The Moment Steven Steufert Made M.K. Davis Quit Bigfooting

This actually happened over two years ago. It was unclear at the time why M.K. Davis made the announcement that he was quitting Bigfoot. It was either that he get tired of the backlash from the Bigfoot community for coming up with the "Bluff Creek Massacre" theory, or maybe it was his debate with Steven Streufert that got under his skin. Streufert claims credit for forcing Davis into early retirement a couple of years ago. "I already debated and massacred him live on the air. Listen later in this show. He called in to it. The next day he announced his "retirement" from Bigfooting," Streufert wrote on Facebook last week. He offered this BlogTalk radio interview as proof of that:

Check Out Paranormal Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Bigfoot Tonight Show on BlogTalkRadio


  1. Please MK quit leave BF forever your a hack. Go Steven !!!!

    1. MK's got more respect than any anonymous pizza boy can ever dream of.

    2. BOBO say bigfoots like pizza with extra bacon on it !

    3. Oh Joe I have lost so much respect for you today! Really? I thought yesterday I might misunderstood one of your post but I guess it is true!

    4. You're free to post your views as am I. Forgive me if I forget to shed a year for one more Anon claiming they don't like me.

    5. yeah but your views are wrong! I think you meant shed a tear? I didn't say I didn't like you! I am just sad for you!

    6. Don't feel sad for me, I'm the one with the ba*ls to post my name. Anon calling me wrong... Oh how I must reassess.

      Put an iPhone on that Santa list.

    7. What is ba*ls is that like a key board! Get your own cryptid! Scotland will be putting up a fence to keep you faggy Welsh out!

    8. Joe you have respect for M.K Davis! You think Bigfoot is a Big Indian?You think a family of Bigfeet were killed? Answer me?

    9. 11:05... You need someone to explain that to you? My own cryptid? Nargh, I'm just fine telling you all about yours, thanks.

      11:16... Yes, I have respect for MK, what you gonna do about it? Yeah, I think Sasquatch are native to the US and like native Americans, agree that they are another tribe of humans. Do I think a family of Sasquatch were killed? I don't know, I'm open to it and don't close my mind out to things that challenge of preconceptions.

    10. Joe

      No matter what you say they will not agree. They just like to argue with you. They are not worth it

    11. You're 100% right... I'm just having a little fun.

    12. You are a Special ! I think you meant To Say BALLS! Pretty easy to type! Telling it wrong but as long as you stay across the pond u can't fag up murica !

    13. Murica? Wow, nice to see you doing your nation proud. I'm sorry... Those exclamations are pretty special. Didn't you pick me up on literacy just now?


      You know when you're entertaining a 16 year old. See ya around.

    14. SOMEBODIES PROUD OF THAT. Cant even understand why this is news. The little twit should be ashamed. What is he A commy. Oh ya, bay area. I almost forgot what a breeding ground the education system is for religio scientic Nazi's. Did you tell him what to think!

    15. if you don't like MK Davis, STFU. If you don't like his material and theories vote with your feet and don't view his videos or click on his site. And other than that, let others reach their own conclusions you loudmouthed arrogant igmos.

    16. How come when "FISH EYED FOOL" bullies someone it's ok.But when "FISH EYED FOOL" gets a little heat put to him he cries like a little mammas boy.What up wit DAT?Wow,just wow.

    17. Wow. How foolish. I see we have the usual characters blabbing things with no substance at all. MK has publicly asserted claims about history that are demonstrably false. I'm not attacking or bullying MK. That is just him crying about it. I am critiquing his ideas and assertions, and proving them to be untrue. There is a big difference in that and senselessly calling someone names as if that proves anything at all.

    18. He had his mom come protect him!

    19. Hey "FISH EYED FOOL" ,so you want scritiquing

      me substance?Check your panties.What a douche bag you are.Coming on here and bragging about "making" MK retire.Suck it up buddy.Wipe the snot off your upper lip,son.Better yet just lick it off.

      I'm not calling you names,I'm just "critiquing" your eyes.Don't take it to ♥ heart there Lil Fish Eyed Fool.

    20. She is my brother's wife.

      And whatever to the other one. You are proving yourself an idiot, and nothing more.

    21. so says the guy who's avatar pic looks like a serial killer^

    22. Of what importance is the appearance of my photo? What relevance to the facts of history does that have? None.
      MK Davis is the one calling a bunch of guys like John Green Bigfoot serial killers. I'd say that has more importance in the order of things needing to be analyzed.

    23. You really don't get how these comments work do you?

      1st it's an insult
      2nd it's another insult
      3rd another
      4th somebody else joins in
      5th then another
      6th Shawn get's hits
      7th nobody really gives a flying f*ck what you have to say
      8th and the insults continue.

    24. Nah,not worried about Mk or anything. Just like picking on you. That's all.Funny huh?

    25. Dammit man. Now the crazy eyed fool is answering his own questions. HAWHAWHAWHAW!!!!!!!

    26. Give it about 5 months and we would have forgot everything like the good fish eyed boy he is. He'll then come back and take another roasting.

  2. Lol look at that ridiculous suit. Shameless that people try to defend it.

    1. Yea look at the picture above you jackass

    2. Goe,

      You know how I know you're gay?

