What The Hell Did I Just Watch?

OK. This video was supposed to be about the government secretly killing Bigfoot. Then the talk switched over to Lloyd Pye, who's some kind of expert on the "Intervention Theory" and the Starchild Skull. While the guy in the video continues to babble on about government conspiracies, we get treated to some never before seen footage of Bigfoot walking around in an open field. Basically, my mind was blown after 8 minutes.


  1. Replies
    1. ... Is spending all your day reading, watching, immersing around the subject matter only to preach hate.

    2. Never read any of the blog just pop n here now and again to laugh at the silly claims you make.

    3. Nope! Must be a sad existence devoting one's life to hate and attempt at ridicule.

      How do you consider your existence? Fulfilled??

      It takes a particular type of person to do what you do, and even if you haven't the guts to admit it, your actions speak volumes to anyone impartial, even to the skeptics who are confident enough not to have to reinforce their stances.

    4. go tp BFF and check out what's the deal with skeptics.
      see how dmaker and kit pwn you losers

    5. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, shivering in my boots!

    6. And I know the deal with psuedoskeptics; spoiled little people who need everything under their control, not so less the requirement of reassurance from the boogeyman as they did as kids.

    7. Got a link to the BFF pwnage?

    8. Michael Jackson, pedophile?



    9. Columbus Day
      Monday, October 13

    10. Joe: Just moderate the comments and guys like this will have no voice. They aren't worth the time it takes to slog through their crap.

    11. Bill Gates is the biggest hater of the White Race! He and Melinda can suck on my chem-trail incrusted balls. He is endowing some of his monopolized money to the poor minorities of this country. What gay Billy-boy there aren't any poor White children? You ugly race traitor! I hope the Mexican's kill your pathetic pig wife. Just case of the pain you will cause future generations of the White Race. Just one more reason to hate lib-tards. You may say why HATE? Because they HATE you!!! Wake up White Race and think about all that Rap music you buy. Your GRANDCHILDREN will never forgive you for your blindness!

    12. Black power! Once you go black you never come back
      Thank God! for Al Sharpton!
      You White pussies fear ISIS! No! You'll learn to fear the BLACK Panthers soon.
      Obama is our commander in chief!

    13. Then smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast

  2. Hey buddy!!

    I've just watched that and to me, it looks like you can see some sort ow white material area on the front of the subject's torso area. Now I'm not sure if Sasquatch ever have white bellies, but to me it looks highly unlikely.

    Did you see MK's latest video on the previous thread? What do you think of the video up top??

  3. Kit has absolutely destroyed sweaty yeti.

    Sweaty yeti has patty drawn with t-rex lower arms. Its hilarious.

    Kit has dealt a rather large blow to the community.

    Footers now have to accept that patty has human proportions. I'm sure that's OK for Joe because he says they are 100% human anyway.

    Crazy hobby.

    1. Patty does not have human proportions, it's what makes Blevins and Packham's sham so unconvincing, and prevents Bill Munns from actually attempting to manufacture a costume, along with not knowing the alleged fur cloth method that no costume expert does.

      But I'm slightly confused? Didn't Kit state, I thought you couldn't measure point to point on a 2D representation of 3D space?

    2. check out What's the Deal with Skeptics on the BFF.

    3. Check out my posts at 2:44 and 2:45... That's the 'deal' alright, now put your pom poms down and go get your milk and cookies.

    4. John Travolta, Gay?



  4. I worry about your mental health.

  5. Don't worry about mine... I'm not the one crying about the PGF every day of my life.

  6. Hi Joe, I just watched MKs new video. I am leaning more and more toward those photo's being a genuine encounter.
    The above video (lol) looks to me like it is just another hoax or mis-identification. You-tube channel "Bigfoot Project" seems to jump the gun with calling it a Sasquatch in the title (as usual)
    Someone will do an accurate breakdown pretty soon, I am sure.

  7. Joe, you may have read this elsewhere, but this encounter, in some ways, proves that some eyewitnesses absolutely refuse to believe what they see with their own 2 eyes.
    There are certain skeptics, who I feel, have had an encounter, but refuse to acknowledge what they have witnessed. They try to convince others in order to convince themselves that what they saw....could not possibly have been real.

