There's Going to Be a Show All About Killing Bigfoot In October

The TV show Killing Bigfoot from Gryphon Productions premieres Friday, October 17th on Destination America. These groups of guys look like they are the real deal and something tells us they won't be welcome in Dr. Matthew Johnson's group. One downside to this type of show (or any Bigfoot show), is if they achieve their goal of "Kill Bigfoot", it may just end their show.

KILLING BIGFOOT TRAILER ** from Peter von Puttkamer on Vimeo.


  1. Replies
    1. last night I watched the first two episodes of "Alaska Monsters'! Boy! what a joke of a show! A COMPLETE copy-cat of "Mountain Monsters"!
      Six or so "Outdoorsmen"? running screaming, yelling through the woods! Yep! Exactly, like "Mountain Monsters"! I knew the ending, before I watch it, they would catch NOTHING!
      The only character, missing, was a WILD BILL! You know that PHONY Marine!

    2. Another quality follyweird production I am sure.

      Kill em all bigfoot. And don't forget the director !

    3. There is another show I watched once similar called I believe swamp monsters from the south. Guys are in better shape than the mountain monsters, but ridiculous still.

      like MONSTERS all abouts in the US
      takes you a GUN when you in them woods!

    5. LIKE wheres the AKs ....
      U need @ least 1 AK for there safety !!!

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Propagating the idea of killing a bigfoot is unfortunate.

    8. going into them wood 1 might have to take a bigfoots out! self defence...
      As the old saying gos Its coming right for you!

    9. Killing Bigfoots - they need to get old Marine WILD BILL on that team expert tracker and bear hunter !!!

    10. And. . . PHONY Marine to boot!

    11. WILD BILL old Marine talks about his dayz in the Corps, and talks about his flashbacks like minefields and razor wire.....

    12. Hard to kill something that doesnt exist just ask Justin Smeja...he was praying for this show to be HIS but found out not everyone in Footer land is an idiot.

    13. like Mattt and BOBO bigfoots GURUs

  2. Replies
    1. ^ been up all night putting cream on the singed areas from the smoking

    2. Jim Lansdale and the Louisana crew in "Monster Central" have already put multiple bullets in a Subject. Checkout Lindsay's last post about men shooting Sasquatch and it is referenced. More importantly I know one of the men who volunteered to help track it. I can assure you that these Texas Gulf fellas are not building scrap traps and exchanging pleasantries. They have access to some of the most primitive inaccessible swamp land Louisiana and East Texas has to offer and I take them seriously.

    3. Joe what do we know about a wounded Sasquatch. What will the others do to protect one and retrieve the body. What do incidents like The Siege at Homobia and the Wesf Virginia Hunter's account tell us about a wounded Sasquatch? Even if you're brave enough to pull the trigger. Someone has to walk in that thicket and past the deep guttural growling and finish off essentially a human with the strength and speed of 10 men. It would take a man who had little regard for his own safety or was nuttier than a German Fruitcake.

    4. Apologies to anyone attending the upcoming conference in Honobia Oklahoma. Homobia was a bar I went into in college not far from the Man Hole. ;)

    5. it wouldn't take " a man nittier than a german fruitcake"[whatever that means. what has fruit got to do with nuts]. all it would take it a powerfull gun.

      since 10ft 800pd ape people don't exist its a dumb question anyay

      if it did a gun would kill it as it does any other breathing creature. unless you believe it will cloak itself or disappear into a worm hole or whatever convenient theory bleevers use as an excuse for zero evidence on their magic monkey

    6. None of that. I'm packing up a GoPro, Sony with Telescopic Super zoom lens, 2 night vision tubes with recorders, a dozen all weather audio boxes and a shotgun mike. Does that sound "woo" to you. Cause the only woo I know is Ric Flair's "WOO!"

    7. C'mon DSA. Plenty of room in the guest house. You don't mind using the wounded rabbit call do you?

    8. It's not just the injured one you've got to watch when you go in to finish him off and get the body it's all his mates waiting to rip your head off,the ones you don't see coming until it's too late xx

    9. the great Robert Shaw from Jaws told the Amity townspeople I'll tell you " I'll catch this bird for ya....but it ain't gonna be easy, ain't like going down to the pond and catchin Bluegill or Tommycot, this Squatch will swallow you whole, little shakin, little tenderizing, now you people gotta make up your minds....I'll find him for 6 beers, but I'll catch him, and I'll release him...for 12"

    10. Hey Eva...sorry. Was having a Jaws flashback. You are correct. They are never alone and they protect each other like cousins at a wal mart sale! By any means necessary.

