This Person Has a Theory Why We'll Never Find Bigfoot

Our friend Ro Sahebi said this was sent his inbox a few days ago and said it was probably meant to come to our inbox instead. It's a fascinating email about why this person does not believe we'll ever find Bigfoot: It's because Bigfoot is a Nephilim, an offspring of fallen angels and earth women as recorded in the Bible.

Finding Bigfoot is fun to watch but my belief is they will never ever find what they want. Not because I am one of the snarky kind who thinks bigfoot believers are just dumb or weird, but because this is no ordinary, natural phenomena as so many stories and legends seem to point to something else.

I will be direct. I believe the creature is the product of an ancient nephilim/simian union.

For those who don't know the nephilim are the described offspring of fallen angels and earth women as recorded in the Bible.

These are the giants of ancient times now considered mythology by most today - except for ancient peoples who called them reality.

A nephilim named Goliath (the giant whom the future kind David did battle with as recorded in the bible) was described as a giant who seemed to communicate with the Israelites and doesn't seem to match a bigfoot except, he was big and powerful! In fact most of Israel was scared of him even without his army.

Goliath wasn't a classic bigfoot but his origin may help figure out who bigfoot may be.

Bigfoot, also called "hairy man" stories in many places always seem to point to more beast than man, as though the missing link in the opinion of some. Or as Gigantopithicus, the ancient giant gorilla some say is surviving in small numbers as today's bigfoot.

And it appears many kinds of hybrid creatures are found in ancient legend, AND even today other strange creatures seemingly having profiles that look like a collage of more than one known animal are STILL seen...

Dogman; half dog/man creature
Mothman; half bat/gargoyle
Jersey Devil; half horse/bat/????

So could the nephilim have designed a creature from a union with simians like apes and gorillas like these other creatures they may have had a hand in?

Maybe created to take over earth and wipe man out before SOMEONE stopped them.

The bible seems to point to God intervening in human affairs to prevent disaster and the crucifixion and resurrection is considered a key event where it is described that God "defeated the devil" in a what seems to be a battle for the future of the earth.

Maybe the flood of Noah centuries earlier was to keep certain beings from taking over the earth in ancient times?

But even after that flood we know not all strangeness on ancient earth was wiped out.

And today speaking of strange, how does bigfoot elude capture when we have captive elephants, whales and tigers? Ancient claims of killing bigfoot or even present day stories never result in an autopsy on a real specimen.

And what about how stealthy bigfoot is when people DO experience a sighting? Stories of him suddenly being detected nearby and then taking a few steps into oblivion? Who does that?

Linda Moulton Howe even has a story of bigfoot tracks that were found and suddenly terminate as if bigfoot just disappeared.

Seems more supernatural than natural.

Many people have seen bigfoot near
a UFO or other strange paranormal activity. Some have even seen a "Predator" style bigfoot, who appears partially invisible except for the distorted outline of the creature against the natural background.

Assuming these "invisible" creatures are even a bigfoot and not some other strange, secretive creature lost to ancient legends.

And today some speculate that cases of strange disappearances of people in or near national parks might be the work of a bigfoot based on some sitings where a large hairy creature was only partially seen by witnesses.

Again, assuming that is even bigfoot, there is also the dogmen, mothmen, skinwalkers, etc.

As for the evil angle, bigfoot is treated comically by many, however there are lots of bad stories.

The indians living near the Sierras in California have an ancient legend about battling the hairy men of the mountains because they were kidnapping indian children.

Farmers today have accounts of bigfoot stealing or mutilating livestock.

Not to mention many encounters of bigfoot are accompanied by what is described as a horrible odor - which some have described as "sulfur and brimstone", not just as dead flesh, which that one too alone would be a bad sign.

Could it just be bigfoot is the victim of numerous skunk attacks? Yes.

But given the spiritual connection the stories seem to have to the bible story of hell and it's odor, it is really not a good sign. And this is apart from the fact some witnesses report bigfoot eyeshine that "glows" red?

People who have been victims of attacks by what they call evil spirits frequently report glowing red eyes too.

I know this analysis doesn't comfort the naturalist who wants a bigfoot for a zoo, but I don't think it will ever happen. The stories weigh heavily on the side of the supernatural and the mystical.

As for Finding Bigfoot, it is still fun to watch. Like kids on an adventure to find treasure in the backyard, but there probably won't be any real gold and silver.


