Todd Standing To Show 90-minute Documentary on Bigfoot Interaction At The Sasquatch Summit?

Well. This is interesting. For those backers who are hoping for a chance to see the Bigfoot North documentary before everyone else, it might be better to just attend the Sasquatch Summit in Washington this weekend. According to, Standing says he's presenting the full 90-minute documentary this weekend! Not sure how true this is or whether we should trust this source, but here's the snippet:

OCEAN SHORES, Wash. - "Big things" are promised at this weekend's Sasquatch summit in Ocean Shores.

Todd Standing of the TV show "Survivorman Bigfoot" says he'll present a 90-minute documentary with evidence he feels is compelling enough to push for legal recognition and protection of the species.

Believers who say they've seen a Sasquatch describe a stinky, ape-like creature covered with hair, standing about 10 feet tall.

KBKW reports hundreds of people are expected at Bigfoot events Friday evening and Saturday at the Quinault Beach Resort and Casino.

The Sasquatch Summit Starts This weekend



  1. Replies

      ALL CAPS

    2. Hmmmm. No, that was your mama.

    3. Meh- you are boring me back to sleep. Bet you hear that all the time though.


    4. I am sure that you are a very beautiful woman Chick


    5. Wakes up with morning wood^

    6. Howdy Eva R and Chick :)

      All kinds of crazy bigfoot stuff going on hahahha!!

      Enjoy!!! the show!!

    7. Eva I'm sorry about big gay jon killing your cat!

    8. Morning MMC, Eva, Ruff and Joe!!!

      thank you MMC and Eva! Fake All Caps acting up extra last night. He's the one with the mood!

    9. tham mexicuns heers nows ans thays astayin heers in amurka

  2. i knew it dyer is pulling his trailer to the conference with his bigfoot hank ..melba is bringing matilda according to inside sources and daisy in a box is expected to be there. i also heard that for you entertainment as if that is not enough a bear wearing a pink tutu will be performing by riding a unicycle under the tent.

    KBKW news

  3. Over ten thousand years of human habitation in North America, and not one single shred of unambiguous evidence has been found that supports the existence of bigfoot. No clear, objective, tangible thing has ever been offered by anyone, ever. Evidence for bigfoot that's actually worth anything equals zero.

    This is unfortunate if your hobby is belief in bigfoot.

    1. Is that the talking points they sent you out with today. Seems they could get a little more creative.

    2. Intended for 3 07 or course

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. ^Rekt by river
      pwned by parcher
      Smoked by squatchy

    5. Unknown primate hair, dermals, footage, anthropological and archaeological studies of giant skeletal remains, thermal footage, professional eyewitness accounts, the backing of the very best primatologists in the world not to mention the best conservationists, whole cultures spanning that then thousand years, audio, transcribed language, trail cam photos... Everything short of modern type specimen says 3:07's clearly looking for his daily bit of a attention, and hasn't the slightest idea what he's talking about. Considering all this, it is clear that there is at least something to reports, denying these mounds of evidence is anything but being objective, rendering one to question whether 3:07 even understands the concept, and to state that this has not been offered is pretty much key for us in identifying the underlying source of such; that of course being in perverse denial. It requires very little intelligence to offer denial in the face of facts and hard data, by the way.

      However, if one's hobby is to spend all of one's time reading about, listening to, watching and surrounding one's self in a particular topic that has all this information so easily accessible, then there is cause to draw on comparisons of delusional behaviour. A delusion is a belief held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary... Like thousands of years of both contemporary & cultural references that spand uncooperative ethnicities, that transition into modern day mediums that account for every single source of evidence short of modern type specimen. As a pathology, it is distinct from a belief based on false or
      incomplete information, confabulation, dogma, illusion, or other effects of perception. Delusions typically
      occur in the context of neurological or mental illness,
      although they are not tied to any particular disease and have been found to occur in the context of many pathological states (both physical and mental). However, they are of particular diagnostic importance in psychotic disorders including schizophrenia, paraphrenia, manic episodes of bipolar disorder, and
      psychotic depression. In a survey conducted by the group of psychologists, people who partake in so-called trolling online showed signs of sadism, psychopathy, and were Machiavellian in their manipulation of others and their disregard for morality. The researchers defined online trolling as “the practice
      of behaving in a deceptive, destructive, or disruptive manner in a social setting on the Internet” for no purpose other than their pleasure.