    11. 3:40... The one that requires to have to reinforce his own reasurrance here, eeeeeevery day, like some sweaty child. I'm always curious however to hear the thoughts of those who know better than the best primatologists in the world, what are your credentials exactly?

      It's simple; these creatures evade in social groups. They have to in order to evade as well as they have done. They're never far apart from eachother, and if you shoot and either kill OR severely injure one of them, the deal's exactly the same... You're gonna have mom, then pops, then grandpa, and so forth, coming to see what the noise is about. Let's remember how many people go missing in the wilderness of the U.S. and how many of these are hunters with guns. Of course, plenty of these could have a very nornal circumstance attributed to it, but all to often we hear the contrary.

      There is every single source of evidence that exists just short of type specimen. It is it very mentally unhealthy to maintain the sweaty tunnel vision, denialist stance that there is nothing what so ever to the claims of an unknown primate residing in the wilderness of the US.

      You don't come across too well informed, smart or too confident, bro.

    12. Hey JOE. Well said. Guy is absolutely clueless and will remain so that he is blogging to a guy in Texas that has more experience with the hairy giants than anyone else I know. They stay around his property raising young ones because Mike has never threatened them with a gun. I think mostly they laugh at him, but truly appreciate his hospitality.

      For myself I carry a walther into the bush but it is always hidden. Never in my wildest dreams would I form a group of paramilitary types to go after one. Eva R is so right. It is not the one you have your sights on that would tear your head off although the indian guide in New Mexico in the Lincoln County forest area may disagree when his client took a shot at one. The guide told him no shoot but the fool did anyway. When the guide ran off he turned just in time to see his hunter clients head lifted off buy a more than angry male. MIKE spoke of the West Virginia hunter, actually it is Virginia. After he put a 30.06 round through a 500 lbs female the 9 foot male carried her in one arm like I use to my school books in the days before back packs, and effortlessly climbed a 30 foot straight vertical rock face. Would one really want to put themselves into a confrontation with an unpredictable creature with this much strength, speed, and cunning knowing they travel in clans.

      JOE knows about the missing folks and hunters, he has read the book. I plan to this winter. Their tracks disappear, dogs will not track. Some are never found. The ones that are found are in extremely strange places usually many miles away.

      I am quite certain that in the vast majority of cases the Sasquatch would be on to these guys as soon as they enter their forest and would simply pack up and move out long before these hunters could get close.
      They travel way to fast for anyone to give chase.

    13. go into the bush in a fireteam like we did in NAM 360 coverage and U can direct fire in mass when U need to put one down!
      Have hunters out this way sayin if they come accross one they pull out and leave it be! like the old saying gos its not the one you see that you need to worry about! a fireteam setup would give U the best chance of taking one down and surviving the onslaught that would undoubtable follow !!!

  3. I venture a prediction...the team will NOT kill bigfoot...will NOT even come close to finding bigfoot...we will hear stories of how it nearly happened but there were unforeseen problems...yeah,I`ll bet !

    1. No sh*t Sherlock.

      Bigfoot don't exist.

    2. ^ that`s right...that`s why you`re here...simpleton.

    3. Yep.

      The circus show of footery would not exist if bigfoot actually existed and there would be no one to laugh at.

    4. ^ in that case, are true peach chunk !

    5. 2:19... Do you know how funny it is watching you spending all of your time here, watching aaaaaaaall the news, sweating over the day a body rolls in?

      Crazy hobby... I suppose its the attention you don't get anywhere else in real relationships out there. Seeing the likes of you trying to fight your corner once the facts come your way, now that's pretty funny.

    6. I can predict, any "Monster' show' catches or kills NOTHING!

    7. if you put enough boots on the ground hunting bigfoots someone will bag one!

    8. Back to the base with you
      lil jon swabs are awatin!

    9. base - militia - dont have a base...



    Never forget!!!!!




    MAN with 4 KILO`S of HASH stuffed up his Jacksy.

