Read This Account of a Teenager Shooting a Bigfoot in 1979

This story takes place near Dunn Lake in British Columbia. A group of teenagers hear some strange noises. During the follow up investigation one of the teens finds himself face to face with a bigfoot. In his panic he claims to have shot the creature in the head. Check out the story in this video:


  1. Replies
    1. I did it! Finally got my degree in bigfootology. I had a minor in balloon twisting.

    2. Hahahaha "bigfootology" it was funny when Sykes and Evans had their little back and forths about it struggling to keep a straight face.

    3. Yeah, lucky some people don't take themselves too seriously, eh?

      Now... Relict Neanderthals... That was funny.

      ; )

    4. Yeah... So you keep trying to convince yourself of, ha ha ha!!

    5. Relict Neanderthals. Joe latest fantasy.

    6. Nope, the guy you celebrate actually stated it.


    7. When he stated he'd hoped that one of the samples from the States would sequence as relict Neanderthal. Go look it up.

    8. He "hoped" haha that's some bigfoot science right there folks!

    9. Nothing more scientifically relevant than the best geneticist in the world theorising as to what witnesses are seeing.

    10. BAHAHAHAHA! Joe still getting smoked

    11. Theorising.... Cool. No proof then? Glad you agree.

    12. He's still collecting samples bro... Hybrid studies and all. Sorry to take away your reasurance like as hemerroid pillow.

    13. Actually no. Quite the opposite. He stated he is no longer testing samples unless the cost is payed by the submitter. I.e. in the same manner as any other lab.

    14. 3:17... Do you know how much it costs to test a sample? Do you know how much money he's already forked out? Do you know how long he's intending on seeing this out??

      No, he's still looking for samples, simple as.

      HEY HARRY!!

    15. Still looking are the key words.

      Joe got smoked

    16. Ummmm, not really... He's still looking for samples, which kind of outlines his agenda considering he's stated the mystery ain't solved.


    17. Remember when Joe bet that if Sykes paper didn't have bigfoot then he would leave this blog for good. Yea I remember that.

    18. Interpretation's a bitc* bro... And Sykes hasn't concluded there's no such thing as Bigfoot yet.

      Please cry me a river some more.

      : )

    19. So you keep saying, but I don't see the smoking.

    20. Of course he hasn't. And you know he never will. You can't prove a negative. Sykes is coming vroooom vroooom.

    21. We've watched it all day long.

      Ya got smoked joe

    22. I just come here for the Daniel Campbell jokes.

    23. "A common saying in pseudologic is "You can't prove a negative." That saying is not true. An absence of something can be proved in various ways, e.g., by a reductio ad absurdum or by proving something else that is inconsistent with the presence of that something (a very useful approach known in mathematics as proof by contradiction)."

      "The fact that none of these samples turned out to be [Bigfoot] doesn’t mean the next one won’t,” said Bryan Sykes, the Oxford researcher who led the study, according to the Associated Press."

      Oh... And I think you're looking for this;

    24. You are right for once. Bigfoot has infact been proven to not exist based on the zero bigfoots.

    25. Nargh... Just outlined one of your many fallacies... Child like to be honest. You would have to debunk the sources that point to an unknown primate leaving them first.


    26. Every single one has been debunked as being the result of humans.

      Got monkey?

    27. I just ☺ happened to tell my JREF buddy, Dmaker,that I was constipated.He said "Bend over and I'll help you out".I couldn't believe it,he actually cured my constipation with 50 thrust into the brown eye.Sweet brown eye.Indeed,sweet brown eye.

      D Campbell.

    28. 3:42... The dermals and hair that point to an unknown primate haven't.

      Got monkey suit?

    29. 3:46,like I said, I just come here for the Daniel Campbell jokes!!!!!!!

  2. Ask Joe about the multiple shootings at bluff creek...

  3. You dont have to, go to MK Davis on Facebook read his time line.

    You CAN READ right?

    1. I think you might be giving this guy way too much credit... It took me two days to explain the role of an editorial board to him.

      Reading isn't his forte.

    2. Hey average joe, how about I fuk your fat Mexican wetback mom in her arse?

    3. Wow, he's actually a genius... What was I thinking?

    4. Lol smoked.

      Joe and average Joe! You can't write this!

      What a couple of plums!

    5. Hahaha editorial board? Did he post the statement yet? I'm guessing not! Unless mk Davis is a scientists now??? Ha ha ha ha what a turnip.

    6. AJ is one of Rictor's boys.

    7. Man, I would suggest you take a long hard look at yourself over the past two days and decide whether you can keep up with adults.

