Look at These Bigfoot Structures the RMSO Found While on Expedition

The Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization spends more time in the field than any other group I know! Here's a video of bigfoot tree structures they found while on expedition into one of their research areas. I'm going to have to watch the video again, because I could have swore I saw something moving around behind a tree. I'm not going to say what I think it was, I just want to make sure it's really there.


  1. whuts tham bigfeets adoin heers caws thays gitin me hawgs

    1. ^ awww mom .....der dat scary man agin`.....help !!!!

    2. hawgs makin mighty fine eatin shuire do

    3. sos whars da - at key - agains ids sorelie needin ones shure do

  2. Replies
    1. hahahahahahahahahahaha ahahahahah ahahahaha

    2. caws tham richns folk gotz educayshun

    3. weee-elll ahs bleeve zey do jes dat deyz doos bet wees get de richns o de birds n em bees sho nuff

    4. shure is wes gits tham richn folks heers ans thays spendin monies thays shure do

    5. ahs a thunkin theys tham joos

    6. fer shure it abin tham JEWs caws thays got da monies

    7. ans tham mexicuns takin tham JOBs

    8. tham bein mexicuns border jumpers

    9. wit be de matter wid dem mex an dem joos..dem all folk o de goodly earth

    10. nuthin wes seein tham folks abouts catterwallin heer ans such

    11. Cork yur oozing puss, dum, dum!!!

  3. Good grief....what is going on here ^ ? ....sheesh !!

    1. WILD BILL gots a BIG KNIFE for his safety

    2. I am just a sometime visitor to this website and possibly like many people have a passing interest in a subject..but I have to say there are some very strange individuals here..maybe the subject attracts them ?

    3. we know that the World is 6000 years old its just a matter of time to find the bigfoot evidence

    4. Haha superb parody post ^

    5. ^ why not pat yourself on the back for it ? ..we`re not fooled

    6. Hello 12:48,all unique individuals and all lovely in their own way :) xx

    7. The Good Book the earth is 6000 years old we start from their

    8. a commendable viewpoint...xx to ya...and g`night...I am off to bed.

    9. The earth is in the order of billions of years old not thousands.

    10. but the Good Book be SPOT ON

  4. vote for your new president HILLARY in 2016

    1. Please. Chris Christie will crush (a figure of speech) that fraud in a debate. Southwest Airlines isn't equipped to handle the amount of baggage that skank has in the closet.

    2. the new President HILLARY will RULE FROM THE CENTER : )


  5. To make bigfoot real in joes mind he likes to make things up such as scientists have stated the pgf is real.

    1. http://www.isu.edu/rhi/board.shtml

      Butthurt! Ha!!

    2. A list of people to do with a bigfoot magazine? Yea? That proves bigfoot is real how?

    3. White House: We’ve ‘Substantially Improved the Tranquility of the Global Community’

    4. 1:13... Editorial boards recommend. It's how it works I'm afraid.

      Don't shoot the messenger.

      ; )

    5. I don't need them, I understand the relevance of editorial boards like adults.


    6. what do sighntists say ? or do they jes sigh

    7. Look where your reading between the lines got you with the Sykes paper.

      You are full of it.

    8. Sykes is still studying samples, by the way... Even theorising about relict Neanderthals.

      Nope, you're butthurt... And I love it.

    9. Hahaha^

      He published his findings did he not? You lost the bet on that and looked like a complete moron.

      Then there is this blunder about a statement from a scientist that says the pgf is real that you are desperately trying to sweep under the rug.


    10. How could so many bigfoots be "found," but absolutely none "captured"? Are footers really so bungling and incompetent that they cannot "capture" one bigfoot?

    11. like the giant squid - for centuries seafarers reported these creatures and scientist discounted all of these reports NOW the giant squid is a known species

    12. You do realize how inane that comparison is, don't you?

    13. 1:47... He published findings, that doesn't mean that all studies cease to exist in reality. He's doing a hybrid study. You will know this in the end. Oh... And a clever man leaves a bet open to interpretation. Seeing you cry was so much worth it.

      1:56... They found a mountain gorilla, it then took 60 years to track and catch one. And when you have a ten foot subject that weighs anything up to a 1000 pounds, that hangs in social groups, is it any wonder some hunters go missing?

      2:00... You do realize how much of a perfect comparison that is? What's more... Is we have far more physical evidence at this stage in comparison.

    14. Sykes is a believer in bigfoot

    15. Without a shadow of a doubt. He's always challenged the paradigm... Like a true scientist.

    16. You do realize that dead specimens of the giant squid were found on many occasions going back to the 19th Century and that it was only recently that live giant squids were observed, don't you? And the squid is a creature living in the deep seas, not a land mammal supposedly thriving on the edge of human settlements. To date we have no living or dead bigfoots, but thousands upon thousands of reports. So yes, the comparison is absurd and the fact that I had to point it out to you only demonstrates your own birdbrained mentality. lol

    17. Tales of enormous squids have circulated throughout the world since ancient times. Aristotle and Pliny the Elder both described such monsters; legends such as the Lusca (Caribbean), Scylla (Ancient Greece), and the sea monk (Medieval Europe) all describe a bizarre, often dangerous nautical creature. Perhaps the most famous legendary squid is the Norse Kraken, a monstrous, tentacled beast as large as an island that devoured ships whole. Prior to the 1870s, scientific opinion held such creatures as nothing more than ridiculous myths, on par with mermaids or sea serpents. Around about the same time you referenced dead squid being found, we have archeological documentation of giant sloped headed human skeletons. These go right up to the mid 20th century I might add... You angry twonk, ha ha ha!!

