The Arizona Department of Transportation Says They Spotted a Family of Bigfoots

Did the Arizona Department of Transportation really capture something on camera? Their official Facebook page has posted an image of what appears to be apes near the side of SR-260 and Heber. The road is packed full of snow right now, but this area is actually heavily wooded. Check out the zoomed images below:
Area located 1981 Hwy 260, Heber Arizona

"We might have spotted a family of sasquatches on SR 260 near Heber this afternoon. What do you think?" - Arizona Department of Transportation

This highway scarcely populated, and runs through the forest

Of course, a lot of people are going nuts over the still images and want to see more. "Can we get a good version of this picture? Super hard to discern and will be considered like all the rest in its current form," one commenter wrote.

[via Phantom and Monsters]


  1. Replies
    1. This looks good! Let's see what unfolds next few days on it!

    2. Get the caulk outter yer mouth joe, you gum cuzzler

    3. "This looks good" lol! Cretin.

    4. Don't be scared kids... Come out from behind the couch, nothing will hurt you...

    5. Troll killer eats black dudes assholes. His mother told me so!

    6. Not everyone that disagrees with you is scared of the idea of Bigfoot you idiot.
      Why can't you just get it that not everyone agrees with your, pretty far fetched, ideas.
      You think 99% of reports on here are real, or 'look good' right from the off, and then pretty much 100% of these photos or videos get blown out of the water or proven to be fake just a few days later.
      People like Chuck and MMG seem to have a pretty well balanced view of Bigfoot, and any 'evidence' posted here.
      Whereas you seen to dive in, head first, and anyone that disagrees with you is either a skeptard or a hater or scared!??
      Some of us do beleive, we just want a bit more than a blurry photo or video to go on.

    7. On the contrary, a lot of these photos/videos are inconclusive, not pretty much 100% blown out of the water. It's hard to make definitive statements either way.

      In this particular photo I would like to see a good before and after picture. Just seeing the one long distance image leaves a lot of questions of what is mobile and what is not.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. Not everyone who doesn't agree with me is sacred of the idea of Bigfoot, but people like you are, 5:38... People like you who would love to play posters against me have the enjoyment close at heart to comment negatively regarding every article and every experience, have no place telling anyone what they can't hold an interest to. Scepticism is important, but for someone so seemingly quick to dismiss everything, I can make the exact claim that they're scared, and the only reason you don't like me so much son, is because I put the evidence into perspective and it most certainly scares you... I back up everything I say with science and experts, far fetched is as far from the truth as your little head can handle.

      You don't know what I believe to be real, and when you're not putting words in my mouth, you're writing looooooong essays about me crying like a little girl, none of it ever challenges the points I present, it's pathetic bro and I think anyone of your name drops would agree that you're damn lucky you keep anonymous, cause you'd be laughed of this blog with one more contribution to your apparent lack of self esteem.

      Here's a tip too... 90% of made up statistics are wrong 100% of the time.

      : p

  2. This will be debunked of course but that won't keep it from being regurgitated over and over in 'footlandia.

    1. Says the tard from Basementville!

    2. And you'll do your part I'm sure.

    3. LMFAO, "This looks good!' He says......Dumb a**

      Was there ever ANY doubt, Clueless Joe?

  3. could be anything or nothing
    as usual single pics are of no use whatsoever. if frame pics before n after were here wed no exactly what we are looking at

    If bigfoot existed it would have to be the luckiest creature ever. avoiding a plethora of surveillance and shrinking environment. Yet it still remains an eye witness phenomenon

    1. If I hadn't already posted about ten times today already...

    2. This should be easy to figure out as I believe those traffic cameras update every 10 seconds. If the figures rmain stationary then I think we can easily dismiss them as inanimate objects. If they move we should be able to have a better idea of what they are not. It seems suspicious to me there is not any updated images yet. I think they are just having a bit of fun with it. They are probably getting more Facebook comments from this than anything in the past year.

    3. We'll know more over the next couple of days, I'm sure.

    4. We already know based on the common knowledge that bigfoot don't exist

    5. I like how if someone doesnt believe in Bigfoot, they don't know much. When did Bigfoot become the measure of knowledge?

    6. It's not a measure of knowledge as much as it's a measure of integrity. People who sound off are under obligation to know the facts... Or be branded ignorant (as well as not knowing much).

  4. where is Justin Smegjamer when you need him? I'm sure he could have wounded at least 5 or 6 of those smaller ones from his trusty truck shooters nest.

    1. Yea, look at all those bear steaks standing there for the taking.

    2. Did you know, Justin and Rick the Dick are opening a shooting school for Bigfooters and underling poachers in general. The team will be called out on sightings, it's name will be SQWAT.'. instead of SWAT.

    3. Bravo. And the ironic part is that neither of them can actually SQWAT.

    4. ^^^ Huh, that doesn't make since you dork, your not helping.

    5. There is something that I hope will never happen but think it is a distinct possibility. With Finding Bigfoot now in it's sixth season and various specials exposing the general public to Bigfoot, I think the potential for a mistaken shooting is there.

      Armed with a rifle and the belief that Bigfoot exists, someone could possibly mistake a heavily clothed adult in poor weather conditions for such a creature. With dollar signs in their eyes such individuals might very well pull the trigger. Now if there are those who wish to hoax or pull a prank by putting on a costume depicting such than the chances are increased tenfold. There are some who say that Bigfoot is a form of human and shooting one is akin to murder. I think that is closer to reality than anyone realizes if the shooter is not sure of the target.