      Denial or delusion This will be put to the enthusiasts to debate at length... Discuss...

    6. If that's your diagnosis concluded upon, I'm happy to go along with that. Now... Take this, take this, this, this and this!

      ("why thank you doctor!")

      Oh I'm not a doctor...

    7. This is supposedly a bigfoot blog that encourages readers to draw their own conclusions. However you cant be skeptical of the evidence here without your intelligence being insulted. As pointed out by Joe to many people the evidence is there, you just arent smart enough to realize it. Thats when things start getting ugly and people have to start taking cheap shots. Joes overinflated ego demands that he insult the intelligence of people that dare think different then him. SOOOO.. this behavior you are trying to say is determinative of mental illness is born out of the fact that you people cannot handle the notion of people thinking differently than you and having their own opinions of whats been presented. So this is only disruptive for you, because you arent emotionally stable enough to have rational conversations with people. In essence, you have created this trolling by your hostile response to skeptics. Therefore unfortunately what you have used to try and define the skeptics here is in fact what you are suffering from. Its only deceptive, disruptive, and destructive because you cant handle a opinion different than your own. This is typical with people fear and anxiety disorders. As well as the belief of conspiracy theories and belief that the government is conspiring against you. You live here in a state of paranoia and comments outside of your comfort zone incite feelings of panic that you in turn lash out at the skeptics.

    8. Modern type specimen, the one thing your short of, is actually the one thing that is required to verify the existence of said creature. The fact that you pretend that all the other evidence verifies the existence of this creature is in fact being deceptive. Your evidence is very very far from superior. In fact not one single piece of it is conclusive. If it were, well then we wouldnt be having this conversation would we. You have not one single piece of evidence that could not also be misidentified or hoaxed. Thats not superior. You dont have any hard facts. You have pieces of evidence refuted by some experts, laughed at by most other experts. There is only one fact, one fact only in this whole ordeal and that is we have no specimen or remains of specimen to this day. Documents of remains are not remains, their documents. Films of the specimen are not the specimen, they are film. All of this could be misinterpreted information, because thats all it is information. As much as you may try to take center stage off of the fact you have no specimen. Thats always what will be front and center. Until you have something conclusive, and you dont, you dont have one piece of conclusive evidence. You have nothing. You arent delusional, you are deceptive in every sense of the definition.

    9. Anxiety, conspiracies against me? Nargh! I'm just Joe who posts on a Bigfoot blog and has the time of my life doing so! If people like you 5:10, could handle the notion that people thinking differently, then you wouldn't endorse the rubbish that's typically posted in the name of your misrepresented theory group, like at 3:07.

      Healthy scepticism is encouraged, and if people were practising proper scepticisms, I wouldn't have the slightest thing to say about it.

      And it's King Troll to you!

      ; )

    10. And with the deception again. My very first post on here was nothing but courteous. You immediately went to your go to phrase "if you were smart enough, you would see that". Maybe you do it so much you dont even realize it. Ive seen you do it to multiple other people. And Ive seen other people here take cheap shots as well when the initial statement was unprovocative. You say you encourage healthy skepticism but thats untrue. If someone believes differently than you you believe they are intellectually inferior to yourself and it pores out of every comment you make. Ive not seen one single piece of healthy skepticism ever encouraged here. You people lash out, you made this bed you lie in.

    11. 5:10 snooze fest. The deficiency is feeling the need to comment the same thing every day on a subject you apparently feel is a waste of time, BUT the really sick thing is that you post the same thing everyday so that that a certain person on a Bigfoot sight will pay attention to you. Believe me when I tell you, Joe doesn't think of you as much as you think of him. The fact that you follow him like a puppy means you lose daily.

    12. You just cant handle it emotionally is your problem. You think so highly of him it tears you up to see anyone challenge what he thinks. And that is your problem, not mine. When and if you grow up, youll understand. Now please dont interrupt when adults are talking.

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. 6:03... You simply need a friend for those self esteem issues.

      I'm genuinely starting to feel sorry for you.

