Is This A Bigfoot Or A Human?

This is one of those videos that has always stumped us. Most viewers are on the fence on whether this is really a bigfoot, or just a hoax. The video was originally posted in 2013. It reportedly took place near the Blue Mountains in Georgia. What do you think?


  1. Replies
    1. So when you skeptards were trying to come up with a name the other day.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This ^^^^^^^^ Is what THE TARD COMMITEE settled on.

      Beautiful, ha ha ha ha ha ha

      I'll call you guys the superfools if I see you in a group, but indavidually, your still just a bunch of stupid skeptards ha ha ha ha

    2. It's better to be referred to as a "skeptard" than actually be just a plain retard.

    3. I just thought I'd point out that "Troll Killer" at 12:51 called others "stupid" just 7 words after spelling "individually" "indavidually".

    4. ...TK, when you insult en masse every skeptic and denier that likes and participates on this blog, you should take the time to check your spelling and grammar: you come across as an idiot, to be frank..Better yet, take the time to consider that not everyone who disagrees with you hurls rude insults...

    5. Troll Killer aka the Bigot Patriot aka the Wendigo Kid aka Leon W is a mentally ill fundie. People like that cannot be reasoned with. Just sit back and laugh at the meltdown after giving him the slightest provocation.

      I'm not even going to mention the irony of his last comment given the lame, cringe worthy handles he comes up with.

    6. Vegas, what happened to u at Cabelas??Still waiting for an email...Me, you, and bigfoot student need to meet up!

    7. TK, BS, Vegas, and Iktomi all together in one blog?!?!? How excitingly awkward. I mean Iktomi only has two nuts, which one of you has to wait on the sidelines to hop on. Or maybe today is one of his "tuck in" days so none of you have to worry about it. Iktomi, maybe you should teach these idiots how to pretend to be intelligent like you do. They clearly are lacking even a high school education. But be careful not to teach them too much. Wouldnt want them realizing what a fool you are now would we? Ok, now you can carry on making up stories and grabbing each others asses.

    8. Hey with all of them together I bet they form a full set of teeth. Although the combined smell might lead to another Sasquatch sighting.

    9. Wow... If only your parents knew what a lovely boy you are when you get too much sugar and let loose in the computer room.

      Anyone notice he never makes a point on be subject matter? I wonder why that is??

      : )

  2. I'll take FIRST too since your being stupid!

  3. I'm going with human on this one and all of the rest including PattyBob.

  4. Replies
    1. oops nvm, i thought this one was the go-cart vid. This one could be real.

    2. 4:18... Got magic stealth achieving para-olympian and weird grass that grows five inches in a spilt second?

    3. Tiny island that cant support bear population....

    4. Tiny island that large mammals like bears would have no trouble swimming to... With a history of Sasquatch;

    5. lol that link says nothing about history of bigfoot sightings on pei. Iktomi, i grew up in the countryside of pei, with a huge interest in bigfoot. It's gonna take more than a short video with many red flags to convince me, sorry you cant.

    6. I'm sorry... Before I call out your deducing skills in literacy, I will explain that the link in fact demonstrates that there is nothing new to the idea of Sasquatch on PEI, with also some examples of mammals being able to swim decent distances... I'll give you the benefit of the doubt as I probably didn't explain as well as I should have. There are food resources ion PEI and I'd love to read your red flags... I bet you I can show you they anything but red.


      Give that a listen too... References to historical PEI Sasquatch encounters, I'm led to believe.

    8. You'll have to excuse Iktomi. He needs to be the center of attention here, he's our own little diva. Just wait till you see his charm with the women. With such amazing pick up lines like "Nice hair" and his extensive knowledge of imaginary monkeys, well i think you can imagine the women fighting over that.

    9. It might be news to you, woman hater, but that's most certainly manners where I come from; to comment appropriately about a woman's hair. One day you'll move on from your Internet tabs and actually meet a woman, learn how to address a real woman properly, eh? Something to aspire to as well as showing us for once just how imaginary these monkeys are as you claim.

  5. Some more of Alex Midnight Walkers B.S.

    1. you would....the spanish speaking bigfoot idiot,not to mention he and vegas are one in the same....yes they are..midget walker got banned by sas ontario so he switched to me

    2. You having nothing good to say about someone?

      There's a shock.

