These Prints Are From Auburn California, And The Story Behind Is Spooky

The Paranormal Review just got a brand new video to breakdown. This video supposedly shows a 12" footprint walking all over the bottom of a pool in Auburn, California. According to the pool's owner, John Peterson, he also found a "long greyish brown hair" in the filter. Here's the full story and the breakdown video:

This video was sent to us by a man named John Peterson.

He says he was out of town for a couple weeks and when he got back his pool was a mess. According to John there was algae growth all over the bottom of the pool. When he got in to vacuum the pool he found these footprints. At first he just assumed that someone had taken a swim in his pool when he was out of town. Which was irritating but he didn't think to much of it other than not wanting to be liable for someone drowning when he was gone.

But when he went to turn on the filter to run the vacuum he found a bunch of grey and brown hair in the filter. This is when he realized that whatever was in his pool was hairy.

We asked John if it is possible that a dog is the cause of the hair in the filter and that maybe a person got in at a separate time as a dog, or if the person might have brought a dog to swim in his pool. John says that he doesn't have any dogs with long hair, and that it is a dough boy above the ground pool so though it is possible it would be very inconvenient to bring a dog into the pool as there would be no way for the dog to get out except for the person lifting it out.

We asked John if he has seen a bigfoot or sasquatch near his house before and he says he hasn't really ever believed in bigfoot. But he says that the feet after a second observation were fairly large in comparison with his size 12 feet, and that he doesn't know what else it could be when you add the hair into the equation.

Is this evidence that a bigfoot or sasquatch has been bathing in John's pool? or is there another explanation?

He quickly jumped out of the pool got his gopro and proceeded to film and take pictures of the best ones.


  1. First !
    It was the big Lebowski

  2. "Spooky" that sounds right up Joe's alley.

    Other key words that Joe gets baited by:


    1. You forgot UFO, astro physics, quantum physics, history, music, football, football, football, music, more music and some more music.

    2. Don't feel sorry for me, I'm the one clearing up on this page.

    3. SO - ISIS/ISIL not islamic and they do not practice islam - Then who are they martian or WHAT !!!

  3. It took 4 years but, The whole Stacey Brown alligator skunk ape arm mis-leading fiasco has really opened my eyes as to the agenda of bigfoot researchers.

    1. Knowing that bigfoot doesn't exist and therefore searching for things that they can pretend are from a bigfoot

    2. and lets not forget the potential for a tv show or appearance on any news network. Any limelight or minor celebrity status is what feeds most of these guys egos.

    3. ^ i gotta say that i am extremely puzzled by the fact that this information was released before any testing etc was done...anyone,even a half sensible fool,would obtain results before releasing such sensational makes me think that it was a deliberate ploy in order to show Footers as idiots...something it isn`t hard to achieve.

    4. Nope. Footers ARE actually this stupid.

    5. Whenever skeptfooters are presented with evidence, they claim it's a hoax, do they see how stupid you are for requesting more? Sure they do, it's an effort at being rhetorical, one of the traits of chronic denial. Every time a piece of evidence is presented, even if it was to have a particular expert in his/her respected field's name to it, they go into denial mode based on an agenda to outrightly attack that source as opposed to being impartial. Debating a denialist is akin to biology evolutionist debating a creationist. The denialist will focus on his own argument and close out any means of counter argument; this serves as an important level of self worth and belonging to a theory group that can provide some sense of community, whilst it also avoids the awkward reality of countering information that is without a counter point.

      "The Hoofnagle brothers, a lawyer and a physiologist from the United States, who have done much to develop the concept of denialism, have defined it as the employment of rhetorical arguments to give the appearance of legitimate debate where there is none, an approach that has the ultimate goal of rejecting a proposition on which a scientific consensus exists."

      This is regarding a small percentage of Skepfooters who have the mental capacity to be so calculative, people like the one in this thread however, who lack any of the normal level of intelligence to achieve being rhetorical towards the field, the best they can conjure is celebrating a result that nearly every enthusiast predicted would happen.

    6. Just one GOOD bit of evidence will do just fine.

    7. See what I mean?

      You've been shown too much to list.

    8. Nope. If there was any good evidence bigfoot would be a recognised species. Its not.

    9. OH WELL!! I love you too Joe!

    10. If there was no possibility of the legitimacy of Sasquatch being legitimate then we wouldn't have scientists endorsing the evidence for it. There is only one reason why Sasquatch is not a recognised species, and that's because there is no type specimen. That does not mean that there is no evidence for an unknown primate leaving it.

      3:58... I don't dislike you of course.