    A 450 pound Mexican man was arrested this morning by Texas border patrol as a body cavity search revealed he had painfully hidden 4 kilos of marijuana up his buttocks, a sight that left the officers in utter dismay.

    1. whuts tham mexicuns agains yous fiindin tham in tham mackdonalds

    2. ans tham JEWs caws thays makin a ruckis

  6. I wonder how many of these insane Bigfoot round-ups/conferences (and every one with the usual suspects) people go to before they get a clue and say "Gosh, Meldrum was saying that same **** 10 years ago. Hmmm that's odd." Even if you deeply "believe" in the lunacy, isn't there ever a time when it all starts to make less and less sense? Or it simply gets old? No, cause BLAARGing? For that matter, has Don Meldrum even said anything of import regarding Bigfoot in the last 35 years? Not a bleeping thing I'm aware of. The only thing I know he's done Bigfooty is to pretend he's throwing "science" at Bigfoot for money.

    1. Well, Don Jeffrey Meldrum just so happens to be a Full Professor of Anatomy and Anthropology and a Professor of the Department of Anthropology at Idaho State University. He's also an Adjunct Professor of Occupational and Physical Therapy. An expert on foot morphology and locomotion in primates, he's managed to get the attention of people like the very best conservationst in be world putting a foreword in his book and research.

      I wonder what you've achieved, eh?

      Hey! Here's another angle though... If you can't prove his research wrong, let's droan on about his presentations that's as ever significant, masked by your own closet impatience for a Sasquatch body! You didn't manage to understand the data the first time around, funny you should complain when it's down to people like you requiring a second... Seventh take on the legitimacy of tracks that's the reason he's doing it.

      You understand science alright, keep up the good work bro.

    2. also almost lost his job numerous time because of outside interests and using school funds for said interests .but kept it threw a grant from a nameless canadian i think it was 30 k

    3. and Jeffrey Meldrum wrote that book Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science....

  7. So therefore bigfoot is real?

    You footers are nuts.

  8. ^ how does the above equate to bigfoot being real ? is an interesting more,no less..but to get into the griff of it..I have no doubt that a pessimistic grouch such as yourself would decry this information..humankind being the only "intelligent" species on the ? ..get back to your cornflakes and sour milk.

  9. .

    BIGFOOT ............................................ in MAINE.

    Sometimes Sasquatch comes closer to civilization. In 1985, on the outskirts of Portland, a couple saw three creatures outside their home at 3 a.m. They were howling and appeared to be charging their house. The next morning they took pictures of giant footprints outside the house. In Brunswick, north of Portland, a family saw a large, black, shaggy haired creature on two consecutive days in 1973. They later found a tree stump pulled apart where the creature had been.

    Sasquatch sightings have been part of the local lore in Maine for centuries. Scientists and other interested parties are still looking for this elusive creature, perhaps aiming to repeat DNA tests done years ago in Canada.

    So far the evidence shows that there is something out there, that there is a possibility that Sasquatch is indeed real.

    Just what that something is, is still anyone’s guess

    1. my great grandfather and grandfather were llumberjacks in Maine!
      and they would talk about wildmen in the woods that would throw branches and rocks at them to try to drive the lumberjacks out of the woods!

  10. Every show on Destination America is a joke. I watched Monsters of Alaska last night and it was like watching Duck Dynasty, crossed with Finding Bigfoot, crossed with Ghost Adventures. And I only mean take the most ridiculous aspects of all those shows, and make that one show. It was easily the stupidest thing I have ever seen, and that, sadly is saying a lot. Im sure these kinds of shows are edge of your seats thrillers for people who get their facts from Fox News and think Oprah is the Anti-Christ, and we are being invaded by Mexicans. But for the rest of us in the real world, Destination America is pretty much just like Fox News, garbage TV for the easily scared.

    1. Every show on TV is a joke, you mean.

    2. Not Ray Donavan. Not Boardwalk Empire and Not Sons of Anarchy nor Justified Not Archer nor The Ali G Show. Not NFL games. And definitely not the Joe Fitzgerald Show.

    3. What. Those are TV shows. Why you cheap punk!

    4. Apparently, they have been told to being continuously talking, doing stupid things and dressing like they escaped from the local insane asylum, in order to keep the viewer interested. These are all signs that the bubble in Bigfoot hunting programs is about to pop, and there will be no more stupid Bigfoot shows starring morons with guns.