  1. Replies
    1. Exactly. Now the fact that they may have a certain spiritual aspect to them, changes how one might go about illiciting some evidence.
      Spiritual insight and authority changes the game!

      At least (finally) Ro passed it on, I been telling these knuckleheads this is whats going on for years. The Jewish Trah mentions the Hrry man a little more that the bible.

      It would seem that the Giants and Harry mean were not the same thing, but may have ties in there origin.

      Your other choice in the matter is "Cain" and his decendents.

    2. spinning up FTL drive and heading for Arcadia to look for evidence.

    3. ANYTHING to keep from stating the obvious answer: Bigfoot is fake as the face on Mars...fake fake fake. There is not a single shred of evidence to prove Bigfoot exists, from DNA to footprints to animals howling to obvious faked photos, its just people faking evidence.

      We will NEVER find Bigfoot, that part is right.

    4. I've seen them myself, so do you have any idea how absolutly ignorant you sound.

      What I say I believe is true, but it is only a theory as we have noooooo proof.

      We have evidence piled a thousand feet hi, and courts and governments have already granted protection based on this EVIDENCE.

      Why don't you buy a dictionary and look up those two words and understand the difference. Jeez, it's the leader of the Supertards!

    5. Don't listen to ANYTHING The BIGOT Patriot says. He is a racist, homophobic(in the closet?), FUNDIE troll who acts like a 15 year old girl. If you can get through reading it, you'll find evidence of this in the email posted above as well as his comments.

    6. Anyone who calls someone else "stupid" and cant prove what they supposedly saw is a real winner. Youve seen them? Where is the evidence, photos, sounds, etc? Ive seen mountain lions and have the evidence to prove it, can even track them to their abode. Not so with Magical Monkeys who defy all scientific law to live near all major cities in the woods. I got it now

    7. Messin with you is like poking a turd with a stick to see whats inside, very scientific. ha ha ha.

    8. The late John W. Jones Spoke said "The Big foots are flesh and blood animals, no different from a Moose, Elk or Wolf, just smarter"! Their "Woodsman ship" skills and stealth are far greater than even a Native American, of old! They are an "Einstein" and a "Navy Seal" of the woods"!

      Your not going to find them unless you live in the woods, smell like the woods and animals. Screaming, Yelling, wood knocks obviously don't work!

      The Finding Big foot show, led by an Idiot! creates the impression, that to find one, you go 100 yards from a road, stand out in the open, smell of hair spray, deodorant etc., scream yell, wood knock! of course! you do this at night, when you can't see anything (that makes sense) Every predator is out, can't be quiet, Can't see tracks etc, and. . . every sound you hear, is a BIGFOOT!
      Over 60 years of failure! Don't you think it's about time to try new tactics?

    9. Nothing completely organic could elude man and "new technology" for this long. It would be an incredibly huge statistical improbability.

      Ad in other factors like all the times people have claimed to have found them or killed them, and yet still nodda. There is always a bend in the road. And of course a lot of the stories are total fabricated BS. But it only takes 1 to make the mystery REAL, And I (and many others) have seen ------------------- 1 ------------

      What we are chasing is not wholly organic / at least not 100% of the time.

    10. Spoke and his sons were proven hoaxers and loons. This is also the same man who claimed you never find any bigfoot bodies because they tie them to the top of trees as a burial ceremony. Yep, he is credible. Sounds like Joe is posting anonymously again.

    11. Who cares, I have a foreskin,like God intended...

    12. ^ sounds like you do a lot of pullin` it back `n forth.

    13. We had the opportunity to investigate three cases of Bigfoot. Two in Florida and one in Chile. The evidence points out to a UFO relate origin. We are facing a presence of intelligent or programmed creatures that followed by numerous UFO sightings. I don't know if they are ancient Nephilim or simian unions, but in these two cases, that are almost identical; both creatures were seen leaving and entering the sea, and that could be the reason that's why no one has ever found any remains or captured. Furthermore, there are many reports of UFO entering and leaving the sea. More details check “UFO PETs”

    14. I spend a lot of time in the Cascade mountains of Washington state searching for lost historical artifacts. In two areas I have encountered several of these people called Sasquatch (stick Indians), Bigfoot, Seatco, or Seeahtiks. They are tall, males are 7-8 ft tall, females 6-7 ft tall. They appear to me as human. They have bee as close as 30 ft from me and just stare at me and sometimes other people that are with me. I have heard them speak in a native American language and a few English words. I have never been threatened by them and I leave them food as a peace offering as I do not want any trouble with them. They now follow me when I am in their areas. I know they are very real. Those that don't believe they exist need to go out into the wilderness into remote areas and see for yourself instead of being "armchair" investigators and commentators. I am a former state police investigator therefore deal only in facts, things that I see, hear, feel or smell. Watch your back out there!

