OMG! Sasquatch Ontario Is Actually Having Real-time Conversations With Bigfoot

Alright, folks. Sasquatch Ontario is back. He has taken things up a notch and now has recordings of him interacting with Bigfoot in real-time. He's been accused of faking his audio tracks, but proof of that is still in the air. Whether you believe this guy is the real deal or not, his videos are quite interesting and will surely stir up some debate:

This is what sasquatch activity is about. It's about a sentient people that teach us hairless ones their truth through interaction.

They are beyond our understanding. A growing number of individuals and families are learning through first hand experience what sasquatch activity is all about. They show us benevolence and understanding.

As mainstream science continues to chase apes, a growing number of people are being shown the truth. This is no longer a question of existence but rather a question of why is the truth ignored? - Sasquatch Ontario


  1. Just messing about in Photoshop here. When I overlay a human with patty, the eyes, elbows and knees all line up. You can see when you do this the shoulders of patty rise up (accounted for by the shoulder pads) and the butt is also slightly higher (accounted for by the waist padding).

    When footers say "no human has the proportions to fit in the suit" are they just lying or what?

    1. Whenever I read your 'comments' 9:00 an irresistible sense of superiority surges through me, to your detriment. Your words are giving me a superiority complex. Imagine how tremendous I feel when you post your usual one hundred per day, and I read them all. I'm verily on top of the world. Thank you so much.

    2. Got anything to suggest that it couldn't be a monkey suit?

      Hint: an actual bigfoot would be a good start.

    3. Plenty found;

      ... None caught.

      Hint: negative proof fallacy.

    4. Try it yourself Joe. Human proportions.

    5. SO - ISIS/ISIL not islamic and they do not practice islam - Then who are they martian or WHAT !!!

    6. 9:51... Put your money where your mouth is.

    7. This is bigfoot dude, these goobers don't have any money.

    8. Now 9:09 knows what its like to be a girl with nice tatas!

    9. ans WILD BILL gots no time fer Woman Folk
      NO SIR !!!
      caws he be bear huntin ans such

    10. By bear hunting so you mean hunting for other big smelly hairy men with long claw-like untrimmed toenails???

    11. ^ don`t forget the bits of left over food dangling in their beard

    12. Huckelberry gots that tobac

    13. TRAPPER onit for the hunts in seeson#3

  2. Oh boy another post to smoke poor joe

    1. Joe Biden old shotgun Joe, home defence guru!

    2. 9:01 my,what a sad,sad,loser.

    3. joe biden onit! home defence expert
      for our safety


  3. The monkey suit is moot. No specimen, no creature.

    1. Negative proof fallacy.

      Got monkey suit?

    2. Hey Joe! I have a question for you and Mike B.
      Since you seem to know this John W.Jones Spoke guy if he is such a professional Big foot researcher, then how come he doesn't show us any Videos or pictures of his, or his teams encounters?
      I read his comments and his stories and they sound good and he seems to speak from experience? but his he all talk?

    3. Also Joe, when is his books or Videos coming out?
      He seems to be the only researcher on here that uses horses to get deep into the woods, and is he the only researcher that stays in the woods for months at a time?
      I live an hour east of Tannersville, N.Y. and have known about him through my Rodeo buddies. do you know how old he is, etc. me and my friends would like to know?

    4. 9:49 ,,, listen up Boyo' all you
      gotta do is send Shawn $150
      And "MAYBE,just MAYBE!
      He will hook you up!
      Huckelberry.. UDIGG??

    5. 10: 00 go put your shirt on!

    6. John W Jones is a tough, legitimate and a very knowledgeable person. You would have to ask him as to why he's not released his video, but he's the real deal and a top guy.

      I'm gonna buy his book myself if he'd only come back from the dead and answer my emails.

    7. Courmier is going to kick Jon jones ass in that ufc championship bout

  4. What's with all the random, out of context comments all the time? I thought we were commenting on Sasquatch Ontario, silly me.

    1. Why bother to comment on this faker, hoaxer Sasquatch Ontario!

    2. GRASSMAN - Trapper say thay lookin fer thar woman folk

    3. ^^ i wonder if you`d be prepared to actually go out with the guy where he goes into the field ? ..somehow i doubt`re just too ensconced in your chair scratching your bollocks and rubbing your chin...get a life,sucker.

    4. Lol!!!!! Assquatch Ontario is so full of CRAP! Your rope a dope challenge would only work on a fool such as yourself!! Lol!

    5. ^ you haven`t the bottle,pal

    6. 1:02 ...WHAT ?...why,you cheap punk !

    7. WHAT THE.... EVA IS THE cheap punk guy?Wouldn't of ever thought it Eve. My bad.

    8. If you belive in sasquatch ontario then you are totaly hopeless

    9. Seems people think he's so much of a hoaxer that they can't stay away. SO is the real deal.

  5. Just don't know what to think. Have experience with head trauma patients and this "BF" sound like a head trauma patient. Sure hope not


    1. The Midnight Sons in Alaska huntin that thar booshman who is bigger than the grassman!

    2. ^NOT THE Central Alaska’s Bigfoot DUDE!!!

