Some Weird Stuff Going on At the Brown's in Washington

Jon and Sara Brown have been documenting the ongoing activity on and around their property. This following video shows some strange occurrences that have happened recently, as well as some unknown audio they have recorded.


  1. Replies
    1. Somebody please delete this kind of bullsh!te PLEASE


    3. Go to a right wing political forum and post that garbage, this is a paranormal/ cryptozoological site. Whether I agree or disagree with your opinions have absolutely no bearing whatsoever in my call for their deletion-again, this is not the right venue to post this kind of subject matter.

  2. Let's say someone was documenting encounters with some known wild animal using a video camera. Would you not expect to see and here examples of that animal in their videos? Why do people claim to see evidence of bigfoot in videos like these? There are way too many gullible people open to outrageous suggestion in this world.

  3. Bigfoot are sissies,i had one come runnin' up on me,yellin',and throwin' sticks at me,I got downon one knee,pretendin' I was scared,when he got in front of me,I gave him a big over head hammer fist,right in his balls.He was wimperin' like a bitch,all he did was drag his old hairy ass on out of there.It took a week to get the smell of his balls off my hand,dam stinky ass sissy!!!

  4. Bigfoot are sissies,i had one come runnin' up on me,yellin',and throwin' sticks at me,I got down on one knee,pretendin' I was scared,when he got in front of me,I gave him a big over head hammer fist,right in his balls.He was wimperin' like a bitch,all he did was drag his old hairy ass on out of there.It took a week to get the smell of his balls off my hand,dam stinky ass sissy!!!


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