      You love M.K.

    3. Goe,

      You know how I know you're gay?

      You can't figure out that your gay name was spelled that way on purpose.

  3. global climate disruption is upon US - UN say game over in 2020 : not much time left to save the planet!
    global carbon tax the more U pay the cleaner the planet....

  4. Bigfooting is a harmless enough hobby as long as they stick to the role playing games and don't waste scientists time

    1. If this is a role playing game, what role are you playing? Egotistical , know-it-all asshat?

    2. "Egotistical - A person whose ego exceeds both his intelligence and his capacity to see beyond his own personal interests."

      Yeah, sounds about right. Don't mind him, he's just playing the 'confident skeptic' role where in which he needs to reinforce his religion every day.

    3. Bigfoots are harmless as long as U stay out of their AO - entry @ your own risk - most that do enter leave early do to lack of sleep do to bigfoots harassment @ night

    4. Big jon is a limp wristed fop!

      Take that Joe!!

    5. PJ is the most egotistical person to ever comment here.

    6. obamacare covers buthurt and it FREE : )

  5. the ballad of WILD BILL
    There once was a Marine name WILD BILL, he carried a BIG KNIFE for a thrill, and while on the hunt he traxs tham thar onry critters down and then dispatched tham all with a yell “ oorah" : )

  6. Wild Bill gots that BIG KNIFE biggest on the AIMS Team he sure does

  7. I am the troll that made Tim Fasano quit.

  8. Steven is the God Father of Bigfoot! He squashed Big Foot Forums on his Coffee Break! I hated that place!!!!!!!! Don't mess Steven!

    1. Don't ever take side's against the Bigfoot Family!

    2. Church of the Sasquatch takes ALL who believe

    3. A pretty unique religion then... The Virgin Mary don't leave tracks.

    4. Randi saved his best trick for last ! He was married in 2013 and He finally made his penis disappear !

    5. Unless she is Dripping Olive Oil!

    6. lots of them virgins in islam 72 for each of them Jihadist

    7. Do you know how to get a Muslim chick pregnant? Jerk off on her feet and let the fly's do the work!

    8. No Randi's best trick was coming out of the Closet!

    9. not sure how many rag heads got them virgins we be killin lots of them...

    10. whuts abouts tham melonheads caws thays be onry critters lots of folks seein tham shure have

  9. ╔╗╔╗╔═╗╔╗╔╗╔══╗
    Now what's all this bickering about in the bigfoot community,pull together bigfooters and enough of this nonsense ;) xx

  10. Notice how MK Davis loves to talk over other people in a conversation, when it is their turn to talk. This is a classical mind game of a self centered person with serious issues that have not yet been clearly defined. Consequently, it would not be much of a stretch to connect the outrageous and twilight zone type theories of Davis, with this undefined mental condition.

  11. Steven Steufert is an asshole,always was,always will be

    1. Your just mad about Big Foot Forums being Bitch Slapped by Steven. Are you that Jim Flowers Fag!

    2. Steufert questions everything!!!!!! It seems to me that's what research is folks. If we don't question, the truth will never really be known.

  12. Sooo many idiots in the comments!!! You OMNISCIENT Skeptics!! Your ignorance is only outweighed by your arrogance!! Streufert is a man douche with total insecurity..attack skeptic fail! Bigfoot masaacre is BS, yes, but otherwise he's a clueless fuckwad. I've actually worked in science & RESEARCH for a quarter century and Western Science is Clueless!! Wake the fuck up! Bigfoot is real! Governments and news are fake!!! “We can know only that we know nothing. And that is the highest degree of human wisdom.” - Leo Tolstoy

    1. Happy Birthday Leo! Anon 11:15 your a Fag!

    2. Governments and news is fake?

      You know how I know you're gay?

    3. Yeah, Gay..that's a very mature comment. Go back to sleep clueless You morons have NO clue about ANYTHING! Other than posting mindless, vacuos comments that have no pint. Carry on lemmings!!

    4. tham gays be queer like tham jews

    5. Wow!
      You sure do know what you are talking about!!
      You are.

    6. go away you prick....go shoot out your window again

    7. Yeah. Right. I shot my own window? You think it's funny to have bullets coming through one's building? It's not, really.

  13. Spokesman For Sotloff Family Blasts Obama;
    White House Using Murdered Journalists As Pawns!!!

  14. RELIGION used to control the masses and get the masses to do your bidding using group think! 1 of the oldest tricks in the book

    1. Very true 11:55,it works very well on the sheepeople xx

    2. Ya now it's science and global warming and new age crap, and the sheepole fallow SATAN. THATS HOW THE GOOD BOOK SAID IT WOULD GO DOWN IN THE END!

    3. UN say global climate disruption by 2020 GAME OVER !!!
      carbon taxes only way to save US all !!!

  15. he made him say uncle to which M.K replied "I never said uncle, I said i'll be a monkey's uncle"
    and with that M.K came out of his so called "retirement "

    1. and M.K even added a stabilized video version of him saying that as proof

  16. Steven was awesome in the new Willow Creek movie!
    He destroyed MK on the always amazing Bigfoot Tonight show, he is becoming a legend for intelligent bigfooters such as myself and joe and some of the other regulars on here!

