This Central Illinois Dogman Story Is Frightening

Check out this incredible Dogman story. Shel Kaoke Dion is a Bigfoot Researcher who lives in Central Illinois. She used to enjoy being in the field, spending time around the Sasquatch in her research areas. The fun stopped when Dogmen moved into the area. Now that Dogmen have moved into her area, Shel has to be very careful, anytime she ventures into the woods. She even has to be on alert around her own home! Shel and her family have had multiple Dogman encounters.


  1. First

    Dogs have senses. Look at it like you want to eat it. It will go away


    1. Good first MMC,i read a few posts back some one mentioned that dogs are eaten in some parts of the world,i wonder what dogman would make of that? xx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


    4. If you scroll about half way down there's a picture of Patty and a mention of bigfoot xx

    5. Hi Eva

      I luv dogs so I don't do it. But I have had to in the past because I had too.


    6. sometimes Bigfoots looking like Dogmen, so you seeing a BIGFOOT but you think its a Dogman

    7. ^^ I have to bleev you are correct


  2. So help me out here.

    Iktomi is Joe ? But Joe is saying he's not Iktomi...??

  3. GRAYS coming for your DNA 1st immobilizing you then DNA extraction lastly tagging you like we tag cattle
    Dogman is a GRAY hybrid

    1. Now were getting somewhere!!

    2. Don't forget about the obligatory PROBE that goes with every abduction

    3. ..I am a professional astronaut and I can confirm GRAYS are hovering around the earth..One of their ships flew by my shuttle: A Dogman was in the passenger seat with his head out the window and his tongue out of his mouth..It was cute, but I was startled, knocked out and probed.....

    4. GRAYs they find U and tag U
      for U SAFETY

    5. Well Mr. astronaut, I pray it was a gentle shallow probe.

    6. they put the probe up U butt so you can be tracked for DNA collection

    7. I'm intrigued by dogman but why no catman? xx

  4. state department spokesperson's solution to stop ISIS from continuing to behead innocent people boils down to 'killing them with kindness.'

    1. Better than not killing them with "condemnation".

    2. YES like we did in da NAM : )

    3. NO! The military should capture 10,000 of them Plant them in rows 10 abreast with only thier heads above ground. Then bring in a mechanical harvesting machine to "Harvest" the heads. Show them how its done.

    4. ^ and stuff their inners with pork products
      GET the JOB DODE

    5. gits tham amurkins soljers on tham Jihadis animulls

    6. Boy you did not get yesterday's memo from Maria Harf. We need to get them jobs and it will all go away. Well Maria you first. Start them as inturns in the W. H. and state dept and get back to us how this works out.

    7. whut tham wurds you be ausin

  5. OOOO SO SCARY...FFS! a dogman really? what a joke people!
    I mean seriously you guys can't be for rea with this dribble...FFS!

    1. Trapper and the AIMS team track down and trap that dogman critter caws they be expert hunters and trappers

    2. I was scared. That woman Karaoke something is really scarey nuts. People, they built lunatic asylums for a reason; not all of them needed to be let go.

  6. Anyone catch Coast to Coast last night? That Sasquatch Chronicles guy was on totally embellishing the whole Bob Garrett situation. What a joke. Wonder how many paying listeners he'll get from that and if George Boring gets a cut? Absolutely PATHETIC!

    1. but ART BELL is a guru on BIGFOOTS

    2. Art Bell still gots that map where that hunter killed 2 bigfoots in TX

    3. Bob Garrett be the best Bigfoot tracker is all of East Texas. Have you been to the torn up camp location or talked with the one survivor of what happened in the Big Thicket, been threatened with going to jail for interfering with a crime scene when all you did was find it first, film it and call the authorities who took 16 hours to arrive. Then have your wife continually harassed by officials to the point you had better find a new hobby.
      Get a hold of Mr. Brookreson who knows Bob Garrett and have him render an opinion before you weigh in on how clueless you really are.

    4. ^^ Pays good hard dollars to hear BS about BF!

    5. Chuck is all hot and bothered over Squatch Talk nonsense.

      The Bob story is better than the terrible insider stories.

  7. Please tell me that this article is supposed to be funny.

    "She used to enjoy being in the field, spending time around the Sasquatch in her research areas. The fun stopped when dogmen moved into the area"

    This is supposed to be a joke, right? Bigfoot satire, right? That wasn't written with a straight face, right?

  8. LOL! Footers are some dumb people.

    1. Well just look at thier leader Joe Fitz.

    2. cawz wez aint gots that thar educayshun lack tham richns folk do

    3. Yeah, like you know how that nurse that was killed thought it would be a good idea to have her son get his gun and ride around look around for the individuals in the car she had a confrontation with? Experiencers are kind of like that.

  9. This crazy woman spots invisasquatch everywhere just like Waterman does,the whole bunch are full of shyt.A Sasquatch is quite a stretch but a Dogman? Not possible you lying tramp.

  10. I have had the pleasure of meeting Ms. Dion and found her evidences incredible. She is very educated and quite eloquent in many ways. When I asked to investigate her claims she was forth coming with ample evidence and sharing her personal research areas. After spending the better part of a week checking out a few locations in her area, looking over her evidence and really looking at her on a psychological level I was surprised by the integrity and professionalism she exhibited. I would not describe this brilliant woman as a "tramp" but, instead one of the more formidable and class acts leading Bigfoot research to date. I think if more people acted in true investigation and less judgement from merely an interview alone there would be a lot of eating words along with quite a bit apologies directed at a woman completely open and honset with evidence to back up her claims.

  11. Amen that someone has their head on their shoulders enough to get off their duff and dig up some truth. Hats off to the man that went and checked this stuff out. I have always known her research to be very credible and wish I had the opportunity to check it all out myself. Would be a pleasure meeting her I have heard she is a class act. Thank you.

  12. Considering the many numerous encounters, sightings, and experiences Shel Dion has had with both Bigfoot and Dogman, I have to wonder how or why it is she managed to walk away from all those experiences without a single photograph. She should have a photo album full of Bigfoot or dogman family photos. Anybody with a camera can generally get pictures of all other forms of elusive wildlife when wandering about the woodlands. So why no photos?? But if she did get any clear shots of these creatures that Im unaware of, then where can they be viewed. .

  13. She allows people to view her work. Most photos have comparisons get in touch with her.


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