Police Officer Claims To Have Had Bigfoot Encounter

A retired Police officer of over 18 years claims to have witnessed a bigfoot while out camping with his family in Fresno county, California. Does him being an ex-policeman make this sighting more credible?

Suddenly, according to the former officer, something “caught his eye” as he “scanned through a small clearing” about 50 yards away. Fearing it was a bear, he kept still, watching it from the distance.

“It stood up, and when it did, it cleared the height of the manzanita bush that was blocking the view of the other half of it. That’s when I realized it wasn’t a bear that I was looking at,” John told Germer.

The animal then allegedly placed its right hand on the tree while the left arm kept swinging by the knees area.

“It didn’t stand up fully straight, it had very ape-like features, I didn’t know what I was looking at.”

To read the rest of the story, along with several more, click here. 


  1. Hes a police officer, he couldn't possibly be lying.

    1. Seems like I heard a man named Biscardi say that same thing about a cops story, remember Ricky D... Then he said you can't trick Rick, now it's Dyer the liar.

    2. But what would a policeman, or anyone for that matter, have to gain by lying about a Bigfoot encounter, other than ridicule?
      I believe there could be a creature such as Bigfoot, but if i was ever fortunate enough to see one, I don't think I would want to tell many people about it for fear of having the p1ss taken out of me!

    3. Tell me about it...

      Saw one when I was 16 and watched it for about 45 seconds, even raised my gun to shoot it but didn't.

      Pretty much have kept it to myself since then.

    4. Robert Lindsay says that he admires the care free attitude of monkeys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    5. Q. How many Police Officers does it take to throw a suspect down a flight of stairs?

      A. None. He fell.

    6. @4:42 would you be willing to tell us more about your encounter, with a bit more detail? I would love to hear what happened.

    7. What the hell...

      It was starting to get dark and me and a couple of buddies had just set up camp on the bank of a small lake to do some catfishing later that night. The water was low so we were below ground level and pretty well hidden from a small grassy field on the edge of the woods.

      I was just randomly looking around when I saw him. He was just standing there only about 35 yds away. The thing slowly turned his head to the left and then to the right. Then he looked my way but seemed to look over me. I don't think he ever saw us.

      I grabbed my rifle, it was only a .22, and raised it to shoot. One of my friends pushed to barrel down and said it might be someone trying to scare us. He was shorter than me and couldn't see it as well. As we argued for a few seconds...it must have took off. It was gone.

      I'll never forget the eyes and how slowly it blinked and turned it head & shoulders. The eyes were not red more yellowish orange.

      We were stuck there all night cause we had to go that direction and cross a ditch to get back to my car. It was a long night.

    8. @8:23 - Aw man, that sounds amazing. You are incredibly lucky to have such an encounter, I'm so jealous. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Apparently people coming here go nowhere else. Go to the blogs that show the cops doing all kinds of wrong ON TAPE and tell me your proud of a cop witness looking to cash in on the BF hysteria. Guess what Dyer did before he decided to make money, real money doing it. Yes he was a lying COP.

    1. False!

      His partner in crime WAS a cop. Dick Ryder was a corrections officer.

      You know how I know you're not ghey?

    2. Wrong dood, Dyer was a county cop first put in an app with the prison and was Promoted as a Sargent to the prison.. I LIVED THERE ASSWIPE.

    3. Hard to believe he was either seeing as hes drawing military disability.

    4. ..Cops are like everyone else: Some of them are a-holes but most of them are alright..The problem is the bad ones can do a lot of damage...

  3. Ex cop, Ex cop= Man with guaranteed salary and Zero loss involved. Would he use his once important social status for personal gain? some don't wait till their exes to do it.

  4. Clueless Joe told me that he made this story up guys and that Sanh Oriyavong took the bait: hook, line & sinker.

    I have the emails to prove it. Everyone that wants to read this e-mail, please post YOUR e-mail address and I'll be sure to forward it your way. Guys, you don't want to miss all the action, so you had better hurry if you want to get in on this breaking news.

    1. Sounds great, do you want my credit card info too?

    2. Yes, now here's a guy that doesn't leave any loose ends. Thanks for being so proactive 2:28!

      Just don't forget the 3 digit number on the back of your card as this will ensure a seamless transition to the information I mentioned in the previous post at 2:08.

      Thanks for your cooperation.

  5. This issue has become a joke hasn't it. I'm sorry, it's always been a joke.

  6. Another eyewitness account, credible or not, is not going to matter. A specimen matters.

    1. Say what? Shirley you're not THAT glib are you?

      I mean if you don't have monkey suit then that proves that Bigfoot exists.