    15. The fact that you responded to me shows I have said something that has meaning to you. I feel nothing about Joe, all I know is what I see daily. You are a Joe groupie, you feel the need to challenge him on a daily basis, even though you know how debate will end, you in tears.

    16. 5:25... You assume so much, or maybe it's something we've come to expect from you? Nobody at all has ever or is claiming anything opposed to a modern type specimen is required to verify this species. I challenge you to find where I've stated that the evidence offers a basis for species verification? If you can quote me, I will be impressed. We'll see how 'deceptive' I've been should you offer us evidence of such a claim.... If not, then who's can be said to be deceptive?

      This naturally means that the evidence that I list can only truly be attributed to what the evidence points to; this being an unknown primate and there's a little thing called Occam's Razor, and in the face of addressing the point at 3:07, which was pure lies I can list you facts regarding the actual state of evidential accumulation over the referenced time frame. This has been done on many occasions with you sir, ending the matter by leaving the comment section, not showing with any slight means to not consider the sources as what they are. Therefore... The fundamental basis of your ATTEMPTED point is baseless.

      If I don't have any hard facts, then please take the time show this, you are invited sir... As always. The only repetitive issue with that to which arises on your part, is your long comments on my character that don't amount to even starting to achieve that. You are also invited to demonstrate the sources I have presented up top to be exactly that which you claim as misidentification and hoaxes.... Please, this is what I am concerned with, anyone can come up here and call them things like 'laughable' and 'unsuperior', but you must show how this is the case. In fact, I have shown you photographs of giant skeletal remains that you failed to comment on, whilst scientific journals by science's big hitters cannot get any more significant.... You are of course invited to contend this with the level of 'hard facts' that you abide by so dearly it seems. Also... A negative proof fallacy with regards to a type specimen is not the best way to go about condemning a topic, as it flies in the face of so many examples of scientific breakthroughs that I don't care to list right now. For every expert you claim that laughs at 'me', I can in fact list you the ones that count, which account for the very best primatologists on the planet right now. For your claims that filmed Sasquatch are not what they are presented to be by scientists, you are again invited to reinforce that notion.

      As always... You still haven't proved any of your points.

    17. I have come to the conclusion that bigfoot is nothing more than an inside joke shared amongst a select group of "researchers". They run around hoaxing trying to get as many idiot bleevers as they can to buy into thieir crap. It's basically a global snipe hunt. That is the only explanation that makes any sense.

    18. Your conclusion? Joke's on you I'm afraid... It's the greatest leap of faith on the planet to maintain that, for ten thousand years, people that have transitioned different cultures and ethnic groups (that had no desire to interact) have been a part of the same monkey suit wearing SECRET SOCIETY (getting a little paranoid, conspiracy-like all of a sudden there kiddo?), that have been jumping out and saying "boo" to people, spanning from a time when people had no idea of what an ape looked like due to their geographical disposition. Your 'explanation' in countering that is the only thing that doesn't make sense.

      And again... Quite a conspiracy you've conjured up there about people who have ten times your credentials and integrity, are you sure you're not turning to the dark side? And I hate to add to your self esteem issues, but...


    19. DSA. Last night I hosted graphic artist, Texas Resaercher and uber intellectual DC at the ranch. He sat out on my porch and described a mostly intact east Texas Bigfoot skeleton that he personally witnessed, examined and photographed that the state of Texas claimed as "deriving from a Native American burial site" and therefore seized. He absolutely felt it bore a marked resemblance to homo heidelbergensis or some other robust Australopithecine and said he likely knows the actual museum it ended up residing in and intends on following up on this, having already performed photometroc analyisis on his own photos to vet said observations. To portray all Footers as fringe elements is to grossly underestimate the vast intelligence and resourcefulness of some of these individuals. Please bear in mind I don't include myself among these standouts as while he was talking I drank a case of Corona and broke a guitar over a turkey decoy because I couldn't properly tune it to play a favorite Sublime tune that Brad used to jam. Nevertheless let's just clean the slate, hit the reset button on this Atari and give a few of these better brains a chance. After all "he prayeth best who loveth best all creatures great and small, cynicism is the test i love it least of all".

