The Mystery of the Upside Down Tree

In different areas of North America, people have found trees, big trees, that have been uprooted and shoved back down into the ground in an inverted position. Does bigfoot cause this, or is there some other explanation?

One photo on that site shows an upside down tree found on top of a ridge in Northern Colorado. It was located near an old burn area and the site says, “This is Sasquatch related activity mainly found in the West, Canada, and Alaska.” The upside down tree is estimated to be about 30 feet tall and looks as if it has been in that position for awhile. As noted on that site such a feat would require either machinery or a phenomenal amount of strength. The site also notes that such feats are demonstrations by Bigfoot of their strength and they are signs to let others know they are still in the area.

It might be noted that upside down trees with the tops buried 5 to 7 feet in the ground and roots showing towards the sky is not anything new and has nothing to do with Bigfoot. They are found in a place called Glacier Gardens in Juneau, Alaska. In that botanical garden you will find just such upside down trees. They garden calls them “Flower Towers.” Their website even tells you how to grow your own! Of course you have to dig a hole at least 5 feet deep to accomplish the feat. Fish netting is used to line the root ball of the tree and mosses are put down over the netting for nutrients. Flowers are then planted in the moss/netting material which are actually quite beautiful. You can find the gardens website at:

So might not the upside down trees found in the wilds of Alaska, Canada, and Colorado might not be the product of loggers? This is certainly possible and even probable. To slam a tree 5-7 feet into the ground would require phenomenal power and although Bigfoot is physically stronger than humans I highly doubt they are strong enought to accomplish something of this magnitude.

To read the entire article, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. And they are signs that bigfoot is "still" in the area? So when the sasquatch decides to move they are to turn those trees back the right way? What a load of crap that sentence was people.

  2. No mystery just some heavy machine operators having a laugh.

    1. Your probably right,a couple of years ago i left the house one morning to find all the wheelie bins in the street up side down with not a single piece of rubbish spilt,some people do like to pull a prank xx

    2. BIG BOSS BRAINS! of dumb lil joeWednesday, December 3, 2014 at 2:50:00 PM PST

      Or Joe aka ( dim bulb) says Adam Glass was in town!
      Haa haaa ha! ; )

    3. Interesting use of a comment title,,hint, personality type ..response - + = nothing new here,

    4. ^ yes, the subliminal use of this technique has been around since MID 70s, subject response is key. Lol!

  3. It would require a fair number of Sasquatches, time, coordination and digging to do that. Machinery would help. Now that would be an example of tool use.

    1. I've seen this before, upside down trees, with roots in the air, but not rammed into the ground...they are balancing upside down, by all of the braches, but it's still upside down (I've never actually walked through the branches to see it if was rammed into the ground) but I do see this often. I have many pics of trees with stumps that are ripped up, and placed in trees, hung on trees, some upside down, some sideways...Joe & Chuck can attest to the fact that these trees with roots tore up, and placed on other trees, did not "Just happen," they were placed there for a marker.
      None of what I see is as massive as the Pic Shawn posted, but I do have the pics to prove it!

    2. OH YEA DS!! Well I have pictures of Adam Glass and Joe all up in fishnets + high heels?? What up that??
      ; )

    3. DS is correct BBM whatever is a pervert.

    4. DS, places WAY TOO MUCH in credence in tree evidence.

    5. Thnx alpha dog! Comming from you thats a complement
      ; )

    6. Anon 4:30, If you saw the evidence, you would too!

    7. Easy to say! Where is the evidence? Or is this ALL anecdotel?

    8. Empty scrotums flapping in the Wind..(crickets)...........

    9. email me and I will send it.

    10. Send it to me now!

  4. Perhaps the seed of the tree was planted upside down?

  5. DUH!!! it's loggers, people. they have been doing this for years, both for fun and to serve as great nesting spots. Let's not overrate a squatch's strength... there are limits

  6. Indians have been seeing them in areas where loggers have never been. It is more than likely a feat of skill by a clan of Bigfoot that utilize some special magical tricks that are well beyond the comprehension of the readership.

    1. Sometimes things get stuck in places they shouldn't have been in the first place. Happens all the time.

      Mister Fister

  7. ^^^Uhmmmmmm, some special magical tricks that a Sasquatcs(s) is capable of doing, I highly doubt that friend.........

  8. My guess is that it is done by the strongest of them all mother nature

  9. As strong as a male sasquatch is, they are not this strong. It would take machinery many pounds to put this tree and ones like it 5 to 7 foot deep.

    1. The females are actually much stronger.

      I mean much stronger in the crotchal region.

    2. ^ Also may I add? In my humble opinion, i dont think sasquatch are PACKIN that heavy of timber! ; )

  10. i have a book, an old book, called The american History of Logging. In the book, there are black and white pictures of Trees upside down. in the book, these old time loggers, after finishing an a job, would place these trees at the site, after the job was finished. That's all it is. It has NOTHING to do with Bigfoots!

  11. People, dumb ass fooTARDS actually believe that a Bigfoot could lift thousands and thousands of pounds up and drive thouse thousands and thousands of pounds 5-7 feet deep?

    Yep, not surprising and I bet Clueless Joe bleebs it too being the huge bleeber he is.

  12. Matt MoneyMaker was in Alaska, and saw these trees first hand. His 'expert" opinion was: "Big foots did this to mark the edge of their territory"!
    Ask Matt, he knows EVERYTHING about Big foots! He is the #1 expert on Big foots!
    In his 25+ years of "Tracking Sasquatches" what evidence did he ever show?

    1. ^^^ NONE of course and the ONLY evidence he has to show for his so-called research is the $monies$ he has made off his gullible followers and the show he is on.......

  13. In northern Colorado these are called tornado. And yes they do occur in the mountains. Last summer a tornado did extensive damage west of Red Feather Lakes.

  14. Nothing to these photos. As mentioned above, Loggers. Specifically the Loader Operator having fun. Whether boredom or to fool those who came along, it didn't matter.

    I've seen more complete photos of this scene and a gravel road was right there next to the recently logged unit. It is also kind of swampy there as I recall so the tree went in deeper.

  15. Interesting theory that its loggers. But there a few spots that these upside down trees exist that have never been logged. So who did those?

  16. a blog without the inane drivel frim joefitz

    as for this upside down trees,it was something you wondered how dod people do this. growing them that way solves the nystery

    shows you cant take it at face value as theres usually a common sense answer

  17. it's aliens, it must be aliens

  18. Ok maybe some are loggers but what about those that are in places that no loggers have been to or the machinery can't get to it to creat a buried upside down tree which are actually out there.

  19. Bigfoot is stronger than Hulk by far and those trees have no machinery marks at all, I saw it at the Discovery Channel. For God's sake people wake up!!!

  20. Bigfoot is stronger than Hulk by far and those trees have no machinery marks at all, I saw it at the Discovery Channel. For God's sake people wake up!!!

  21. Show these places where supposedly no loggers or machinery have ever been. One can "say" anything they want, doesn't make it real.

  22. Show these places where supposedly no loggers or machinery have ever been. One can "say" anything they want, doesn't make it real.

  23. So fate and actually caught a big foot and a man standing near by. The must be friend...

  24. Theres a sasquatch in the left of the picture


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