Are Bigfoot Sightings Declining?

Is something happening? Are bigfoot sightings on the decline? There's a number of answers to why it may seem so. Nobody really knows for sure. Except me. I know.

There have been 3,313 reported sightings over the course of 92 years (2). Some reports include pregnant females and even infants.

There are too many witnesses describing the same thing: a 7 to 8 foot tall hairy ape man that smells bad and makes a distinctive sound. Some stories are quite credible.

According to recorded accounts, there may be somewhere between 2,000 and 6,000 individuals across North America reporting Bigfoot sightings (3).

To read this and more, click here. 


  1. I don't care about firsting.

    1. Robert Lindsay says that he doesnt use deoderant because his body produces a natural musk that is appealing to women!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    2. Sightings are declining because for the last six years we have had a Commie president intentionally running the economy into the ground to take this country out. Alot fewer people have the money to be spending time in the woods. Several bike shops have went out of business in my area of cali. Outdoor recreation has dropped significantly, nothing else. If anything, Squatches have probably felt less pressure. Several areas around the country are having over-population problems with deer and hogs. Thanks Commibama!

    3. ^ Same guy as Troll Killer. Same stupid nonsense as well.

    4. LOL just when I thought you idiots had blamed Obama for everything, you get even more ignorant.

    5. We learned how to do it from you libtards, it's Georges fault!

    6. Lol!! What the flying fuck Obama have to do with Bigfoot sightings?! What a goofball

    7. Robert Lindsay says that he prefers cottage cheese on almost all foods!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I have a couple of posts related to this question. The first is on the susceptibility of apes and Bigfoot to disease: and the second concerns the migrations of Sasquatch:

    1. A skeptic might think you're trolling for web hits at the expense of a competitor. Naw.... Dishonesty in the world of bigfoot? Never. Except for Joe of course. He's a liar. And a drunk.

    2. ^^Great. More unsubstantiated cut and paste shit he never heard of an hour ago but will be presented as fact an hour from now.

    3. Stop blurring the line between sceptics and nutjobs... As dishonest as hurling abuse behind anonimaty?

      It's a blog for crying out loud... Don't let it ruin your lives.

    4. Robert Lindsay says that he never has liked biscuits, he would rather put his meat on a hot dog bun, than deal with flaky biscuits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    5. THIS blog defines yours, liar.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. ... Or rather your thoughts defined as me, every day of yours?

    8. Don't flatter yourself. I call out all dishonest assholes.

    9. It helps if you actually have something to call out... Hating just don't cut it.

      Nôs da.

    10. Robert Lindsay says that he thinks there is something to aliens performing anal probes. He believes there is too much evidence for its existence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    11. Well, I call out commie asshole dicks------------------------ 3:46 -- your up dork.

      Joe has never told anyof you that "You have to believe." You Commie Idiots on the other hand think you have a write to come an be an asshole and declare the truth -- You don't.

      Bigfoots are real, Ive seen one. So shove it up your ass tards!

    12. ^ Same guy as The Bigfoot Patriot. Sees commies and bigfoot everywhere.

    13. @bigfootbible, I read the article on BF migrations. It offered "no" evidence they make seasonal migrations. Moreover, statistical studies using sighting data has found no evidence of seasonal migration. The article is useless; it offers no evidence except to say BF is sighted in all mainland states.

    14. @bigfootbible, Please don't take my comments personally. It's aimed at the article, not you. On the other article about human diseases affecting BF, there is a risk, but for the most part they avoid humans, albeit some might be at risk if they go through our garbage or receive food gifts by sick people.

      But the U.S. is not overrun with a lot of deadly diseases, although a lot of diseases that were relatively wiped out in the U.S. are making a comeback from all the 3rd world illegal immigrants crossing our southern border.

    15. I don't know about everywhere or every bigfoot, but there is a migration corredoor in the central valley here in California. This area only has sightings in the spring and fall as they are passing a choke point and are not as familliar with the area or the manmade changes that occur, and so they are prone to get caught out in this area. If you have enough elevation, youll probably have some migration. But there are whey to many other varriables at play.

    16. when all else fails retards use the word commie. At some point you should learn the definition of it to sound less stupid.