    Night time sighting by policeman on the Trans-Canada Hwy, ~100 miles west of Cochrane

    YEAR: 1992

    SEASON: Fall

    MONTH: October

    DATE: 4th

    LOCATION DETAILS: hwy 11 north to northbay then the transcanada hwy to Cochrane then west about 100 miles

    NEAREST TOWN: Cochrane

    NEAREST ROAD: Trans-Canada Hwy

    OBSERVED: First I have never told anyone about this sighting untill this year. I working for the durham regional police and have since 1979. I was going moose hunting and my friend was driving we had been on the road about 9 to 10 hours going to Igness Ontario. We were about 100 miles west of Cochrane Ontario on the Transcanada hwy.This area has the bush cut back some 30 to 40 yards on each side of the road when i noticed an animial coming out of the north side of a ditch area and run across a two lane hwy. We were about 100 yards away and moving up fast as we were driving at about 65 to 70 mph (100 to 115 klms). This animinal ran across the road on two legs and were about 20 yards away. By the time it crossed the road my friend turned to me and said "what the hell was that." I said don't you know that was a sasquach/a bigfoot. He turned to me and said it was not. I'm not going to have people call me nuts, so I said OK? What was it? He said a man in a fur suit. We argued about this for a few minutes, even though we were about 100 miles away from the nearest town. We never said another thing about it till this year, and he stll says he has never seen anything. Now let me describe this animal. It was about 6 to 7 feet tall, very long and muscular arms that went down to its knees. It was covered in fur that reminded me of moose hair. It did turn to look at the truck we were driving -- a chevy 4x4 . It looked like it was as tall or a little bit taller than the cab of the truck. It only took about 5 or 6 steps to cross the two lane hwy and down into the ditch we were passing. This was at night between 7 and 10 pm.

    OTHER WITNESSES: two however my friend still says he say he saw nothing as he does not want to be called nuts

    TIME AND CONDITIONS: between 7 and 9pm cold and crisp about 37 degrees

    ENVIRONMENT: this is northern Ontario Canada its all pine forest cedar/evergreens.this area is as far as i can tell at night fairly flat in this area

    1. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      How many times as this happened??!!!!!

      Have you seen Monsters and Mysteries of Alaska?? It's on YouTube if you haven't... The programme begins with the account of Thomas Fisher, a fisherman, who witnessed something strange on the shoreline from his boat. He and his deckhand observed a large grizzly bear on the beach for several minutes, seemingly oblivious to the two fishermen in their boat one hundred yards from shore. Suddenly, the bear alerted as if sensing danger, and then fled from the beach. Fisher describes a massive hair-covered man walking out on the beach which he believes was a Sasquatch.

      His deckhand refused to acknowledge it on the spot and refuses to talk about it to this day. A top lie-detection expert determines that Thomas Fisher, along with another witness, is indeed telling the truth.

      About six minutes into the video, a local native points out the inexplicable inverted cedar trees. According to tribal elder Al Jackson, the trees are the territorial signature of "big, black gorillas" that live in the mountainous areas of Prince Wales Island. The 1000 pound cedar trees were first noticed in this position in the 1940's and do not show the tell-tale markings of logging equipment. They have been driven into the ground upside down with considerable force.

    2. Here's the link if anyone's interested;


    3. Yes! Thnx Joe! I remember watching that!
      IMO Thomas Fisher had one of the BEST eyewitness encounters of all time.
      He is being 100% truthful.
      This is the kind of stuff the BF community needs more of.
      And the inverted trees? Incredible stuff.

    4. Hey JOE. I saw that show in fact several times. Love how Thomas Fishers states he does not care what others think, he know what he saw. I had a lady over in Tipp City, OH tell me the same thing when I visited her at her business in Dec. 2012 after reading the article in the local newpaper. Traveling through WV over Thanksgiving 2012 to pick up her son from a military base in NC, both Terri and her friend saw a Sasquatch walking up a run away truck ramp on interstate 77 between Charleston and Beckley WV in clear daylight conditions. She must have caught some grief from her facebook posting because before I could ask a single question she blurted out I don't give a f*** what anyone thinks, I know what I saw. She also had a lady friend traveling with her that backed up everything they saw. She kept going on how absolutely massive the creature was and how easily and fast it walked up the steep ramp. If anyone has driven through WV, they know what I am talking about.

      Anyway back to Thomas Fisher. What is neat about this is that it shows what the real apex predator of NA is. Thomas described that griz as being 11 foot and when the 9 foot bigfoot walked out it blasted down the beach in fear. Also the lady coroborated him telling the truth as she is a facial and speech expert. She also said the same of the other witness who had one come up to his vehicle.

      I have a hard time with the trees. As strong as these creatures are I can not see one or a group picking up a tree that may weight thousands of pounds and then driving it into the ground. A lot of time has passed since the 40s and I think it more likely someone with mechanical equipment, maybe the Army Corp of Engineers just having some fun.


    5. Hey Chuck!

      Ok... Firstly, amazing comment about the old gal, made me chuckle!

      Secondly, the second lie-detection was regarding the native man who was approached in his vehicle, was awesome!!

      Thirdly, weren't the inverted trees already blown down? Also, a whole group of 1000lb Sasquatch could easily invert a tree, couldn't they?? I believe the two looked for signs of mechanical arrangement and couldn't find anything?

