"Hank" Is Selling For $250.00 on Ebay

So how much does a fake Bigfoot go for these days? According to an eBay listing posted by the owner of the original mold, the price for Rick Dyer's fake little Bigfoot friend "Hank" begins at $250.00. Photos of the mold looks legit. The hair appears to be exactly the material as the one Dyer hauled around the country fooling everyone including the Facebook Find Bigfoot folks -- LOL! With it, he managed to fool a bunch of other prominent people too, but we're not going to discuss that here because I won't be able to stop laughing. Here's what the eBay posting says about the bust:

This is a "Hank the Bigfoot" replica bust made from the ORIGINAL PLASTER MOLD that was used to make Rick Dyer's infamous "HANK" earlier this year (I am not Rick Dyer). I am the owner of the original mold. I have pictures of the original mold in this auction - they are for reference only. The original mold is not for sale at this time.

What is for sale is this beautiful replica of HANK THE BIGFOOT. It is handcrafted and cast from the original Hank Hoax mold! An excellent display piece.

The one pictured is not the one that you will be receiving, but an identical one - They are made to order. It will not include the wood back panel that this one sits on, but it can be added at an additional cost upon request only. An EXTREMELY limited amount of replicas will be made as they are difficult to make. This replica is made out of identical materials as the original Hank - including camel hair. The bust will include a certificate of authenticity signed by me, and a copy of the certificate of authenticity signed by the mold's original creator.

May take up to 2 weeks to ship - these are difficult to cast/make

Please feel free to send me your offer and/or ask any questions. Thank you

[via squatchdetective.wordpress.com]


  1. Replies
    1. HILLARY to rule US all in 2016

    2. ans HILLARY knows nothing about Benghazi !!!

    3. whys onlys tham stoopid folk breed

  2. Folks, you are looking at a "real bigfoot"!!!

    Robert Lindsay

    1. p.s.

      Where's ol' Fish Eyed Fool been??

      Robert Lindsay

    2. Do not forget, Uncle Bob broke this story FIRST!!!!!

    3. I'm a Toy maker. I'm selling ISIS fighter dolls When you grab them, they chop off your head.
      When they see president Obama, they bend over on their pray blanket!

    4. This just in:
      French fighter jets flew away at the first sighting of an ISIS fighter!

    5. Scotland remains with Britain! They got use to sucking off their English Masters!

    6. 1 world government : )
      all going according to PLAN

  3. Robert Bullet Lindsay and "big" G will need another brainstorming intellectual conversation to solve this madness!

  4. However, I STILL believe Rick Liar shot and killed a bigfoot!

  5. How much of the final sale price is Dyeria entitled too?
    Will final sale price be donated to the homeless?

  6. listed as a "taxidermy dead bigfoot head bust".... And only 250.00 for a genuine mold of one of the greatest scientific discoveries of all time!!

  7. Ask him about his Jeff Meldrum masks. Scary as hell.

    1. I've had about enough of you...BANNED! HAND!

  8. Its insane this ever fooled anyone. It sure fooled a certain socialist nutcase 'genius' chick magnet blogger I can think of though.

    1. I's like that old gag where you ask for volunteers to step forward and everyone but the bleeber steps back.

    2. Careful now, Uncle Bob still has access to my Aunts car and he has a baseball bat. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!


    3. Uncle SAM goin take care of tham ISIS critters shure is

  9. It's things like this that smoke the sht out of Joe.

    He trys to act all intelligent and trys to make the subject legitimate. Every single time he gets knocked off his pedestal by the Looney toon brigade.


    When his best argument is 2 monkey suits look different so therefore bigfoot is real it's probably time to seek medical help.

    1. It works fine:)

      Again, see the video:)

    2. joe chain smokes exploding cigars

    3. ^ poor nerd can't even link a YouTube video that works.