    20. Where's that evidence that joe promised us ya drunk sleezeball?

    21. Go to Facebook and friend request me now. You can spend the rest of your weekend reviewing real evidence and you'll have enough ranting to consume your entire holiday season. :). Until then happy thanksgiving my darling and dearest of all angry anonymous posters.

    22. I am your friend on facebook, all I've ever seen out of you is blobsquatch pics.

    23. And all I've ever heard out of you are purile childish rants but I'm not judging. I'm certain that underneath your vapid echoing cranial keel is a beautiful mind waiting to be discovered. But I could be wrong.

    24. In fact I'm certain I am and I apologize profusely Good day Sir! :)

    25. Childish rants very similar to your friend joe's, no?

    26. If that is a childish rant I certainly enjoyed it. Brought me a giggle or two> ; )

    27. No.....Joe is an artist. He's like a Bigfoot Banksy. Slightly subversive but always in form. Look. Let's make up. I'm sorry I used the phrase cranial keel and very sorry to drag the spirit of the late Bradley Noel into this. I want us to get back to where we were. Yours in Coors.....Michael.

    28. I'd be very careful as to whom you label 'childish'... I'm still awaiting a response to what was put to you up top, to which the best you can conjure is... Well, that.

      Mike's audio evidence will be completed and likely to be out over the next few days once I can add the amazingly interesting footage I was honoured to have sent to me last night.

    29. Hey my brother. Hope you liked that. Claerr blew my mind last night. It was like a mini Sasquatch summit over a sandwich. A Sandwich Sunmit ;)!

    30. Honestly, what I listened to was seriously good, thanks buddy!!

    31. No problem. And there so much more. David got rock clack responses at the water fall and when we sat around the fire you will here us freeze up as some loud whoops echo across the valley. David described a group of walker hounds trailing a young Sasquatch. It went into a reed thicket and froze with it's arm over it's head crouched low. The only aggressive dog that would follow it got within a few feet of it before it snapped it's arm forward and simply squashed it like a bug and in another tale David personally watched another chocolate covered east Texas specimen drop a live huge carp or buffalo fish in the middle of a gravel road. Just some good (great) stuff and I caught it all on film and I'll send it to you today.

    32. Why dont you show me one piece of evidence thats conclusively from a Sasquatch and cannot possibly misinterpreted or misidentified and we will go from there. I havent seen anything yet. And if such evidence does exist why isn't Sasquatch a known animal? Please do your best to keep your answer short, we dont need an essay for every little post we do. And you can keep your cheap little insults out as well, if you are capable of even doing so. Lets see it, your undisputable Sasquatch evidence.

    33. "You feel the need to challenge him on a daily basis, even though you know how debate will end, you in tears."
      Yes tears of laughter. Keep trying little troll, someday you will be able to put your big boy pants on and maybe get involved in one of these discussions. Outside of being Joes cheerleader. Until then cheerio.

    34. This has been addressed, you need to read properly. Think of the words you are using; 'conclusively'. You need a body to be conclusive... But that doesn't make physical and biological evidence of an unknown, 'unclassified' primate ceasing to be a reality. For hair, dermals, all this to be conclusive, you need a body. What I argue (rather well it seems), is the authenticity of the aforementioned evidence that's a direct drive towards the goal of conclusive research.

      Considering you are more preoccupied with my character and not proving your points on the subject matter, and you would no doubt test the patience of a saint trying to explain very basic concepts to you... I've handled my affairs in insulting you rather well I think.

    35. I'm not certain I can tell if you are addressing professor Fitz or myself so I will try to pare this answer down as small as possible and submit my answer in the form of a popular Texas drinking toast: "Here's to the Calofornia Condor that grand old bird of prey. He eats his food near Oakland and shits right on LA. Here's to the state of Texas, with lands so fertile and rich, that we need no turds from other birds you west coast sunovabitch!" :)

    36. 9:10... You are not even holding your own in these 'big boy discussions', man... You sure do know how to make a person cringe.

