WATCH: Brazilian Men Find Giant Snake In River, Biggest Anaconda Ever Found

Holycrap! Take a good look at this serpent folks. These Brazilian fishermen were just fined $600 for tormenting a giant anaconda in Brazil. According to authorities, the trio are facing a jail sentence of up to 18 months. The yellow anaconda, known in Brazil as 'sucuri,' is believed to be at least 17 feet long.


  1. I was just swimming and these dudes stated jabbin my serpent!

  2. Gingold!! Just remember the name,

  3. The big guy was floating in the water while digesting his food

    Add beer and you have a vacation


  4. what's the deal with country/rap? how low can you go?

    1. Ladies and gentleman,^BIG SMO is in da house!

  5. I wonder what he/she had eaten? It was huge.Maybe a Caiman?

  6. So anyway I hear Smeja cought the anorexia,true?

  7. One of those Brazilian men squeals like a piggy xx

  8. Got monkey?

    We have the monkey suits:)

    1. Lots of monkeys and monkey suits and a lot of bigfeets ;) xx

    2. It's funny you still don't have any period suit or suit of period materials and construction methods, which looks like anything in the PGF though, 11:55. It's been 47 years now. I'd think it would have been time to pack it in at 5 years, in 1972, if you couldn't have hacked it by then, never mind 10-15 years. But 47 years? You know, it's a loss. It's long past time to face and accept the loss and move onto another aspect of bigfoot, really. Your 2008 sponge rubber suits are disqualified, Blevins gave up, plus never put his suit into a moving film or video; all these attempts to create a Patty are stills and freeze frames. It's not cutting it.

  9. Um I'm a little confused,I know thats not suprising but it says Brazillian men but I watched that sum bitch twice and only counted 2

  10. LoL !
    The Brazilians are very crazy ( I am Argentinian :P )

  11. Redneck Brazilians. Leave the snake alone. It just ate.

  12. Biggest yellow anaconda ive ever seen footage of....

  13. After watching it again i think it looks more like a green anaconda though the tail shown near the end of the clip does look like that of a yellow....


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