiting period" on camcorders.....Can I get a amen??

    1. No, what we should have a limit on is them having hands to press the buttons.

  13. I live near that river in NB Canada,
    The snow out in woods is approx 4 -5 feet thick.Not sure if it's a person or not but extremely unusual for anyone to be strolling easily.Snow shoes glide,,this person was walking.

  14. Message to the sad sack of shit bigot at the top. You make me proud to be educated and progressive. Shuffle yourself along and maybe try picking up a book instead of the 90's action film. It's always bitter sweet to see people like you rant and rave their while life then end up with a openly gay son and a daughter happily married to a muslim immigrant. Everything people like you love to hate, raised under your roof by your hand. Thank god for small favors and the mother's genetics.

  15. Why was he walking around in his own waste, anyway ? My bad, I see, he just used the wrong "waist"...up to his waist, I get it now.


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