If Lions Surrounded Your Car And This Happened Would You Freak Out?

A family takes a safari trip in South Africa and gets the surprise of their lifetime. Apparently the lions there know how to open car doors. Bet they keep them locked next time.


  1. Replies
    1. Psychiatry states that toilet and potty humor are signs of arrested development in adults. It should stop after kindergarten.

    2. tham wurds yuos asuin bein tham eddicated wurds thays shure is

    3. All of you are going to die precisely 3 days from now. Start your watches motherfuckers..........

    4. ^Lets hope! I got a car payment due soon!

  2. Replies
    1. More Mountain Monsters, For Your Safety, the New Norm.

    2. YES more Mountain Monsters Marathons -
      PLEASE : )

  3. so if a lion can open a door and its just a cat! then Bigfoots being a hybrid Ape/Human should have no problem getting in cabins and houses! We hear lots of reports of bigfoots getting into cabins and houses and trashing them

    1. If you believe the theory put forth by David Paulides and many others, this explains many of the reports of super senses and intelligence.

    2. Dr. Matt Johnson believes bigfoot came inside and let his dogs outside in the middle of the night. How considerate of bigfoot.

    3. And Sasquatch Ontario claims Bigfoot can operate cameras.

    4. bigfoots knows where the cameras goes, so the bigfoots do a work around so they are not photographed,

    5. Umm.. the lion just randomly hooked a tooth on a part of the door that makes it open. If he had bit a hole in a tire instead I suppose he should go work at Firestone?

  4. I'm into butt plugs and Bigfoot, not lions.

    1. i dont think the FCC approves of those comments

    2. "Yes, hello, my name is Sol Rosenberg, and I want to report Dan Campbell. He stole my shoes and glasses and yelled hurtful things, and he jumped out from under the stairs and he frightened me!" And then id like to sue DSA for punitive damages.....oh Gawd and baby Jesus!"

  5. Heads up, this blog is now being watched and specific items are monitoring individual posts. I think Shaun or someone in a managerial position finally got the message. I know this because of special detection devices I have to use for my job. Don't think anyone that has regular arguments are the problem or target, those with the psycho posts and constant racist remarks, considered hate speech by FCC, are usually the problems in these kind of cases. Think before you post, you can be tracked.

    1. These FCC f@gs are two steps behind the NSA and one step behind the Interior, apparently, according to a couple C2Cers

    2. the NSA knows all, SEEs all, Hears ALL....

    3. Also you have no idea what you're talking about.

    4. BIGFOOTs are REAL.......... Enough SAID

    5. They may not but I do. Every person has the right, to expect to be protected from Racist, sexist, or Religious malicious attacks on a public forum, public place or anywhere in this country. This issue has been litigated on far to many instances to enumerate. These cases all end the same, with only few exceptions. In very few cases, warnings posted may allow for expected language and remarks, very few. Our new civilized way of litigation for any and all personal infractions, promotes these beliefs. One individual shopping in a well known Department store sued and won for another's discussion of Religion. It was said the offender spoke to loud to expect those outside his personal space not to be insulted.

    6. Daniel Dan,
      The monkey man,
      Pooped his pants
      And away he ran!

    7. Yep there watching this site and its 9 whole commenters because its so influential to the way people in america react.

      Give me a friggin break.

    8. señor Obama el gran jefe de todos nosotros

    9. A school newspaper was once sued for a insulting remark about a female student. This comment led to a slew of comments from other student. The young lady sued, the school settled, and the paper was forced to cease and desist for the remainder of the year. How influential to you think something must be to involve a single individuals civil rights?

    10. the GOV watches all - watches U on your TV and computer, listenes to you from your dishwasher and refrigerator, tracks you with your cell phone and computer in your car!
      as they say its all for your SAFETY

    11. What the anon at 2 32 and again at 3 08 stated could well be the case. I posted yesterday after a couple of commissions of the FCC leaked small items from last weeks proposed 300 plus pages of new regulations to control the internet. I can only assume these 2 commissioners do not like what is being proposed, but I do not know this. It gives them the right to go after these type of people and after the owner of the forums.

      Know will this actually happen is another story and there are so many of these types around this country and all unmoderated blogs from my understanding end up with what occurs here. My take is this. My father told me as a youngster back in the 60's that laws are made for lawyers and judges. This country is the most litigious in the world by a wide margin and this country has gone down this road exponentially since I was a youngster. If there is a plaintiff who feels he/she has been wronged then there is a lawyer who will take the case.

    12. Gentlemen named Chuck, This is the first seemingly educated response thus far. Please by all means, check for yourselves, Many cases available, all public record. A quote from a Supreme Court Justice, " Any Individual may conduct themselves within the public domain, with perceived protection from any and all harm cause by racism, persecution of their religion or gender, and sexual orientation while in or on, Public properties and or facilities, persons and or representatives of such organizations or as individuals, not adhering to these as well as other un named personal civil rights may be held accountable". Check all of your civil rights out for yourself.

    13. And once again Hypocrit Dan "little mouse balls" comes along using Gay as an insult, while calling others homophobes.

      So Dan, think they'll be taking a look at your little photo job.

      The Funiest part would be watching Shawn get his ass sued after people been trying to tell him for years whats up, but he is not so bright on this human engagement and legal stuff. And then he's been listening to a bunch of libtards who gave him bad advise. Now they all fight with each-other anyway. He "thinks" he understands free speech, but doesn't really know shit from wild honey.

      Well, you go around telling bold face lies to people, shit catches up!

      So Dan, did your daddy make you swallow or did he let you spit it out?

