Tim Fasano Is Pretty Upset at The BFRO

Tim Fasano has made some great points about whether or not the BFRO actually debunked the Lettuce Lake Skunk Ape footage. "The Florida BFRO was unable to debunk a recent Skunk Ape sighting based on the facts of the evidence alone. So, they had no choice but to go after the witness personally. This was unethical, for it only involved the reporting of a mythical beast and the privacy of the witness should have been protected regardless of personal feeling," says Fasano.

The footage in question:


  1. Replies
    1. T-fats says there was No evidence that he was with Matt that day in the canoe! No fucking DOY t-fats he was the guy in the monkey(bear lol) suit! so your just jealous again(didn't some southern rock band sing that song too t-fats?)Jealous of the BFRO and how they won't make you relevant in your twisted skunk ape world. T-fats we all know your married to a skunk ape. Could it also be that your buddy is tollin around with the finding bigfoot crew? And you didn't get invited again. If he was your buddy why didn't he make a pitch to the finding bigfoot crew to have you tag along or maybe you could of given them free cab rides to the local skunkape hot spots. T-fats it's not about you. AGAIN! 2nd fiddle again timbo!

    2. Tim Fatsono says he enjoys pissing in Iktomis face.

    3. likes two glazed joenuts with his morning joe^^^^^^^

    4. ^ chocolate donut hole puncher

    5. I got involved in this for the sexy women, and you just keep posting vidoes and images of fat dudes, what gives are y'all gay or something?

    6. goddamn fuck this fat fuck, who the fuck is he, who the fuck cares

    7. Like anyone involved in the Florida BF scene gives two cents what Tim has to say.

      Attention and clicks.

      Substance? Investigation? Nope Tim. Just baseless opinion and fictional run in's with other research groups.


    8. More like run overs since he never leaves the car

    9. Doesn't T-Fats make personal attacks on other 'footers like TimberGiantBigfoot all the time and dismiss their videos on personal grounds? He should be the #1 fan of this technique!

  2. Look. Bigfoot does not go to a 240 acre county park that is heavily visited and surrounded by development when there are areas that are tens and even hundreds of thousands of acres in size. Bigfoot is allegedly a highly intelligent and highly reclusive creature who skillfully avoids detection. If he were in this park, there would have been dozens of sightings. If a bear were in there, it would have been promptly captured and relocated. There was no Bigfoot in Lettuce Lake Park.

    1. While I lean toward the video being a hoax, your argument simply does not hold water. These things run the gamet of bazzar behavior and cannot be predicted that accurately.

    2. If their behavior were bizarre, we would have captured one long before now. At least in Florida, it isn't hard to capture a gator, bear, hog, panther or coyote that behaves unusually. It means that they have lost their fear of humans, don't avoid civilization, and will wander (or swim) around in the open, not trying to conceal themselves.

    3. According to the most experienced, and famous Big foot Guru, Matt "I was a lawyer, before I became a Bullshitter" Moneymaker, Big ffots are everywhere now! They're in every state, every power line, behind
      Home Depots and Wallmarts (Rick Dyer concurs on that) Big foots are just like Racoons, playfull and very curious. They're like Bears too, hungry all the time, loves Bacon and doughnuts (ask Bobo)
      So to be in small parks, would not be unusual at all. The ONLY time they get real smart, and elusive, is when they know "Legendary" Big foot researchers, like Stacy Brown or Tim Fastsnio is after them!

    4. Tru Dat!! ^^^

      Or I'm a fool!!

    5. "Myself and another BFRO Investigator, Marian Gant live very close to Lettuce Lake park. We know the area the video claimed to have been filmed at. There have been reports near it and we’ve found prints. So we thought it possible a bigfoot would be there."
      This comfirms that the area is and was never an issue for a creature of this nature to very temporality reside in. Reports of Sasquatch encroaching on suburban areas that have such evasion corridors are no uncommon, more and more whitetail deer JP Smith & Freeman Young have done extensive research on this in line with their own first hand experiences, and even David Paulides has touched upon this with recordings he attained from trailheads where hundreds of people would be walking every day.

      While deer encroachment on populated suburban lands has become a national problem, specific events have driven the shift locally. On a typical day in Montgomery, five motorists strike deer. Sometimes it’s the animals that do the striking, like a 9-month-old buck that crashed through the front window of the Greek Village Restaurant in Silver Spring several years ago, sending diners diving for cover. “Too many deer,” restaurant owner George Bourzikos. “They have to do something about it.”

