What is the Seminole Skunk Ape Location Project?

Tim Fasano recently posted that the Seminole Project is in full swing, but what the heck is it? Also known as the Seminole Skunk Ape Location Project, in this video Tim explains what's going on.

"This short video will give you the general idea of the Seminole Project and what we are attempting to accomplish. We take the responsibility seriously that the Olympic Project has bestowed upon us by lending us the cameras and we are doing our best to make this a success. We have put in a tremendous amount of work to secure the perfect areas for a possible finding. Let me explain.

The areas we have found were test run first after scouting the areas for evidence of natural resources. Water, vegetation, cover and seclusion were high on the list. If we could go for hours without ever seeing another human being then we knew we were in the right areas. Test runs of the Reconyx RC60 stealth cams proved the areas were teaming with wildlife. We then set a permanent deployment for a November media card and battery change out.

All is set and now the areas are full of swamp water and bugs. We could not realistically get back there which is good. Nobody else could get back there as well. With the change of season in November, all should be well."


  1. I am not a Robot but damn if I can't read the words sometimes!

    1. GRAYs using robots so they can collect DNA so they can make clones nad hybrids

  2. Tim needs to study up on how to conceal a game camera. He will get nothing, but that will just be another excuse to make another video, about getting nothing.

  3. I did my own Game camera Project around Mt Lassen for about a month. I got a lot of Deer but no Bear Pictures. It is a lot of Excitement when you see that you have Pictures taken, before you look at them.

  4. The following is a major bust and self contradiction for the story-telling of Bob Gimlin. Bob Gimlin knows very well the controversy that has arisen with the 2004 revelation that he was riding Bob Heironimus' horse Chico at Bluff Creek. Gimlin's original account for this was that he was breaking in the horse for Heironimus as a favour. This was later abandoned as it conflicted with early statements by Gimlin that the horse he was riding didn't buck because it was a trailwise, older experienced roping horse. Gimlin now puts everything on Roger saying Roger acquired the horse even though this contradicts both his interview with John Green and his court case in which he sued Pat Patterson and Al DeAtley where he makes it crystal clear that he provided his horse, not Roger.

    This year being interviewed by Thom Cantrall Gimlin was specifically asked to comment on the issue. The question came from myself and others asked that he not be asked this question, not wanting anything "disrespectful" being asked. The question however did make it through and this was Gimlin's response...

    "15) Kitakazee – Mr Gimlin, there were sources that said you had Bob Heironimus’s
    Horse name Chico at Bluff Creek, can you confirm that?

    Bob: Okay... I did have Bob Heronimous's horse because Roger had, apparently, borrowed that horse from Bob Heronimous. 'Cause I never got the horses together to go. Roger gathered up the horses... I had the transportation and I knew the horse. I'd been around the horse before... Big, stout... good roping horse and I think Bob used him back in those days to rope on but Bob Heronimous actually had that horse early in some of the work he was doing for Roger as well as myself where Roger was trying to get together a film to generate revenue to go on an expedition."

    Bob Gimlin is acutely aware of this situation and the horse Chico which he was well familiar with, belong to his close and trusted friend Bob Heironimus. In the following video also from this year made by Rictor Riolo in an excellent interview with Gimlin, Gimlin completely contradicts himself and pretends as if he has no idea about the horse, even when directly asked about it by Rictor Riolo... (30:00 mark)

    "I was riding a big, tall 16 hand horse that Roger had borrowed from another guy."

    Gimlin gives detailed descriptions of all the horses and the names for only the ones he was not riding. Gimlin knows perfectly well whose horse he had and what its name was. Rictor then asks...

    Rictor Riolo: "And what about yours? What was the name of the big horse?"

    Bob Gimlin: (shakes head, gives confused look) "The big horse. I can't remember his name. You know to me back then unless I was real familiar with a horses, I just called them horse."

    Total gobbledy-goop! He knows exactly whose horse he had, what it's name was, and was definitely familiar with it by his own admission in the earlier interview above. For all his wooing and calling Tammy beautiful and special as is his regular habit on the conference circuit when doing the charmer routine, he has just completely dropped the ball, feigning ignorance about something he has acknowledge on numerous occasions he is acutely aware of. At the very least he acknowledge the one who supplied him his horse.

    1. Countered here;


      ... Stop harassing an old man and find a monkey suit as good as this;


    2. Countered? Did you when read the comment. The observations are true and there for all to see.

      You probably still believe Santa clause is real.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. The interview in which Bob G states that it's Bob H's horse he used is oooooooooold, old news and very well known by the very most basic of knowledges regarding the subject.

      Now Bob G is either the dumbest hoaxer in the world (when the next minute he's meant to be a hoax genius, some people need to make up their minds), to contradict himself after that universally known statement afterwards to Rictor, or an innocent old man with a memory slip?

      Open the links son... You've got nothing that counters real organic tissue. You probably still need a hug from the boogeyman.

    5. He did contradict himself. That's the point. He lied.

    6. you hammer an old man, cross examine and treat him like a criminal and you'll find your 'lies' every time.

      Just hurry up and find a monkey suit, should be easy right?

    7. Just hurry up and find a bigfoot ya jackass

    8. Zero found. Zero caught. Zero confirmed. Plenty of liars, hoaxers and just plain dumb people.

    9. found1
      having been discovered by chance or unexpectedly.

      ... None caught. Oh... And regarding such a safety threatening and obviously offensive topic, you'll need a body before anything is 'confirmed', but the evidence for the mountain gorilla didn't stop being a reality until it was finally successfully tracked 60 years later.

      There are in fact plenty of liars and hoaxers hoaxing hoaxes that help dumb questionless dumb people sleep better at night.

    10. I love when a footer says "well they found the gorilla therefore bigfoot".

      Such desperate delusion.

    11. Comparison... Why? Because it's a rather large primate that evades in similar terrain, whilst the comparison also highlights why the research is taking so long; tracking the subject is a major stumbling block. Considering natives are some of the very best trackers in the world, the name "boss of the woods" (Hoopa) is telling.

      It's simple... The delusion is with those thinking ten thousand years of this subject's evidence accounts for nothing.

    12. Well as it is uncofirmed as you agree then it does account for nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

    13. If you're brainwashed... Yes. It still doesn't make the evidence go away, and that's your biggest denial fail.

      You can rhetorically point to a mainstream field that's both restricted and prejudiced to participate all you like... Still doesn't make the evidence go away.

  5. Captain snacks to the rescue ^

    1. I wonder who you are, Dumb comeback by the way! Joe don't feed the trolls.

    2. Trust me... I'm only gonna respond to debate from here on in.

    3. I'd be 'pwned' should that render the evidence that points to an unknown primate non existent.

    4. It is non existent.


    5. Hmm, saying it over like a therapy exercise don't make it true I'm afraid.

    6. Ha ha. Yet you do the same for your cause. And you are the one making the claim. Dummy.

    7. No, you're making the claim that a subject that has every source short of modern type specimen should be hated upon.

      I'm making the claim of Occam's Razor... Keep seeing the therapist.


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