    14. Well when the lights get flipped on, the cock roaches scatter!

    15. TK, are you going to sue Shawn? If it's so bad why do you post here?

    16. Oh no, I wouldn't. But some Libtard probably will!

  6. Colon Powell" Son is the head of the FCC.

  7. Do mental institutions allow computer use? Without supervision? That would explain an awful lot of these somewhat off color racist, and possibly psychotic remarks.

    1. yes they do - like in the library homeless using them computer like they own them

    2. I would hope that someone that goes on a public site everyday, and is allowed to endanger the sites ability to operate , would be stopped. Somehow I think it will come to an abrupt end very soon. I'm a proud Mexican American, from the Great state of TX. My ancestors predate Europeans by about 600 years, and I find these racist and radical remarks very offending. I thought by the advertised text, this was a BF site. Where people can hear details of sightings etc, and come up with personal conclusions. This is a poor advertisement for the statements I've seen thus far, It's somewhat misleading, actually totally false.

    3. Hey dipshit, columbus got the map from his father in law, a swede, you know A Viking.

      Your ancestors didn't predate the europeans or the asians, your way behind on your history paco.

    4. Ugh me head still hurts : (

    5. You know what your problem is 5:01?

      Your to f*cking stupid to leave and not come back.

      If it offends you don't read it find another BF site. BIGFOOT FORUMS would be more to your liking its over moderated to the point its boring.

      But you know what? You won't go there you will stay here and whine about how offensive it is and how your going to make sure its shut down.

      This site has been like this for a very long time so why should it change for you what the f*cking makes you so special.

      Last time I looked we had a first amendment which gave us the right to free speech.

      99% of whats said is a joke if you cant developer a thicker skin then leave and dont come back.

    6. señor Obama el gran jefe de todos nosotros

    7. Thanks for your name DAN CAMBELL. Mine is not paco, but you meant that as an obvious slur towards my ethnicity. I have no concern for Columbus, as he came to a place already heavily inhabited with a complete society, and claimed it as discovery. If that somehow concretes your feeling of home on this continent so be it. I don't need one, I can and have traced my ancestry to this continent back for what was explained, thousands of years DAN. Now your remarks directed at my ancestry Highly offended me sir, I will how ever accept a sincere apology.

    8. the Vikings kicked ass - then left

    9. Mr anon 5:18, I'm not considering shutting this site down. And Even Satire PUBLIC, PROFESSIONAL, SATIRE, doesn't allow things of racist and offensive nature protection under the first amendment. Ask Don Imus. Jokes that cause pain aren't funny Sir. I'll accept your sincere apology for only this particular misunderstanding of the first amendment which obviously led to your remarks.

    10. its all about the constitution

    11. 5:18 Half of what is said around here is a joke, and 40% of that isn't funny. So assholes making rude racial remarks should get kicked in the nuts---------

      People of race who comearound crying about everything ---------------- well, we're over it. CAUSE YOU ASSHOLES BLAIM AN ENTIRE RACE FOR THE 5% JERKWADS WHO ARE RACISTS. But you people turn around and blame the entire white race. I have a lot of Mexican friends and you should hear what they tell me about how Mexicans treat Peruvians, Brazillians, Ecudorians and all other south Americans. Look at what you folks do to YOURSELVES ---------- Imported gangs??????
      So you need to get KICKED IN THE NUTS.

      Homosexuals ------ I dont give a rats ass what you do in your personall lives. But for some unknown reason, you all feel the need to shove it allover everyone, net your preaching to OTHERS KIDS--- HOW DARE YOU THINK IT IS YOUR RIGHT TO AUTHORIZE WHAT GOD SAID IS SIN.

      And Dan needs to get kicked in the NUTS so they'll swell up and look, well close to normal, aw poor Dan :-(

    12. Not getting any apology from me if you cant hang with the big boys dont let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

    13. Actually, my ancesstors, the Viings, saw giant hairy people, then left -------------

      Screw this Sven, you never said anything about no "Giant Stinking Apes!" I'll see you at the boat, we leave in an hour! Ha ha ha

    14. Mr TROLL KILLER, I'm an AMERICAN people sir. I have some of the same DNA as 67% of this entire country. I am an elected official so my back ground and my citizenship have been cleared by the US election commission. I do not accept the primes that one can say it's a joke, and shout racism and hurtful slander towards another on any public site. I know you can't. I don't care what one thinks, only what one does, or says to others concerns me sir. Mr. anon 5:40, you are actually anon 5:18 as well. I gave you the opportunity to apologize for your benefit sir not mine..

    15. Wanna guess what I'm thinking now.

      If you guessed PC Liberal fuctard you would be pretty close.

    16. Your thinking Ahh, well Ahhhhhhhhhhh.

    17. So why don't just drop the mexican stuff, cause i don't care if you are an American.

      How about, Im an American of hispanc herritage--------------

      If you want to Identify as a Mexican --- go home!

      On here, there is no reason to even bring it up!

    18. Well I think I've been here long enough to realize the gist of what's been reported. Since it took only a few minutes to be so racially insulted, my work is now finished here. I think we shall talk again or at least some of us will. Have a good evening.

    19. What an idiot, anon6:50 People that are of Mexican only ancestry don't identify as Hispanic. Are you Anglo Saxon, or just American or European or whatever.

    20. Well after reading this post and rethinking my stand on the first amendment you were correct I apologize.

    21. A very intelligent and I suspect the conclusion of a descent human being, Anon 8:04. It is easy to become part of the crowd, even when it's the wrong crowd. You are correct in your new conclusions of the article Sir, or Miss, Mam, which ever applies. Thank you, graciously accepted.

  8. this is a hoax

    you can see a zipper at the ears at 2.24
    This is a chimp in a lion costume

    1. You're a lying commie bastard (is there any other kind?). That's a gorilla and you know it!!


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