    17. I'm rippin some AAA cali medicine (Tangerine Cream and Baked pineapple), get off my nuts you homer. Did I whack you with my turd-prodding stick?

      Yah, I thought so!

    18. @the bigfoot patriot, that's interesting. They do make regional migrations during seasons, like changing elevation for better food sources. Overall they don't seem to do north/south migrations like birds, but that's interesting if there is a central valley corridor of migrations. There is a lot we don't know about them.

    19. They are moving from the Sierras to a high dessert forrest S/S.E. of Bakersfield Ca. It would be interesting to know if the dessert area sightings, such as at Whitesands goes up in the Winter?

    20. I know a researcher down that way; I'll have to ask him about this some time. Thanks for the info.

    21. Robert Lindsay says that his brother in law, pig pump, likes to change Dovers diapers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    22. Matt k. Puts mayo on his big ol tits!!!

  3. Joe has always got love for transsexuals, just ask Eva

    1. Your unreal brah. Why all the hate for Joe and Eva all the time. You need some help.

  4. It's not sightings that are declining, its the people who make them.

    Anyone who witnesses a BF these days either get their heads popped off or are torn limb from limb.

    Why did Sas suddenly get so bad ass? Cough up your monthly subscription and we tell you.

    Government Insiders are our friends!


  5. All is proceeding as planned.

    1. Wes Germer interviewed a military person that said he was involved in areas where they had a problem sasquatch (abductions), and you government MIBs are going in and trying to kill the whole group.

      Listen to the 16:00 - 51:00 minutes of the following video where you MIBs intimidate people and cover up, and even kill BF.

      Are numbers declining? I don't think they are, but is the government killing some?

    2. I wouldn't get too involved with Bigfoot research if I was you. Just some friendly advice.

    3. Hey D Dover,----------- Wes also talked about the idea that somehow Dyer might be getting paid ---- to do the hoaxes.
      I don't know if you remember this, but about two years ago, all of a sudden, Dyer came out with this vid that was unusually even for him. He made all these claims that Bigfoots were evil and they were violent and everyone of them needed to be killed. It was an odd thing for him to do and say. Makes me wonder in hindsight if this wasn't where he may have gotten contacted and linned out on the government killling them. And how he could "Help the Men" by causing a distraction and mockery if you will? Something to think about and Wes thinks he's getting paid. So maybe thats when it happened? Huh?

    4. Dyer damages the BF community because he gives ammunition to skeptics who say, "Look at this." It wouldn't surprise me if they did that. If the government really is involved with covering up BF phenomena then they likely have skeptics or others working to disrupt things.

    5. The Video was strange in that Dyer seemed really freaked out. I thought at the time that he was baked on Cocain or something. He was really wierded out and rambled on about them being monsters. I have only went to his site like twice and this video caught my attention because I do think they are violent????

    6. @bigfoot Patriot, If you will notice, someone called bigfootbible posted links in these comments, and if you open further links on those pages it attacks both Bob Garrett's government shut down and Wes Germer's claims. If the government is sending people to quell accusations of government cover up look at bigfootbilble that posted comments here.

    7. Dude, that is bazzar. That websight has an extremely, almost too professional apperance, yet the title and further ramblings seem incessent on charater assasination.
      I am a Christian and a knower of Bigfoot, and it does bias my beliefs toward Bigfoot admittedly. But even I find the effort involved and the angle of argument, and written material and referencess, to be too much for one person.
      It would be a very odd Christian tactic, not that all religions don't have thier whacks! They call me whaked cause I think bigfoot has some mild super-natural tendencies at best --- all the way to being Nephilim or decendent of Cain at worst, and a very ---- nasty --- critter. Ha ha ha ha ha.
      But Yes, this guy and his website are a sock-puppet for sure.

    8. Robert Lindsay says that Dover is just another Joe account!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    9. Anon 3:38 has love for Joe. He/she talks about Joe constantly.

    10. @BP, yes, it has sock-puppet character. Bob Garrett and Wes Germer are just recently at the forefront of government conspiracies and it leads off at discrediting them. The religious stuff doesn't seem genuine.

      bigfootbible commented here with what looks like hastily written articles to go along with the topic of this article. It provided two links, one is "migration and the limited sighting of bigfoot." Dude, that was quickly written to go with the topic of the article about declining numbers of BF.

