Oh great! School teachers are hoaxing Bigfoot now

Alright, Bigfoot researchers. If you're in Montana and you've seen something like the picture above, or maybe even have a photo of the subject above, it's all a hoax! Redditor, og3r says his old high school teacher is responsible for the hoax:

My old HS art teacher is making these with his students and placing them in random wooded areas in Montana.

Some people think it's hilarious that a teacher would encourage his students to shock people. One person says he would be terrified seeing something like this in the woods. "Living in montana and constantly moving through the woods for better fishing in the rivers, I would sufficiently lose my shit seeing one of these. Three forks/ newly belgrade guy here," wrote the commenter.


  1. Replies
    1. most teachers are preditors anyway saidThursday, September 25, 2014 at 1:34:00 AM PDT

      The H.S. teacher likes big half monkey men with serious six pack abs. Really teacher the giant hairy beast shaves his stomach so you queer guy's can see his abs? A-HOLE much H.S. teacher?

    2. All Caps - Onu or Uno! ??? Those are 2 different people. What has Uno! done to you? Now that Onu person is just down right irritating! and might be a fish eyed fool !!!


    3. Am here ALL DAY today PEOPLE

    4. Am here ALL DAY today PEOPLE

      SHURE AM

      Am here ALL DAY today PEOPLE

      SHURE AM

      Am here ALL DAY today PEOPLE

      SHURE AM

      Am here ALL DAY today PEOPLE

      SHURE AM

      Am here ALL DAY today PEOPLE

      SHURE AM

  2. Considerably better than Timber Giant Bigfoot's efforts.

  3. no wonder kids are failing so bad these days
    Teachers, live them kids alone

    1. Am here ALL DAY today PEOPLE

      SHURE AM

      Am here ALL DAY today PEOPLE

      SHURE AM

      Am here ALL DAY today PEOPLE

      SHURE AM

      Am here ALL DAY today PEOPLE

      SHURE AM

  4. BF hoaxers be warned! I am currently in the process of moving to Montana. I plan on killing a BF for a type specimen. If I mistakenly take you for a BF running around the woods, you will be shot.

  5. Anyone can (and does, and has) hoaxed a bigfoot. In fact, that's what all this blog loves to ignore. That's it's a hoax.


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