Small Creature Inadvertently Filmed In Kitchen Next to Toddler

Holyshhhhhhh! This can't be real -- right? A small humanoid creature is filmed running out from a closet, and the mother of the small baby in the video didn't even noticed! How about that? One woman in the comments section had a similar experience with these tiny beings:

Actually I believe it. About three or four years ago I saw a similiar thing that looked like that in my bedroom watching me as I pretended to be sleeping. I sleep with the lights on cause Im scared of the dark. I did that cause I felt like something was attacking me in the dark. I saw it it had a goblin type face gnome size and it was kind of greyish. It freaked me out because it was on my dresser and it seem like it was trying to jump from the dresser to my bed. I was so scared but I just kept watching to make sure it didnt jump on my bed.I saw it jump down the dresser and hide behind a bunch of pillows behide a night stand. I prayed about it and then I fell asleep finally. The next day I told my niece we both started looking for it in my room and when we went behind my night stand moved all the pillows we heard a growl. It was like something was there hiding but it was also cloaked if that makes sense. Thats why it growled at us. Same place this creature ran too the night before as I watched it. Me and my niece got so scared we ran out of the house. I had a pastor bless my house and I havent had any problems since. When I saw this video it totally looked like the thing I saw in my room that I got chills mad chills. It was really scary cause at first you think your imaginated it but after realize its actually real. I asked God about it and he told me it was a lower level demon sent to observe you and to cause havoc by breaking and displacing your objects. - Pretty Bear


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Mexican bigfeets
      Hi Chicky
      And yes bigfeets manscapes for your safety

  2. This can't be real but an 8ft tall ape numbering in the 100,000 area running around North America is. Interesting.

    1. The thing is, it is real unless you can prove it isn't according to the tootsies.

    2. they've been saying that for 40 years. 40 bigfootless years. still not one molecule of biological evidence.

      these people are pathological and should be locked up.

    3. We'd love to lock them all up, based soley on your Godlike say-so-whim, 6:12.

      However, the cells are already brimming with unhinged JREFing lunatics.

      Unless . . . are you willing to share your cell with a footer?

    4. Officer Unfriendly has been spotted pulling Rictor over multiple times.

    5. The officer pulled his billy-stick.

  3. Big Jon likes to practice with bananas

  4. Seriously guys!! Is Brett Michaels still into bigfooting?? If so I see one in my back yard nightly. He should come by and check it out...


  5. Perfect Burger


    1 1/2 pounds ground chuck (80 percent lean) or ground turkey (90 percent lean)
    Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
    1 1/2 tablespoons canola oil
    4 slices cheese (optional)
    4 hamburger buns, split; toasted, if desired

    Divide the meat into 4 equal portions (about 6 ounces each). Form each portion loosely into a 3/4-inch-thick burger and make a deep depression in the center with your thumb. Season both sides of each burger with salt and pepper.

    IF USING A GRILL: Heat a gas grill to high or heat coals in a charcoal grill until they glow bright orange and ash over. Brush the burgers with the oil. Grill the burgers until golden brown and slightly charred on the first side, about 3 minutes for beef and 5 minutes for turkey. Flip over the burgers. Cook beef burgers until golden brown and slightly charred on the second side, 4 minutes for medium rare (3 minutes if topping with cheese; see step 3) or until cooked to desired degree of doneness. Cook turkey burgers until cooked throughout, about 5 minutes on the second side.

    IF USING A GRILL PAN: Heat a grill pan over high heat on top of the stove. Cook the burgers as for a grill, above.

    IF USING A SAUTE PAN OR GRIDDLE (PREFERABLY CAST IRON): Heat the oil in the pan or griddle over high heat until the oil begins to shimmer. Cook the burgers until golden brown and slightly charred on the first side, about 3 minutes for beef and 5 minutes for turkey. Flip over the burgers. Cook beef burgers until golden brown and slightly charred on the second side, 4 minutes for medium rare (3 minutes if topping with cheese) or until cooked to desired degree of doneness. Cook turkey burgers until cooked throughout, about 5 minutes on the second side.

    Add the cheese, if using, to the tops of the burgers during the last minute of cooking and top with a basting cover, close the grill cover, or tent the burgers with aluminum foil to melt the cheese.

    Sandwich the hot burgers between the buns and serve immediately.


      Whataburger is the best hamburger EVER!!!!!

    2. Hey recipe guy can i be your sidekick? I'll be known as Side dish guy

    3. Sous chef, mmh...let me chew that over some prawns and get back to you.

    4. Salad Boy at your service.

  6. Fake. Shadow of the subje t at an odd angle to the shadow of the cabinet leg

  7. How convenient that the baby's face is pixeled out. A great place to start an anomalous creature running across the room

  8. The shadow on the cabinet leg and the creature shadow different angles .....fake

  9. Clearly a guy in a creature suit.

  10. Question to bigfoot researchers only. Who has a thermal imager?

  11. Nothing to do on this website. Anyway, we are in front of an hoax and it's an insult to the intelligence of this distinguish collegia.

    1. Call me a asskisser i dont care!!
      You RULE,, Blueberry Jones!!

  12. Matchmoved shot and composite. Rotoscoped childs head to make humanoid appear from behind. Check out Syntheyes matchmoving software from Anderson Tech.

  13. Replies
    1. You should work on your self-image. Maybe you can advance from the equivalent of a bunch of morons, to a single glorious moron. Think of the friends you'd make, of your soaring popularity as the town's glorious moron.

      Or, should we continue to refer to you as a bunch of morons?

      Do you have multiple personalities?

      Judging from the spectacular inanity of your other hundreds of comments, I would say you are the equivalent of multiple morons.

  14. I refuse to read or watch the above, as the comments are more fun can somebody paraphrase in 10 words what the f*ck these idots are trying to say again?

  15. Why can't you see a reflection of that thing in the cabinet Finnish? Oh ya,,,, that's right..

  16. Fake!

    The superimposed running subject has a distinct shadow. Yet the table leg has no shadow and the subjects shadow passes onto the table leg. Also, nothing else in the room has a distinct shadow.

    1. Also, there is a reflection of the baseboard off of the cabinet front. When the subject passes between that reflection and the baseboard, THE REFLECTION NEVER CHANGES. If the subject was real, his reflection would have to show on the cabinet front.

  17. That thing and the baby are in two different speeds.


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