    6. And that's not to say that we don't have examples of normal people arranging trees this way, but I found the Alaskan example fascinating.

    7. A facial and speech expert just confirmed my condition after watching the above video. I was smoking a chem trail with Thomas Fisher, Max Fisher of Rushmore and the late Bobby Fisher when I suddenly felt a bit ill. I will watch Friday's episode on the Alaskan Monster called "The Alaskan Tiger" to find out if there was any cure. Until my death I remain Steadfast in Your Service as.....MKGB

    8. YEAR: 2010

      SEASON: Fall

      MONTH: November

      DATE: 17

      STATE: Washington

      COUNTY: Grays Harbor County

      LOCATION DETAILS: 101 so, logging road m-line to m-2800 #4

      NEAREST TOWN: aberdeen -- raymond

      NEAREST ROAD: 101

      OBSERVED: Deer hunting, south 101 out of Aberdeen, mile post 69, turn left on m-line -- logging road, turn left onto m-2800 stay left, #4 were I found a 20ft tree upside down stuck into the ground, about three feet in-- root side up... took a picture and drove to end. I parked and set up for some good hunting. Time 0845am. Sun out things a warming up. facing north with a lot of open clear cut area, glassing it all. The hill in front across the valley is 150 yards across, heavily treed. At 10:45 half way up the center of this hill, comes a loud crashing running straight down the hill in front of me. He makes a (my left- his right) turn and jumps on this deer killing it. The deer cries out three times and stops. All is now quiet again. I try making my way down my hill up the hill in front of me, nothing doing.. started to rain again, could not cross the river or creek, so I moved back to my spot to hunt.. nothing happening, so I went home at 1:30 pm.


    9. Mike!!!!!!! Haaaaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!

    10. JOE. Indeed it is fascinating. The trees were already down, I think because of road construction. You are correct it did say there were no signs of mechanical equipment on the trees. It is an enigma. Would like to see these trees for myself, sure that is not going to happen.

    11. That is funny MIke. I have not commented to you about the pics you sent a few days ago as I can not figure out how to open them. Careful smoking them chem trails. If you are addicted to them then I live in the perfect place. We are not known for abundant sunshine in Ohio and being a sun worshipper it pisses me off to no end how they can turn a totally sunny day around here ( WPAFB original resting place of the Roswell craft(s) ) into a complete cloudy mess. Sometimes they get creative with there designs, love the tic tak toe ones.

      For anyone thinking the military can not keep a secret or a conspiracy these chem trails are far different from contrails which disappear in less than a minute. For kripe sakes they have been going on since the late 90s and the lamestream media ignores them. Guess they are too damn busy kissing up to the politcal class now to see something right before them.

    12. I've seen them Chuck. They seem to expand. Sending you some stuff today. Now in fact.

    13. MIKE. They expand big time and come to the ground. Contain aluminum and berrium also.

  8. YEAR: 2014. SEASON: Squirrel. MONTH: October. DATE: Yes, she was a bit drunk STATE: Intoxication. LOCATATION: Closest Provisions purchased at the Boerne Texas Wal Mart near Ben's Liquor.

    1. Ha ha ha ha haaaaaa!!

      How are you buddy? What's be news?!

  9. OBSERVED: Two Grown men fleeing for their lives from a Bluff Charge of a crazed local Bigfoot. One man, brought from Chicago turned out to such a Nancy that he got a facial the next day to remove dear induced stress lines. Our Hero, the Texan, almost hit and armadillo and dropped his last Corona Light with lime while fleeing the beast. When cameras were later observed all I got was a profile of two 600 pound hogs, and neither was my date, though I'll venture she could've taken them both. M

    1. You could clearly see the concern written all over your faces!! Ha ha ha ha!!

      I shouldn't laugh though, you've got bigger b*lls than me, Texan!!

  10. Joe. I'm at a crossroads. I've got some pictures to send you. Let's just call them Big Boy and Cousin Red. They were the two large Subjects that played cat to my mouse. And did a fairly good job of it. Check your email and endeavor to persevere. Yer buddy. M

    1. Let me guess.

      Ambiguous blobsquatch worthless junk.

    2. Thanks for these Mike!!!!!!!!! I'll check em out in due course!!!

      Hope you are well buddy!!

    3. Furthermore define ambiguous and worthless DSA. And don't use that catamite Daniel Webster as a reference either. Let me assure you that my Blobsquatches are of the Highest Quality. They are the "Pineapple Express" of fuzzy photos whereas most men and women produce only the " Snicklefritz". And as to their worth, somewhere between the missing Dead Sea Scrolls and a Hand Written number to a Hooter's Waitress whose children you'd love to sire, you will find their inestimable value. Now I will not waste another moment bandying creed words with a witless worm " You Shall Not Pass"

    4. Mike is such a textbook role playing footer. He knows its all a bit of fun and that his photos of foliage are just an add-on to the role playing. That's fair enough. Joe on the other hand actually believes in bigfoot and that is very worrying.

