Watch These Dogs Respond To Bigfoot Screams

A young video blogger posted a video giving his thoughts on bigfoot, and also plays some video clips of what appears to be his family and their dogs listening to bigfoot screams in the distance. Check it out:


  1. Meldrum doesn't believe in bigfoot. He chooses his words very careful to dance around the issue. He says things like "lends credence to", " the possibility of" etc. Watch any of his paid TV spots and you will notice it.

    1. Meldrum does believe there is an unknown creature on American soil.

    2. yes GRAYs have bases here for years collecting DNA and making hybrids like BIGFOOTs

    3. theys bein under that sea in them that undeegrown caves

    4. tham grays abin heers sos wes needin to gits ours guns ans gits reedy fer tham shure do

    5. thats a batsquatch or iam a FOOL !!!

    6. This guy's funny as fu*k, I'll look forward to seeing his stuff in future.

    7. Meldrum hasn't seen a Sasquatch personally hence his reluctance to state unequivocally these creatures exist.

      He does of course possess an expansive collection of casts which lead him and I to the same conclusion.

      Of course the mindless skeptic/jrefer will argue that everyone of these footprints were created skilfully by the hand of a hoaxer.



    8. Almost the weekend Joe. Going to be home for a change.

      Close to Vacay time too! Checking out some hotspots which have long overdue a visit.

      I hear Liverpool have a replacement for the Vampire?


    9. ^ are these hotspots anywhere you may actually find a bigfoot?

    10. Ha ha ha ha!! Yeah, they've brought in the second most controversial figure in the sport!

      Great stuff buddy, you sound well, good to hear.

  2. Replies
    1. tham dawgs knowin whuts abouts in da boosh thays shure do

  3. Two apaches out hunting and while out on the hunt they hear something that sounded like apache, but different! Back home one of them approached an elder and said this is what I heard out in the wood. The elder said that an old form of apache that my grandfather used, no one uses this style today

  4. NRA sayin obama goin gits tham guns
    ritely so caws NRA knowin tham things

  5. No Worries - Hillary Clinton will rule US ALL in 2016 : )

  6. Oh boy Joe is now agreeing with mk Davis and believes multiple bigfoot were shot at bluff creek including patty who was lured back using a captured juvenile bigfoot.

    Looney toons indeed.

  7. What the HAYELLLLL- there ain't nobody up in HEEEERE!!!

    1. That's always made me laugh to read that. Is that a Southern saying??

    2. Yes ;) at least around my house!

    3. As usual you are in fine form today lol! Always amusing to read!

  8. Like I said before, MK Davis has proven the Patterson Gimlin film wasnt a picnic interrupted by Patty. It was a kill scene of Bigfoots that were bothering Lumber workers.
    They exist, they are out there. Quit being dumb asses and sitting on your couch blathering "they dont exist" get out in the forest and do your own research, unless you keel over with that last Burger in your throat. You guys are lazy you tube addicts.

    1. Looking forward to browsing over that 'proof' once it becomes available....


  9. But as for the boy, geesh WAKE up before doing a blog and please ENUNCIATE your word so we can understand you!

  10. Avast an Ahoy!! Cappytan, ^ : )

  11. That video is old. Phil did a breakdown of it a while ago. The "vlogger" did not record it.

  12. Sounds just like dogs barking in the distance to me. The shape of the land will blend and blurr distant noise.

    Wild dogs hunt at night and so do raccoon hunters with there dogs.


  13. Sounds just like dogs barking in the distance to me. The shape of the land will blend and blurr distant noise.

    Wild dogs hunt at night and so do raccoon hunters with there dogs.


  14. Yup, this is a few years old. If I recall the couple recording this had the transmission in their RV fail and were stranded for the night somewhere in the northern California area. Though it proves nothing, it's fun to see the pooches' reaction to the noises it hears


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