    4. The link worked fine for me. You're the only one who seems to have a problem with it.

    5. Unlucky for you got the link in the end and as usual, did my thing.

  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQlPAFV6yaI

    Checkmate footers:)

    1. Oh boy. Joe is going to have a meltdown about that!

    2. Looks like the footers can no longer say "it can't be a man in a suit". It looks like it certainly could. And with the total amount of bigfoots found or evidence thereof totalling zero. The default, logical, common sense, Occam's razor position is that it is a bloke in a suit.

      Thank you and good night.

    3. Unlucky... Keep answering your own comments, the link doesn't work.

      Got monkey suit?

      No, no... The pleasure's all mine.

    4. Joe hates getting shaved by Occam's razor.

    5. Well he does have to shave after he accidentally used rogain to lubricate his taterhole.

    6. The link works fine. Its probably your lame apple device. Request desktop view of the link and it works. Your fisher price apple os probably doesn't let you do that though.

    7. Nargh... Answering yourself is pretty sad. You kind of obliteratef yourself there boyo, as you do every day of course.

      Oh... And if you have sightings of an unknown primate in an area, then retrieve physical and biological sign of an unknown primate in the same area... Occam's razor says there's an unknown primate in that area.

      Got monkey suit?

      ; )

    8. Monkey suit argument is blown out the water by that video. Its all in there:)

      Got monkey isn't though:)

      Because you see, you don't have the monkey, or any part of it, anywhere, ever.


    9. Nargh, video doesn't work... Got monkey suit?

      If not... There's your monkey.

      : p

    10. Ummm....monkey face being sold on ebay. I think that more than qualifies as "part" of it you brain dead skeptard.

    11. How convenient. PJ says the video that completely blows his "got monkey suit" reply away "doesn't work". Probably too much smoke in the way.

    12. I'll check it out later, when I try it with wi-fi.

      You looked silly posting a link that doesn't work and then responding to yourself, funniest thing in ages.

      Got monkey suit?

    13. "This video is not available"

      You'll have to wait for latest battering...

    14. Link works fine.

      Don't cry because you use a sub par operating system that is designed for morons.

    15. The video smokes the PGF. One morons commenting even said " how do we know the side by side aren't both Patty pics?" LOL. Nice way to self defeat there, idiot. The 1930s gorilla costume looks so much like Patty that the brain dead footers claim it is Patty.

      Well done morons!

    16. Joe weighs over 300 pounds. No surprise if his fingers are too fat to type correctly and open the link. Btw,

      Smoked. Fatly smoked.

    17. Joe weighs over 300 lbs? That is funny since I remember him saying a long time ago that he was a black belt. Not too many black belts that are obese as well. Though he was probably just lying about the black belt. He is a footer, after all.

    18. Yes he is well over 300 pounds. You won't see many people more fat than him actually

    19. Excellent link!

      Post this every time old nothingnuts asks the musical question: Got monkey suit?


    20. You poor, dumb nerd, the link doesn't work, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

      Man... Not only do you have to answer to your own posts to make up for a lack of any healthy interaction in your poor life, but you can't even abide to your own level of nerdness and post a link that works!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

      Oh... And someone who's supposed to be 300lbs, I sure do a decent spin kick.

      (Phew... That made me laugh...)

    21. Hey! I was wondering when you were gonna turn up again, bet you were climbing the walls after yesterday.

      Cooled down yet?

    22. The link works fine. If you are on a mobile then view the page in desktop view. If you are using an apple device then unlucky. Smoked by a video you can't see due to being an iSheep.

    23. You perceive agitation often where there is none. I suppose that is one of your delusion maintenance mechanisms. You pathetically convince yourself that you have some sort of effect on people. Trust me, you do not. You are as feckless as they come.

    24. Really Don? Read your comment bro, you're fooling no one.

    25. Grabbing some pop corn. Its dmaker smoking Joe time:)

    26. You really don't see it, Joe? Just because you prance around cackling and claiming to bother people does not make it true.

      It's a very old adage, but if you have to constantly remind someone of something, then that something is likely not true to begin with. All you are doing is making you look like a huge ass. ( pun sort of intended)

    27. Nargh, it justs means ou avoid facts like the plague.

      You didn't answer the question bro... Did you manage to cool down?