    15. It's impossible too watch your back unless you are extremely limber or you use a mirror or video camera, or dare I say it an be continued.

  2. Replies
    1. you are correct it is real costumes of course

    2. You posted under the wrong thread, it has never been me calling people gay. It's commy libtards using false commentary to create lies. Whats up to you idiot.

    3. Life ♌ Leon.Life. Enjoy it and have a great day brother.

    4. Don't listen to ANYTHING The BIGOT Patriot says. He is a racist, homophobic(in the closet?), FUNDIE troll who acts like a 15 year old girl. If you can get through reading it, you'll find evidence of this in the email posted above as well as his comments.

    5. ^^^ Time for a diaper change.

    6. Praise the Holy Butt Diaper, PRIASE IT!!!!

    7. In the end times there will be great deceivers of the truth aka reports of UFO's, ET's, Bigfoot. More people believe in the existence of interstellar craft and ET's than the existence of God and Jesus. Wake up people the master deceiver Satan has orchestrated the ET myth and Bigfoot is a demon aka fallen angel/human or simian hybrid if it is a real creature. Please repent and become a Christian and live a Christian life.

  3. Trapper said bigfoots like grassman and yahoo just to smart to be trapped

    1. Or photographed, trapped, recorded, etc. Folks, Squatch is just THAT good.

    2. "Wild Bill" The PHONY Marine!
      "Trapper" The PHONY Trapper!

    3. grassman like yahoos bein a tricktie lot sos you gots to be on the lookin fer tham critters.
      Wild Bill says tham critters so smart to trap!

  4. Story sounds a lot like Miss Melba. Most people incorrectly interpret nephilum incorrectly. Stupid story.

    1. Walkin on water, raising the dead, trumpeting the walls down, animals on a boat two by two, yeah...a lot of stories to wade through in that ol' book

    2. They have an empty tomb, they have found the walls of Jericho. They found the boat a long time ago as well as tons of evidence for a global flood, both written historical as well as geologic. Man, this bigfoot thing has really got you spun up

    3. So finding an empty tomb, and a wall in Jericho and an old boat means exactly what?

      I know of some empty tombs, a few walls and even some derelict boats. I'm not claiming their biblical but what a coincidence.

  5. Well when you read articles like this it just shows exactly how dumb people are and how completely doomed we are as a species

    1. Why don't you elaborate for us, oh expert on the stupid people!

    2. He-Man and She-Ra are about to breed that'll fix things.

    3. Aren't He-Man and She-Ra like first cousins so if they breed will they make more Mer-mans?

    4. Aren't He-Man and She-Ra first cousins? If they breed won't they make more Mer-Men?

    5. You'ld like me to elaborate? Ok, the bible is pure fiction and it's 2014 maybe the writer of the email to Ro is confused in thinking it's 1014 and saying dumb sh** about Nephilm would be acceptable

    6. there is no book in the world that comes even remotly close to the historical accuracy of the Bible-- FACT. It's ok, the good book say's that some vessels are created for distruction. Since your so dence, your probably one of them!

    7. Look out he's got a knife!

    8. Fact- no historical evidence of Jesus except a doctored inscription from Josephus, who also mentioned three other Jesuses...walkin on water, raisin the dead, fixing cut ears, yes definitely historic and accurate like Squatch breeding with human women and making nephilims. Great points!

    9. Bible????


    10. I reject all the biblical views of the truth
      Dismiss it as the folklore of the times
      I won't be force fed prophecies
      From a book of untruths for the weakest mind

    11. The fact that you feel the need to REJECT it pretty much tells me the truth is wriiten in your heart just as God stated.

      If you just thought it was silly, you would even bother.

      But you see, it grinds away at you psych until you have to REJECT and show up on a site about Bigfoot and tell others why there wrong, when you self admittedly, have no first hand experince. You may believe what you will. God gave you free will!