      And when you go to the website it has two prominent links, one about Bob Garrett and the other about Wes Germer. I gave you a link to the main website. Here is what bigfootbible posted here.

      It makes me think the government is doing this stuff to run interference.

    11. Hey Dover... I never got around to actually reading those links, but thanks for the breakdown. I also think Sasquatch numbers being exterminated could be spot on.

    12. Joe, here's a pod cast from sasquatch Chronicles. # 70. It interviews to a retired police office who was recruited by these so called MIBs but he didn't take the job. It also has more info on Bob Garrett whom a few days ago had an article here about the government shutting him down. It says his youtube channel disappeared along with his facebook account and his website all at the same time. His web page came back, but a lot of stuff was missing. His youtube and facebook accounts are like they never existed and those companies can't explain what happened,

    13. Thanks, if you have the links to the 71 too, or any other relevant episodes, please post them.

    14. Look at this interview of Wes Germer.

      16:30 is intimidation by MIBs. They get involved when Park Rangers or other law enforcement write reports.

      18:30 is intercepted emails between government agencies.

      22:30 is additional information on Bob Garret and the harassment he and his wife have received.

      34:00 is the mention of an interview of a military personal who claims involvement in killing problem sasquatches. In areas where sasquatches are suspected of involvement with missing persons they will go in and kill the whole group and helicopter the bodies out.

  6. Bigfoot numbers are declining. The species is facing extinction. A bigfoot needs to be found soon for science in order to protect them. Otherwise, they will all die out. Joe, get over here and start helping to look for the thing

    1. On the contrary, they're multiplying like crazy! I've seen a massive increase in breaks over the past few years.. The more Bf, the more aware they need to be.
      My tree structure pics should be on youtube in a few days!!!!!

    2. Great. Can't wait. I'm sure you're right...


    4. So what are these tree breaks supposed to be sign of?

    5. Bigfoot marking the woods, can't be anything else!

    6. I had a description under each pic, didn't show up for some reason? I was wondering what u meant...I'll fix it!

  7. There could be a simple and logical reason for this. After the last 20 years of a generation getting on-line and most old accounts eventually collected, the majority of current reports could be expected to be considerably less because it has come to be limited to mostly recent accounts.

    1. Very good point @ 7:34! The more people who go on line to recount past (old) encounters, the fewer the past experiences there are to report.

      Here is another reason. It seems the article is only using one source, the BFRO. There are more and more BF research groups collecting sighting reports than there were in the past, and you can't use one source.

      Moreover, I'm skeptical of the article's figure of 3,313 reported sightings in the last 92 years. I read an article last year stating there had been well over 2,000 reported sightings since 2007. The article might be using a single source, the BFRO, and not giving an accurate number.

    2. Robert Lindsay says that smoking the peace pipe is therapeutic to the soul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. Agree. The BFRO had been one of the only sites that collected data on sightings. Now many states have their own BF investigative teams that a person reports their finding to. There are way to many sites out there for the author of this article to reference only one.

  8. ***Orrrrrrrrrrrr maybe the Government is just shelling out less money to the story tellers this year...........

  9. The Bigfoot population is not declining. In order to have a recorded sighting, the person experiencing them has to take the next step and report it to some group that is part of the final database, like the BFRO. Since the BFRO will trash all researchers areas where they have a sighting, researchers don't report to the BFRO. For the public, they have seen so many TV shows on Bigfoot, they don't want to have their backyard invaded by the BFRO, so they rarely report it. This leaves the attention seekers, who want to finally be somebody because they have failed in all other areas. This pattern of behavior leads to a declining number of reports.

    Bigfoot number in the millions and millions. They avoid being detected by using means that are beyond the comprehension of the public and apparently, the BFRO. The 2000 to 6000 number was invented out of thin air, in order to keep the public from getting alarmed. Virtually everyone that lives outside of the big city, lives within 2 miles of a Bigfoot. Bigfoot will even live in the suburbs by residing in local unimproved forest parks and natural areas. Bigfoot have no problem in visiting researchers in the suburbs, standing outside their house and pounding on the walls while they are trying to sleep. It has happened to me more times than I can count.


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