    28. What facts am I avoiding there, Captain Irony?

      I did answer your question fine when I pointed out that I've never been bothered by you. You dribble nonsense every single day. There is not enough harm in an idiot like you for anyone to be bothered by. It's like being bothered by the tea pot for hissing. You just make noise, it doesn't matter at all.

    29. Oh and an incredible statement from Mr Rhetorical. Is this what it's comes to? Ignore facts and treat them like a taboo and they 'cease to exist'?

      Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    30. Monkey suits all over the place. Never have I been more convinced that the PGF was a guy in a suit.

      Nigel Farage

    31. What was rhetorical about anything I said? Stop being an useless word salad and actually make a cogent point for once in your life. If you are capable, that is.

      Again, what facts am I avoiding? You are babbling already. This isn't going to be as much fun kicking your arse around as I had hoped.

    32. Doesn't really matter, I have to leave for the gym shortly anyway. A real gym. Not a pretend one that gives out pretend black belts to guys who weigh 400 lbs.

      Silly, little, lying boy.

    33. calling him boy is a stretch

    34. He seems to have gone silent. He is either:

      1) Crying to Shawn
      2) Eating
      3) Preparing a massive meltdown post to paste consisting of thoughts not of his own.
      4) Eating
      5) Trying to find his unit under his belly
      6) Trying to get up the stairs to cry to his mum.
      7) All the above while eating.

    35. he's watching the video and desperately attempting to figure out how to save very fat face

    36. It's very simple, you two got absolutely smashed last night and now you're angry and eating personal, it's natural and I'm not going to judge you both... I'm here to help remember.

      "... It's a very old adage, but if you have to constantly remind someone of something, then that something is likely not true to begin with."

      Well, there is no adage for a start, and what's seriously hilarious is you've just dobbed yourself in as Mr Rhetorical. Just keep acting like the times you've been pointed facts out to, shown to know next to nothing about this subject, and over time (hoepefully) you'll convey (at least in the mind of super Don) that said sources aren't there.

      You avoid facts and evidence so regularly it's unreal, bro... And now you're upset because big ole Dmaker, crime fighter extraordinaire and his little cheerleader got his ass handed to him, not for the first time.

      Don... Answer me this. Do I go and seek you out? No?? Why is that do you think???

      It's because I'm not butthurt.

      ; )

    37. good ol' pathological joe.


    38. I'm from Italy and the link works perfectly with an iPhone5.

      So the guy is just making up excuses, he is just trying to avoid his final and total smoking.

    39. I've seen Don have some meltdowns, but this has to be one of the best I've ever managed...

      Wow, just wow.

      (Tee, hee, hee)

    40. Well JOE. Says video unavailable on my desktop. Really does not matter. Only vid that will look like Patty is one of Patty or another bigfoot caught in the open and stabilized. Possibly CGI could although the one on the shows never do either. Anyway these idiots will never get over the fact they are seeing a real bigfoot. Just can not help some folks, always was always will be.

    41. I'll take apart the link when I get to see it... I wouldn't worry about that.

      Please Don... If I can get you to threaten to beat me up on this thread I've accomplished the ultimate Dmaker crime fighting meltdown...

      Come on sporto!!

    42. Hey Chuck! I'm quite keen to see this video now actually, it'll take me half hour to pull apart, and this crazy little nerd that's upset cause his hero got put straight last night will be name dropping me in every thread again.

    43. Nwah, I really did take it out of you last night, didn't I? Ha ha ha ha!!!

      Credibility by a video some nerd can't post properly? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

      Sykes is still testing samples, dear boy... Oh how I can get to you people.

      ; )

    44. The link works just as usual, copy and paste it as you always do. And we know that you are on a regular desktop PC.

      Or you really need to lose weight, your fingers really are too fat, fatty man.

