Photograph of Stacy Brown Jr.'s Non-Human Primate Arm Found In Florida

Here it is ladies and gentlemen. This arm was found near one of Stacy Brown Jr.'s favorite hotspots in Florida. According to Brown, there are no bears or monkeys in this area. This is definitely a unique find. The arm will be sent out to a lab for study.

Without further wait here is a picture of the arm we have. What kind of primate it is we have no idea. It was found in an area where we have a lot of activity. For the rest of the story go to - Stacy Brown Jr.


We recieved a non-human primate arm this morning. FWC officials ruled out bear and human by the makeup of the bones. What kind of primate arm this is we dont know as of yet. Here is a photograph of the arm. We are in talks now with people to test the samples we send. We are hopeful this may be a skunk ape's arm. We will find out for sure one way or another. This was found in an area with alot of bigfoot activity. We even found a trackway in the sand in april with 100+ tracks. We will keep you updated and hope to have a video of the arm this evening. Happy Labor day!!!

In May 2012, the Brown family released a thermal footage filmed in Liberty County, FL back. It's one of the most interesting pieces of footage to come out in a long time. The Browns were so excited about sharing their finding that they called up WCTV news and told them, "We have footage of Bigfoot!".


  1. Replies
    1. Disotell on the case!! Let's see what unfolds!!!


    2. Seriously though, I am interested in finding out what happens with this.

    3. I sure hope he got something. But it isn't outside the size of a chimp or arangutang. With all those drug dealers having exotic pets. It is not hard to imagine one getting dumped, dead or alive, and then critters taking care of the rest.

      Good luck Stacey, I hope you got it!

    4. Yeah, I thought Orangutan or chimp a possibility being in Florida... It's not just drug dealers that have these as pets... It could just be a Black Bear.

    5. So Leon, I have some 'splainin to do, eh?

      Bit presumptuous calling for crow dinner when nothing about this rather small arm stands out as extraordinary.

    6. NOT the way to go about releasing news of a "bigfoot" find..get the results FIRST and THEN inform the public/news/media..they`ll end up looking STUPID when it turns out to be rather more mundane that a bigfoot.

    7. It's not a beaver! It's a black bear and definitely not a primate. The upper arm is way too short for an ape or monkey and the bones of the forearm are too close together . If you just google ape or monkey skeleton and look at the pictures you'll see the upper arm bones are really long to support quadrupedal locomotion. Look at what is supposed to be a thumb on the hand, it's way too small. It's the short stocky foreleg of a terrestrial mammal I betcha

    8. It's definitely a baby Manbearpig arm.I'm super serial.I also invented the internet.

    9. Sometimes Dmaker let's me use his pecker as a toothpick.And vice versa.Waste not want not!

      D Campbell.

    10. Someone at the bottom of this page made a joke bout the Montauk Monster and the fact it's a bloated dead raccoon. If you google raccoon skeleton look at the forearms and the dimensions and it's a really good fit!

    11. ^^ ahd a lak to smack ya roun da chops wiv ma foreskin lollipop

    12. 2:40 uses todger toothpaste

    13. 2:40 has a big crush on Dan.

    14. He is pretty cute.

      D Campbell

    15. ...But he won't even talk to me!

      D Campbell

    16. Now or later Dan now or later. Because I know it's out there. HA HA HA

    17. The good news is, if it turns out to just be Monkey, Stacey can take it to Smeja and let him cook it up with the rest of the wild game BBQ, HA HA HA HA HA

    18. Hey, speaking of Smeja. He saw a little one. Somebody (Shawn) get a hold of him and ask him if this arm would have resembled the little one. As a matter of fact, somebody did some drawings of that little one. Shawn, post up the arm pic along with the drawing of Justins little ones and see if those long fingers are a possibillity?

    19. Tbp is full of sh*t. Dude knows bigfoot ain't real and is trolling y'all

    20. kinda small, we'll see, Rush, Harry ,Joe, good to see you guys back

    21. I've got two of those.

      So what am I? Chopped liver?

      S Cakes

    22. The arm is smaller than mine, but hey it is a neat find no matter what it turns out to be.

    23. Danny obviously didn't read BP's comment properly. He doesn't think straight when lookig for his 'drama blog' fill.

  2. it looks rather small, it looks like its about 4 inches from the elbow to the hand. or am i seeing it wrong?

    1. The wrist starts at 14 roughly the elbow is a little passed 8 so like seven or 6 so it's either 7 or 8 inches

    2. thanks harry i looked again and i got about 7 also...still thats not to big...its a bear or a chimp it is fla and lots of rogue chimps in the woods

    3. Chimps i would think to they shot one not too long ago here in Tampa that's been on the loose for almost 2 yrs lol I heard that on the radio I almost lmao

    4. One of Tim Fatsano's hot spots died with that chimp.

    5. You know what would be funny Dan. If the sample did turn out to be chimp, but they found larger primate naw marks and saliva, and it turned out to be unknown primate ---- ha ha ha ha ha ha
      You cant win, already seen one Dan. You keep talking to the wall though.