    6. Where's Smeja?...Still apply ice to that televised bitch-slap given to him courtesy of Dr. Sykes.

    7. Sorry! More disinformation by Mark Evans, Sykes did nothing of the sort.

    8. "^^^ Huh, that doesn't make since you dork, your not helping."

      "^^^ Huh, that doesn't make SENSE, you dork. YOU'RE not helping."

  5. before and after picture(s) would be nice.


    1. ^ spot on!! Great photo, I think there's gonna be much more on this in the next few days!

    2. Sure hoping its a video!

  7. Lots of skepties just pooped their diapers

  8. Government is in the business of covering up Bigfoot, not revealing it.

    1. someone forgot to send threatening message to d.o.t. It will be pulled off the site soon.

    2. That, or they will claim it is a joke. It will just be more evidence of the coverup.

    3. I was thinking along those lines too^

      A couple of idiots come foreword and say it was them blah blah blah.

    4. .....A conspiracy to cover up the existence of bigfoots is not possible; there would be to many layers(Rangers, maintenance, administrative staff..) over to large an area(America!) for to long of a time(forever)....It would have leaked many,many moons ago IMO....

    5. too many, too large, too long

      but that's a tough one...

    6. And they do come forward now and then 3:37... They do come forward.

    7. Joe:..Well, I'll agree that there may be people who after they retire say that they may have once seen a bigfoot, but I'll bet they never say " I can no longer take part in this conspiracy..."
      Someone coming forward is not evidence of a conspiracy...
      4:12..thanks for the correction...

    8. Ok I am whispering here- shhhh. What is 4:12 referring to?

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. ...You talking about Paulides' Missing books?...Did he say he thinks the bigfoots nabbed all those folks? ...I havent read them....

    11. He doesn't state that the disappearances are at the hands of Sasquatch, that's down to the reader to deduce.

  9. More bears. When will footers learn the only mammals of that size in north america are bears?

    1. "... Said the therapist to the sweaty, agitated Anon. The therapist sighs, removes his jacket, asks the Anon to lay down on the couch... He knows he's in for a difficult night.

    2. Seriously- bears roam in herds now?!


    3. Bear in the back is going to dance his way across the street on his back legs. I know maybe its a heard of trained circus bears that escaped.

  10. It would be nice to see a pic of that same location afterward to get an idea of size.

  11. o please. lern me this people how you can have a group of bigfoots when there are no such thing. maybe you just need some lernin'

  12. If you go to Arizona DOT site and pull up current view from this camera, you see the identical picture. Objects in question are permanent and stationary. Arizona DOT having some fun with Bigfoot.

    1. Would you mind linking to it? I cant seem to find it. Would like to have a look see.

  13. I see a car..a dude shoveling his driveway...maybe some snowcovered bushes...what do you guys see?

  14. Uh oh! The figure in back- the standing up one. Does that one look like its got a lighter top and darker bottoms? Kind of like a guy in a a coat and pants????

    : (

  15. I'm gonna wait on Todd and Rush this year...that's Rush the man and Rush the band...touring this year

    1. You still paying that clown Standing to pwn dumb footers Rush? You the man!!


    Note date and time stamp.

    1. Sorry linky not worky. Just copy and paste to browser.

    2. Joe F - "This looks good!!!'"

      2 hours later...

      "Solved, nothing to see here, but don't worry we will have another sure fire winner of a post in just a few hours, and i DEFINITELY have a good feeling about that one..."

    3. "spot on, great photo! I think there's gonna be much more on this in the next few days..." - Joe F

      yeah, or not. lol! you cretin.

    4. It's a great photo to Joe because it shows absolutely no detail whatsoever, therefore allowing his imagination can run wild.

    5. : ( It fooled me too... I keep my mouth shut when I dont like a photo or vid. But this one had me fooled I tell ya! Awe well I guess I'll go lay an egg.

    6. I wouldn't say fooled Chick! You can like something and be open about requiring more information on it before committing to it, without the concern of starving, creepy little angry trolls on the scavenge for something to go on.

      : )

  17. Im sure Al Sharpton will make a fuss and ask why they couldn't get cab. ; )

  18. There are highway cams all over the country; on primary roads and secondary roads; operating 24/7/365; there are cars traveling these roads 24/7/365; these roads are near recreational areas; areas with people through all seasons....hunters, fishers, hikers, campers, skiers, surveyors, trail maintenance/builders; photographers, geologists, biologists, and fake scientists known as cryptozoologists.........all of this activity for years and years and years.............there is absolutely no evidence that Sasquatch bodies, no bones, no credible "nests or bedding".......likewise for Loch Ness, Yeti, and any other credible and concrete evidence....none.

    1. Unfortunately for you, during all seasons, hunters, fisherman, hikers, campers, skiers, surveyors, trail maintenance/builders, photographers, geologists, biologists, do in fact report Sasquatch sightings and Cryptozoologists document them. Databases full of reports of this activity that have transitioned ten thousand years. There is in fact physical and biological of evidence to support the sightings in tracks and hairs, 150 years of giant skeletal remains documented in the US, and areas that are theorised to be bedding areas. Unlike the Loch Ness Monster; Sasquatch, Yeti, and the Yowie have every source of evidence short of modern type specimen.

      Homework for you; go look up Occam's Razor.

  19. I love how the the pic without the "bigfoots" is clear as day, need I say more. . .

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.


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