Bigfoot's Existence is Common Knowledge in Northern Quebec

According to this article from, bigfoot are common knowledge in northern areas of Quebec, and sightings happen all the time. So why aren't more people vocal about their encounters? Because of all the "dis-believers".

By now readers of Nunatsiaq News should know bigfoot, the tall, black, hairy naked creature that Maggie Cruikshank, from the Nunavik community of Akulvik, saw a few years ago while picking berries with her cousin.

The creature has been seen several times since then, including once by Maggie’s brother Harry, on a hill above a remote bay about 45 minutes south of Akulivik, and also by Cree hunters near Wemindji.


Meanwhile, back in Akulivik, where polar bear sightings are a regular occurrence and would raise no eyebrowsL the creature known as bigfoot is still being spotted, said Maggie Cruikshank.

“Bigfoot was sighted this summer,” said Cruikshank, including one sighting by a young boy in Akulivik. “He told me that he saw an animal far, far away that was moving,” says Cruikshank. “He told me he thinks it is a bigfoot.”

In another instance, says Cruikshank, campers heard an animal hollering and assumed it to be a bigfoot. “They are used to hearing wolves, so they know what they are hearing,” she says.

“Some people were trying to convince me it was a grizzly bear, because those grizzlies stand up,” added Cruikshank. “But they don’t have long arms like bigfoot.”

“You can tell if an animal is like human or animal,” she continued. “Bigfoot has two legs and arms and a head like a person, and a bear has four legs and a big bum and a very little head.”

Why have more people in Akulivik not gone public over the recent bigfoot sightings?

“They don’t report because of the non-believers,” says Cruikshank. “I mean those skeptics. We live in a small town.”

Cruikshank drew a great deal of criticism when she first spotted her bigfoot back in 2012, because she claimed to have a video of the creature but refused to release it to the public.

“Many people want to see the video and are starting to make negative comments,” Cruikshank said at the time. “We want to post it but we don’t want to scare the children.” Cruikshank still has not posted the video, which she says is in the possession of her cousin.

To read the entire article, click here.


  1. The only problem is the Sasquatch there only speak Francis`

    1. Did those sound like French names to you? That far north it's only the natives.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "Please erect a statue for me." LOL

  3. why bigfoots are common knowledge here too in the lower 48 too. we know they are misidenified bear, dogs, deer and porcupines the most common ones are the bloke in a suit.

    1. Yes, gigantic flaming mental defectives such as yourself are mistaking porcupines for bigfoot hundreds of times a year. Oh, and them deer and dogs, dang it, you mentals just can't tell the diff 'tween them and the 'foot, can ya? Dog, deer, porcupine, they all look like the 'foot, don't they?

    2. Yes yes yes 5:04 cement head, it's far more likely the witness spotted a hamster than a Sasquatch. You are correct sir. I have often seen scambling gerbils and cried, For there goes the Sasquatch! Honest mistake.

  4. anon 5:05.....a classic cement head! If there are that many "blokes in a suit" time to buy shares in the costume company

    1. Youtube has lots of videos with examples. I would suspect most costume companies are private enterprises anyway.

  5. Replies
    1. An understandable sentiment, however you have been struck by the Great White Out. You will need to spell creatively in order to bypass that particular robot.

  6. I think bigfoot is cool and big.


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