Petition to Make October 20th National Sasquatch Awareness Day

Everything in America seems to have its own holiday, so why not Bigfoot? This petition to the U.S. government has been created to make October 20th National Sasquatch Awareness Day.

To read over and sign the petition, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. Big Al has a small Al, if you know what I mean.

    2. I heard it was so tiny he couldn't even get a hold of it. Such a frustrating time.

  2. October 20th ?

    Too close to Halloween...people might think it's a prank.

  3. Coincidentally, October 20 is also National Mental Illness Awareness Day.

    1. Not quite, Einstein. The first week of October is Mental Illness Awareness Week.

      Your birthday wouldn't "coincidentally" fall in the first week of October, would it?

      In any case, rest assured that you'll be in my thoughts during that entire week.

    2. Please, jonna shave your dingle barried stencher trencher, for Swab's sake
      please,,,, Heather!

    3. Mental illness awareness week...aka national liberal week.

  4. Off the subject, but why is it that certain groups of people confuse protesting with rioting???

    1. it is like some people like a quiet drink but others need to go the whole hog and drink so much as to become paralytic..they do it time and again..same ilk in the crowds of protesters

    2. Look at the people who believe that. It's self explanatory. There's still sooooo many people stuck on the liberal plantation. This is just all part of their MO.

  5. David Mazzini;use this as my electronic signature.

  6. The day they reveal a body will be national awareness day.....until then, meh...


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