      An update provided in the Senate Agriculture Committee showed that since the 1974 when bears were listed as threatened, their numbers have grown, but so has their interaction, sometimes negatively, with humans. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Bear Conservation Division director Thomas Eason said hunting has always been on the table since the 2012 establishment of a statewide bear management plan, but more recently has come to a head.
      A string of bear attacks throughout central Florida and most recently along the Gulf Coast in Eastpoint have caused the FWC to reconsider and potentially expedite opening the state to bear hunting. "We're not proposing or thinking that hunting is going to directly affect attacks in suburban neighborhoods," Eason said in an interview. "Four attacks in 18 months is unacceptable and it has caused us to say let's escalate what we're trying to do and move forward as quickly as we can," FWC executive director Nick Wiley said. Starting in 2000, the number of calls for service related to bears began to increase, reaching an all-time high in 2013 with 6,667 calls. Last year there were 6,312 calls. The FWC has worked to develop bear management plans for the seven subpopulations of Florida's black bears to include managing attractants and increasing awareness about how to interact with bears. Promoting the use of bear-resistant trash cans and making people conscious of the attractants that bring bears into suburbs has been a focus of FWC over the past few years.

      The point is, more and more wild animals are encroaching on suburban areas. There is a theory that more Sasquatch sigtings are in conjunction with deer numbers soaring. Just because this creature is subsceptible to both curiousity and mistakes, does not make it any easier to capture, because though it has wild tendencies, it is not on par intelligence with the aformentioned animals. Because Sasquatch reports occur in a suburban settings, does not necessarily mean that it should have an accompanying level of sightings in the dozens. Making leaps and assumptions on behavioural traits and throwing it out because it didn’t fit your expectations of something whose existence you don’t even think is credible, is not gonna wash with people who understand the frequency of sigtings better. If you have concealed corridors, that's all Sasquatch need to access suburban areas to which there are reports and even physical sign. It doesn't mean that they're living in the suburbs, it just means that they are as opportunistic as anything else.

    6. Matt never was a lawyer and probably never finished law school.

    7. He graduated from the University of Akron School of Law in 1996.

  3. I've taken dumps with more intelligence than this shithead has.

  4. Takes beating a dead horse to whole other level.

  5. Fasano is sexy and should have his own TV show.

    1. It's in production. You heard of "Breaking Bad?" Tim's show is called, "Breaking Wind."

    2. He should star as a hard boiled Bigfoot detective with a blow up love doll as a partner.

    3. call it plastic polly and the bigfoot dick......

    4. Hosea, where the hell have you been. Haints and I cannot run this Nuisance Bigfoot tranquilizatoon and relocation business without you. First of all the ketamine is missing. Second I have a killer headache. Third Haints screwed up the account ledger by throwing out random figures like dozens and hundreds and perhaps even thousands with no real point to the numbers. I'm going to need everyone to take a deep breath and decide if this is even going to be economically viable for us three to run.

    5. Account ledger? So THAT's what that was.

    6. Hey -------- My shit don't give you or anybody a headach. TripleAAA Cali certified medical grade swag. ---------- KILLER.

      We need to run some tests and see wich strains are going to be most effective a knocking Bigfoot the fuck out, which ones will keep him happy and sleepy.

      Mike, can we test on Louis? We need someone with extreme tolarance to represent a Squatch. Don't worry, no has ever o'd on pot cookies. We might make him sleep for 5 days, but he'll live. Would his girlfriend be pissed if he slept through the delivery?

    7. Yo Mike! Congrats on the blimp gig!

      So you guys are hunting down Squatch in the Millennium Falcon? Why didn't anyone think of this before?

      Give Erickson a call. He gets wookies and BF confused all the time. If he brings Matilda, Chewy might just get laid!

      Remember Mike, these crazy find a Bigfoot schemes has a 100% success rate. Failure with this one isn't an option buddy!

      Take care out there!


  6. A large percentage of high profile researchers, are musicians or in a band. Barackman, Sigurdson, Franzoni, Yamarone and Stroud. So that would not be grounds for disqualifying a witness, unless you go back and disqualify the above names from research first.

