Look At This! Photographer Gets Punched By A Gorilla!

While taking photos of gorillas, the photographer got the ultimate shot. Right to the kisser! He managed to get this amazing photograph, but unfortunately for him, it was the wind up right before the punch.

The image, which was taken at the Volcanoes National Park, in Rwanda, showed 6ft 6in Akarevuro clenching his fist in preparation of hitting Christophe Courteau.

He earned a punch for his troubles but he’ll be more than happy with the final result, which showed the magnificent beast bearing down on him.

‘Akarevuro just ran at me,’ Courteau said.

‘I could not move away because I was taking photos on my knees.

‘I felt all of his power and weight on my body. It was like being hit by a train.’

A snap taken by his colleague Christophe Vasselin, showed Courteau being knocked to the floor but thankfully, he was not seriously injured.

Photo taken by colleague. Picture:Caters

Here's a link to the original article. Click here.


  1. Replies
    1. I thought the Ferguson Mo. riots were over?

    2. ^ scared of anyone who is not lily white like himself.

    3. The jrefers are spanking the helll out of Bill Munns tonight.

    4. Lily white is usually safe.

    5. Commie Liberal musician and proud DEMOCRATMonday, February 9, 2015 at 5:42:00 AM PST

      Anybody want to put down $5000.00 on a bet with me on which party the coward who wrote the ignorant comment at 3:46 as to which party he votes with? My wild guess would have to be, oh...um...let's see now....REPUBLICAN? or he's a Ron and Rand Paul supporter who claims to hate BOTH parties and says he's an Ind, but when he's behind the curtain voting he will always vote with the republican racists and haters-any takers?

    6. your broke! so you stole $5000.00 dollars over the weekend. Registered democrat union worker all my life asshole. Just wondering do you live anywhere near your beloved PETS!

    7. ANTI-RACIST = ANTI WHITE! you commie red fag!

  2. Look its tfats in his lettuce lake outfit

  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfCFSVyyuP8

  4. There are some seriously racist trolls here who need to eat a gun...

    1. Agreed. Waste of space and air.

    2. Yah, whoever made that lilly white comment should suck a 45, no tolerence for racism around here. Nothing racist was said untill that bigfmouth tried to start shit.

    3. The U.S is the least racist country in the world.

    4. 6:44 - So you think that Ferguson comment wasn't intended to be racist?

    5. They are the same paid operatives who also 'work" at sites like The Huffington Post and get paid according to how many divisive and disruptive ant-liberal comments they can post. Same ignorant republicans who do whatever their 'mastahs' tell them TO do, just like slaves except their slave traders are the Koch Brothers.

  5. Racist Magoo went to the department store and said to the bowling balls get out of here you spooks...oh racist Magoo you've done it again

  6. Oh racist Magoo you've done it again

    1. Magoo is white therefore he cannot be racist.

      It's impossible.

  7. this will happen to Fasano one day !

  8. Now if only someone could get a bigfoot to punch them and capture it on film.


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