    37. "If I don't have any hard facts, then please take the time show this, you are invited sir..."
      How many times have I shown this allready. This always goes one way. I show your sources are unreliable. Then you make an excuse for your source. And somehow you think thats the end all of it. Your cheer team goes hooray and the day ends. Im fairly confident that Ive done my job in showing your data lacks credibility. The fact that you act like I haven't just further supports what Im saying. As stated above a lot of you live in a paranoid, depressed state and are clearly angered that I have come here to bring you out of your comfort zone. I have been accused of being a government paid troll which confirms you dont have a clear grip on reality because Im really just some guy with a lunch break. Im not telling any of you you have to believe anything. In fact I encourage all of you to donate to Standings research and buy his documentary. But you better believe that I will continue to come here and present the fact that your sources are unreliable whenever I can.

    38. "This has been addressed, you need to read properly. Think of the words you are using; 'conclusively'. You need a body to be conclusive... "

      Thanks thats all I needed from you. Have a nice day.

      As for me not holding me own, Im sure there are some who disagree with that comment. But I think its cute how you tried to stick up for her anyway.

    39. In the end my darling you are truly trying too hard to steadfastly protest evidence submitted purely in support of the existence of a heretofore scientifically unrecognized extant hominid. As Shakepeare may have penned " methinks you doth protest too much "

    40. No... You show me an angle to debunk the evidence, then I present you a counter argument that you require countering in turn... Leaving the comment section at this time does not verify your arguments. Your failings to deliver a counter argument are not other people's 'excuses'. Your 'confidence' is irrelevant, hysterically.

      Nobody has accused you of anything of the nature of government level, you flatter yourself a little bit there. Stating facts about a lack of type specimen does not erode evidence that points to that being ahieved at some point, and I tell you what... How about you now proceed to post one by one your arguements against the evidence I've listed... I'll show you how this works...

    41. 9:29... Let me waste a little more time to explain, you need the body to conclusively classify the DNA of the unknown primate hair you've found, but that doesn't stop the unknown primate hair being a reality.

      I need a medal for baby sitting this long.

    42. Appreciate you weighing in MIKE. If nothing else it is always good for a laugh or two or bunch. In this case it was much more. Was trying to figure out who DC was. Should have known. David Clearr. Does he still write for Yahoo or anyone else now. Have not heard from him in a while. Was always a wealth of information and a steady hand in a rocky environment.

    43. DSA. You telling me I'm not a part of the adult discussion between you and Joe has hurt my feelings. I'm crying and my makeup is running and I can't even see well enough to go to the presentation of Joe's Bigfoot Skeptic Tolerance Medal pinning ceremony. All I ever wanted was to please you. I'm going to go now and try to find a way to forgive you and heal. If this mascara gets in my lazy Thom Yorke eye the damage could be unrepairable Forever Hurt.... M

    44. Chuck. Claerr and I got down. He's collaborating with so many cutting edge people and helpkg out on so many projects it boggles the mind. I'll send you my interview with him from last night to your Email. Smartest men I've ever researched with. Broke his entire theory down on Tool Use to me and showed how they fashion them and how the use them to extract marrow from heavy bones and to remove pulp from Yucca plants.

    45. 10:19- Hahahahah!! Omg!

      Thanks for sharing Mike- so very interesting!

      And Hey back at ya Joe!

    46. DSA. I hope we've all learned something today. Joe has learned to accept that he is great and not be ashamed to accept this medal he has been awarded for tolerance and excellence in child care. Chuck has learned to share a laugh with a friend. Chick has learned the difference between a rant and a joke. And I have learned to wear only hypoallergenic makeup. As Tiny Tim said " God Bess Us (DSA) each and every one. "

    47. Thanks a bunch MIKE. Loved the Texas joke about condors. Heck, even a condor will not go near Oakland anymore. I remember back in the 80's when I use to ski at Vail Colorado every winter. The Colorado folks use to make jokes about Texans, some pretty funny however one thing was certain. They loved the money the Texans brought to Colorado. Look forward to the email and glad Dave is busier than a beaver.

  4. Just read in the Detroit Free Press that the Buffalo Bills, NY Jets Monday night game has been moved to Ford Field in Detroit. My goodness those poor folks are buried over there heads in snow with as much as 100 inches to fall before this week is over. And this is November!. You know it is bad when Al Gore can not get is high carbon footprint airplane into Buffalo to make another global warming speech.

    Our neighbors are originally from the Buffalo area and sent facebook pics to my wife's phone yesterday of their relatives. It looked like a mid winter scene from the Keweenaw Peninsula in Upper Michigan. They literally had to dig tunnels from the door to get out and upstairs windows were busted out from the snow load. Anyone here from the Western NY area, Man my heart goes out to you.