    1. They should form a bigfoot squatch hunters super group. They can call the band Riding the Bigfoot Gravy Train.

    2. LOL. Here are some more potential band names:

      Squatch Call and the Wood Knocks

      BS Keep it Going

      The Serial Hoaxers

      Skunk Ape Aroma

      Appeal to Basement Dwellers

      Patterson and the Gimlins

      Ain't Got Squatch

    3. or the funky sounds of the parliament crypodelic

    4. The Nugget Riders, The Wounded Ducks, Fashion Rehab, me and Fasano in Death Cab and Cutie, The Bleevers, the Robert Lindsay Trio......

    5. funky chuck and the big men, the bel-eva's...or from the mountain top....troll killer goes country

    6. LOL. How about:

      Freeman Fraud
      Ostman and the Pads
      The Mid-Tarsal Breaks
      Fraud Standing and the Meldrums
      The Overwhelming Stink

    7. I think "The Cannibals" would make a great name.

      "The Screaming Windigo's"

    8. We could have a dance contest too !

  7. Let's face it Timmy, Your not wanted anymore. Tom Biscardi told me, not only do you smell bad, but don't even leave the pavement to go Bull shitting, er, I meant Big footing.

    Tom also told me, you tried to "hook up" with his fat ugly girlfriend! And doesn't want you around, B/C sometimes, he can't tell the difference between you and her! Lol!
    Matt Moneymaker fears you! If you gain fame, he might be pushed out and lose his boyfriend, the Retard Bobo!

    You need to make your Hoaxes better. Stacy Brown, blew yours right of the park with his Thermal image Hoax. Stacy's problems are he doesn't know the difference between a "Gator Arm" or a Muskrat! And he doesn't know the difference between a crack pipe or a Meth pipe.

    1. But you do know the difference between a crack or meth pipe.You ain't nothing but a crack head.

    2. "I have interviewed both of the witnesses that were there that night and I am satisfied that they are not lying about what they did and observed. Their actions since obtaining the footage support that the footage is not a hoax in that they have spent considerable money visiting the location on many occasions since to do further research and to obtain accurate measurements at my request. The measurements they obtained were used to calculate the dimensions of the creature in the footage, and every result of every calculation showed that whatever is in that film is simply immense. While the results of my calculations are only approximations of the creature’s size, it is clear that the figure is very large. It seems to stand somewhere around 8.5 feet tall, and have a shoulder width of about 4 feet. The creature is simply too big to be a human, and the steps are ridiculously long. The figure’s shape, posture, and gait match those seen in other films purporting to show sasquatches. The data provided by the Browns strongly suggests that the figure seen in their film is a sasquatch."
      - Cliff Barackman

    3. Just what we need. More copy and paste.

    4. Tom also told video cameras in 2005, that he "was 48 hours away from capturing a Bigfoot". You can see how well that hoax turned out.

  8. With falling viewing numbers for Finding Bigfoot, the production team should take a page out of the Fasano Book of Skunk Ape Research, and do gopro video takes while the team is all stuffed into the front seat of a yellow cab. It will cut production costs significantly.

  9. Fasano is the Jane Goodall of the skunk ape. He's an ambassador for the species.

  10. I once saw Tim eat entire Skunk Ape this man should be taken seriously guys hes the real deal

  11. I love when he gets serious and those steel brown eyes shine like the Champion that he is..folks please I beg leave Tim alone he is the most credible guy to search for this evasive beast

  12. Definitely agree that Elena Marie Monteith personally attacked the witness and the other people she mentioned. I mean, it's essentialy libel and she's lucky they don't sue her. She posted their photos, emails and unlicensed artwork. She might as well work for the National Enquirer.

    1. She's not in danger of being used for libel. She showed they had the ability to create the alligator prop due to this animal taxidermy art one of them creates.

      His two close friends/band members where involved in hoaxing a two headed alligator and sending photos of it to many media outlets. After getting this Lettuce Lake footage the same thing was done, blast it to multiple media outlets with a similar statement of not looking to make money. Thus they show a repeated MO (Mode of operation).

      If you look at the photo of the two headed alligator the legs are not touching the ground. The belly of the gator is on the ground and all the legs hover just above the ground, meaning it's a rigid prop and the idiots who faked this should have dug the ground out a bit under the body so the legs would touch the ground.

      There is good evidence to do guilt by association with this two headed alligator hoax and the Lettuce Lake footage. Fasano needs to debunk this man's association with a known hoax instead of simply attacking her investigation as nothing but character assassination.

