Here's Dr. Jeff Meldrum at The Yakama Bigfoot Round-Up

For those who haven't heard Dr. Jeff Meldrum speak on the subject of Bigfoot, Meldrum is hands down the best presenter when it comes to the subject. This video presentation is why Meldrum gets paid big bucks to go to these things. Special thanks to Henry May for recording this from the Yakama Bigfoot Round-Up in Washington.


  1. Replies
    1. ^little gay jon or little mmc

    2. Say what you will about BIG H May,..but I think he does A
      Damn good Job!!

    3. ... or just little like you 2:43?

    4. Did everybody hear big "little" Jon talk trash about,, uno? Epic superfriends breakdown!!!!!,, if you missed it I can tell you right now! Little jon told Uno that he hopes his dog will die!!

    5. So much for big Joans plans to be president of the superfriends,, ; (

    6. Really? Little jon is a asshole!,, we all néw that though,, most of us did already!!

    7. Big jon here, if you guys keep talking about me I'm going to tell shawn to ban you!

      MMC oops!!


    8. I'm sorry 2:59, you are the one having a breakdown. And little Big Jon told Uno! "he hopes his dog will diet." Not die fucktard. Now you are making up shit.

    9. I check out this blog about once a month and comment even less, But this big jon feller should be ASHAMED of
      himself,, wanting to kill his good friend's Family dog,,
      I find big jon to be nothing more than a Evil Bastard!!

    10. I agree with you!,, That big jon guy is a mean pearson,,!! We should get shawn to ban him! He tryed to kill onu's dog plus he don't even believe in bigfoot,, what a idiot!

    11. Relax everybody. The dog is on a diet. That's all. Something everyone should think about doing.

    12. ^I agree,, he should be banned from this blog! Totally!

    13. It's true! I hate animals plus I'm a dumbacrat!

      Big jon

    14. I cannot agree more, even though I only check out this Awsome blog once a month!
      There is that Creepo big jon
      Always bullying good decent
      folks!! Somthing Needs to be
      done about that MadDog, Big Jon,!!!!!

    15. Don't you idiots realize that "shawn evidence" is joe fatzzy, big gay jon, Eva manchild and probably alot more people too?? He makes money the more traffic he gets so he pretends to be all these different people! What a bunch of retards!!

    16. ...and who are you pretending to be exactly?

    17. Knock it off trolls. You can't even cut a guy a break right after his cat dies? Sometimes you all stoop so low.

      I know what you wrote Big Jon, and it was nothing like the trolls are saying. Don't let it get to you.

      Uno! (hey trolls...I'm of the female persuasion so you are wrong about that too! And yes, I have a husband too)

    18. I made the same mistake Big Jon made. I think when its late the mind adds and takes away details...

      Sorry Uno :)

    19. "cut a guy a break/female persuasion" I'm totally into shemales too Uno! I'm down with that.

    20. Uh troll...let me check with my husband. He says not now, that he is busy with me at the moment. I'll let you know when my time frees up, okay?

      (I know you are just trying to lighten the mood because my dog is sick and I kind of appreciate your efforts, troll...thank you)

    21. No problem, Chick. I responded to you also on the other thread. Its very late here and my mind is jumbled and tired. Uno!

    22. Way to go BJ! Tomorrow is the (alleged) 47th anniversary of PGF and now you've destroyed it for everybody and their pets. Heartless beast!

    23. North, South Korean Troops Trade Gunfire Across Border
      GAME ON !!!

    24. Joe has gone back on yesterday's threads and responded with lengthy pastes.

      Add OCD to his DD. I am preparing a paper for psychology class outlining this abnormal behavior.

      Still need a catchy title. Any suggestions? Leaning towards 'Bigfoot Inspires Gifting Basket Case'

    25. innerestin caws tham mexicuns bein everwhars aroun heers

  2. "Henry" please plug a line in from the soundboard so you may have pristine audio for your recordings. Just a tip from the pros

    1. If you listen closely you can actually hear Henry's arteries clogging.

    2. He's probably gonna hear it from Meldrum that he can't post his presentations without permission. Some people are sticklers when it comes to that.

    3. Now nobody needs to shell out cash to hear Meldrum spew his nonsense. Get a plus sized gal to strip out of a monkey suit instead.

    4. No man would come on here crying about his cat dying! Like I said no man?

      No asshole admin can be a superfriend. And no retard that says only one word, el stupido!

    5. This is the 21st century you chauvinist troll!

      Okay men- let's rock with Kitty Cat Dance Party Music Extravaganza!

  3. The GuitarCenter ad's are giving me a boner. The wife says I can get a new Ibanez for Christmas. What she doesn't know is I'm scheming a plan to get TWO!!! Mums the word...

  4. Meldrum, what a deluded guy you are. There is no such thing as bigfoot. Others in your field are wincing at your actions, embarrassed.

  5. A guy talking about nothing at a conference about nothing. Very interesting phenomenon.

  6. hebe ausin tham wurds lack tham eddicated richin folks dos

  7. Teacher: What does your daddy do for fun at home when he's not working ?

    Kid : He looks up Bigfoot stuff.

    Teacher: Oh.

    Kid : He posts about it on a bunch of different websites and he also watches Bigfoot shows and has some books about it.

    Teacher: So he's a footer ?

    Kid : No, he says he's not like those idiots cuz he's a skeptic.

    Teacher: Sure he is.. LOL

    Kid: Mommy says he's a simpleton...(giggles)

    1. Yakima, Yakama, let's call the whole thing off.

      Is it true they had to close a nearby landfill because the sell of bullsh1t from the conference was so intense?

    2. At least you now have CAPS,they will protect you from Ebola xx

  8. Bigfoot: Any Day Now since 1958.


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