    1. Right here from the Western New York area, wanna come down to help shovel and snow blow,FREE BEER!!! the national guard has been a big help clearing the main roads tho......

  5. Last night I listened to the Sasquatch Chronicles EP 61, Gov/t cover-up. A police officer was told to either resign or be fired for investigating a called in report in the sleepy small rural Ozark town in south central Missouri. Lady thought she was being tormented from a bear and the officer made repeated calls on her to investigate behavior that was no bear. The Feds moved in and took over the case ( pretty damn strange for a trespassing and minor vandalism case don't your think ). One black gov't suv was unmarked. Mayor and Police chief told the young officer he had to go. Will Jevning said he has heard of such cases in other parts of the U S as well. Expect more to come.

    1. I'm a footer chuck so no offense but you are so dang gullible.

    2. ^ skepfooter... Requires very little cognitive awareness of time wasted.

    3. No such thing as government cover up in regards to sasquatch. Period. You don't have to be rude to everyone joe.

    4. You could well be right there my friend, honestly now, I can't prove anything of the sort. What I can show you are reasons why THAT MIGHT be the case; these being ample.

      If you don't like the occasional approach of people like myself, labelling such as being rude, then please, check the quality of your own comments sir.

    5. I insulted nobody in my comment. Sir.

    6. You called someone as polite & courteous as Chuck, 'dang gullible'.

    7. So what's the issue then? If you are an enthusiast that has an issue with a stance in opposition to rudeness directed at other enthusiasts, what's the problem? Have you double standards?

    8. Is your life so bad that a bigfoot blog makes you angry?

    9. Angry? Where was that conveyed? I think you now realise how daft you come across to be honest.

      You want respect then show it, enough of us here would rather nothing more.

    10. If that's not the pot calling the kettle black I don't know what is. Rich.

    11. 4 51. Well here is gullible mr pretend footer. I personally investigated a case on memorial day in which the witnesses who made a report and neighbors down the street, all of which saw a 7 foot plus hairy hominid sometimes walking that night, sometimes running that night at speeds estimated to be over 30 mph were visited by an agent of some gov't authority possible Homeland Security from Wright Patterson Air Force Base and were told what they had seen was an escaped Asian Monkey. These monkeys only reach a short height of at best 3 foot and not much weight. This is clearly a disinformation program and nothing more. Other folks are getting more and it is being substantiated all around the country. Will Jevning who has been is this game since the 70's and knows as much as anybody is getting these type of reports coming to him, and a lot are coming from both wildlife and law enforcement people. With the popularity that bigfoot is enjoying these days it is certain counter intelligence coming in many forms is being spun and in some cases as the police officer that got run out, much more sinister.

      Hardly gullible I am, but your are for sure clueless to a high degree.

    12. Chuck, you are one of the most gullible people I've ever seen comment here. Right up there with Joe and Eva. You seem to think anything that can't be explained right off the bat has to be bigfoot related.

    13. "You don't have to be rude to everyone joe... Boo-hoo, boo-hoo"


    14. That's not true 7:15,there have been a few things on this blog i haven't believed but i am very open minded xx

  6. Its like the zero bigfoots is no issue for footers. I guess its no different to those religious nutcases who believe in a god with zero evidence. Faith indeed.

    1. It is quite clear who the deluded nut case is, right Mr. Peanut.

    2. Plenty found, none caught... Enthusiasts have no issue with that very basic definition.

      Psuedoskepticism is a fundamental quasi-religion.

    3. Keep on tardin' in the free world...

  7. Says the person who thinks that skeptics here are government paid employees. Cant you get a little more creative than that? Eventually you pansies will have to find something else to blame your lifes problems on other than the governement.

    1. I've not pointed fingers at anyone, merely raised a very real modern concern by posting that link... It happens. If it's nothing to be concerned about, why take the time to address it?

      My life's problems do not amount to anything involved with this topic, now someone who takes the time to express denial, contempt, hate, etc, direct abuse, every day of his existence... Now that could be perceived to some as a life problem.