  11. One thing im sure of is if there are bigfeets they aint going down from a shotgun blast and these guys have shotguns in the clip.

    Looks like the duck dynasty bunch.

    1. NO AK !!! we be usin tham AKs fer hawg hunts ans it drop tham hawgs reel quik lack

    2. ^ thinking 30-06 is the same animal as the 7.62

  12. That's because there isn't a really good monster show yet. Give me the 12 best researchers in the world using only small cameras. Let each of them research in their honey spots with a neutral academic watching them. Then have the nerds meet each week with the teams present and cut one team a week. Winner gets a fully funded grant to truly find Bigfoot for at least two years. Loosers get a statue of a polar bear and RD autographed Hank mask.

  13. 2:43, we probably are nuts. But, I'm leaving today and going into snake infested big hog country and there will be a point this weekend where I hear a loud Thud, that's either a kangaroo announcing his presence, or something had jumped from a tree,beat his chest or stamped his foot, when I get escared...and my eyes get saucer big, will join me as I run head first with no kith into a cedar thicket? Or will you put on the new Tim McGraw song "Meanwhile Back at Mamas?"

  14. Because I've seen a lot of self professed skeptics want to go when the frogs and crickets stop chirping.

  15. ^ good luck...and be careful fella`.

  16. DSA. Thank you. Promise me this... If they find a mangled bottle of AFRIN. A small shred of my Bret Michaels brush pants, and some Kiehls Moisturizer and nothing more, will you say a few words to the group for me?

  17. Tell them I've gone to that big ole tree structure in the sky.....actually it's more likely I've departed for that volcanic cave in the earth....but try to keep it light.

  18. ^ referring to a comment above at 4:19 ...have you been out there with "skeptics" that have become a little freaked out...and maybe wanted to leave the area ? ...what has been their viewpoint afterwards ?

  19. Their viewpoint is that it was no owl and they need fresh underwear?

  20. As a matter of fact I have. Two of them. One was my nephew who was in college at Mizzou and came down when four researchers and I were combing the areas and as he rode horses in the upper fields he saw one and was so red faced, shocked and astounded he could not even sleep that night. Another guy my age had to see for themselves so I took them out on a rainy day and we no more than got out of the car when we found a trackway of footprints 17" going straight to a deer kill. They both wanted to cut their visit short. The Dad couldn't stop talking about it but his son wanted to get off that ranch and block it out as soon as possible. I promise you one thing. Just one. On a Texas night investigation in untamed wild areas, when you hear late heavy footsteps abs a whoop or scream, you have to decide why your adrenal glands just kicked in more than you've ever experienced while you're telling yourself it can't be anything to be afraid of. But then you hear how the other forest animals are acting and you can't help yourself. I once heard a baby crying in the deep brush at 2 am in 40 degree weather. It was a thing I could not rationalize yet

  21. I have the recording today. It will be that way this weekend. They will approach. And I will have to conquer my fear

  22. Just accept the invitation of a local researcher in your area and experience it. No flashlight. No gun. Just you, a fire and the creatures that own the dark.

  23. No owl. No coyote. No deer. They will let you know. They will stomp their foot or beat their chest or snap a tree and let you know you are not alone. They want to see your reaction. And they want me to fill their baskets.

  24. NOOO! The Bigfoots (if it is real) are a amazing creature..please don´t kill it!

    1. Blast one! Then we can prove it exists!

    2. I think that it is truth, but I want that they do kill 1 Bigfoot, but 2 Bigfoots no!

  25. Mike- do you think or have you heard reports of them being out my direction- Hill country between Austin and Dripping springs? Our subdivision is surrounded by 500+ acres of "greenspace" with a year round spring/creek running through. I looked on google earth and that creek runs all the way out into San Antonio. Would this area be more likely a travel corridor than anything else?

    My son is working for an old cattle rancher that told him that on their property there are been hogs, cougar, and sometimes bears that walk on their back legs. I know the man. Hes very down to earth and not a bullsh1tter.

  26. 2:33!! Love these posts by you and that's a cracker!!

    How the devil are you Mike?!

