Sweaty Bob Watches Bigfoot Throw Rocks - A Bigfoot Campfire Stroy

From Rev. Jeff:
"What has 2 thumbs and just uploaded a new Bigfoot Campfire Stories? This Guy!!!
This story was told to me by a gentleman name Sweaty Bob. As one might think Sweaty Bob wasn't all that keen on hiking around this one goes to show that not every Bigfoot encounter happens deep in the woods."


  1. Sweaty Bob? It's that a poor mans sweaty yeti?

  2. Who was mortally wounded by eagle hunters in some godforsaken Asian hell hole?

  3. There are over 10 million bigfoots in the pacific north west.


    1. Subscribe to MMG's blog, website and You Tube channel. Expect footage of MMG, Bandini, Fasano and Stacey chowing down at Golden Coral. Cryptozoology never had it so good.

    2. Ewwww Golden Corral had a salmonella outbreak not long ago. one of the managers hid old meat outside during inspections. by the franchise then he'd bring it back in and use it once they'd gone. Fukin barf whether or not it's the one that it happened at is irrelevant. Safer to not take the risk. It'd be equivalent to old country buffet makin sushi.

    3. I'd pay to watch hoaxer hater MMG break bread with Fasano. Hell doesn't Harry want to kick Tim's ass too? Talk about the last supper!

    4. Harry B is a Tradesman!
      T Fasano is a cabbie,
      Thats a Eagle fighting a worm! Yawn.

  4. Pwned like bill Munns at a costume makers convention

  5. Cut from comment section ferguson

    Of course he fears for his life. He is surrounded by Tribalists and he is an outsider. Most tribes consider anyone who is not a member to be less than human and thus fair game. It doesn't matter how justified the shooting turns out to be. The Tribe will never accept anything less than vengeance because only the lives of tribe members are important.

    The person and even the life of The Other is worthless in their eyes. That is just as true for the shopkeeper as it is for the cop.
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    Old Hickory Old Hickory • 25 minutes ago
    This leads to the other problem which, together with Tribalism forms a vicious self-reinforcing cycle of destruction. Because The Other is always seen as an enemy and a threat, many Black people cannot overcome their racial paranoia and the accompanying memes of "White Oppression."

    That meme provides Blacks who fail with an excuse for their failure which absolves them of any personal responsibility. Those who are the worst failures cling most tenaciously to the myth. Because if they ever admit that racism isn't the big problem, then they will be forced into critical self-examination. This threat to their ego, ensures that they are always predisposed to see racism everywhere. That way they never have to look in the mirror to explain their circumstances.


  6. http://www.truthrevolt.org/news/huffpo-reporter-mistakes-earplugs-rubber-bullets


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