    2. Joe is a trollbot. He is nothing more than a program designed to copy/paste the same ridiculous crap over and over again to drive blog traffic from the countless number of real people that obliterate him every day.

    3. Joe killed this blog. Nobody is around anymore. There used to be intelligent discussions on this blog until Mr. "I'm right and you're wrong" showed up.

    4. joe fatzgeraldFriday, November 21, 2014 at 8:53:00 AM PST
      "Boo-hoo... Boo-hoo..."

      I'd say you are.

    5. Take a look how much interest has been paid to me on this blog page.

      Nargh! I'd say I've got the lot of you.

      : p

    6. I would not say that any of the 'interest' was healthy Joe. Not sure why you seek this out.

    7. Quite simply... To point out who's doing the boo-hooing.

  8. TS is on the schedule for one hour. He can't show an entire documentary, that's ridiculous. He's a lying HOAXER who profits from others work, FYI.

  9. Joe paid for Todd standings documentary knowing full well he is a hoaxer with his muppets. And Joe wonders why no one listens to him.

    1. Sadly a few people do listen to Joe. Im pretty sure its the people that look at his essays and dont understand a damn thing hes talking about and just assume hes smart. However if you look into anything Joe says, you will see he either
      A) Changed wording and definitions to suit his needs
      B) Cherry picks facts and data to suit his needs, while leaving plausible information that might make him look bad out.
      C) Claims to be knowledgeable on something he clearly isnt.
      D) All of the above.

  10. Many years ago, me and numerous bored nerds started a "Big foot Hoaxers club". we have one member that is a talented artist. He made up numerous Big foot track boots, weighed and very detailed. Dr. jeff Meldrum, show a pair of "Casts" at a Big foot conference, and said they were the best "Real' tracks he ever saw! Boy! did we have a good laugh, and he is STILL showing them off! "We" have several members across the country
    that reports "Big foot sightings" and "encounters", all the time! Many are on the B.F.R.O. data base! Boy! Did we get a good laugh! "We" made a lot of Hoaxed videos, and put them out on Youtube! Boy! Do we get a good laugh! "We" even follow "Big foot researchers" and when they would knock, we're off in the distance, and wood knock back! They do calls, we answer with calls! Are membership is growing, as it is the "Most fun" to do!
    You "footers' are FOOLS for believing in Big foot! "We" are keeping this Myth alive and well. "We" documented all our Videos, all our reported sightings, all of our reported encounters! One day, when the timing is right, we will show everybody, what IDIOTS you footers are. Boy! what laughs we have!
    More to come. . . .

    1. That might all be the case bud...

      However, that doesn't explain away everything. Not even close.

    2. 5:59 That's beautiful. That BS brings a tear to my eye. You are doing a bang up job at your mind control games. I just luv it. By the way, your check is in the mail. I may even give you a raise. We may even kick Karl Rose out of the head disinformation artist spot and crown you the new King. And forget that little thing about Karl Rose admitting that Bigfoot is real. It was late at night and he was real tired. He thought that he was punched out, and that he was on his own time. Besides, he quickly erased it since he is a secret administrator at That's where many Disinfo guys hang out. Keep up the good work. These sheep don't have a clue that you are lying through your teeth.

    3. All these years later and still a bored nerd. Such dedication.

  11. TS is on the schedule for one hour. He can't show an entire documentary, that's ridiculous. He's a lying HOAXER who profits from others work, FYI.

  12. This thermal video (above) could be virtually anything I"m afraid. It's a shame it's presented as something of significance?

    Just sayin'

  13. Hopefully one day we will see a live specimen.

  14. Pgf was a bloke in a suit and everything to follow has been no different. Unlucky Joe.

    1. We will assume it's a guy in a suit until there's reason not to. Not any reason as of yet.

    2. 47 years of no known fur cloth technique of achieving this;

      ... With physical and biological evidence rolling in monthly, I'll assume you have denial at the basis of any of your approaches to Occam's Razor.

    3. Monthly biological evidence rolling in, he says. Not so much, but I'm sure you will pull some less than stellar examples in your copy and paste exercises.

      Get me a fair number of non footer experts willing to say the suit is compelling, and I would say that's interesting. DNA evidence and other credible evidence is what matters. More crappy cut and paste links?