    6. Leon, I would be pleased if Sasquatch is proven to truly exist. I just think half the community are gullible fools/complete idiots and the other half are lying snake oil salesmen.

      I really don't care who has seen what, it's all anecdotal. Might be nice to have dialogue on a forum or tell the story at a camp fire but I only care about what someone can prove. So far no one has brought anything spectacular to the table. No matter how arrogant you become or how hard PJ stomps his feet on the ground in contempt.

    7. Where were you for three months?

      Remember.... You have never had a means of proving me wrong, and I love it.

  3. Looks to be on the small side. Although I'm a biologist, I'm no anatomist. However, I know skeletal parts of different species can look similar to other species. I was hoping Stacy found a five foot long arm.

    1. That length of an extremity on a human would be an average male. Considering they think this is a non-human primate, where arms are much longer than humans, this would be a very small individual or a young adult bear.

    2. yeah the length of the whole arm looks to be 20 in or so that could be a lot of things esp. in florida

    3. 18 inches isn't an average human arm. It's this constant jumping the gun as to evidence that leads scientists to stay away from the Bigfoot subject. Get it together people!

  4. 1 of the BIGFOOTs the GRAYs didnt recover

  5. It's a very odd size, I wouldn't get excited about it just yet. My guess is it's a known animal

  6. It is a BEAR paw. Stupid to get excited about THAT!

  7. My guess is that it is a monkey

  8. Replies
    1. That's what I was thinking. Its freaking Florida! Naked people eat other peoples faces on freeway on ramps!

  9. Judging by the long fibrous appendages it could well be a spaghetti monster. They're thick in those parts.

    1. holy smokes your right its the smaller cousin the vermicelli ape in them parts

    2. fibrous appendage..ain`t that a penis to us ornery folk ?

    3. 2:11=mike honcho....too easy daniel....

  10. Remember the Montauk, Long Island monster! People keep their children and pets inside, schools were closed etc,
    It took "experts" 2 years to figure out it was a skinned, bloated Raccoon!

    1. so says the"expert"that took TWO YEARS to figure it out^

    2. yes it's true! look it up!


  11. I shared vocals with the witness. I actually started with known animals like coyotes and barred owls. None of these were what she heard and since these are the some of the normal sounds of the woods this intrigued me. I then played a few links from vocals I have captured in other areas in Michigan and one in particular was closest.


  12. 20 inches from shoulder to fingertip? An adult human male averages 18-20 inches from elbow to fingertip. Too short for most ape species. Stacey jumped the gun on this one. Research monkey?

    1. more than likely an attempt to portray the footer community as the chumps they truly are

    2. Chumped again? That's like 500 times in a row.

  13. it's a born again dead rappers arm,you call tell by the way he curls the fingers under the hand.It's a known trait of all born again dead rappers.

    1. Like when Dan claimed to have posted a pic of his balls, but everyone could cleary see they were little mouse balls?

  14. Finally something remotely interesting. Been a long time.

  15. Haha Joe getting smoked yet again with this latest footer blunder. You can't write this.

  16. Breaking News!


    no film at 11

  17. It's a black bears arm. Check out a skeleton it's a perfect match.

  18. Rush, anything to look forward to? Drop me a line

  19. why are bears arms always falling off like that?

  20. Bush meat blue plate special..mmmmmm,mmmm

  21. Melbas latest on Coast To Coast:

    1. Thank you chick. I'm going to listen and take notes.

    2. Great, give me a copy or I take your lunch money this week!

    3. Thank you VERY MUCH for ought to be compulsory listening !!


  23. I think Stacey just found Jimmy Hoffa !

  24. J Randi for first gay President !

  25. Jeffrey Kelley for president. David Batdorf for v.p. TS87.

  26. its a soider monket arm
    google it

    anyway it redneck brown who is claiming it.him of the hoax!you know the one that co incedentaly got a flir shot of a BF frpm tree tp tree

    thats because yhecresture lmew of flir so couldn hide under thecover of darkness so sneeked from tree t op treeas it stalked him

    a creature who is reported to be near ninja in the way it stalks humans

    utter nonsense. there has been a BF related film etc..for over a year so it was time to throw the monkey arm into the woods

    1. "Only at the smallest estimated statures can the figure be possibly considered human"... Meaning, if the approximated height of the subject came back within the human range, then this could then be considered 'normal human'.

      "Using the above two measurements on frame 9, I arrived at a height of 93.4 inches (7 ft 9 in) and 103.1 in (8 ft 7 in). Using the two measurement methods above for frame 10 of the video, I arrived at a height of 107.7 inches (8 ft 11.7 in) and 101.3 in (8 ft 5.3 in). The average of all four of these results is about 8 ft 5 in."

  27. Sorry Folks but what we have here is a complete arms with humerus + radius & cubitus + carpes. At nearly 12 inches long without carpes, this is a juvenile with real (too) long hand. Note that the length of the hand, nearly 6 or 7 inches, is close to the half of the arm.

  28. Looks like your average common alligator back leg after all...


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