    2. If you think that is enough to exonerate her from libel, you've never been in court. She would get destroyed in court.

    3. I think she would be fine.

  13. ^^^^^either the fatness himself or the best troll comment in ages

  14. T-Fats proves that every time he open his fat pie hole. He just looks dumb and dumber

  15. I have a question for Tim. Do you believe Rick Dyer's tent video shows an actual bigfoot? I've never seen anyone debunk that footage, yet we all know it was a hoax based on who filmed it. The same applies to the skunk ape video.

  16. Fasano needs to cut his fingernails!

  17. Parabreakdown removed their video about these allegations. Obviously because the whole story is a huge stretch. In my summation, Elena Monteith is a despicable person and an unethical investigator.

    1. You say the person exposing their frauds is "Despicable?" what about the people that perpetrated the two headed alligator hoax? Why do you have nothing to say except to defend them? Are you their mother or something? or Fasano. Something is off.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Your a member of the bfro or re yourself arent you?

    4. I've never been a member of the BFRO. But I think T. Fasano is involved in some of these anonymous attacks given his penchant for attacking other researchers and his current beef with Matt Moneymaker of the BFRO and Finding Bigfoot for ignoring him in Florida.

  18. Unethical and The BFRO, are synonymous.

  19. Why does Elena Marie Monteif use an alias for her bigfoot research? Re Monteif? No credible researcher would do that. Did Marie Curie release her findings under an alias?

    1. People hiding behind anonymous while writing ridiculous defenses of known hoaxers by assassinating this lady's character is an absurd/weird manner. Must be Fasano.

      Tim Fasano once secretly owned a blog called Bigfoot Busters that he used to attack himself to generate sympathy, etc. Character assassination of other researchers is a Fasano trademark.

    2. I'm not Tim Fasano nor do I know him.

      I see you went to theology school so I can assume you are a moron. Do they teach kid touching there or is that in the field experience?

    3. You show yourself to be a true idiot in anything you write. When people read your comments they know who the real moron is.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Fasano generating more hits than Dyer used too...not as many as Melba

    1. I wouldn't say he produced more hits than Dyer at his peak, but yeah Fasano gets good traffic. Other than being butthurt at some of the comments, I think he is pleased.

  21. My opinion is this, No matter who provided the information regarding the Lettuce Lake Skunk Ape footage hoax and how it was obtained (the information) kudos to them/her for taking their time to do so and exposing these 5 minutes of fame hoaxers...........

  22. I have it on good authority that the one who drives the taxi cab would like to be known from this point forward on as: "T-Farts".

  23. A picture of my taking a dump has more Facebook likes than Florida BFRO. They are a joke.

  24. Phil Poling: So Tim Fasano thinks that just because two of the three friends reported a two headed alligator, that BFRO shouldn't suggest that as one huge red flag? that the drawing of the skunk-ape with the white stripe up it's head being the same as the photograph is some kind of coincidence? Is that what he's saying? Their "lifestyles" were never mentioned!!! Their occupations and hobbies were shown as evidence that they were all friends.

    1. Good points. Those can't just be a coincidence. Ignoring this evidence while attacking the lady who exposed their hoax by making totally unrelated charges against her is off the wall weird.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Elena Monteith. Looked her up. Just find bankruptcy filings and stuff from before she moved to Lutz. R. Monteith bankrupt...Morally? You be the judge.


    1. Check her criminal background. You may be shocked as to what you find

    2. State her crimes. I don't believe you know of any.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Writing bad checks is one. You want me to go on? I can. She is a real piece of shit. Which is fitting because she is in the bfro. Who seriously are the biggest incompetent bunch of retards in the state.

    5. Bankruptcy? Bad checks? Boy Tim, you really are butt hurt. Talk about character assassination. Why should we believe you? You lie about everything else, so you must be lying about Montieth, too.

  26. The Brfo is the best bigfoot hunters in the usa. Clitf and Bobo team up in the off season. Matt Cash 'n' carry is dating Renae on the sly. Till he figured out she is Bruce Jenner.

  27. i do not trust this tim fatso guy..but i trust the bfro far less...

    1. T-Fats is as untrustworthy as the day is long.

  28. Fat Turd upset because he can't cash in with the rest...FFS!

    Its all about $ nothing more nothing less anyone who says different is a liar period! FFS!

  29. Brfo sucks. Nor Selob sucks bigfoot cook!


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