    3. Iktomi = fuctard (just like Alex)

  6. Footers got BLOWN THE F*CK OUT when Sykes announced no bigfoot

    1. Yet... And theorising on Neanderthals and all.

    2. No, we knew they would be silenced..and we don't need DNA proof, you do!

    3. you need help..let me guess your a prepper to

  7. This is staged. Yet another bigfoot BS hoax.

    The fact that anyone fell for this shows that there are gullible morons out there.

  8. ...Yet another banal piece of crap...The only blob squatch video I like is the so-called "hey, bigfoot" out of Georgia..Both the reaction of the kids and the subjects movements seem natural; It is either a bear or something undocumented...

    1. In all seriousness, I agree with you.
      In my opinion, that "hey bigfoot" footage is the best footage since the Patterson-Gimlin film.

    2. ...I think you're right: The usual runner-up, the Freeman footage is over-rated...Thanks for the response...


  10. As a believer, I'm disappointed that we can never come up with something better than this kind of thing.

  11. ^^ Then you should stop believing in things that don't exist.

    1. The only thing that doesn't exist is a braincell between 5:53's ears.

    2. I've never claimed to have had them, other than around ladies.

    3. Keep in mind 5:53 that Iktomi actually believes there's an 8 foot tall hairy man hiding out in your woods. Even more convincing should be the fact hes never seen one and he lives in a country where there supposedly are none. He just throws "a leading" in front of his laughed at, rejected, scientist titles and BINGO there you have it solid scientific evidence of a giant monkey. And when something comes out to the contrary he cries and hides, then comes back extra butt hurt with a bunch of excuses and articles written by amateurs. So I guess hes a brain cell expert now too. Giant monkeys, and braincells... hes your go to guy, LOL.

    4. Keep up the good work Iktomi, the cement heads need schooling!

    5. Ha ha ha ha!! Tell me about it!!

      10:06... I tell you what? Why don't we have a little exchange, yes? Why don't I post the evidence with the scientists who have examined it, and then why don't you find a scientist with the same credentials with a contrary conclusion? We'll soon see how many scientists you can find who are actually laughing at these "armateurs". It's funny you should mention anything about hiding... Didn't you run off yesterday when I made you look like an idiot about the second round of DNA testing?

      I'm not a braincell expert, just an expert at giant monkeys and smacking around unintellectuals like you... It's a cruel hobby, but someone's gotta do it.

    6. the troll known as uno!!!!

    7. "And when something comes out to the contrary he cries and hides, then comes back extra butt hurt with a bunch of excuses..."

      I guess we'll see you tomorrow when you slime out of bed and spout the same that which you cry about others.

    8. " just an expert at giant monkeys"

      Well if your such an expert at "giant monkeys" (your words not mine) then why don't you come over here and show us how to conclusively prove it. What's your method? We are all waiting breathlessly for your ideas Mr. Expert. Show us the way. All you do is talk and talk and talk out of your ass and crown yourself Mr. Know-it-all. Come here and make fools of us all - you have had many invitations to do so. Put your great wisdom to the test.

    9. That would depend on "proof" of what. I can't prove to you that Sasquatch is living, grooming his partner and sharing fish under a romantic moonlight sky... I can however prove that there is a bipedal, unclassified primate that is twice the size of normal human primates, travelling around in various places in the US.

      Occam's Razor.

    10. 12:12....wrong!!! But you are one of the "Cement Heads"

  12. Well said Anon 5:18, agree about the "Hey Bigfoot" Georgia vid. Very overlooked imo. Tim,U.K.

    1. Yeah..that was a good videp ..."hey bigfoot" , that seemed spontaneous ..the way that kid yelled..hey bigfoot!!!

    2. Hey Iktomi, what's your take on the Sykes book strap-line, "first scientific evidence for the survival of apemen into modern times", and his talk of Neanderthals in the blurb? Tim,U.K.

    3. Hey Tim!! I'm not sure mate, I'm keeping tight lipped on that one to be honest... What are your thoughts? Has the book description changed with the new name??

    4. Hey Iktomi, the title and the subtitle certainly changed and the focus seemed to shift from the archaic polar bear to Neanderthals. I, too, don't know what's going on. Did you hear the Adam Davies interview, from about six months ago, where he talked about Sykes' encounter? Davies did say that he didn't know if the good Prof. was going to include the incident(s) in his book. Cheers, Tim,U.K.