    3. Just another hoaxer that lost and medicated follow. Quite comical really

  6. More proof Sasquatch Ontario Guy is a HOAXERMonday, September 15, 2014 at 10:51:00 AM PDT

    @3:44 in the video, the "detailed snow print", why are they so shallow? That looks like fresh snow and they don't go anywhere near the ground. A creature weighing several hundred pounds would leave prints way deeper than that.

    1. Start with this:

      Bigfoot don't exist.


    2. Thank you 11:40, your words have me positively glowing with a sense of superiority over you. No doubt by the time you toddle off to bed I will be in an orbit of ecstacy, due to having read your 100 typically inferior comments.

    3. Self backslapping delusion guy^

  7. Chocolate Cananbis Cupcake Recipe

    Who doesn’t like a warm chocolate cupcake? I know I sure do. And who doesn’t like marijuana? When you combine those two things, you have something magical. Below is a recipe for how to make chocolate marijuana cupcakes:


    4 tablespoons cannabis butter or oil
    1 1/3 cups flour
    2 teaspoons baking powder
    1/4 teaspoon baking soda
    3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    1 1/2 cups sugar
    2 large eggs
    1 cup milk
    1/2 teaspoon vanilla


    Preheat oven to 350° F. Grease muffin pan or add paper muffin liners. Recipe makes 12-16 cupcakes.

    In a large bowl combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda, cocoa powder and salt. Set dry mixture aside. In another large bowl cream together the cannabis butter or oil and the sugar. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating the mixture until well combined. Stir in the vanilla. Add the dry mixture and the milk alternately. Beat well until mixture has a uniform consistency. Pour mixture into muffin cups filling each one 3/4 full.

    Bake at 350°F for 15-18 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Allow to cool for 10-15 minutes then add your favorite frosting.

    1. Welcome back.

      Its been a slow year.

    2. Hey dummy, never cook your MJ over 200 or you cook the good stuff out. Low and slow for effective edibles.

    3. Thnx, recipe guy. U da man!

  8. J Randi for first gay President !

    1. I'm serious and I want to be his first husband.

    2. Slacker jacks, perfect gay finger food.

      90g popped popcorn
      1 cup salted peanuts
      110g unsalted butter
      500g dark brown sugar, approximately 2 cups
      1/4 cup dark corn syrup
      1/2 tsp pure vanilla essence

      1) Preheat the oven to 120C/Gas 1/2. Spray a baking tray with nonstick spray and line with greaseproof paper. Spray the greaseproof paper with nonstick spray as well and set aside.

      2) Combine the popcorn and peanuts in a large mixing bowl. Set aside until ready to use.

      3) Melt the butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Add the brown sugar, corn syrup and vanilla and stir until combined. Heat the mixture until it reaches 120C, approximately 10 minutes.

      4) Pour the syrup over the popcorn and stir to combine. You will need to work quickly because the syrup hardens rapidly. Spread the mixture onto the prepared baking tray and bake in the oven for 1 hour. Cool completely.

      5) Break into pieces and serve immediately or store in an airtight container for 2 to 3 days.

    3. HILLARY will rule US all ....

    4. Lookin' for some simian action. Jus' wanna hump that hairy munkey. Bring me that munkey.

    5. ^ cheap punk poof.

    6. ^ not bad,however i prefer the
      Term,,, "" FOP""

    7. HILLARY had everthing under control then Kerry got in and all hell broke loose !!!!!

  9. This board is a perfect example of why this subject matter will never be taken seriously.

    1. It is not taken seriously because... Well... Its bigfoot lol. Nonsense.

    2. Seriously rich chocolate cake

      100g butter, diced, plus extra for greasing
      flour, for dusting
      140g best-quality dark chocolate, with 70% cocoa solids, broken into pieces
      6 large eggs, separated
      140g ground almonds
      1 tbsp kirsch or Cointreau (optional)
      pinch of salt
      85g caster sugar
      cocoa powder and crème fraîche, to serve

      Preheat the oven to 170C/Gas 3/fan oven 150C. Grease a 23cm/9in springform cake tin and line the base with greaseproof paper or baking parchment. Dust the sides with a little flour. Put the chocolate and butter into a heatproof bowl set over a pan of gently simmering water. Heat until melted, then remove the bowl from the pan and stir until smooth. Leave for about 5 minutes to cool slightly.

      Stir in the egg yolks, ground almonds, and the liqueur, if using. Put the egg whites into a large bowl, add a pinch of salt and whisk until soft peaks form. Continue whisking, sprinkling in the sugar a little at a time, until stiff peaks form. Stir 2 tablespoons of the whites into the chocolate mixture, then carefully fold in the remainder until no traces of white are left.

      Spoon the mixture into the prepared tin and bake for 30-35 minutes until well risen and just firm to the touch. Cool in the tin (don’t worry if the cake sinks and cracks slightly – it will still be fine). You can make the cake up to this stage up to four days ahead and keep it in an airtight container in a cool place. It also freezes well for up to one month.

      To serve, remove the cake from the tin and peel away the lining paper. Sift cocoa powder liberally over the top and cut into slices. Serve with crème fraîche.

