Can Matt Moneymaker Find Bigfoot In The Hotbed Of East Texas?

The Finding Bigfoot crew is headed to East Texas! This area of the Lone Star state, commonly called "The Big Thicket" is known for its bigfoot activity. Will Moneymaker and his cohorts be able to finally get some images of the elusive beast? They are looking for people who have had encounters in the area, so you might want to contact them if you have.

The crew of Animal Planet's “Finding Bigfoot” is currently working in East Texas and is looking for people to share their stories of run-ins with the ape-like creature.

The producers say the show works because so many people have claimed to see a bigfoot and they are not limited to one location.

"Every culture has their own kind of ape man or primitive man legend and so it is very interesting,” said producer Sean Mantooth. “Our viewers are some of the best in the world. And they just want to know where bigfoot was, and they enjoy watching the cast and see what's out there.”

People wanting to get involved with the show need to email

source: KTRE


  1. Does Matt Moneymaker ever find anything!?

    1. Why if he tried to throw himself on the floor he miss!

    2. BOBO tracked and even seen BIGFOOTs a few times

    3. historickull tham bigfoots be aseein by folks heers fer yeers

    4. Well, when they were in the Sierras, I told him where to go, but he missed the turn. At the time there were no reposts from the area, but there have been three encounters with a white one and several others since Oh Matt, you boys need to get back to the Sierras.

    5. As a matter of fact, I just talked to a guy that told me he heard a scream in this area he couldn't explain. You should of seen the look on his face when I told him what it was. This guy and one other are in charge of a very famous four-wheel drive trail up obove shaver called the Dusey-urshim trail. Good luck, and don't get your dumb-asses torn apart! Boooooo!

    6. Texas out hawg huntin we can across a good size hawg impaled about 6 feet up in a tree looked like a scuffle had taken place nearby still to this day wondering what impaled that hawg !!! had to be BIG thinking a BIGFOOT would fit the bill

    7. Matt found love in a hopeless place

    8. Do you make this stuff up just so you have something to post?

    9. BOBO loves bacon and Bigfoots like what BOBO likes so bring in the pork : )

    10. No dumb-ass, I don't. Shawn has a nice photo of me and the cast from when they were at Shaver. You know where red canyon is dork?

    11. TK, if you don't mind, may I ask where'd you have your 3 encounters?

    12. 1984, an un-earthly loud and sounding scream at Hagerman wildlife refuge, lake Texoma, near potsboro Tx.

      A sighting on (Fresno co BFRO, 1997) near Huntington Lake Ca.
      3d Same place 7 years later, Hard knock responce within 75 yds. Area was immediately checked out, nothing!

      Several return howls and convienced friends in an area slightly south of Shaver since.

    13. BFD shawns s hoax inabeler and the cast of finding bigfoot couldn't find their butt with both hands. I bet your that dorky looking guy in town that tells the lamest stories about bigfoot and thinks people believe you.

  2. GRAYs set up these portals so that the BIGFOOTs can complete their DNA collections and safely return

    1. I'm curious...what makes you go with the GRAYs versus the AIMS crap on these posts? How do you decide to mix it up? They both suck by the way.

    2. GRAYs have been here long before US and will be here longafter we are GONE
      thats why they collect DNA and make hybrids and clones

    3. TRAPPER ans the AIMS boys chasen tham Bigfoot critters fer yeers thay needin to gits to TX, ans gits on da hunt agains thay shure do

    4. They have been chasing for years but have only come up with each others butt crack.

    5. Is that PHONY Marine, WILD BILL< still around?

    6. YES SIR! butt gots no time fer woman folk NO SIR no time be huntin with team AIMS

  3. Can Matt Moneymaker Find Bigfoot In The Hotbed Of East Texas? Hell, no. Matt Moneymaker couldn't find Bigfoot on the set of Harry and the Hendersons.

    1. Matt better be packing heat Texas BIGFOOTs dont play they dont like trespasser they do more than just knock on trees if you know what i mean

  4. Replies
    1. ans nuthin beets WILD BILL campfire vittles

  5. I don't think he could find a prostitute in a whorehouse.

    1. SO lots of people live in their pareints basement - it gives me more free time to pursue my interests like BIGFOOT

    2. It's funny how they are never out of breath, or sweating? They can't possibly be hiking anywhere? They must drive to the location, get out and wonder they never have any proof. How bout filming the hike, if they are hiking!

  6. They might find them if the bigfoot there speak Apache like Bobo said.

    1. Why are all of the women on the old Star Trek show dressed in super short skirts? The one woman on the old Kahn episode is very attractive and has nice tits.

      Don't they find a bigfoot on one epsiode?

    2. Yes, the character Marla McGyver in the original episode in which Ricardo Montabalm plays Kahn. Yeah, I'd do her. She is attractive and has nice tits.
      They didn't use too much material on Uhura's costume either.

      You might be thinking of the episode with the "buffalo." It's not a bigfoot. It's a creature that is able to morph into other creatures, including members of the Enterprise crew.

      Maybe the real sasquatches have some kind of morphing ability that allows them to remain undetected. Some people think that they are multidimensional creatures.

    3. Yeah.. that must be why they can't find one. Please tell me you don't vote.

  7. why don't they just change the name of the show to not finding bigfoot. at least that would be accurate....

    1. They should call it Bigfoot Gravy Train.

    2. Like Soul Train except with bigfoot instead of dancing.

  8. they are getting closer to making the 'finding bigfoot' episode in the great canyon

  9. Matt Geldmacher could not find his ass with both hands and a flashlight.

  10. Let Buck low an Renee team up to look for sasqatch. Buck might get a little frisky with Renee. She might hit him with her tree knonking ballbat. Team Bobo up with Huklebarry. Warn Hucklbarry Bobo likes harry men. Team Moneymacker with Trapper Tise. Trapper teach moneymaker all about squatches. Team wild Bill with Buck an Renee for sloopy seconfs. Better tie a to by four to wild Bills ass.


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