    5. I did listen to it mate and I thought it flipping fascinating, I found it odd that Davis had said that though, doesn't inspire you with confidence that he WILL add it in his book. Let's see what unfolds buddy... The Neanderthal stuff makes me excited.

    6. Ha ha yeah. I guess we will have to wait and see. Cheers mate, Tim,U.K.

    7. ....It sure does sound like Sykes will at least claim there is evidence that neanderthals or something similar co-existed with homo sapiens sapiens longer than previously believed....Caution is advised: publishers are business men, and marketing decisions(including titling the book) are based on maximizing dollars....

  13. ''A squid eating dough in a polyethylene bag is fast and bulbous. Got me?'' NC

    1. lktomi- Thanks for the sources yesterday. And Chuck,too. I must give the Highcliff footage and the Seattle Backyard video consideration. I've noted the hip flexor muscles being utilized on the latter. NC

    2. As always you are very, very welcome NC my friend!!

  14. There will NEVER BE a Bigfoot Video shown on this site, and all of the others, even if it were Real! Never will happen!
    This Debate will gone on for many years or decades, only until, a "Body" is brought in!

    1. I would like to know;
      'If Omar, was a stoolie, because Sosa says so"?

  15. Hey anybody! I missed both the last episode of Finding Bigfoot, and. . .Mountain Monsters. Did they catch a Bigfoot?

    1. These shows aren't about proving BF, they are mocking BF!

    2. ANY show about bigfoot is going to mock bigfoot.

    3. I guarantee that if you have quality evidence, anyone in the media will be all over it with positive enthusiasm. But what you consider quality evidence is not good enough.

    4. What a total pile of ****. The reason the evidence is not "good enough", is because the media would rather broadcast the word of someone half as qualified who hasn't even taken the time to look at it.

      Great logic... I won't hold my breath on your "guarantees".

    5. Hey Joe! Your a smart guy! Could you please let me know the top 10, or so main reasons why any Big foot Physical evidence has not been brought in, over these past 60 years, with thousands of Bigfoot researchers, out there looking?

    6. Ok... I'm really not trying to sound like a twat here now, but are you aware of what physical evidence entails? We have some of the very best and most comprehensive levels of physical evidence in forensically verified dermals. As for a body, if they bury their dead (which they do in my educated opinion) and evade as well as they obviously do, then it's always gonna be a tough job.

    7. Anon 1:24, there are not thousands of BF researchers out there, I WOULD SAY 50-100 TOPS! It's a fact who the researchers are, and we know of a few dozen! AND OUT OF THOSE 50-100, YOU ONLY HAVE A HANDFUL, THAT ARE HONEST, AND DEDICATED TO IT! Only a small handful of researchers are pro kill, so that's like 5 people on the whole freakin plantet! The odds of a body are against us....but the physical evidence is overwhelming....Just like someone who commented on my tree structure video said, "Humanzees didn't make these structures"
      and the footprints, hair, calls, knocks,etc.

    8. ...1:24 Evidence has been brought in, even if much of it is open to other interpretations..I think you are asking why slam-dunk evidence, or proof, has not been brought in: a series of videos from professionals such as academics and\or a network affiliated film crew, a body or part of a body, dna universally believed to be from a primate but not matching anything in Genbank..and of course a live bigfoot on a

    9. I expect slam dunk evidence of a real organism. That is the bar. Why make excuses for anything less for a real organism?

    10. Ok... How about the forensically verified physical sign of that real organism?

      Excuses here;

    11. You don't need to convince me inside our little echo chamber here but when it comes to convincing the world, how's that going?

    12. About as well as the the many scientists from leading conservational groups and academic institutions I can list?

  16. I agree with some of the posts above. The Georgia "hey bigfoot" footage convinced me that bigfoot is real.

  17. Well, as I have always thought about watching these type of videos or looking at photos, if you have a hard time making them out more then likely they are hoaxed.............

  18. This is the one video of which I still "think' just might be the real deal. I know I'm opening up a can of worms here,but what do you skeptics have to say, your opinion on this video link below............

    1. That's the video I was looking for! And it's definitely a Sasquatch.

    2. ..I would like to see it with a smaller magnification-that would increase the clarity...First impression is that its natural: bear or bigfoot;....

    3. That's my #4 seed from 2 days ago! NC


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