Look At This Hilarious Cartoon Drawing of the "Bigfoot Lebowski"

Bigfoot cartoonist and illustrator George Coghill posted this awesome cartoon rendition of the one and only "Bigfoot Lebowski" pictured below. You may recognize Coghill's name and work from a previous post about his kickstarter campaign to print and produce his collectible "Bigfoot Patrol" items.

"The Bigfoot Patrol is now accepting applications to join the elite ranks of our Cryptid Tracker Trail Team. With a directive to seek out incontrovertible evidence of Bigfoot in a world full of skeptics, we need YOU to explore new wilderness, capture sightings, debunk hoaxes, educate the masses, as well as the occasional light errand around HQ. No heavy lifting required.

The chosen few will receive as part of their initiation into the mysterious "Order of the Foot" the following members-only accessories, identification and insignia to confirm their position to any questioning naysayers, authority figures, and other random weirdos."

To check out the "Bigfoot Patrol" kickstarter page, click here. 


  1. I once had a cat named onu.

  2. Is there a time when there's actually evidence posted on here? Or is this just a vehicle for friends advertisements and promotions and or sales

    1. Oh there's a boatload of evidence. We just don't show anybody because we like to keep it a secret.

      Just like my venereal disease.

  3. All you People are very undude like!

  4. All you people treat objects like women!

  5. The Squatch abides!

    Thanks for posting, glad you enjoyed my art!


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