Take a Look at the South African Das-Adder, a Cross Between a Mammal and a Snake

This is another one of those strange cryptids we run across that sound almost too impossible to be true. In the case of the South African Das-Adder, you have a the head of a hylax, a small, hoofed, rabbit-like creature related to the elephant, and the body of a deadly puff adder. If that wasn't odd enough, throw in the reports that it can hypnotize you with a single stare!

"South Africa's Drakensberg Range is supposedly home to a remarkable creature known locally as the das-adder, which has been reported for well over a century here. 'Dassie' is an alternative name for a hyrax – those small, rabbit-like hoofed mammals whose closest living relatives are the elephants. The das-adder derives its name from its head, which allegedly resembles that of a dassie, and its sinuous body, reminiscent of an African puff adder's. Many native people sharing its provenance claim that this curious mystery beast is extremely venomous and even capable of hypnotising its victims with a single stare."

To read the entire article, click here. 

Rock Hyrax, also known as a "Dassie"

A juvenile African Puff Adder


  1. "joe" is here to recruit for stormfront.

  2. JOIN THE NEW "SECRET ALLIANCE OF AWSOME BIGFOOT RESEARCH TEAM" coming soon to only best of the best!!!!!!!!

  3. The only puff adder around here is Joe.

  4. The wife and I went to a black funeral the other day and started square dancing.

  5. Rocks are the same idiot. Stupid people believe.


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