  4. Everyone’s Freaking Out Over The Colombian Women Team’s Cycling Outfit Because It Looks Rude

    1. I wonder,just wonder,at the mental viewpoint of the creator of this outfit.

    2. ^ see you visited said link pretty quick eh ?

  5. You can buy over sized rubber feet from just about anywhere with a google search, or costume shop, slip them on like slippers, walk in the pool. Make up a cliche story, and voila!
    Instant bigfoot hoax folks!
    Also, while in the costume shop, be sure to pluck a hair from any random latex mask for the pool filter. It adds authenticity to the story.
    These footers are not hard to fool.

    1. Extending toes... Try and floppy foot that.

      Nuff said.

    2. Im gonna say regular human foot. As the small toe (R&L)is
      Slightly Canted on its side,
      Which would indicate shoes
      Being worn.
      Big Doris.

    3. could be them Jihadist bigfoots

  6. Patty's tracks, Patty's scat, Patty's fur, or Patty. None were ever found and no one ever really looked for her. It's almost as if they all knew she didn't exist , so there was no point in even trying.

    1. ^ make this deduction from your chair ? ...or are you laying in bed still...with your hand on your dick ? ...jerk !

    2. "Roger's next plans were to capture a Bigfoot, which he planned a full expedition returning to California and searching all the way up to Canada. He planned a one-year expedition with tracking dogs, cages, a large crew, and the entire project filmed. This would have been a huge financial project. So they immediately went to Hollywood for funding, but they turned him down.

      Roger then went on his film tour- he made lots of money, started his own organization, and started investigating capture claims to bag one that way (and was duped in the process). He partnered with Ron Olson to fund the 'capture expedition' that he originally planned. They were going to fund the expedition themselves by making a movie, but that never panned out and the expedition never happened.

      Roger kept investigating claims. He eventually had Ron do investigations for him because by that time he was getting too sick. Roger died and Ron basically continued where they left off doing research, and ended up making a docudrama movie based on Roger's ideas (Sasquatch: Legend of Bigfoot).

      For one, a lot more people were in and out of that area immediately following the film. So the odds of seeing another in the general area were much more slim.

      He also had no means to capture a Bigfoot which would be the next logical step.

      We could speculate all day long and go over 'would haves' and 'could haves', but reality is never that black and white. The facts show that Patterson did make immediate plans for a return to California and a capture- it just didn't pan out financially."

      - Roguefooter from the BFF

      Lastly, I would say you need t research the basics prior to spouting off crap. Patty's tracks were cast... This is very, very basic stuff.

    3. Very basic stuff indeed and the first post still stands true.

    4. Yep after joes 10,000 word essay the post up top remains true. No search for patty by anyone let alone roger or Bob. Its like she never existed.

    5. 3:28... You got schooled my friend, as per.

      3:30... Like I've said to you before, if things get a little difficult to understand, get an adult to read with you.

      ; )

    6. Saying "you got schooled" doesn't make it so.

      Joe, the self back slapping black knight.

    7. Oh boy Joe has lost it today

    8. ^^ to be "schooled" needs a competent ain`t it,Joe.

  7. No way is Patterson film fake. Absolutely Impossible.
    100% genuine and that scares skeptics.

    1. 100% diaper butt bloke in a suit

    2. And here is your moron folks ^

    3. nope 3:23....100% genuine. That scares you... WHY?

    4. It scares me that people are shameless enough to not only believe patty is real but to also not understand why others think its a bloke in a suit.

    5. maybe you are just too close-minded to accept what you are seeing before your very own eyes?

      Hi joe! You are late this morning.

    6. 3:29... It scares me how someone can spending all their time on a Bigfoot blog, watching all the news, documentaries, interviews... And maintaining they're 'skeptical'.

      Crazy hobby.

      3:41... Hello! Terrible hangover and busy in work!!

    7. I am off to work as well, see ya joe, (and you too 3:29) don't back down joe, and keep up the good fight for us good guys!

    8. You can count on me my friend!!!!! Have a great day!!!!!!!

  8. Do footers believe that a bigfoot lifted up Rogers truck while he was in it? Or do they try to sweep that under the rug because they don't want it to tarnish their holy film?

    1. If that was an account of Roger, then why would that be any different to the other instances where people have reported the exact same thing?

      Watch a Monsterquest or something.

    2. Joe believes it. Ha ha his ha ha ha ha.

    3. I would rather say convinced by the data, in fact.

    4. ^^ i rather think Joe is the more logical in observation of the seem to dismiss accounts by people that would wipe the floor with you given any enquiry board..the people that give these accounts have way more credence than you i suspect.

