"Exists" Has the Scariest Bigfoot Chase I've Ever Seen

The latest movie from The Blair Witch Project director Eduardo Sanchez has one of the scariest Bigfoot chases I've ever seen. This trailer for "Exist" shows a BMX rider trying to escape a Bigfoot paralleling him. It's scary and I would not want to be in his situation.

Exists is out on VOD and in theaters on October 24.


  1. Replies
    1. U gots to be packin in them woods or U just a walking buffet - just sayin

    2. Hey TIMBO FATsano, Do you think you could outrun a swamp ape in them there swamps in FLA! I know your training and all and you hang out with that trailer park trash Stacy Brown but you fat-ass ain't got a snowball's chance in hell. Shit you couldn't beat a sasquatch in a race if you were driving that piece of shit cab you lease. You BIG HOAXER!!!

    3. cant outrun one thats why you gots guns to shoot that critter NO need to run !!!

  2. There be bears in them thar woods

  3. Don't Cry Dr. Matthew, he is OK, just a movie....

  4. I was waiting to see the shot from the GoPro strapped onto the bigfoot...

  5. Duh! I was always under the impression that Big foot (if they exist) were peaceful/ why are movies being made showing them a monsters? I'm confused! Where are the "Documented reports of attacks or killings on humans? which is it?

    1. I agree! Another stupid movie not worth watching!

    2. They protect their territory....duh

  6. Replies
    1. NOoooo next to a tree for your SAFETY

    2. I agree! Another stupid movie not worth watching!

  7. Looks pretty good, im rather interested in seeing it. I wonder how many suckers are gonna believe this is real lol

  8. This looks like a HOAX. Maybe a guy in a costume. How come they are never able to get any good close-up CLEAR footage. Why does this Bigfoot run from left to right just like all the rest? The bike rider acts like he is totally in on it. I call BS on this footage!


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