  27. There is an article in a Bigfoot Publication about a biologist who found 3 bodies in Kendall County and it changed his life forever. He later claims to have worked with the Berkley crew on the very short lived Subject in captivity. He felt very strongly that the California contingent thought they had all the Sasquatch when in fact Texas was as populated as anyplace due to its huge tracts of private land and abundant game and waterways. I personally believe the Hillcountry has a very active population and based on what I'm finding out it's an unspoken well known secret among the landowners and their neighbors. Would you like to go out tonight and place some all weather audio boxes and set up some cameras with us ?

  28. Joe. I'm headed to the woods with a plan that's going to work and Morley's state of the art equipment. I'm pretty stoked.

  29. When Morley started with MABRC, he would go to an area of repeated sightings. Strap himself high up in a climbing deer stand. And watch and wait for what he thought was an ape. Then one night two Subjects simply walked below his tree stand. When he heard them communicating with one another it changed his life. Now he spends half his time trying to keep me from mangling my body. But he is an encyclopedia of knowledge.

  30. Stay safe out there pal! Looking forward to seeing what you get!

  31. Sure. We will be there all weekend. But fair warning. It is hog heavy country. And the locals that patrol at night don't really fear us.

  32. Roger That. Chick. You come down and see us. (All of us). ;)

  33. I would LOVE!!!! that. But I wouldnt want to get in y'alls way. Havent spent much time out there. Been on a BFRO exp. for a weekend. I dont have a weapon or anything for the hogs. Would there be room for Rooster?

  34. I don't really want to comment on all these "Monster shows" coming out, B/C they're just soooooooo STUPID!

    1. lucky we got Mountain Monsters, Alaska Monsters and that new one Swamp Monsters all made in the USA : )

    2. You forgot the Monster Underground show!

  35. Headed to the woods. Joe has my email and number. Hope to meet u soon !

  36. Have a great time- I will contact if it works out!!

  37. Jeepers CHICK. I would jump all over that opportunity. Did not realize you were a Texas gal. When Mike first started talking about his Texas hill country friends last summer I was more than a bit astounded. The reports of them being in this area are scarce. So Mike must be right about the ranchers and residents keeping what they know close to the vest. I also think it is a numbers game. East Texas is loaded with bigfoots and the bigfoot population is rising fast. It only makes sense that some are moving into the hill country as long as their is water, preferrably rivers and creeks, game and crops to be had.

    Here in Ohio they have been moving into the agricultural outskirts like I live. I live in Darke County and reports have been filtering in to people like myself of them being seen all around the outside counties of Greater Dayton, OH. I have reason to believe my property has been visited twice once last November and again in early June. Researchers with the BFRO are reporting them in other Midwestern agricultural areas that are similar to mine.

    CHICK. Would love to hear about your BFRO expedition.

  38. Hey there joe f and mike with the mask??? What ever floats your boat! So u guys are wondering about shooting a 800 plus animal well I've shot a lot of 1000 pound animals being a moose and it has beyond the strength of ten men! It's all about shot placement and a good caliber gun the animal will drop every time guys!! Hoping to solve your problems this fall hopefully these bfs show up for a fall harvest! But will see! Can't promiss but I do have my ducks in a row for this!!


    1. AKs takin tham hawgs reel quik lack every time : )

  39. At least these people are attempting a kill. This is the ONLY way that the existence of bigfoot could be proven. People who are trying to get footage, thermal images, hair samples, etc. are wasting their time if they think that they can prove the existence of bigfoot this way. A type specimen, live or dead, is the only thing that will prove the existence of bigfoot.

    1. or some splattered DNA from a bigfoot thats been shot !!!!

  40. That is some interesting stuff Commie boy ( I doubt the moniker ) and 4 44. The dna test was done by Professor Curt Nelson of U of Minnesota on the Snelgrove Lake sample both Dr.Meldrum and himself obtained and was extremely close to human but was not. Deemed unknown primate.

  41. ART BELL gots a map from a hunter in TX where he shot and killed two bigfoots

  42. J Randi for first gay President and me for first husband !

    1. vote and vote often for HILLARY in 2016 for your SAFETY

    2. 8:15 = butthurt bffer probably still reeling after the monkey suit video

    3. OBAMACARE take care of that butthurt and its FREE : )

  43. ^ was that hunter name Bugs !!!