  9. AND ANYWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Great tracks and YES, very spooky.... Also,


    1. "There's never any evidence"... And yet it still rolls in almost weekly.

      Denial is a terrible thing.

    2. Weekly? What good evidence was there last week?

    3. Sightings, tracks, all these things are accumulated nearly on a weekly basis, not to mention this week we've had the very best eyeshine footage ever and more great audio from the Browns.

    4. Facts can be a killer. It's ok... Nothing will hurt you bro.

    5. Joe where can I see this Browneye video?

    6. ^ bend right on over and tek a peek in the mirror.

    7. Lol, browneyeshine vid.haha.
      Good one mike! Gota get back to work later.

    8. The eyeshine video is an owl, it was debunked almosted immediately you pathetic losers

    9. ^ u meant loosers, didnt cha,!

    10. 8:56... No... You said it was an owl, there's a difference between debunking something and calling it something... You my friend merely called something.

      Now I'm open to it being a known creature, I've even spent some of the day looking at how big cats hide and squat, but you'll have to prove that's an owl first ma boy.

  10. No

    Check your neighbors footprint.

    And clean that pool


  11. These tracks show a human arch. Bigfoot has no arch, but rather a mid tarsal break. Wonder if length of these is accurate.

    1. ^ i thought bigfoot had a foot that more or less was flat with the mid tarsal that the whole foot took weight when placed upon the ground.

  12. Is anyone else still stuck on the fact that, this guy is saying a bigfoot went swimming in his pool. I mean the most elusive animal of all time that goes to great lengths to avoid any and all human contact is going to climb into someones pool, seriously? Hopefully noone wastes thier money on a DNA test but I 100 percent guarantee that it comes back as a known animal.

    1. ^ but it would come back as known animal precisely if "they" were trying to cover it all up...but i agree this isn`t bigfoot going swimming...i`m sure there are better spots to swim than a chlorinated pool...unless bigfoot wanted to lounge around the pool in deckchairs after a dip...mebbe the whole family came along for the occasion.

    2. the DNA will reveal it to be an alligator with human feet or maybe a lizard man

    3. WHATS THAT??
      He ejaculated!!

  13. OH BROTHER! This Big foot stuff is surely getting more comical and more desperate with every post shown here!

  14. Pool Lounging Bigfoot is just trying to relax. Hell no he didn't bring the wife and kids, he's trying to get away from that stuff DSA, stop judging him!

  15. Joe got smoked again.

    Every ridiculous post is another win for the world.

    The world 7658976 - 0 Joe

  16. The data does not suggest a 9 foot ape man roaming around north america.

    The data points to hoaxers, liars, dumb people, scammers, and role players.

    1. Actually!

      The data points to an unknown primate being seen, and leaving physical and biological trace. Professional accounts, tracks located 50 miles into wilderness areas and unknown primate hair is proof of this.

      What we have in the face of that data in an effort to discount it all, are misinformed, censoring denialists pointing to hoaxers, liars, dumb people, scammers, and role players.

      Interestingly though, we can however look at these people as hoax hoaxers, liars, dumb people, scammers, and role players.

    2. 50 miles...LOL

      Seperate states...LOL

      Tracks still "found" by people. Those people were obviously there, obviously others were too...

    3. What a million in one chance that would be to locate to the exact yard where people are gonna be out conducting research.

      Come on bro, surely you can see how stupid you're being?

    4. ^ Why...just tell me why you bother to get sucked in,time and time again ? ..why bother to respond to an idiot ?

  17. Just messing about in Photoshop here. When I overlay a human with patty, the eyes, elbows and knees all line up. You can see when you do this the shoulders of patty rise up (accounted for by the shoulder pads) and the butt is also slightly higher (accounted for by the waist padding).

    When footers say "no human has the proportions to fit in the suit" are they just lying or what?

    1. old photos real no photoshop back in the day

    2. 8:26... Why don't you post your comparisons?

      Got monkey suit??

  18. Not necessarily lying but the proportions are hard to calculate because the film speed is unknown. Just like all this supposed muscle movement could either be natural things going on with the costume or the costume wearers actual muscles showing some through the costume, which as some people will have you believe is impossible but in fact is not impossible, because the suit was clearly very tight in some areas. I think the only thing that could have given this film more credibility was if you saw any kind of finger movement, because that would have been difficult to achieve wearing arm extensions as was claimed. But the fingers never move, or you cant see them move so I dont think you can really say it cant be a human.


      Old news... Got monkey suit?

  19. Im still not really sure how thats considered finger movement. It could be argued that it looks curled more due to the change in the angle of the subject in relation to the camera.


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