      Clueless Joe

  7. I find it interesting that back in the 1970s a U.S. government (or state) agency put out disclaimers to travelers in their tourism pamphlets warning of running into Bigfoot in California and the Pacific Northwest. Personally, I find the witnesses describing Bigfoot far more believable than those who claim to see ghosts or live in haunted houses.

  8. There are just too many credible eyewitnesses to dismiss bigfoot out of hand. Sure, there are many nuts who claim to have had a sighting. But many eyewitnesses are as sane and credible as can be, and they can't all be cases of misidentification.

    I used to dismiss bigfoot out of hand until I visited the state of Washington. The forests around Mt. Ranier are so huge and dense that few people venture there (and in some areas perhaps never have). I can believe that an intelligent and extremely shy animal could live there largely undetected.

    1. Its sound reasoning, and when faced with the sheer scale of it, yes it does seem possible. But, given the volume of sightings, and the number of tracks found, it becomes less likely every year. I'm aware of all the arguments in favor, but considering the best footage we have is getting old, and nothing better has been recorded, we might be out of luck

    2. ..The problem is that people are not claiming that there is a shy creature in mt Ranier..The claim is they are ubiquitous and raid dumpsters in Brooklyn...

    3. Yeah there aren't no sasqatches outside of the Pacific nortwest.

    4. In actual fact there is nothing in field biology or any scientific discipline that states that a steady & consistent accumulation of physical evidence actually harms the prospect of a conclusive means of research; of what the evidence points to. It could merely be comparable to other previously considered cryptids, it could be that this creature has far exceeded anything that we've ever thought possible in a biological entity in it's ways of evasion. Considering the frequency of data, this would be enough to warrant anyone with enthusiasm for such an idea.

      Simply put, a steady accumulation of evidence cannot harm that which the evidence points to, because you might merely have not reached a conclusive stage of research yet.

  9. There have been number of law enforcement and park rangers claiming to see them among other credible people. The volume of eye witness accounts describing similar things can't be dismissed off hand. If people are imagining this why are there never any sightings in Hawaii? Shouldn't it be imagined there too?

    Due to them being sighted in places where they previously were not their numbers could be growing.

    1. Following that line of reasoning, why stop at Hawaii? You will notice that the activity was more or less restricted to the pacific north west in the 60's. As people are exposed to more media coverage as years go by, suddenly reports increase in frequency and range. Frankly, its become a bit hard to believe. Not only that, but since the 60's, there has been a steady increase in field researchers, yet none of the evidence compares to the quality found in the early years.... These are problems.

    2. We're well past the point where eyewitness accounts matter. The only thing that matters now is a specimen.

    3. There is sighting reports in Hawaii and Rhode Island.

      Why does a profession indicate that a human being is incapable of lying, misidentifying, or anything else.

      Professions, careers, and jobs are jut that. Human's trump all of that and bottom line is that humans can and will do whatever it takes and are highly prone to errors, even the greatest of all.

    4. You are correct...

      But I find it amusing when the basis of that sentiment is that ten thousand years of cultural references that transition modern times and contemporary anecdotes that span every reliable/credible profession of today, are the result of lying, misidentifying, or anything else.

      A leap of faith of epic proportions.

    5. 6:59... Reports are more frequent these days because the topic is popular culture and people are more open and ready to discuss the matter. With the development of the internet, ideas are exchanged on research to which people also have an avenue to log their experiences without fear of ridicule.

  10. not aall
    if he reporte his witness statement at the time iwould havesaid its credible

    hedidnt. he could be a sick man,like dr johnston sick .

    if you are so sure you seen a Bigfoot you wouldnt be concerned what others thought! its standing there and YOU KNOW. he didnt so its just another mental health patient with a tall story or a bear doing unusual things in front of him

    1. I Begg to differ...

      Do you even read the things you spew ignorance about?
      "It happened when I was about 8 years old...”
      I don't think he's in a position to make a witness statement at that age?
      “I did various assignments, from detective, to narcotics and other specialty units."
      I can just imagine him now, down the station dropping that into conversation to the boys in blue... I wonder how well that would have gone down? A good icebreaker?? Read and think before you spout your usual ignorant crud, it might stop you from looking like a total idiot at least. Anyone so hell bent and sweaty on denying things before knowing the facts can be said to have fear ridden responses of mental health proportions.


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