    12. Learn the sacred words of praise:


    13. Anon 10:45, when you hit your thumb with a hammer while hammering on it I'm sure you holler "God that hurt"!

    14. I normally yell "Ah you b*stard, f*ck you c*nt, b*stard, f*ck" I don't recall ever saying "Oh dear God that hurt"

    15. God didn't give us free will because God's never been there, he's an illusion created by man to explain what he didn't understand.
      Let's say there is a God, which God is it? Is it the God that persucuted women for witchcraft? The God that allowed torture during the Inqusition? The God who endorsed slavery, the subjication of the Native Americans and the natives of South America? The God who allowed the genocide of millions of Jews? The God who makes women inferior and gays an abomination? The God who was working in the minds of those flying the planes on September 11? The God that tells people to shell hospitals full of children in Palestine? The God that asks people to blow up abortion clinics? The God that says worship me or burn in fire? The God that allows child abuse en mass in it's churches and covers it up?
      If there's a God (and there is zero evidence to say there is) then he's a sick f**k

    16. But you feel the need to write whole paragraphs to deny him?

    17. Why not write whole paragraphs to deny him? How many problems now and throughout history were caused by religion? There's nothing there and you're wasting your time worshiping a compilation of Middle Eastern fairytales.


  7. Anonymous Friday, August 1, 2014 at 7:43:00 PM PDT
    "I was checking out JREF earlier and I was left wondering why the people who post on the bigfoot threads never post anywhere else on JREF? And the people who post on other threads never post on bigfoot topics?"

    1. "@ 7:43

      Well for starters, the simpletons that post about Bigfoot on JREF are not skeptics. Think about this, there are only about 10-15 morons on the whole planet that post regularly about Bigfoot while simultaneously claiming to be a Bigfoot skeptic. That's not how normal, well adjusted adults roll, adults usually have no interest in what they consider mythical creatures. Your real Bigfoot skeptics, who actually equate Bigfoot to fairies, leprechauns, Santa Claus etc. would never waste their time posting or thinking about Bigfoot.
      I've even seen posters on JREF who post on other threads question why the JREF footers are allowed to post about Bigfoot on JREF. "

    2. But the funny thing about it is they never post about their use of butt plugs. I guess it's just an insider secret.

    3. A butt plug is a JREF footer's best friend.

    4. I wonder if J. Randi has a diamond encrusted butt plug ?

    5. Paid for by his faithful followers.

    6. And he rides it like a bull rider.

    7. A drunk epileptic bull rider with diaper rash maybe.

    8. OH yes, and a king size set of roids

  8. I've got a call in to the Superdorks. They won't get to the bottom of this, but we can make fun of them for a while.

    1. You would probably enjoy knowing that one of them is a traitor. Yes one of the biggest trolls here is one of them. A bi-troll if you will. He covertly talks smack to everyone and then Plays all nice and sweet. No-- there is a cowardly backstaber amongst the superfriends, a turncoat cowardly little piece of crap if you ask me! The guy doesn't know what he believes, just thrives on animosity. Very similar to DC.

    2. Really? And who might that be? You?

    3. It will be good practice for you disect the situation on your own, it will help you become a better footer.

    4. ^
      William Parcher again ? Come on man you're like 50 and still in your elderly mother's basement spending most of your worthless existence pretending to be a skeptic.

    5. Parcher also socks on the BFF and has been banned from there several times. That idiot is bonkers for Bigfoot.

    6. Quit saying bad stuff about me.

      Will Parcher

    7. Just because I am obsessed with bigfoot and spend 20 hours of everyday posting about it online (I even wear a diaper to maximize my time at the computer), that does not mean I am not a skeptic. I refuse to believe in bigfoot and I will spread the truth everywhere.

      William Parcher

    8. 10:16 have you considered the fact that a anon who has been posting here for 2 years
      Is Totaly cool with all of the
      Superfriends EXCEPT 1 ???

    9. ^ I know for a Fact, that the cowardly traitor is in fact a


    10. she only posts anonymously

    11. Its always so easy to tell when Joe is posting anonymously. And yes, "Joe" is the traitor. A traitor in the sense tha the is a paid troll, and probable blog admin who pure and simply TROLLS. He doesnt care to whom or how, more comments equals more buzz word about this site over the net. So he will play nice via his many accounts on here, which includes several of the superfriends accounts. And then insult some of those superfriends anonymously. It inspires comments and thats why he is here. To increase blog traffic.

    12. It's not Joe I'm talking about, never has been. Joe doesn't get paid. It's a sociopath here who craves attention more than anything. Doesn't really even know if he thinks bigfoot is real. just a whacko who cringes that joe gets so much attention. Know the traitor is actually jealous of Joe. Joe is OK!