      Pretty funny stuff.

    8. Adult role playing games?

      I've got to admit it's hard to keep up with the volume of drama in the bigfoot circus all while zero bigfoots are ever found. It's quite incredible that so much can be made out of nothing.

    9. You really don't come across as too confident being here every day trying to convince people of that. Not a convincing role play at all... The confident skeptic role was lost to a slightly lesser twonk I'm afraid. The circus is you trying to understand very basic stuff, and then having the audacity to point fingers for your shortcomings. I've baby sat some siolens in my time, but you are kind of special.

    10. Here comes joe's meltdown!

    11. The only shortcomings come from the footers evidence.

    12. Bro, check who's name checking 50 times per thread.

      ; )

    13. 2:40... You neither understand, nor can handle evidence. It's why you have these little meltdowns and name drop me... Reassures me I'm doing my job right at least.

      : )

    14. Haha Joe got smoked guy is funny.

      Anyway Joe when it comes to evidence and actual science it comes down to needing some hard repeatable verifiable evidence of an actual creature. You have none of that. If there was any this blog would likely not exist and mainstream scientists would be discussing and publishing papers on it. We would probably even have one in a zoo and definitely a specimen.

    15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    16. When you have some of the very best scientists in wildlife biology and primatology, for example... Surpassing all others in their respected fields to which the exact same scientific methods are then applied to this subject; you have a problem. It is rhetorical in the extreme to maintain that the sources presented are not trustworthy because there are examples of them being falsified (I am really not sure where I have used the word 'fakable' and if I have, there is no way it's ever been anything more than a typing error), because every single source you can think of presentable in the court of law is falsifiable, yet those processes stand up in your eyes. Even your special, cherished little peer review processes are just as flawed... Yet they stand up. Yes sir... Your approach is agenda driven, rhetorical and cherry picked. You stop asking the questions as soon as the answers stop at your preferred conclusions, whereas if you keep asking the questions, those 'flawed evidences' actually remain rather relevant.

      Oh... And tracks; highly repeatable. Hair; highly repeatable.

      But hey! These are taboos, right?

      ; )

    17. We have a whiteout folks. Meltdown in full effect.

      Vroooooooom vroooom vrooooooom

    18. No taboo you jackass there is no f-kin monkey

    19. I'm back in bidness!

      Sparklecake (MMG)

    20. Take a look at the quality of that comment... And then check who's panicking name dropping me like a pervert, ha ha ha ha!!

    21. Joe got smoked for all of us to see!

    22. Oh and yes... It was a copy and paste.

      ; )

    23. Nargh... You'd need to counter my points for that. Nice to see you're trying to your limits though.

    24. I use this for my BBQ;

    25. I'm thrilled by the return of sparklecake. The worst trolling in the history of trolling.

  4. Hahahaha Joe got fkin SMOKED today.

    Hahahahaha it's like DWA getting pummelled by dmaker. What a moron!

  5. Replies
    1. I use this for my BBQ;

    2. Goe,

      You know how I know you're gay?

  6. The only reason Joe doesn't go on the bff is because he knows he wouldn't be able to hold his own against dmaker in a moderated environment. His ad hominin attacks won't help him there. Id give him 3 days before being banned.

    1. Is check the threads... There's nothing anyone of your heroes can, or have ever offered that I can't kick back at them.

      It's why I'm so hated.

    2. Your hated because you're a self admitted bully and troll who can't admit when he is wrong even when factually proven wrong.

    3. Nargh, I'm good at what I do... Very good. By please... Proceed to tell me how important I am, my ego's getting so big here, ha ha ha ha!!

    4. Egotistical, arrogant, ignorant, c*nt.

    5. Oh come on... You can do better than that??? Surely?????

    6. I use this for my BBQ;

    7. fantasizes about smokin joes caulk^

  7. Replies
    1. Smoked, pwned, obliterated all words to describe Joe.

    2. I use this for my BBQ;

    3. Goe,

      You know how I know you're gay?

  8. Is it true that bill Munns wore the patty suit and has been trying to cover it up ever since?

  9. Joe you don't really believe in the mk Davis stuff do you ? I mean it's all a bit silly really. I actually think his taking the piss out of everyone. Probably sitting back pissing himself laughing at it

    1. Yep he does check back 2 threads

    2. I in fact am open to it, deal with it and stop crying, you'll be be banned from using the desktop at this tantrum rate.

    3. fantasizes about smokin joes caulk^

    4. I use this for my BBQ;

    5. Goe,

      You know how I know you're gay?