  44. Another TV failure in the making, for reasons that are beyond the comprehension of Hollywood, as well as the participants whose IQ level is in question.

    1. Mountain Monsters abin reel caws thays huntin tham critters and sitin tham traps

  45. The easiest way to prove Bigfoot, is to put somebody in the White House that will open up the US Army vaults, in order to make their Bigfoot captivity reports public. But that would put a lot of Federal employees out of work, who are paid to protect that secret.

  46. "Nothings gonna change my world"

    Superb soundtrack to go with the smoking.

    Nothings gonna change joes world. No amount of monkey suits!

    "Its a guy in a bad fur suit sorry"

    F*ckin pwned ya jackass.

  47. Mattt and BOBO been tracking bigfoots for years !

  48. FACTS:
    Nobody is going to find and shoot a Big foot with 6-8 guys, plus cameramen etc.
    Nobody is a good enough hunter to find one, within a decent range to kill it
    Humans Physically, even in excellent shape, even a Navy Seal cannot compete in getting close to them in the Wilderness Terrain!
    Nobody will ever shot one if he (the hunter) moving, period!
    I definitely DON'T condone killing one to prove they exist. That would be MURDER!
    I'm very confident, very confident that even an above average hunter will ever kill one!
    There are only several possibilities that one may be killed.
    1. Mac Truck or large Truck hitting one crossing a road.
    2. A skilled hunter, in a all naturally built blind, sitting still, when a Big foot (makes a mistake) and crosses close enough 100 yards or less in front of the hunter's blind. Then Maybe. .

    John W. Jones Spoke
    The real live dead one!. .
    In my book, I try to outline all these scenarios, based upon me and my teams experiences. Keep in mind, that "We' carry no weapons at all on our expeditions. Killing one goes against our tribal laws!
    High Joe, Mike, Chuck, Eva It is me! I had to do what I had to do, Too many "Internet Stalkers' putting their noses in my personal business. Books come out in November! Contracted with Amazon.
    P. S. Guys! Me and my Team was approached by a well known T.V. station. We wanted to do a documentary, THEY, wanted a exciting suspenseful "shoot em up" show. "We" turned them down! ..

    1. hmmm - knowing some seasoned hunters few told a tale of running into a bigfoot 1 on a game trail and another near a lake! I am sure there are others most dont talk about it unless you get their trust!
      they could have taken a shot @ bigfoot and choose not to! So thinking yes bigfoots make mistakes and might take chances just like humans!

    2. John!!

      It was one heck of a relief to learn you're ok. Really cool to see you post again, start making a habit of it!!

      I'll be buying your book 100%!!!

    3. Great to hear from you John, the real live dead one. Could not agree with you more. A group with camera men brandishing weapons will never get close enough. The Sasquatch will simply move out. They may leave a sentry that keeps an eye out at a large distance. The way to hunt one, ( I certainly would not ) would be one person in a blind as you suggest and an elevated one at that. Then wait and wait and wait day after day after day and hope for a mistake. Of course if you are one person how would you get it out without risking retribution. One person is not going to pull it out either. I guess stay in the tree and put the call out to a lot of armed buddies to come in. Like to hear what you think. Again great to hear from you and I will buy the book for sure.

    4. what a bunch of stupid lying asshole's o m g u idiots are so full of shit.............

  49. John W. Jones speaks again:
    I forgot to mention, that all proceeds from our books, will go to the "wounded Warriors Foundation!

    1. Good for you John W Jones,i look forward to reading your book xx

    2. NSA knows all - see all - hears all

    3. I say John W. Jones is full of it!
      Matt I KNOW EVERYTHING MoneyMaker!

      Years ago, I personally threw John out of aown hall meeting!

  50. swampsquatchs DUDE swampsquatchs

  51. that photo reminds me of the NAM pointman looking out for charlie ....

  52. Agropelter has a sturdy body topped by a villainous, ape-like countenance.

  53. Agropelter has a sturdy body topped by a villainous, ape-like countenance.

  54. Predictions:
    Not a valid shot fired, No Bigfoots, Cancellation after their series finale themed after Deliverance and Brokeback Mountain.

  55. A man shot and killed two Bigfoot's and nobody believes him; even tho he's telling the truth.

  56. i can't believe how many stupid fucking assholes on this subject, they don't exist idiots.........


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