    "The Davis Report---A New Beginning:
    It is with a heavy heart that I have decided to go in new directions. My health is declining. I have a few projects to finish I hope…before “I” am finished. I hope that this site and this blog meant something to you. To all the nearly 30,000 people who have visited, please know that you are important to me and your interest in my work is greatly appreciated. I have protected my sources, and I have done right by them and by you. I leave with a clean conscience. I’ll continue with the Bigfoot Central show as long as Don Monroe wants and artistfirst will have me. I thank you one and all. M.K.Davis"
    December 19, 2011

    1. Steven, mk & I spoke numerous times through email constantly! Let me put it to you kindly, Steven, HE HATED YOU'RE GUTS, DUDE!! Says you're not even German! A Jew was what you truly are (his words not mine)

    2. Wow. From "gay" banter to religious hatred. And I must add a TON of spelling and grammatical errors. From someone who knows nothing about the bigfoot community, you all act like a bunch of 5th graders. I must admit, this is quite entertaining. Carry on.

    3. Hey!! Hi Lindsay! What are you wearing!

    4. Oh, bother, Anonymous speaks, again.

      100% German, actually, as far as the family genealogy shows.

      I doubt MK would ever say that, though. He just isn't like that, despite all of his Massacre talk.

    5. YU may bee 100 persent GERMEN but WILD BILL be 100 persent MAN


    6. I am fluent in the history of bigfoot, the community, researchers, regions, wildlife of the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, and The Southern US. I am also an active fur trapper and hunter. My interests include the evolution of Man and American History.

      I can also roll a mean spliff and a mean strike.

      I also agree the MK failed and Steven caught him on it. Of course this is all moot in the end.

  18. I actually think mk Davis has mental problems. Or is just having a game. He makes it up as he goes along. And it makes the subject look ridiculous. Shame he doesn't just stop.

  19. I hosted MK Davis at my ranch for a weekend of collaboration two summers ago. He was one of the most knowledgeable and polite men I've ever encountered in this field of endeavor. His health is truly in decline and I hope he stays away from stress and maintains himself well so that he may continue to enjoy a long and happy life.

    1. Whatcha gotta say about that SS.Ya jackass.MK will always be a better man than you'll ever be.

    2. Here we go with the usual pseudo-arguments.

      The issue is the facts of history, and whether MK is right or wrong on those. You don't see me attacking his person, do you?

    3. I never agree with Steven but on this one i have too. Mikey I'm sure M.K. is a good dude but his beliefs on this are insane

  20. I think MK did some great stabilization and clean up of the PGF and Zapruder film, however, I don't analyses of films and videos is his forté.
    I don't subscribe to his massacre theory because there is no real evidence. "Three clicks of color" (red) can make many things look like blood.

    1. Good to see you around bro and keep kicking Dyer in the nuts.

    2. Thanks. We'll keep kicking him in the nuts every time he lies about things, which is all the time.

    3. You are aware his name is Dianne Dyer and he's female?

  21. Bigfoot doesn't exist, they are both losers.

  22. "You can't make this sh#$ up." - Olga

    1. how they be hangin olga to the left or the rite

  23. Steven Streufert is an asshole.

    1. I hope all may now see what kind of people are supporting MK, and the low kind of mentality and lack of ethics they reveal whenever their hero is merely questioned or challenged on the factual basis of his absurd claims.

    2. I saw your first post SS.Why did you phrase it that way the first time?Kind of unflattering,wouldn't you think?Must be bothering you to come back and get the last word in.

    3. ans tham JEWs thays causin all that ruckus thay shure is

    4. It was a phone auto-correct typo. It's called editing. You should try it sometime, Anonymous.

    5. This sh*t happened like two years ago!!!! Why even bring this crap up again, man?!

      Because YOU just have to get in the last words, huh?

      Get a fricken life Steven!! SEROIUSLY!!

    6. Dude, you really are a D**k!

    7. Such courage it takes to be an anonymous jerk and say that. Dude. You don't know me, and I'd bet you don't know what you are talking about besides.
      To the other one: Why bring this up? It is MK DAVIS who keeps bringing this up, and posting it in groups to spread the virus of this inane Massacre Theory. Of course it becomes a public debate. I can't help it if Shawn reads my Facebook group and takes things from there to post as blog entries here. I had nothing to do with this article being posted. What are you proposing? That we just ignore claims being made in the world of Bigfooting, just letting anyone say whatever they like with no critical opposition? It's a debate over the issues and the facts. MK is wrong, and I don't mind saying so when it is brought forth.

    8. This "sh*t" as you call it has been going on since 2008, and it is still going on even this week over at the Davis Report blog, and it has been widely posted all across the Facebook Bigfoot groups. People ask me about it, and so I answer them with the facts about the area and the Bluff Creek Bigfoot history as best as I may ascertain them. Frankly, I'm tired of dealing with MK's BS, but so it goes, endlessly.

    9. OMG!

      You just don't get it do you?!

    10. ^ You know how I know you're gay?


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