    5. You don't play the role of confident skeptic too well though, I have to say.

    6. This Mike guy sees Bigfoot everywhere. Multiple encounters upon multiple encounters. Just incredible.

  11. I will not comment on your family photos or your dating life DSA. These are serious issues of life and death and like William Wallace I want to live. These Sasquatch may take my life...but they'll never ..... Take my Freedom!

    1. Hello peeps,

      What do think of this?

    2. da NAM that be back in da DAY

  12. ;). Talk to ya soon Joe and Chuck. As for you DSA.....to the lowest Dungeons of the Highest Peaks !

    1. Ha ha ha!! Speak to you very soon Mike!!!

    2. Good to hear from you MIKE. I will figure out how to open those photos even if I have to employ my wife. In the immortal words of Davy Crockett, YOU CAN ALL GO TO HELL, I'M GOING TO TEXAS.


    3. Amen. Like Nero in Rome, Crockett fiddled while the Church burned!!!

  13. Yes you will. Pics are posted to your inbox. Some of my bear work ! Good day on ya...

  14. The JREF footers are going bonkers over Bill Munns' new book and have come out swinging with charges of fraud and professional incompetency. This war seems personal for the JREF numbskulls and appears to be no holds barred folks.

    1. Hey DWA, got anything original?

      Your homophobic JREF bashing is getting old.

    2. ^
      Sitting amongst a stack of Blueboy magazines.

  15. Joe got smoked yet again.

    It doesn't take much.

    Packham renting a crappy off the shelf monkey suit had these footers frothing at the mouth thinking it was proof that patty was real. Oh boy are these footers a piece of work.


    Get a grip you crazy people.

    1. Look what a whole BBC budget gets you;


      Nice to see you've finally retracted your embarrassing stance.

    2. That's hypocritical 8:20, when you used to proclaim the BBC bigfoot looked great, and that it proved Patty fake, blah blah, and then when you were corrected and saw your errors, you were forced to come up with this memorable chestnut:

      "The Packham bigfoot was intentionally poor, in order to keep the bigfoot gravy train roling."

      The words of an unhinged loser with no point.


  16. 90% of Americans have a cell phone.

    Number of pictures of bigfoot = 0

    Problem footers?

    1. The thing is 8:23 99.99% of Americans don't go deep in the woods at night xx

    2. 99.99% of all photographs taken of Sasquatch are attacked as blobsquatches.

      99.99% of attention desperate nerds haven't the affection in their real lives to develop healthy interactions.

      Now there's a problem.

    3. NOoooo that means 90% of Americans will be getting brain cancer from radiation from cell phones

  17. 1950s half human suit shows a monkey suit that is made of materials that footers claim still wernt available a decade later.

    Problem footers?

    1. No fur cloth method I'm afraid... Truth hurts;


    2. Oh Christ, 8:25, you're the one who bleeves that fake clown feet which bend in the middle prove MT-break. You touted that 1955 film over and over until you saw you were wrong. Again. Wrong. A familiar word to you.

      It's honestly a sorrowful mental state, to see an oversized clown shoe/foot, twice as long as the foot of its wearer, see it bend in the middle where the wearer's toes and ball of foot are, and leap up and down crying that it proves a MT-break therefore PGF is fake. You're mixed up.

    3. Calm yourself there big gay homo jon Bob

  18. Cascade carnivores project.

    Zero bigfoots.

    Problem footers?

    1. No problem cause we've got things like this;


  19. Average IQ of JREF users is almost double the BFF users.

    Problem footers?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Psuedoskepticism is a fundementalist quasi-religion.

    3. Yeah, since you ARE a Jayrefer 8:28 (that fact has been obvious for a year), what the hell are you doing on BFE where you'll surely claim the average IQ is lower than that of BFF members? Shall we be grateful you condescend to grace us with your presence?

  20. Zero published papers confirming bigfoots.

    Problem footers?

    1. There wasn't in the years leading up to successfully tracking gorillas either.


  21. Meldrum confirmed on TV that pattys gait was successfully matched by a human.

    Problem footers?

    1. loves talkin to himself ^

    2. ^
      I think there's a problem with your meds.

    3. 8:29...


      8mins mark.

      : p

    4. Meldrum on MT-break claims re Boston Museum:

      "Frankly, Sharon [S]Hill doesn't know what she's talking about."

      "That story is a year old."

  22. Former Border Patrol Agent: CDC “Disappearing” Potential Ebola Victims.
    Illegal aliens with illnesses being secretly quarantined.
    the NEW NORM !!!!

  23. No more BF for me. Stupid hobby.



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