    45. You know sooooo much about me bro, where I am, my weight, wow a regular little psychic aren't you?

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

      Man, I've achieved some meltdowns but this thread is being USED bro! I don't know what you're gonna do when I get throwing a working link back at you.


    46. You know that Joe is in full meltdown mode when he makes excessive use of childish expressions like "ouch" or "hahahahaha"

      Poor fatty boy. Go eat some cheese now.

    47. Here's a prediction for you: Meldrums current request for samples to perform DNA testing on will produce ZERO proof of anomalous primates. Same goes for all future results by Sykes.

    48. ^ thaat may be but as well you know,they believe there is a creature out there and will continue to research it...they know it is real.

    49. Sometimes Dan lets me use his pecker for a toothbrush.

      Dmaker The Sharkhead.

    50. Sykes has never said that he believes there is a creature out there.

    51. Ooooooooh, Don... You're really showing the colour of your shorts now, and they're full of cigar marks.

      Anyone would think the prospect of samples being tested bothers you? Oh and Don... Sykes theorised as to what people were seeing were Neandertals, and his latest interview about his studies couldn't have been more revealing about his stance, and that's at being enthusiastic.

      Oh, and for the cheerleader nerd on this thread, I just obliterated your video on the next thread.

      Now I'm going for a run to pick up some Chinese food.

      ; )

    52. Wanna bet?

      ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

    53. No, obviously I'm not here. You're not too bright, are you?

    54. ^ well you threatened to go to the gym..or is it really Jim ?

      I have a feeling...hmm.

    55. ...to clarify...Sykes does NOT believe people are "seeing things,making things up,OR seeing bears and misidentifying them"....let`s clear that little piece of "swerve" up.

    56. Occams Razor is the worst example you can probably use in this situation. In truth it doesnt even apply to this type of science. But for the easily swayed lets use it in this example. You say signs of an uknown primate, but you arent using Occams Razor correctly. You should be using the most absolute simple explanation for this. The simplest explanation would be known wildlife in these areas being misinterpreted. Which by the way the DNA testing supports that notion. You say there is an undiscovered primate, the DNA studies say there are people, possums, bears, and other very known animals. You cant use Occams Razor as scientific proof. You always fail to mention that in science, eyewitness accounts are the least credible of all evidence. So I dont know how you can just spam Occams Razor in chat, and not even use it correctly. Basically you are saying that if someone saw a unicorn, and found unicorn tracks. Well by golly, according to Occams Razor unicorns are real. No, thats not really how it works. Occams Razor SHOULD tell you while you might think you saw a unicorn, it is well known that horses live in the area and you probably saw that and thats what the tracks are. Because thats the simpler explanation. From Wikipedia "simpler theories are preferable to more complex ones because they are better testable and falsifiable". Which by the way there has been zero PHYSICAL evidence to this point that hasnt been proven to be something other than a known animal. All this aside I recommend just abandoning Occams Razor. It worked 700 years ago but there are much more scientific methods for proving things these days. Again from wikipedia " In the scientific method, Occam's Razor is not considered an irrefutable principle of logic or a scientific result." So I know wikipedia is junk but I encourage anyone to read on how flawed using Occmas Razor is. Science will never accept it. It should be used only to develop a theoretical model. So to use it as your base scientific principle seems a little, well not scientific. But on the bright side, you could easily use that and be an expert on the paranormal!

  11. Do you think Sir William Wallace is once again feeling the pains of being hanged, drawn, and quartered. His fellow countryman 700 years later let his spirit die far worse than what the Scotish Nobels and knights did at the battle of Falkirk. Instead they scummed to the long hand of the modern day Longshanks when victory was in their grasp.

    1. Then hop on a plane over to Scotland and fight the fight yourself.

    2. Scotland seceding would have led to their own downfall, not to mention Britain and the rest of Europe as well.

    3. I love the part of the movie braveheart where Mel Gibson gets killed.

    4. British bigfoots .... Best bigfoots in the world .

    5. I believe you are correct 6 19, pardon me. It was written kind of tongue in cheek. I have no dog in this. As long as the Scotts keep sending over single malt scotch I will be fine. The propoganda that has been spewed all over the news this week about the collapse of England, Scotland, and all of Europe over a country that has 5.5 million people was so over the top it was laughable though.