    4. "Not so much"... Coming from someone who takes the time to call every track, every source of footage, every example of hair that's found lies, hoaxes, etc? Forgive me if I find your uneducated, unqualified, rhetorical approach less than convincing and typical.

      And that's just it, rhetorical boy... The second some expert does indeed supply an enthusiastic stance on the matter, they're a 'footer' and not worth listening to anymore. If Sasquatch share our exact DNA, then it would be our own field mostly to blame for holding the field back, who are halfed by the fallacy of a bipedal gorilla. We may have sequenced Sasquatch DNA already and not even realised it.

    5. The beauty of science is that you get a wide range of people who don't necessarily hold to a particular view that agrees with the evidence. That holds weight.

      Trotting out the same guys each and every time doesn't mean as much. It doesn't mean that they are wrong but they can be biased.

      Humans with the exact same dna, who are ninjas in remaining hidden, yet appear to have no interest in obtaining a higher culture and remain in very inhospitable conditions?

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. It's a shame that science in this case isn't being practiced to an ideal manner, it's a shame that the people who aren't necessarily holding to a particular view are both restricted to even express anything enthusiastic, or are ignorant of the finer details about evidence... It's rhetorical rubbish to maintain otherwise, nothing more.

      Referencing the very best in their respected fields can't be any more relevant than what that actually entails and as long as I have people insisting that there isn't support for the topic, I'll be here to remind them that pioneers are usually within a minority.

      Language, burial; these things are culture and the Sasquatch have them, whilst early human ancestors and most other mammals' brains are wired with straightforward circuits that pick up information from the surrounding environment through the senses and relays that information to motor neurons so the body can move and respond to the surrounding environments.
      More gray matter means more motor neurons and having more motor neurons means more muscle control. Our surplus motor neurons allow us to engage smaller portions of fewer motor neurons, each neuron triggers a higher number of muscle fibres, therefore if Sasquatch merely had more, using a muscle would be an all of or nothing proposition... Sasquatch can't do things like this like thread needles, but you don't need to have a different chromosome count, merely more or less motor neurons. If you've evolved to suit a particular environment so well, why settle for change?

  15. It has been proven beyond reasonable doubt that there is no bigfoot.

  16. You are the definition of a troll you freak. Your very presence on this blog on a daily basis is a self serving and irrational behavior. It's quite obvious to all your only intention is to ridicule, endlessly debate proponents, and redundantly argue the same points over and over again. It's truly irrational behavior and I hope you seek some help. Joe does his best to keep things civil with you, but the truth is your like the little brat in the sandbox that is only their to disrupt and cause problems. You couldn't care less about bigfoot's existence. You are an obsessive contrarian with a mental disorder. You visit a blog on an hourly basis, the subject of which, in your mind is fictitious, a figment of imagination, a mass delusion/hallucination. It's just not rational for an individual to spend countless hours of their life harassing and attacking proponents of what you deem a fairly tale. It's also classic troll behavior to feign innocence and play the victim. Your recent posts have outed you. It's quite obvious you are the classic definition of a blog troll. Just own it.

    1. Joe simply not choosing to engage trollish behavior would shut it down fairly quickly. That's the thing, any troll can simply come here and know they can get a response.

  17. If you think Joe and the troll are more than one person you are naive.

    1. Depending on what your definition of troll is, I -know- there is more than one person. One Joe, yes.

  18. you go Mr Todd I've never met you but I have watched you it's about time someone put the end of this madness because I'm telling you there are people in Texas and Louisiana that are going to kill one just to prove the real teams are out hunting with high powered rifles now and they are bound and determined to prove this once and for all whether it requires Killing one or not. they feel it's a small price to pay to finally proved the Sasquatch is for real

  19. Folks, it´s me again, your old friend Fetalbug Jones. I won again :)

  20. If I'm not mistaken there is only 1 tooth of gigantopithicus blacki and there must of been thousands of them but only found one tooth and now it's a known species I don't understand what the difference between that and bigfoot is

  21. sounds of Gigantopithecus black eye but only one jawbone or tooth why is this hard to believe there's no evidence on Bigfootthere must have been thousands of these animals and1 no fossils on bones except for one

  22. The worls is fixin to turn upside down! Standng has the goods!! Buckle up!!


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