    13. ^ Wow, folks let me present
      To you all. "BIG JON"
      Mister I wannabe Joe,


    1. On a recent Finding Bigfoot episode, one "Expert" witness, said he was surrounding by 100 Big foots! It's on the episode Bobo back yard!

    2. So what you mean is that your boyfriend just got back from the milky way. You sly devil you.

  10. The bible seems to point to God intervening in human affairs to prevent disaster and the crucifixion and resurrection is considered a key event where it is described that God "defeated the devil" in a what seems to be a battle for the future of the earth.

    If you ask me he's done a pretty piss poor job as the planet went too hell years ago.

  11. Definitely Nephilim blood in them. However not supernatural or uncapturable. Demon possessed and the new Nephilim in bible? Maybe.

  12. THIS is THE smoking gun folks. Melba is RIGHT!

  13. Haha god is dead.. Brainwashed fools

    1. U Shure love Satan so prove he is real

  14. Bigfoot or Nephilim all the same to me caws thays keep takin me hawgs

  15. From the outward appearance, you are correct. From a spiritual perspective we are in school, learning, excersing free will, and hopefully passing the test.
    What is painful to go through in life is often aggonisingly slow to go through like a death or injury, is often only a spec in the past once enough time passes. Can you imagine a point in time where all of the ugliness of this world is non-existant?

    Someday, hopefully, all the evil, hatred, killing, etc will be nothing but a learned lesson.
    I really can't get my head wrapped around heaven, hell not so hard ------ look around in the world and sadly even here in the US.. The insanity and vileness that is cutting loose is scarry no-matter what we believe.

    1. I wanted to thank you for this good read!! I certainly enjoyed every little bit of it.

    2. I want to thank you too TBP, for spanking Joe so hard last night. Just a tip, next time, dont use KY Jelly, he likes it raw.

    3. I nor Joe participate in that, I suggest you try the guy in Vegs , idiot

  16. Joe Fizz believes in all that Nephilim crap. He believes that white people found 9 foot tall skeletons in Indian burial sites and stole them because they were afraid that having evidence of 9 foot tall Indians would mean that the Indians were superior.

    Talk about a self hating white person. You don't have to make up stories. Just go out in your backyard and self flagellate.

    1. ^
      Do you pretend to be a skeptic because you think it makes you look like less of an asshole for being obsessed with a mythical creature ?

    2. ^ So you believe in 9 foot tall Indians?

    3. Plenty of historical refference to suggest skeletons were recoverd all over the continent.

      Bettere still, elongated skulls with an increase in volume and the wrong number of skull plates. Found in the hundreds, you can see them for yourself, yep yep. Other creatures been here. Evebn wild bill could figure that oput in his tight jeans --------- poor argument, try harder.

    4. Joe, you're sinking deeper and deeper.

    5. Not Joe.

      Joe does look into giants, Neph, not so much.
      Keep up!

    6. ^ another fringe person lol

    7. Man, Joe is posting anonymously up a storm. Today must be Joe's anonymous trolling day. Behold the paid troll

  17. Good for you. It's wise not to take the Lords name in vien.

  18. There ain't no such thing, that's why.

  19. I read the in the introduction and immediately knew I was reading about bullshit written by a delusional moron.

  20. I believe Bigfoot are modern-day Nephilim. Jesus said, "And as it was in the days of Noah so shall it also be in the days of the Son of Man." (Luke 17:24) In the days of Noah lived the Nephilim. After the Flood, Satan pulled another 'Jurassic Park' by mixing DNA of God's living creatures to create monsters. Because God promised to never again destroy the Earth by water, these creatures are still with us today. Almost all descriptions of Bigfoot include 'red glowing eyes' and the 'smell of sulphur'. This is a sign of demonic presence and explains how these elusive creatures can disappear and why they haven't left a fossil record.

  21. Bigfoot comes over to my house a lot. I call him Dsnoqua. He lives near Camp One near Pe Ell. We smoke a lot of marijuana together.

  22. The lord our saviour gave us free will, sad to see how some are using it. I never met the lord in flesh but I have faith, I'm no doubting Thomas. Bigfoot is real but be careful, I think they are part of satan great deception.

  23. Also, bigfoot are often described as murdering animals, destroying trees, and just causing a lot of mayhem upon nature, which is what nephilim were described as doing in Enoch.


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