Want to See a Bigfoot in Oklaoma?

In less than two weeks it will be time for the Annual Oklahoma Bigfoot Symposium! Bigfoot chronicler Henry May put together the following video with all the important information, and showing what a great time is to be had by all who attend. Check it out:


  1. Bigfoot don't exist.

    No harm in these people that want to play along with the role playing games, but when scientists time and funding gets involved that's when it gets dangerous. Scientists should not waste a single second investigating any bigfoot nonsense claims. Our brightest minds and tax payers money should not be wasted on this woo nonsense.

    1. Good point.

      I can make an exception for Sykes who has basically shut the footers up once and for all. Hopefully footers won't be wasting DNA labs time with their silly samples.

    2. go die somewhere...hate you

    3. its a funding publication setback that is all punkin....you can go back downstairs now

    4. ok thanks punkin just make sure that you clean up your moms cooter hole when im done......

    5. You seem to believe that "scientists" are some type of higher being..they are mostly sheep led by self interested groups with NO concern other than validating the company product..tied to performance data and therefore biased in the extreme..as is shown by independent research groups regularly..you are creating a truth that doesn`t exist..kinda like believing the government knows what`s going on...you feckin` fool.

    6. "role playing" ? yup,we all dress up and tek off miles and miles from nowhere in order to fool people that might pass along once in a blue moon.

  2. this seems a hollow victory tonight

  3. Hey Shawn, I'm going to do an Erickson interview, I'll send it to you when its done, I just got to get Erickson involved

    1. Awesome!

      I cannot wait, rumferlife!


    2. Erickson pwned like the guy who funds Todd Standing.

  4. Early settlers wrote of walking across the plains on the backs of bigfeets and never touching the ground.

    1. and of teaching the mighty beast that while dropping a duece,please don't sqeeze the shaman

  5. Anal Oklahoma Bigfoot Symposium!

  6. More elusive than bigfoot is the paddy suit!

  7. Atheist professor destroys evolution


  8. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    I have heard it ALL now.......a feckin` Country and Western SONG about bigfoot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    SHEE_FACKIN_EESH !!!!!!!!

  9. Misspelling aside, "Want to See a Bigfoot in Oklaoma?" is easy: close your eyes and imagine. It's all bigfooters got. Imagination.


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