    6. Not if you actually did research...

    7. It would almost zero effect in the long run. If done right it could be a boost. I do do research and have a degree in economics.

    8. It's Culloden all over again, only no Young Pretender this time.

    9. The Establishment were running mighty scared...they`ve lost all credibility.

    10. You know damn well it would not be done right.

  12. I wouldn't give that scumbag .25¢ for it

  13. How do I bid on this piece of paranormal history? I KNOW this is real, I flew out to California and was taken to a secret location and inspected it with my own two eyes. All you haters can go suck an egg-IT'S REAL!!!!

    1. I am going to bid and WIN...and then NOT pay for it...and NOT reply to emails questioning where and when I want to pick it up...hahahaha

    2. ^ excellent idea to be one of the many ebayers that bid with no intention of paying when winning..ebay is rife with this type of "buyer" and for it to happen to this piece of shite would be just desserts.


    All over auburn color, gray on face and palms of hands, coned head, cupped hands, risepausefall and...BOOM ha ha we love that.


    You are looking at the face of a once living, breathing sasquatch. That's very very powerful. We can't imagine how that young hunter must have felt.

    To learn more about how homo sapiens devolved here in North America from sasquatch and how sasquatch MUST exist in order for you to exist read "You Are Sasquatch" by Barnes, Anderson, and Noel.


  15. Our promise....
    FB/FB will never create or promote a Bigfoot hoax. Our Admins are monitored daily by 38,000+ loyal Fans and we will not betray you with false information.

  16. Tom biscardi, Todd Standing, Matt MoneyMaker, Cliff Barackman, Steve Kulls, Stacy Brown, Derek Randles, Chris Noel, Dr. Meldrum, Dr. Matt Johnson, Tim Fats all have their molds for sale too!
    The Big foot ship is sinking!

    1. Is Derek Randles' mold of a dog or a possum?

    2. ^^^ so tell me,why do you care ? ..go on,your sausage and chips are getting cold

  17. :)

    And not just 1. Many.

    Now all these footers need is 1 single bigfoot.

  18. J Randi for first gay President and me for first husband !

    1. Wow, I knew you JREF footers were a dedicated bunch but have you told Randi how you feel about him ?

    2. that be HILLARY with bubba Bill @ her side : )
      all in 2016

    3. Are most of the JREF footers bitter gay men ?

    4. ^ i think you missed the "e" in bitter and meant "better"..remember "one up the bu m,no harm done"

    5. one up the bum no harm done.....the jrefers motto....

    6. ^ they have an anthem...

      "we`re all queers together,
      excuse us while we go upstairs,
      we`re all queers together,
      that`s why we go round in pairs"

  19. Replies
    1. all are living a lie -
      is all part of the plan -
      up is now the new down-
      right is now the new left-

  20. I think you can get one on ebay.

  21. 1930s gorrilla suit,from where,what film ,please prove it. as far as we know the two photos could both be from patties film

  22. 7:45 ..you got nothing boyo..nothing at all.

  23. Who is Joe and why does he reek of troll?

  24. The link is just another sad attempt by skeptards to dis-credit what they know is a real creature.

    Photos and old TV footage just ain't gonna cut it guys.

    You need more than this. Not ONE bigfooter will be swayed by your lame video..... I guarantee this.
    Some of these guys are more obsessed with dis-proving what they think is a myth than most bigfoot enthusiasts.
    It is actually sad.

  25. Now, let's put things into perspective; CGI, foam suits not available in the 60's, Gemora suits with lighting techniques, blurry limb focusses lacking proportions and explanations for toe & finger bending... None of these areas of focus are seen together at any one time on any example of a suit, and none of which we see in motion.

    This means you still need to show us a monkey suit.

    Got monkey suit?


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