  10. Joe trying to use "negative proof fallacy" in his favour. Oh boy what a retard.

    If the only evidence for something's existence is a lack of evidence for it not existing, then the default position is one of skepticism and not credulity. This type of negative proof is common in proofs of bigfoots existence or in pseudosciences where it is used to attempt to shift the burden of proof onto the skeptic rather than the proponent of the idea. The burden of proof is on the individual proposing existence, not the one questioning existence.

    1. Thank you again. Due to your comment, I feel overwhelmingly superior to you.

      Is that the result you're shooting for?

    2. Self backslapping delusion guy^

    3. caws tham bigfeets be in da boosh folks heers knowin it fer yeers

    4. Context... "No body means no Bigfoot".

      The negative proof fallacy is where one assumes something is true if it cannot be proven false. It can also happen when one assumes that something is false if it cannot be proven true.

      Fitting however, you should bring up default positions... Because there is in fact evidence that points to an unknown primate being in the US. You see, science needs to be tested. If you cannot test the evidence sufficiently/sustain your conclusions past that of your preference of testing, then the default position is that the evidence presented stands.

      Put simply... You people stop asking the questions once it lands on your preference of conclusion, when in fact if you keep asking the questions, your conclusions regarding evidence cannot stand. Heuristics was why the scientific model was constructed... Not only that, but if an unknown primate is seen multiple times in an area, to which there is in turn mutiple examples of physical and even biological sign of them, then Occam's razor says there's an unknown primate in that area.


    5. (Sigh)

      Occams razor says no 9 foot apemen in north America.

    6. It would if the fundemental basis of your argument wasn't a supression of evidence fallacy.


    7. you GO Joe..............................................................

  11. I think most people that come to this site have no necks, drink liquor made with potatoes and keep a brood of sisters in the back shed for a good time.

    1. ^ don`t forgit thems grannys in thems sheds..theys gums is sho sweet n` soft

    2. Shrimp, Chicken, and Andouille Gumbo

      1 cup vegetable oil
      1 cup all purpose flour
      6 large onions, chopped (about 12 cups)
      6 red bell peppers, seeded, chopped (about 7 cups)
      8 celery stalks, chopped (about 3 cups)
      16 garlic cloves, chopped
      1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
      1 cup dry white wine
      1/2 cup chopped fresh thyme
      6 bay leaves
      2 28-ounce cans diced tomatoes with juice
      4 8-ounce bottles clam juice
      4 cups low-salt chicken broth
      4 pounds andouille sausage, cut crosswise into 1/2-inch-thick slices
      3 pounds skinless boneless chicken thighs, cut into 1-inch cubes
      2 16-ounce packages sliced frozen okra

      4 pounds peeled deveined medium shrimp
      Minced fresh Italian parsley
      Steamed rice

      Heat oil in heavy 13-quart pot over medium-high heat until very hot and almost smoking. Add flour and stir constantly until mixture is dark reddish brown, about 5 minutes. Add chopped onions, chopped bell peppers, and chopped celery and cook until onions are soft and brown, stirring frequently, about 20 minutes. Add garlic and cayenne and stir 2 minutes. Add wine, thyme, and bay leaves; bring to boil, stirring occasionally. Add tomatoes with juice, clam juice, broth, sausage, and chicken; simmer until chicken is cooked through, about 15 minutes. Add okra and simmer until tender, about 10 minutes. Do ahead Gumbo base can be made 2 days ahead. Cool slightly. Chill uncovered until cold, then cover and keep chilled. Bring base to simmer before continuing.

      Add shrimp to pot and cook shrimp until just opaque in center, stirring often, about 5 minutes. Season gumbo to taste with salt and pepper. Garnish with minced parsley and serve with steamed rice alongside.

  12. joe, I just got home from work, I started at 7:30 this morning. I said goodbye to you this morning, just got home, checked BFE....and you are still on here!! OMG! You are a die hard, my friend!


      Peoples of the mountainous area of Kinabalu, Borneo, have reported the killing by shotgun wound of an ape man-like creature that has been terrorizing local villagers these past weeks.
      The ape man-like creature that is called by locals Orang Pendek, or short person in Indonesian, has allegedly attacked three villagers and tried to kidnap a three week old baby in the past weeks, reports the Kalimantan Press.

      Villagers have also stated that the Indonesian Army latter came to the burial site and confiscated the body of the deceased creature and threatened the villagers not to talk about these events anymore

  13. what do you think of this Sas Ontario dude, joe. Seems more and more ridiculous with each new video. Just my opinion though. Something fishy about this whole Sasquatch Ontario habituation.

  14. Im a believer but a skeptic. Audio recordings like this are too human anyone can do this, such a mockery to all whom are interested in sasquatch. Don't try to make people believe, they already do. These audio clips are too persuasive in nature "omg, they're communicating with me" It would be another thing to have video along this sort of audio, but solely just a audio clip can immediately be put in the hoaxer class.

    1. and your experience clarifies that right? Oh wait, you don't have any.

  15. Look at the reaction SO gets. They're doing something right.


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