Top 5 Incredible Photos From Mulder's World [9/16/2014]

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Here are some fascinating photographs from, the front page of the strange and unexplained:

Read more: Leave an apple out in the sun for a week and you get this...

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  1. Replies
    1. This 'Solar Island' is rated at 70MW. Typical reactor at a nuclear power plant is 1,000MW. Generous capacity factor for photovoltaic solar is about 20%, and nuclear is typically 90% or more.
      So not only do you need to build 15 of these 70MW islands to match the rated capacity, you then need to build about 50 more to account for the difference in capacity factor and actually generate equal amounts of power. That also doesn't take into account the need for a facility to store solar power from daytime hours to use overnight, morning, evening, and during cloudy weather, plus build even more solar islands to generate enough power to make up for what is lost in the efficiency of the storage.
      Solar power is great, and I'm all for seeing it become more widespread, but I can't tolerate poorly written articles that claim it is a replacement for grid scale nuclear.
      I'm actually kind of interested in the concept of shading reservoirs with solar panels, since some water utilities are already using floating plastic balls to prevent the formation of bromate, repeal aquatic birds, and cut down on the growth of algae. Seems like floating solar arrays could supplement that and make use of otherwise untapped sun-exposed surface area.

  2. Breaking : Mike Brookreson to replace Huckleberry on season 3 premier of Mountain Monsters !

    1. It came down to the wire between him and TBP.

    2. While I don't disagree with you, you haven't factored in any sort of cost. Aren't nuclear plants wildly expensive to both build and maintain? And might a solar island (or a lot of them) be on the order of several magnitudes cheaper? Also I imagine the upkeep and maintenance required for these solar islands is negligible compared to nuclear power plants - I would love to read more about that.

  3. Scofftics are bichslapping Phil Bunns on the bff as we speak.


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