    18. So let me see if I understand your argument -- The fact that "mainstream science" in the mid-19th Century (which was about the same time when Darwin developed his theory of evolution and when steamships had only been in existence for a few years) is analogous to scientists scoffing at bigfoot in the early 21st Century when thousands of footers have been obsessively searching for the creature for at least five decades? Please do society a favor and immediately admit yourself to the nearest mental institution.

    19. It's pretty simple, enough people don't know about it... That's where I come in and help people like you out.

      The Smithsonian Institution aggressively acquired the remains of a vast preponderance of giants’ remains unearthed in North America. Newspaper articles from the period tell this as well as science journals. The technique that Smithsonian curators used to coax people to ship the evidence to them was quite ingenious. First, the museum established itself as the anthropological authority bar none. Often, this was enough to attract flies to the “bug zapper.” And if it wasn’t, then requests were mailed by the museum, which asked to see the evidence. After bones and artifcacts were shipped from another museum, or from a private party, the Smithsonian then proceeded to “sit on them” for a long, long time. In retrospect, it’s obvious that the material was simply put into a top secret warehouse somewhere. Inquiries from the parties involved would produce stalling. Years typically became one or two decades.

      Yes, the Smithsonian’s modus operandi tended to use passive aggressive means to confiscate evidence. This time-honored tradition worked like a charm. Museum staff (from other institutions) tended to give up the easiest. Private parties that had personally discovered or bought the remains were more persistent. Eventually, though, the person would die, as folks tend to do. When another generation of family members deigned to keep up the fight of getting back their property, the Smithsonian would then shift into second gear: refusing to even acknowledge that it had ever received the skeletons and artifacts. Most times, the next generation of family members did not keep badgering the Smithsonian. Why? Well, primarily because they were busy with the travails of earning a living and raising a family. Of course, public perceptions about such things might also have been a contributing factor. The sciences had not only brushed off the evidence; they had also taken a firm stand against the possibility that a giant race of hominids once lived in North America. So, by the 1950′s, children and grandchildren of the original owners of said artifacts, which were stolen by the Smithsonian, could have started to doubt “grandpa’s stories” about a giant skull, copper jewelry, etc. Plausible deniability worked like a charm when new staff and new scientists at the Smithsonian replaced the older generations, which originally accepted the remains. How’s that for sneaky? It’s why I call the Smithsonian “Land of the Lost.”

      And you were very welcome.

      ; )

    20. Wow, it's worse than I thought, a gigantic conspiracy carried out by the Smithsonian! I'm surprised that they didn't cover up evidence of the giant squid as well.

    21. It's pretty bad isn't it? Well, let's just say you're a little wiser for this exchange.


  6. Does anybody here discuss the thread topic at all ? .It seems very odd that from my perusal over this site there seems to be very little reference to any thread topic.Just inane and childish nonsense.Please,for your own sake,grow up whoever you are.

    1. (to add)- it just seems such a waste of time all the silly commenting.What on earth is going on here ? Are there no moderators for these silly comments ?

    2. Thread topic? What's one of those?

      Anyway Joe got smoked.

    3. somebody smokin his dong ?

    4. now that marijuana is legal here - the bigfoots sighting have been higher than ever

    5. mebbe they`re coming out to score more now from the woods eh ?

    6. lack tham bigfeets thay be inda boosh folks seein tham fer yeers

  7. Texan Governor Rick Perry told a standing-room only crowd at the Heritage Foundation the United States should send ground troops to Iraq as part of the response to ISIS.

    1. but Perry going to the BIG HOUSE

    2. Rick Perry could be going to the BIG HOUSE

    3. there`s a BIG HOUSE `pon the Hill I`d like to see them ALL visit for a term...of about 30 years with no parole

    4. RICK PERRY gots 2 felony charges that he abused his power..........

    5. He abused his powers as the Governor of Texas to get shed of a drunk, "do you know who I am?" piece of shit public official? More power to him...

    6. PERRY going down like that COP in Ferguson TO THE BIG HOUSE

    7. PERRY best not drop the soap - just sayin

  8. Joe said in the last thread "It's not uncommon for me to take on three men at once" Wow !!!

  9. Replies
    1. No monkey, yet, would be 'check' at best, not checkmate. Checkmate is the usual frothing out of control wishful thinking of the debunk-obsessed.

  10. Hmmm..well I say folks..it has been enlightening here..not about bigfoot you understand..but,well,you will work it out I am sure..g`night folks.

    1. sure because when U fine the GRAYs U will find bigfoot

    2. Whats the matter,1:36 ?? Got a hot date
      At the navy base?

  11. Got to see Dawkins smoking them religious nuts again

    1. Remember the girl with Downs Syndrome who was the voice of Brian's date in the episode of Family Guy taking a shot at Sarah Palin? Or the kid who played Corky? (he also played Blaster in Mad Max Beyond Thunder Dome) In Dawkins world, their parents had a moral obligation to snuff out their lives before they even had a chance too draw a breath, let alone pursue a life. Nice to know who you think is moral.

    2. that because GOD will it !!!

  12. Joe's idea of science is just to make things up

    1. GRAYs find U U dont find the GRAYs

    2. 1:48 ..I don`t think that is true at all...seems to me that you are prepared to discount the thousands of witness reports and sightings etc...the evidence of unknown dna primate hairs,footprints,vocals etc etc...there comes a point when there is such a weight of circumstantial evidence that a truth becomes evident..that you are ready to ignore this is evidence of another truth.


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