Top 5 Incredible Photos From Mulder's World [8/20/2014]

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Here are some fascinating photographs from, the front page of the strange and unexplained:

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Read more: Movement, creativity and striking!


  1. Replies
    1. Why did them stupid idiots,
      At " Dum,Dum Weekend, only pour water over there dum,dum
      If them dummy's were' hardcore
      Gamer kool' they woulda poured
      5 gallons of Hot sulphuric acid!!
      Over there stupid dum,dum idiotic HEADS!!
      Big Jon !!!! and yes im Butthurt
      That I wasn't invited!

  2. This site is really starting to SUCK, can't find anything to post so you post the Mulders world shit.. no wonder know body is commenting.

    1. Not, know!!! Just type """ NO"""

    2. ^bock,dum,Bock, bock,dum dum dum dumb???

  3. As a skeptic, I am proud of the marvelous public service that I have performed in conclusively debunking the bigfoot myth. I have personally been thanked by at least a dozen former footers who were extremely grateful for being disabused of their irrational beliefs. They tell me that they are now leading much more productive lives as they focus their energies on more worthwhile pursuits. My success has been quite fulfilling and I am confident that my generous assistance will aid many more footers in the future.


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