    6. Goe,

      You know how I know you're gay?

  10. Joe got vaped. It seems he didn't have enough substance to actually be smoked.

    1. Vaped. I like that one. I'm sure there are many more words that could be substituted.

  11. But I do read a lot of your arguments and they do make a lot of sense. In fact you have made me turn from a sceptic to a open minded investigator. I know a lot of trolls try to wind you up. Some of it funny. But you seem to hold your own.

    1. Man... Honestly, if you knew how much of a laugh I get from interacting with the trolls, it would all make sense. It's fun.

      But thanks for the comment, I really appreciate it.

    2. fantasizes about smokin joes caulk^

    3. Goe,

      You know how I know you're gay?

  12. I don't agree with the human theory though. Based on the non use of fire and tool making. But a rare animal which as involved to be very evasive. Could make sense.

    1. Joe thinks bigfoot are 8 foot humans who yield 100% modern human DNA. But all the accounts of quadrapedal motion are also true.

      Guy is deluded.

    2. 2:56... There is in fact native legends that state Sasquatch have used fire, whilst there are crazy amounts of accounts of Sasquatch using clubs and even sharpened sticks to fish. The field is divided and I really respect your opinion, it's important.

      2:57... Cro-Magnon share our 100% modern DNA, and there are two widely reported types of Sasquatch reappeared.

    3. fantasizes about smokin joes caulk^

    4. I use this for my BBQ;

    5. Goe,

      You know how I know you're gay?

  13. Joe watches my little pony?

  14. Meldrum doesn't believe in bigfoot. He chooses his words very careful to dance around the issue. He says things like "lends credence to", " the possibility of" etc. Watch any of his paid TV spots and you will notice it.

    1. Yeah... He only went and wrote Legend Meets Science.

      Do you people actually read what you write??

    2. Legend meets science. And science says nope.

    3. Tell it to the best primatologists and conservationsts in the world... You'll know science better than them, I'm sure.

    4. Ok I will. Oh yea they think the idea of bigfoot is merely a fantasy.

    5. Wow, you could teach these top people a thing or two... Have you ever considered lecturing?

  15. Ha ha my little pony has a totally different meaning in the uk.

    1. Joe goes to brony conventions to meet up with MMG who dresses up as his alter ego sparklecake

    2. fantasizes about smokin joes caulk^

  16. Joe are there any modern sightings of sasquatch using clubs or any particular item as a tool.

    1. No they don't use tools, fire, or have shelter, yet they are 100% modern humans, oh and they emit light from their eyes, derp derp

      -Joe f

    2. Ha ha you really do make me laugh .

    3. 3:31... I'm trying to find you a report from a couple of years ago of a woman reporting a 'large chimp with a huge club'... As soon as I find it I'll post it.

      3:34... Actually, they do use all three of those things, and could well have 100% modern human DNA. Eyeshine is the widely accepted theory as opposed to light omitting.

      3:36... Why thank you, I do have a wit about me sometimes.

    4. "July 24, 2006

      Authorities have not been able to locate a chimpanzee seen with a club in its hand in the backyard of a Thousand Oaks home Monday morning.

      At 9:30 a.m., a resident in the 1500 block of Via Bajada saw a chimpanzee with some type of club, the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department said. By the time California Department of Fish and Game workers arrived, the animal had disappeared.

      Officials suspect that it belongs to a neighbor, and the Department of Fish and Game was searching for people who have permits to own such animals, the Sheriff’s Department said.

      Source: Ventura County Star, California, Tuesday, July 25, 2006.

      This “chimp” was never captured."

  17. I have been listening in to the sasquatch chronicles. Radio show. It's very good. Their own perception of this animal is probably the most sensical I have so far come across. Although they strongly believe there could be more than one species . Which would really open a can of worms.

    1. Bigfoot is ludicrous.

      Sure a bigfoot like species could have evolved. But to remain undiscovered in 2014? Nope.

    2. 3:34... Not really, if there is a Sasquatch roaming the wilderness (which I feel there is), then another type would just be as elusive in that sheer number in circulation.

      3:39... Plenty found/discovered... None caught.

    3. 3:39,you mean Ludicrous is Bigfoot?

  18. Probably stretching the idea a bit too far if I am honest . One species would be fantastic . The chances of two or three seems nonsensical

    1. I agree to a point. But not impossible . Good night. God bless America . It's been a rough week for you guys . Us true Brits are behind you all the way.

  19. he must join Semja for his critter bbq weekend !

  20. Do illiterate trolls get the full effect of alphabet soup?


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